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    1. Bike store, shoe thief

      by , 08-27-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Walking in the city (dream-geography) on a Sunday. Happen upon a bike store with a closing sale. Browse in shop, which is kind of bare. Shopkeeper asks if I'm interested in Trek bikes. I say no, and he proceeds to take me to see some bikes. I was thinking "I bet he'll show me a Trek bike just because he's a salesman." He didn't, but showed me a MTB of some other brand. He tried to convince me that I should have the seat low enough that I could rest both feet flat on the ground while seated, and just to be polite I pretended to agree. He asked if I would be more interested in a road bike, and I said that I ride a fixed-gear road bike. Somehow he knew that I ride 30km (20mi) to work, and was impressed that I ride a fixie. He showed me a weird road bike with a removable rear triangle, which could be re-attached with different lengths to change the wheelbase. Not sure how the chain worked(?). While he was showing me this, two suspicious kids walked in and looked around. I was tempted to talk to them, thinking I could convince them not to steal, but then I got the feeling that the shopkeeper didn't want anyone to do anything, so I watched. They picked up a pair of bright blue ankle-high shoes and walked out. The shopkeeper joked that it would have been impossible to sell those shoes anyway.
    2. 2 Meh-Lucids

      by , 07-25-2012 at 06:30 PM
      Dream 1
      This happened yesterday straight off of watching The Dark Knight Rises. I was in a train station foyer in a crowd and Bane had hurt a little kid in front of her mother, she was a little black girl and I felt I had to stop him. I ran at him and we fought. In the film I thought his punches had tremendous force and that was the same in the dream.

      He pinned me down and I could feel immense force holding me down. I used a shockwave from Transformers:War For Cybertron,while on my back I shot it out of my chest and it got Bane off me. I forgot who Bane's foe was and called for help from The Amazing Spider-Man, another good film. Spidey got him against a wall and started punching Bane, chances are Bane couldn't feel Jack Pitt. I just became lucid not sure when or how.

      Dream 2
      There was a war on right-handed people at a college. I went home and found a fat woman sitting in my kitchen. I told her that people were against right-handed people. Then I rode on a bike to the college with her on it, I think some people laughed at her.
    3. Bike Fail

      by , 07-22-2012 at 11:35 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Bike Fail

      I am riding my mountain bike in the woods. I come to a point were I want to take a canoe with my wife. I try to get set up. I notice how big the bike is and how little the canoe is. I set the bike aside and try to just get the canoe in the water there is some strange guy in the water and his canoe.

      I get the canoe set and notice the guy built a fire right next to my bike. It melted the cables off and the bike felt hot. I have no breaks or gearing now. I am so pissed. I tell the guy what he did and how he should pay me some money. Hes says, "what you want a loan." I say, "Oh yeah imagine that. Someone being responsible for what they do."

      I get the bike to our camp site and show my wife. Now the bike is worse. The nut holding the tube fork is gone. I say, "This is just dead weight now." I get the idea to lock it up at the visitor center nearby and get it when we leave.
    4. Clycling fragment

      by , 06-25-2012 at 12:33 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Horrible recall. All I can remember is something about riding my bike. (I did a lot of riding yesterday)

      *tried a glass of wine as lucid aid.
      Tags: bike
    5. petrol bunk

      by , 06-21-2012 at 06:15 AM
      I am going to the petrol pump and I am asking him to fill for 400. He is filling for 200. I am telling him, to fill for another 200, while he is doing so, I give him 500Rs. He is inspecting the note and I am taking care of the filling. I am filling for an extra 50Rs. As I am leaving, the police is showing his hand and gesturing me to stop. I push the throttle but the bike is not going as fast as I want it to. The policeman is running and chasing me and is cluthing on to the left handle bar. I am swerving to the right to Royal Bakery. I am regaining my balance and I am going and the policeman is saying I just want a lift. I am telling him I am taking the next right. He said fine and let go. I go home and my sister is telling me my mom schemed someone. I am telling her that even I schemed the petrol bunk guy.
      Tags: bike
    6. I'm back! Maj 14th 2012.

      by , 05-14-2012 at 03:49 PM (The weird dreams of Appe96)
      Dreams: Non-lucid, fragment.
      Vivid: Nah
      Dreamsigns: Don't know my dreamsigns yet. Maybe that the booth dream was kind of shining gray/white?
      Notes Dream Lucid

      Fragment 1, around 2 AM - 2.30 AM: I was a bussniesman, and I talked to somone. The conversation was about a stolen bike that I sold. I guess that this took place in my store, but I'm not sure.

