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    1. "Did you kill him?!"

      by , 01-19-2012 at 12:22 AM
      I had to do a math test or something, and when I finished, almost everyone else had left, so I left too. I was just wandering the halls, which looked similar to my school but not the same, and teachers kept walking by, so I stayed near the class I had come out of and tried to look like I was doing something.

      As I was about to go through a door a short distance away, I had to stop and wait for two girls to come in first. Both of them were in costumes; the first had a dress but I don't remember who she was, and the second was supposed to be from Star Trek or something. They were older (like 20s) and a bit loud, and they were leading Halloween celebrations at my school. I went out the door, and they came out shortly after. I noticed several more people in costumes. The first girl said, "Halloween starts tomorrow!" I realized it was the last day of September, and Halloween events were going to be all through October.

      I was in the lobby of the school then, and in front of me, there was a huge pink 'swirl' going all along the lobby and down into another area. It was made out of a slightly shiny fuzzy hot pink fabric, stuffed, and maybe 3 feet tall. It circled around the centre of the lobby and curled downwards into an absolutely enormous space which I 'remembered' was a stage. I considered asking someone if I could just walk down to it, because I wanted to see what it would be like to stand there. I wasn't sure if you were supposed to walk on the fabric, but I stood next to it petting it for a while.

      The costumed girls got everyone out of class a few minutes later, and started a sort of parade around the school, with quite a few people in costumes. Still standing by the fabric thing, I was sort of caught in the middle of it all, so I stepped out and hung back so I could just stay at the back of it and not be noticed. My friend J and a guy who looked around 12 wearing a red t-shirt ran in front of me. They were next to each other, and both tried to run through a small space next to a pillar at the same time, but J crushed him against the pillar, and there was a loud, horrible sounding CRACK, which I knew(?) was his back breaking. The guy fell over all floppy. I was shocked and ran backwards a couple metres, with the fleeting thought that I was too close and I didn't want anyone to think I was involved. I turned back around and saw everyone had stopped and he was still lying there. Someone yelled, "Did you kill him?!" Someone else said, "Yes." I thought he was dead, but he suddenly tried to get up. He got about halfway up, before stumbling and falling over again sideways. He was silent. I was just saying "oh my god oh my god oh my god" quietly.

      I went over to J and tried to say I was sorry that had happened. Her face looked unconcerned. I started, "Sorry.." and she said, "For what? I didn't do it." I tried to say "Well I know, I just meant.." but again she interrupted me, yelling, "I DIDN'T DO IT." She shoved me to the ground and pinned my arms down. At that moment, I could see a 3DS screen in the corner of my vision that was connected to this happening somehow. She said something along the lines of, "Round one of our fight...shall I start it?" I was kind of scared but mostly really really confused. She hit my face lightly. I was still trying to tell her what I'd meant, but she wouldn't listen. I closed my eyes, and she started prying one open with her fingers. I was scared she was going to do something to it. I was saying or maybe just thinking, "what the ACTUAL FUCK J" and she was just like, "Shall I hit you?" and punched me lightly on the left cheek again.

      The 3DS kept being like "YOU SHOULD SUMMON A DOG" but I knew I didn't have a dog in the game. I tried to summon a dog anyway with my mind, and after a few tries, one appeared. I'm not sure if it appeared in 'real life' (of the dream) but it showed up on the 'screen' which was just overlaid on my vision, and I knew J could see it somehow. Then the system said "Your dog was not trained enough, but it brought you a treat!" and I saw it eating a football shaped treat. I said "Hahah, well that sure helped..." to J, trying to laugh it off. I was trying to get her off me when I woke up.

      I dunno what to title this...it was really weird and kinda disturbing. J is also a very nice person IWL.

      Updated 01-28-2012 at 12:38 AM by 13525

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. January 15, 2012 Pursuit in Italy

      by , 01-15-2012 at 05:34 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      This dream happened a few months ago, but I wanted to write it down because it's my most vividly remembered dream so far. And also quite interesting.