      Dream 1, around 6 AM: I played World in conflict(or something similar). The odd thing was, that it was a map that I haven't played on before. The battle took place in a factory, and my team was winning. We all used our reinforementpoints, like crazy because the enemy didn't give a inch. The whole dream ended when my team, finally took the last controllpoint.

      I gotta work on my dreamrecall :/
    7. A Most Epic Not-Quite-Lucid Dream

      by , 04-30-2012 at 12:21 AM

      Took a nap at 2:45, woke at 5 o'clock

      I don't know the original setting of the dream, but I know that early on in the dream I performed a nose-pinch RC and it worked. I was somewhat surprised and shifted my hand to a spot that I was more sure would block any possible nasal air passage. It still worked. Over and over, probably upwards of a dozen times in a row, I did a nose pinch and every time it came up as breathing through anyways.
      And so I concluded that my nose was broken and that I'd have to ask about it later.
      HUFP()@(RYHOPIQWHDUNP@J(CO$EU$@P#R!#(%$(*#)%$@#()* JECHQUWPVEHIJ@ECVDUJQWHC)(FQ#YT*(PROE()&$*$*&#(@$& !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Okay, now that we've gotten THAT out of the way...
      Memory gap. (grrr)
      I remember after some point in the dream that I was back home in Iowa and that I had been hired for some company to do some work at a sort of facility that looked like a retrofitted barn. Retrofitted to seemingly have a six-foot-wide, five-foot-long rail gun (which is basically a completely unworkable design. I helped set up the rail-gun-type-thing in the top of the barn. After a couple hours of testing and what not, we fired it and the shot went about ten feet out of the barn before dropping to the ground.
      Did I mention this is in the middle of my hometown? Actually, a larger version of my hometown?
      Anyways, the round itself was hollow and square with clipped edges and no bottom edge. This was so that a person could look through it and stand with it (the round) around him as it fired. And that lucky person was me.
      Luckily the firing didn't make much noise.
      The third time it fired, I wondered how I would get my hand out of the way of the shot. You see, my job was to reach out in front of the round before it was fired and push a safety tab back into the wall. This somewhat troubled me, as I was to do so only within about a second of the round firing. When the rail gun fired that third time, it didn't seem to push very hard on the (square) round, and it barely cleared the 5' "barrel", if you will, before it tipped down and went crashing to the floor of the barn.
      So much for a rail gun.
      I took my leave at that point, because it was my break then, and biked around the city some. Again I'll say it was my hometown, Cedar Rapids, but it was larger than normal. (In retrospect it reminds me more of Manhattan in size and building type.)
      There's a gap in my recall here, but I know at some point that I stopped to talk to my dad as he was walking somewhere. He mentioned that I didn't need to remotely blow up the rail-gun barn at 3:30 (I had a wireless trigger in my hand), and I panicked because it was 5:23. {note: though my watch was different than normal, it was accurate to the amount of time that had passed.} I reasoned with myself that it must have been intentionally diffused before that point, as I hadn't heard it blow up while biking around. Soon after I and my dad parted ways and resumed biking (me) and walking (him) to wherever it was we were individually going.
      After a while I biked across the river on the 1st street bridge and back over on the 2nd street bridge. I parked my bike there and clambered up the wall-like steep side of the embankment for the road that crossed the bridge where it meets the land. On top, the road was suddenly the flat, tar roof of a building. It was also midday instead of evening (as it had been earlier), and the roof was hot and... bouncy? (Weird.) I walked around on the massive, flat, multi-building roof that I had found until I ran into my dad again. (not literally) We talked some more and he began bouncing on the roof, which was now as resilient as a trampoline. We ended up agreeing on some task to finish before the day was out, and I returned to the area of the roof where my bike was and explored some.
      After another gap in my memory, I know I was back at my house. Sort of. The exterior was pretty messed up, and I remember that I was chasing around some young'uns through the house and around it even. I know at one point out behind the house that I needed to go from one end of the house to the other. However, behind the house there was a lot of equipment like you'd see behind a large store or hotel, but smaller. On my right, halfway down, there were two shiny steel boilers or cookers like you'd see in a pricey restaurant. They were running full steam, and when I walked near them I saw that the only path to get to the other side of the building ran right next to them. One problem I noticed was that there was a small metal arm of sorts attached to the nearer boiler and it reached out half of the width of the walkway. It had a 6" disk-like thing on the end, and there was no reason that I thought I couldn't just duck under it or slide by. Don't ask me why I thought it was stopping me, I just did.
      I pushed the arm a bit to see what it did, and when I did the lid on the closer boiler raised a little and some of the contents leaked out. It looked like some sort of soup or sauce.
      Well, I figured that my best bet was to just getthroughasquicklyaspossiblenandhopethatIdidn'tsp illanything. So I did. I did spill some on me, though less than I expected and only on my arm. As I continued to run, rounding the corner of the house, I (the curious George of a boy) licked some off to tell what it was. It tasted a lot like tomato soup, but stronger, and it had some other flavors and textures that makes me think it was probably a sauce of some sort.
      So I clearly do have taste in my dreams, I can finally say with confidence.
      Well, when I got back inside my (first) brother was in the kitchen on the phone. I sat down, exhausted,and noticed that his hair (which he like to keep shorter than about two inches) was now thin and long, falling past his ears. When he got off the phone I commented that it made him look like Don Moen. (This was actually a completely incorrect comparison. Don Moen wasn't even close to right; he looked more like Don Francisco.) He laughed at that and reached to a point on my hair (also long) and said that "it'd have to be ten inches longer that that" to be Don's hair.
      Again, that should have been Don Fransisco, not Don Moen, but it wasn't.

      {Don Francisco: http://greatgreatjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/forgiven.jpg}

      I woke, and I tried to make a WILD. I even successfully cleared my mind of most thoughts other than that I would wake up on the bench in the kitchen where I and my brother were and he'd tell me I was dreaming. When I did fall asleep again, however, I didn't dream before my roommate had kicked me in the rear to wake me up. It was dinner time, so it was okay, but I do wish I could have continued the dream.

      Updated 04-30-2012 at 12:23 AM by 47518

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Hoping for a Drift

      by , 02-17-2012 at 09:48 AM
      thu February 16th 2012

      Went out with some friends, drank couple of beers.

      I'm driving my brother to school on my bike. There's a pile of snow in the middle of the school yard. Just one kid is at school, my brother knows him and I leave my brother with him. This being my old school I walk around wondering why nobody is here. I see a girl that used to be in my class at high school. I know she has a boyfriend, but I'm picking up mixed signals. She tells me she wants to learn to drive a car, but hasn't mastered the bike yet. While she's cruising around I see she has trouble with braking. I'm about to test the brakes when the scene changes. I'm suddenly in a room with snow on the floor. So I ride in circles, attempting to drift.
    9. 01/11/12: Tunnels and zombies

      by , 01-11-2012 at 10:27 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Paths to Nowhere
      I am on a bicycle riding down a road in a place I don't recognize. I am thinking it is really something how I could live in a city for most of my life and still have there be so many places I haven't seen. I'm in the mood to explore for a while, so I start doing that. I ride my bike down into an underground tunnel that is going under some other streets. I hadn't realized there even was a tunnel in town! In the tunnel I notice there are several more passages branching off to the sides. While the main tunnel is large enough for a car, the side passages definitely aren't. They are large enough for a bike, however. So I start exploring them. They are all well formed circular tunnels that are lighted by lights running along the ceiling. It can be quite disorienting, and I soon find I think I'm lost. This doesn't bother me, however, as I know the tunnels can't go on forever. I find an underground shopping area and I park my bike to look around. I am quite tired and I think a nap would be nice. I find a place that has inflatable mattresses available for people to rest on. I lie down on one and snooze. I awaken to find the mattress is floating on water. I ask someone near me what is going on. She says that's why the mattresses are inflatable… because they get moved while we sleep to a new location. Damn, I think, I'll never find my bike now!