      Non-lucid: Don't ask me how i know it was Italy, I just knew. I am sitting in a car in an alleyway. It's really bright out, in fact, there are no shadows at all. The car takes off full speed, the person in front driving through what looks like a market-place. The local DC's are getting angry with the reckless driving, but most ignore it. Next thing I know I'm standing in the center of town with a good friend of mine. We seen a man on a horse with a sword and bolt. The man on the horse, who's wearing black robes and whose face I don't remember (I think he was a representation of "The man in black" from Stephen Kings "The Dark Tower" which I am currently reading), hacks at my friends head. She's dead, I begin to run over to her, but then turn and run the other way as I realize the the man is now coming after me. Sure enough, I'm stabbed right in the back of the head. I fall stomach to the ground, and this is where the dream get's weird.
      I start rising out of my body, spiraling upwards as the man rides away. Now I'm in some giant, blueish cube. Before I go any further, I'd like to point out that I am an atheist. In this cube, there are many floating, clear platforms with people climbing up them, some sort of "stairway to heaven" I guess. I huge man, and I mean absolutely massive, speaks to me. My best guess is that he was a representation of God, because I constantly find myself questioning my own beliefs. He tells me that I can either go back to earth and spend eternity as a spirit there, or I can spend eternity in the cube. I choose Earth because, hey, at least there's things to watch there. The dream ends immediately after I choose earth, and I wake up.

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:33 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. The Big One...

      by , 01-12-2012 at 02:03 PM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid

      5th of May, 2011

      This is one of the more memorable dreams I've ever had, and is a pretty intimate one for me.

      I flew into New York with Jono, Colin and Nooks. We dropped from the sky into the ocean and swam ashore- it was raining and a guy in a car sped past us on the road as we emerged.

      Our hotel was a strange, small building across and in the water and you had to wade to it- the ocean was apparently only shin deep. When we arrived we walked up the stairs that lead out of the water and into our separate rooms. The guys wanted to do something but I took ages to get changed into board shorts.
      When I finally changed, I asked where Jono was and Colin said that he was at work as a DJ and had been living in New York for several months. Fair enough.
      We strolled into the city and came into a kind of piazza area surrounded by small stalls and bordered on all sides by large, red brick buildings. I set fire to some paper and blew up a stall. People thought it was awesome. I looked up the cobbled road where a bunch of 70’s styled women crashed their giant limo- front and back. I came across Jono and wanted him to come with us to party but he said he hadn’t been for a run yet. At that point I saw some shady looking characters lurking around and Jono put on a police hat and ran after them. I told Nooks and Colin and they freaked out. As we chased Jono more gangsters came so I ducked into a little trinket store but the gangsters followed me in and ordered everyone onto the ground.

      They shot me in the head as well as everyone else.
      I survived and pretended to be dead. They shot me several times more and then spoke about their plans while I was trying to be as still as possible and not breathe.
      After a while they left but I continued pretending.

      I kept that up for hours or days as people passed by. Even in my dream it felt like a really, really long time. Eventually some guys put me on a cart and took me into a house. Two of them went upstairs so I decided to scare the other guy by ‘coming back to life’. When the other two came down, I told them what had happened and concluded that I must be immortal.
      As we talked, the gangsters ran past and the guys shut the door as quickly as they could, but that drew the baddies’ attention. They stormed in and I pretended to be dead again.
      Head gangster Andy Garcia (what?) sat down and checked me. I tried and tried to hold my breath but eventually exhaled.
      As I did I woke up...

      ...in the same room?

      The guys, minus the gangsters were there and told me I was safer in this existence and “what’s awake really mean, anyway?” They said I should just make the most of my day, even if it was a dream. Okay!
      I went upstairs and was back in our hotel room from before.
      I remembered that I wanted to find out what music was like in dreams, so after checking myself out in the mirror, I found a toilet/glowing stereo thing. It was actually really awesome looking and totally feasible.
      The sound was dodgy when I tried to get it to work and wouldn’t play clearly. After fiddling with it for ages I finally got it to play:
      “Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you dooooown...”


      Damn you subconscious! Rickrolled by my own mind.
      Touché sir.

      I went back to the mirror and decided to jump through it, which I did. I became the reflection. I jumped off the balcony and onto the back of one of those canvas covered trucks. It was a weird brick city and the brick road was watery and cracked. I checked my hands and everything was stable so I hopped off the truck, looked around, then did a flip and flew into the air. I wanted to fly to the planets, but it was like the never-ending staircase from Mario 64; every time I looked back, I hadn’t gone any higher.