      Village of the Damned Assholes
      I am in a strange place, it looks like a village out of old times or maybe out of an RPG… such as Oblivion. It is night time out, and there is very little motion in the streets. There are lights glowing in the windows of the homes but no one is venturing outside. I wander through the town for a bit and finally a door opens. A woman comes out and tells me to get off the street before they come. Who? Them, the woman points at some figures moving into the village. They look strange… and I soon see why. They're zombies. She said we need to get back inside and just let them take their sacrifices. Sacrifices?

      She points at the center of town where there is a pole, like a maypole, but the streamers from the top are all chained and at the end of each of them there is a naked person chained. This is no celebration. The woman pulls me and says come on, the darga will feed on the sacrifices and leave the rest of the village alone! I push the woman away with a disgusted look and tell her that's not going to happen this time.

      I go over to where the zombies… the darga… are approaching from. They pause when they see me there, clearly not expecting anyone to meet them. They continue advancing. I summon my Witchblade sword and that seems to give them pause again. Not only is someone meeting them, that someone looks ready to fight. I hear a man call at me not to do it, but I pay him no heed. I charge right into the middle of the group of zombies and cut into them with my sword. They are clearly not prepared for this, and in true zombie style, it takes them a moment to respond. By that time most of them are already dead and it is quick to finish the rest of them off. I free the people who were meant to be sacrifices.

      What surprises me here is that no one seems happy about the victory, in fact, they seem pissed. Wtf? A man is cursing at me! He says I have really done it now, the rest of the darga will come for revenge, the entire village is doomed now. Ok, then I will just wait around here and kick the rest of their asses when they come. He chuckles, not believing. He says there is no way one person can fight them all, certainly not a mere woman. He is pissing me off. I tell him he has no idea what I'm capable of. I fire a blast of flames at the dead zombies and incinerate them in an instant. I add that if they are too many for me to handle alone, I also have friends to back me up… some of whom are even more powerful than me. He says I have "helped" quite enough. I think he must be a leader of some kind, as a bunch of others are joining him in telling me to leave. I am pissed at that and I tell them to go ahead and rot then… anyone who willingly hands over their own people to be devoured by zombies isn't worth saving anyhow. I turn and head out of town with jeers and curses following me. I resist an urge to turn around and level the whole place with a blast of fire. The zombies will take care of that.

      I am almost out of town when I see someone chasing after me. It's the woman who tried to warn me before the fight. Unlike the others, she seems truly dismayed at my leaving. She says they won't have a chance against the darga. I tell her that's not my problem, it's clear that everyone wants me to leave… so I will comply. She says not everyone wants me to leave… she pauses… she said they're just afraid to oppose the mayor… she then quickly adds that she doesn't want me to leave. She says in fact, she would beg me to stay and help them… do I want paying? She'll pay everything she has… just please don't go… I tell her that I am not interested in payment. She says if I'm angry, it is all the mayor's fault, he is the one that thinks he is always right and responds violently to anyone who tries to oppose him and his ideas. Those who back him up are just scared. She grabs my arm and then immediately lets go as if she thinks I will attack her for doing that. I finally tell her ok, when the zombies… the darga… come back I will also be back, with help if needed. But for now I am called to my home world. I wake.
    10. Lucid #22 Park, Volcano

      by , 11-23-2011 at 12:25 AM
      Non-Drean/Comments Dream Lucid


      I am mountain biking with a some random guys. I leave the bike at a small metal house. We start hiking. We suddenly start walking back. Someone sees a crack in a big rock. It's a BIG crack! Soon there is a giant lava pool in front of us, like a volcano. The ground starts shaking and moving towards the lava. We have to get out of here. We run back where we came from, but there is water everywhere... No second thoughts, we swim! The water is warm from the whole volcanic thing. It starts snowing... WTF? Something is wrong, that's for sure, but the only thing I think of is getting out of here as fast as possible! My bike is at the bottom of the water (like 5 meters down), but if i get it I will ride down the mountain faster. I find it with the front tire slightly damaged, but works. Off I go!
      Dream scene changes.
      I am in a city after that bike adventure. I reach a tavern and I see some other bikers in there too. I walk into that place, some guys are waiting for me. We sit in a big table and some random guys join us... Then the waiter brings us fried potatoes, but we hadn't ordered...