      Eventually I gave up and dived headfirst like a bullet into the ground, crashing through into an underground chasm. It was really pretty and glowy- fluorescing rocks and water. I walked through the shaft and came across a face on a rock made of mossy orange fungus stuff.
      It spoke in a scary, profound tone.
      I took it to be my true subconscious and he asked me what kind of person avoids their dreams- that I should be doing what I’ve wanted to do since I was three and was mad for not doing more acting. It gave me some deep insights and words of wisdom before I lost lucidity and woke up.

      This dream was truly immense in both scale and content. It provided me with insight, joy, laughs and full-on action. It let me do some dream experiments and put me in touch with myself more than any other dream I can recall having. I woke up deeply moved and immediately wrote down as much as I could remember.

      Updated 01-16-2012 at 01:04 AM by 52392

      lucid , memorable
    4. Sp and stress

      by , 01-12-2012 at 11:34 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm either dreaming or having HI of some small brown skeleto walking towards me on my bed. I don't know how I know but it feels like I'm in my from Cali. Anyway I have a ps3 controller and I'm pressing the right trigger to kill it, and nothing is happening. I break out of the dream, and immediately feel a tug. Dang it's not over. I don't even bother trying to get out of bed because I know it's going to be a full on struggle. I wait.,,nothing happens for a few minutes, and then I feel feet trampling through my bed. My body auto wakes up and I have chills all over me..fuck it's going to be a long night...probably due to stress. I relax and try to not think about the things that are on my mind.

      I end up dreaming that I'm working in a store with S and some other people. She's datIng some guy who's treating her like crap and I asked her was it really worth choosing him over me...the scene changes before I get a reply.

      I'm in an office and people are discussing all the things they did right as a company last year and the entire time I'm negative about what they say. They mention a safey rating and I tell them I'm going to die...there's a bit of sarcasm and screw it to the way I counter whatever they bring up.

      I also remember going to a party...this happened befor all the sp.
    5. Haunting Dreams (Continued)

      by , 01-07-2012 at 12:20 AM
      I've been having these awful nightmares for the last two weeks or so and they went from bad to worse. At first it was just language like symbol pattern that clouded my subconscious like a thick fog. On the other side were terrifying images of demons attacking and feeding on my closest of friends.
      I also saw a girl I knew that killed herself five years ago for unknown reasons. In the nightmare I saw her, only she looked like she had still been aging as thought she hadn't died. She has blood around her mouth and pooling from her eyes. She kept saying something in a possessed voice. Something that sounded like a warning.
      That was a week ago...
      Since then I've been seeing her sitting or standing just at the corner of my vision. Just after I would look to where she was, she would disappear. The moment I lost sight of her I would get an intense migraine and see the symbols and her her voice is that haunting voice.
      Just yesterday I glanced at my desk chair and thought I saw someone sitting in it. When I looked again I saw Her. She was shivering and held my knife that was sitting next to my bed. She unsheathed it and just as I was forming the words "Don't do it!" she slices a large cut in her neck.
      Then I heard her voice, this time in English as she vanishes. Her voice sounds like a sweet whisper in my ears. "Don't stop the fight. Just keep your friends few and close. Be prepared for the coming year."
      Just after the voice stopped I felt a searing pain in my head and I blacked out for about two hours.
      I think I know what she's talking about "be prepared." I'm not sure I should post what I think she means, but I will be doing some research of my own. That might include... let's just say it ain't gonna be pretty if my theory IS correct. I pray to God that I'm dead wrong. Time will tell.
    6. "They're scared of you, you know."

      by , 12-30-2011 at 04:58 AM (Into the Whirlpool)
      I'm at work, but the layout of the cube farm is different. Karin and I are by ourselves in a corner of the room; our cubes are tiny, more like kiosks, and they fit chair, computer, and nothing else. In front of our cubes is the customer service section. I get an e-mail from one of them, a guy named Bryan something, and I walk over to his desk to help him with something computer-related. He and I have a friendly chat and I'm able to solve his problem.

      I get back to my cube, dimly aware that there is normally no Bryan, in fact no males at all in the customer service department. Someone, maybe Karin, says quietly to me, "They're scared of you, you know." This takes me by complete surprise. Why would customer service be scared of me? I'm a nice guy. I wonder what they say to each other about me...?

      (skip) I'm leaving for the night and Erika is with me. Somehow I find myself in the foyer of my grandmother's house; it's mostly dark but there's light coming from somewhere. A noose and body are hanging from the high ceiling. I can't make out any features except for long blond hair--like Erika, although I don't react to this and she doesn't seem to notice the similarity. I have kind of a dull shocked response to seeing the body. Erika looks up and just says "Oh. Well," like it's nothing strange at all. Despite this, we run down a hallway to find another coworker, Tami?, and tell her about the suicide. She starts repeating, "Oh God, oh God," but seems to have the same kind of dulled, dazed response I did.