      Maybe after leaving the tavern, I find myself in a pretty big park. I go towards the road. I see some guy trying to un-park and another trying to quickly park there. They start shouting. I walk by the road and then I see some friends talking about the mountain thing. One of them seems confused, so I join the conversation to tell the story straight. The guy seems focused on the story. As I am talking there is a noise in my ears, like a bug flying around my head. No matter how hard I try to dissipate it, I can't actually do it, because I can't see it. I shout "STOP" and then it stops.
      I become lucid right away. The dream is clear and stable. I observe the environment. One of my friends is still here. So I start showing off... My control is pretty sweet. There is a plane flying over the city so I say "fall", and then it stops in the air and starts falling. I did that many times. Then there is a bus passing in front of us. I say "BOOM" and snap my fingers... Nothing... "Fire!"... Nothing. That seemed a little annoying because it was the only one that didn't work. I did many stuff like this in that dream, but I didn't get to write it when i woke up. I also remember seeing a wall with a word on it. The word (if it exists) had the letters A B D J. Then I see a intense, but not bright, light rising up. It's the sun, that came up within a few seconds. I don't think it was night before that though... The colors seem a little strange. I do a nose RC and try to feel my weight, but the dream is fading...

      In my last 2 lucids I wanted to look for my dream guide, but in both of them I got into stupid stuff and forgot my goals...
    11. Back to School

      by , 11-17-2011 at 08:51 PM

      I'm at my elementary/middle school again, though I recognize it as my old high school in the dream. At first, I'm meeting a handful of my current friends there. I ride up on my bike and see none of them have arrived. I feel the stares of several past classmates, reluctant to start a conversation with someone they were never really friends with in high school. I wait patiently as I notice a few of my crew walking up.

      I turn around to notice several of my friends already present, waiting at a table for me. We chat for a while and then go on our way. As I'm walking around the campus, things seem normal though I feel as though I haven't been there in a while. I'm here to take a class I missed during my real high school years, as is everyone else. The only people walking around are people I know from the past.

      I walk up to a new building. An auditorium with several people I recognize walking in. I assume this is the place I'm supposed to be and follow them in. As I sit down, I realize I'm wearing a dress, though I'm not ashamed of it. It's normal. A present friend of mine turns around and lets out a light chuckle as if I'm not ready for what we're going to be doing in class. I hear the professor welcome everyone to Singing class, and that everyone must perform before they leave.

    12. contact lenses and bike; mugged in an aqueduct; girlfriend in diaper

      by , 10-22-2011 at 03:52 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in an eye doctor's office, probably with my mom. The office kind of looked like a house. We were in a front room, and I was right on the threshold to a back room.

      The eye doctor, an older, kind of pretty woman wearing a white labcoat and eyeglasses, was telling me about contact lenses. I told the woman that I've always been afraid of contacts. My body is always so sensitive to contact with stuff that I've always thought that if I wore contacts, my eyes would get all infected.

      The eye doctor told me these contacts were new. They were disposable. So sensitive skin was far less likely to be infected by them.

      I looked down at a paper on the counter. The paper advertised the contact lenses. The paper actually reminded me of the Heimlich maneuver posters seen in restaurants. I wasn't very assured by it.

      I was now riding down the street on a bike. I was heading back home. It was a really sunny, clear day, and I was riding on an open road, with open fields on either side of me. It was really easy for me to bike -- I was just coating along, but going really fast.

      Eventually I came to more populated parts of town. I was riding alongside some cars. I stopped with the cars at an intersection stoplight. I thought I must almost be home by now. I was surprised. I was almost home. I had never taken this way home before. But it was really quick. I'd have to take it from now on.

      At the intersection, a maroon-colored van with "my family" in it pulled up to my right. A dad, kind of fat, with shaggy, curly, dark hair and a bit of shadow of stubble was driving. Somehow I was now "inside" the van -- even though I was still outside, on my bike. But now that I was "inside" the van, the van would control where I went.

      I was disappointed. I really didn't like this father and I really didn't want to be in the van with him. Besides, I'd been going my own way and doing well. Why did I suddenly need this father to control where I was going?

      Dream #2

      I was out walking along the street in something like a residential neighborhood. It was a clear, sunny day. I was walking on the right side of the street. To my right was probably an open field. The street, on my left, was pretty wide.

      There were blocks of houses on the other side of the street. The block forked off a bit farther up, so that one of the streets wound off and drifted off to the left, while another of the streets went kind of straight and up a slope.

      There were two people walking along the street parallel with me. There were another two people walking down the slope, coming in the opposite direction from me. I needed to cross the street.

      I began to cross the street. But when I saw the two people walking parallel with me, I thought they looked a little weird. I was about to cross back over to the right side. But I just decided I'd cross all the way over to the left side, figuring I didn't want the two people to think I was afraid of them.

      The two people were a man and a woman. The man was tall, pale white, slightly muscly, with a mustache and pale, blue eyes. He may have been wearing a pale, yellow hoodie. The woman was shorter than me, pale, with brownish hair. She wore a black, leather jacket, a white shirt, and blue jeans.

      The guy, as I passed him, said, "Hey! Hey, you!" as if he needed my help with something. I looked over at him. But then he looked up ahead and saw the other two guys approaching. He told me, "Oh, nevermind."

      I kept walking, and the two guys passed me. They were both probably black. One wore a brown hoodie and brown pants. The hoodie may have had some orange lettering on it.

      The sloped street was now something like an aqueduct -- a little concrete channel like an empty, man-made river -- instead of a street. Some of its sides may have been grafitti'd. It was already walking up it.

      I could hear the man and the woman hurrying up at me now. I thought I should turn around and go a different way, so I wouldn't be walking up the aqueduct with these two people following me. But I didn't.

      Right as I got into the part of the aqueduct that sloped up and a bit to the left, the man pushed me down to the ground. He had me pressed with my back to the ground. I don't know if he was kneeling on me, but he wasn't bent down very much. He wasn't holding me down very hard, but I didn't struggle, becaused I couldn't tell if he had a weapon.

      The woman darted her hand into my right pocket and pulled out my wallet. She stood back up. She began going through my wallet, saying, "I got your wallet from you faster than an illegal immigrant going through customs."

      I didn't know why the woman would make her remark. I figured she was trying to insult me, as if I were somehow an illegal immigrant.

      I really didn't want the woman to go through my wallet. I didn't have much money as it was, and if she managed to screw around with my cards, I wouldn't have anything.

      The guy wasn't holding me down that hard at all. So I figured I'd struggle to break free. Then I'd head at the woman. If I had to fight the man after I broke free of him, that would be fine.

      Dream #3

      I was walking out onto a beach from some kind of residential neighborhood. A lot of people were out on the beach, all looking out at the ocean, as if some kind of special event were going on. But the beach wasn't really crowded, and everybody was pretty evenly spaced.

      Near the back of the crowd was a woman on a bike. She half-stood and half-sat on her bike, with probably only her right foot touching the sand. She wore a red and white helmet and a blue one-piece shorts and blouse outfit, the leggings of which looked a little too short.

      The woman was attractive, and I was looking at her bottom. But I noticed her bottom had a weird kind of puffed out shape to it instead of a panty line, like she was wearing a diaper. So I walked up to her and touched her bottom. She was wearing a diaper.

      For some reason this really turned me on. So I whispered in the woman's ear, "I could tell you're wearing a diaper. I love girls who wear diapers. And I love wearing diapers, too. Take me home, and we can wear diapers together."

      The girl got turned on by me, and we went back to her house. The girl had two or three female roommates. Time seemed to pass, at least a night, but maybe a few days.

      The roommates were all talking to somebody, another girl, they'd brought to the house. They said, "Yeah, it was just really lucky for her. He just walked up to her and said he liked girls like her. And they've been together ever since."

      The woman and I now had to go out somewhere. We were probably going to be gone for a couple days. We were getting ready to go. We were about to head out, when I told the girl, "Wait. Shouldn't we bring diapers?"

      The woman was now lying on the bed. I threw a diaper onto her stomach. I may also have set a whole pack of Pampers diapers on some counter somewhere.
    13. Lucid #21. The Dream Gun and Weird Sex Place.

      by , 09-28-2011 at 11:28 AM


      I am at some road. I want to ride a motorbike. I see one in front of me. I examine the low-angled windscreen and the windshield. I jump in it and ride it. I am afraid that some cop will stop me, cause i don't have a license. I am also worried because i am going a bit slow in a big road and don't know exactly how to use the clutch... It doesn't seem to be much of a problem, but the feeling of the ride sucks. My vision is also bad. The windscreen is kinda blocking my sight and there are no mirrors. I reach a place and see two other bikes with some guys from the uni on them. I go next to them. Now we are walking (didn't notice that change). They say that most people who ride bikes, have one like the one i ride (probably because i like kawasaki ninja :p).
      "Umm... Actually it's not mine" (semi-lucid)
      "I found it in a street. And do you know what the best part is?"
      "We are in a dream!"