      Updated 08-19-2012 at 05:47 PM by 35578

      Tags: coworkers, death
    7. Haunting nightmares

      by , 12-30-2011 at 12:41 AM
      Terrifying. Disturbing. Erie. These words describe the nightmares I've been having over the last month or so. Some times I see it when I'm awake.
      These... images keep tearing at my sanity. It's like a sickness, the longer I have it, the worse it gets. I see shapes, patterns, like some kind of language clouding my vision like thick fog. On the other side of the static-y shapes are flashes of images, like a memory fragment, though, it's past the point of terrifying.
      Monsters, no, demons. Demons that possess the bodies of the dead and transform and consume the living.
      My movement is paralyzed. I try to run, but don't have to because all the demons do is surround me as to keep me from running.
      The next thing I know, I see a good friend of mine approach me. This doesn't sound bad, but they died about five years ago. But they look like they didn't stop aging.
      She killed herself via wrist slice, but she's got dried blood around her mouth and down her cheeks like she cried blood.
      She grabs my throat and an iron grip begins choking me. As her grip begins to tighten I see this pillar thing that's in kind of a spiral formation that speaks to me from the souls of thousands of deceased.
      By now I awake, sweating profusely and panting heavily. The rest of the night is one spent without sleep.
      When I say I see the nightmare while I'm awake I see her and the pattern things. When I see them I get an enormous migraine in every inch of head. I'm seriously going to seek therapy if this continues to get worse.
    8. voluntary abduction; honey bread; death game; female cop; bath talk; daughter copies mother

      by , 12-29-2011 at 03:21 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in group meeting room with about twenty other people. The room was only partly lit, with a drab, greenish white, fluorescent light.

      The room was divided into two parts. The back part was kind of empty, with maybe a long, folding table. The front part had a few couches and chairs. Most people were in or near the front part. The area was so full that people were standing up behind the back couch.

      I had been standing way back in the back area, by myself. But now I walked forward to listen to what was going on. A young woman was leading the discussion. She sat on a couch on my right side.

      To the woman's right, on the same couch, and on another couch, probably the back couch, sat two young men who looked a lot alike. They were both tall, thin, pale, and shaved-headed. They wore nice, casual khakis and dress shirts. I felt like I'd known both of the guys from high school.

      I came to understand that this was a group discussing alien abductions. Aliens existed and were among us, in a very obvious way. And, somehow, the young woman was serving as something like a go-between, between the aliens and the people in this room.

      Some of us in the room had been abducted. Others of us were, apparently, trying to be convinced to volunteer for abduction.

      I was now sitting on a couch opposite the young woman. The man to the young woman's right was now speaking about his own abduction experience. I now realized that the young man's head had been shaved by the aliens, while they'd experimented on him.

      The woman asked the man if the experience was really bad. The man said that most of the experience didn't really bother him at all.

      The only part the man hated, he said, was when the aliens did a mental probe on him. He said that it felt really terrible to have all his memories drawn up. He could see them. But he wasn't controlling them. And he knew he was only watching them because someone else -- the aliens -- wanted to see them.

      The man mentioned another part of the experiment he hated. As the man described it, it first sounded to me like the aliens had put the man through some kind of system where they'd caused his body to work as if it were under a lot of stress. But then the man said that the aliens had actually shut down the man's body entirely. He was dead, but still conscious.

      This man's discussion was supposed to convince people that alien abductions weren't so bad. It didn't convince me. I got up and walked toward the back area. But I knew the second man was going to talk. I wanted to listen to him as well. I think I may still have been considering volunteering for an abduction.

      Dream #2

      I was in a group meeting room, like in the first dream. It was divided into two areas. The front area was full of people, and the back area only had a few people. I think most of the people were Indian. The room was warm with incandescent light.

      On the right wall a movie was playing. All the couches in the front area were arranged to face the movie, like a makeshift movie theatre. I think everybody had plates of food.

      There were plent of seats open on the couch. So I sat down on one. The couch felt really nice. It was a dull blue or pink, and it had a kind of soft, crushed velvet feel to it.