      I don't remember if he said anything. There are some cops nearby wearing some weird suits. I am suddenly lying on the ground and have a feeling that i am going to be arrested. Someone throws a gun next to me. One of the guys laughs. I pick it up and pretend to shoot. There are two buttons on it. The one says "sleep", the other something that i don't remember. One of the cops approaches me. He stops. He puts his gun out, makes some settings, he points at his head and shoots. There is a voice saying "sleeep" and he goes "nooooo" in a regretful way, as though he made the wrong settings. There is something like green electricity over his head and his body is standing up but paralized. He seems to be dead or unconscious. What happened is that he should have pressed the other button (which would have keep him in the dream), while he pressed the "sleep" button, which made him wake up (i just KNOW). I look at my gun. I press the other button. I check it on a guy from uni first (lol). I shoot and there is this voice again saying something about some aminoacids that the gun enhances, which make you dream longer. I shoot myself. I am at a place that i can't tell if it's inside or outside. There are many people. They all have words over their heads. Each word is a choice i can make for the dream, or some info about the person. I see a girl with the word "sex" over her head. I look at her and she says
      I understand that if i want sex i have to find people dressed like bunnies... I wander around. I see a girl dressed like a bunny. I look at her. There are three choices over her head. I look at the one saying "threesome". :p There are three girls coming from my left. One of them seems to be the leader or something. She is really nicely dressed. The one of the other two is the main one, and the other is an alternative... The leader girl says
      "Movie star come on"
      We walk through some rooms and doors. We even went trough a bar. It was a casual bar with a lot of people. I saw a friend (we have been talking about dreams that night) holding two big glasses of beer and talking to two very nice girls. I call him and make a face like "hey i am going to have sex and you are drinking beer" lol. We finally reach a quiet room. The other girls goes to the fridge to get something to drink. I look around and see the other room with a big bed in it... Sweee... The dream is FADIIIING
      I wake up...

      At least it was a big one after nearly one month!
      lucid , memorable
    14. A 2-Hour Nap: Flaming Bicycle / Garage Trailer (fragments)

      by , 09-23-2011 at 02:08 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 11, 2011 – 8:30PM (USA Eastern)

      (Note: When I came home from work today, I was quite tired. I farted around on the 'net for a while, then decided to take a nap that lasted about 2 hours. I had a few other dreams, but these are the two that I can recall anything from. When I woke up, I spent more time being amazed that I just had so many dreams during a nap then I did recalling them. )

      Fragment #1:
      I am riding a bicycle around the yard at my parent's old house. Suddenly, the bike catches on fire. I push it over to the corner where the garden hose should be, but there is no hose. I drop the bike and run into the basement to get a hose. When I come back, my brother had used a bucket to put out the fire. I connected the hose and sprayed the bike a bit more to stop the smoke.

      Fragment #2:
      I try to back a trailer into a garage with my truck, but the front of the trailer is too high to fit under the door. I disconnect the trailer from the truck and my brother helps me push it my hand. Once we get the trailer inside the garage, he puts some chocks under the tires and I set the coupler on a large wood block. Behind the trailer, there are a couple of old lawn mowers and a garden tractor. Off to the side, there are a couple of engines laying on the floor. I walk out of the garage and when I turn around, I wake up.
    15. It's been awhile. I have been neglecting my dreaming. For shame!

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:15 AM
      It's been quite a while since my last entry. My recall has been off lately. I guess I have been distracted. It still hasn't come back fully, but I'm trying to make an effort to journal anyways.

      1. I am in an elevator with a couple other people. We are descending very fast. One of the other passengers forces open the door while the elevator is moving. I can see all the steel and concrete rushing past and feel the forced air. It makes me dizzy, and I press myself against the back of the compartment.

      2. I am riding bikes through Italy. The area is not like any city I remember visiting, it is more like a combination of several. I have a companion with me. We arrive at a beautiful beach, which reminds me of the beach at Viareggio. The sun is setting.
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