      I looked up at the movie. Some really pretty Indian girl was either being taught or teaching someone how to make a kind of honeyed bread. It basically looked like a cornbread square, glazed in honey, with a walnut in the center, on top.

      The girl was dressed in a traditional Indian outfit. There was a sense of sexuality, romance, and tradition all wrapped up in the food making.

      I got the idea that this screening was a kind of preview for the film. The film wasn't finished yet, and we were all supposed to give our feedback on it, so that it could be tweaked for more audience enjoyment.

      But I started to wonder if maybe this film wasn't a bit too stereotypical toward Indians, what with the food-making and tradition and so forth. I wondered if Indians would be offended by a film like this.

      It didn't occur to me that the film was actually Hindi (it was -- it had English subtitles), and that pretty much everybody else in the room was Indian.

      There was a father-like man standing near the couches. He had dark skin and a bit of a pot belly. He wore a button-up shirt of really nice, pale-blue material and nice, dark slacks. I thought I might go hang out with him, since I figured he'd have a better idea about all this stuff than I did.

      Dream #3

      It was daytime. I was walking through a forest, probably a pine forest. I was walking along a slope, not on any trail. The pine trees were all spaced well apart. The ground itself was black. It may have been black cinder soil, or (I think now) the forest could have been burnt down.

      There must have been a road at the top of the slope, up to my right. Suddenly people came blasting down the slope! They were all laying, extended straight out, with their legs crossed and their arms crossed over their chests. And they were propelled so that they were rolling, tumbling, down the slope.

      I followed these people down the slope. I reached a point where there was a cliff. I couldn't go any farther. The cliff must have been about fifty meters high. It ended with a flat valley of forest, of the same black-soiled, or charred look as the area up around me.

      But one of the rolling, tumbling people, in his movement, had rolled right off the cliff.

      I suddenly knew that this was all some game. People were thrown, almost at random, down the slope. There were all kinds of random land formations down the slope. Depending on fate, and the skill of the person, the person either would or wouldn't survive going down the slope. Survival, as well as something else, would determine who won this game.

      But this person's path had been directly toward this cliff. There were a few places, going down the cliff, where the person managed to grab hold for a moment. But everything in the cliff was really soft. The cliff was like some shelf of really soft, brown coal.

      Finally the person managed to grab onto a thick tree root that was growing out of the cliff wall. It might have been able to get him over to a thin ledge.

      But it was obvious that the root was dead and rotten. The more the man pulled up on it, the more it was shifting its way out of the cliff. And, besides, even if the man got to the ledge, he'd be trapped there. There was no way down.

      So the man just gave in to the fact that he'd lost. He either let go of the tree root or held onto the tree root until it finally snapped out of the cliff. The man fell maybe about twenty meters and died on impact.

      There were already a bunch of people down on the ground by now -- some alive, some dead. The living had set themselves out in the valley, as if they were going to camp there for the night. Some of the living headed over to the man's body after they saw that he'd fallen to his death.

      I walked back up the slope. I reached the top of the slope, where the road was. I saw cars passing along the road. I then understood that the people were tossed out, in their rolling positions, from the cars. This was what gave them such great speed (??? -- in a perpendicular direction?). I may even have seen another batch of people thrown out from the cars.

      I think my mom, or at least somebody I knew, was up around here. I'm pretty sure, anyway, that somebody was calling my name or talking to me, probably from a slight distance, maybe even across the road from me.

      I may have spoken a little bit with the person who had been speaking to me. But, even though I think the person was looking forward to me helping them with something, I told the person that I would be back in a moment.

      I knew there was a really safe way to get down into the valley. I walked down the slope and kept going forward, in the direction of the road. The cliff merged into the slope farther along, and the slope became very mild.

      I walked down along the mild slope to the valley. I figured that once I got down to where everybody was, I'd help bury the man I'd seen die, out of respect for him. But I also probably figured that I'd help bury all the dead. This game didn't make any sense.

      Dream #4

      I was sitting in some restaurant, probably a fast-food restaurant. It was daytime, and there was plenty of light coming in from the windows. There were a lot of people in the restaurant. The place felt packed, busy, and humid, like a coffee-warmed store on a winter's day.

      I sat on the right side of a table for four. A police woman sat across the table from me. I don't think either of us had any food. The woman was white, kind of short, a bit overweight, with a round, pale face. She had frizzy, red-brown hair, drawn back in a braided pony tail. She had kind of thin eyes, pale blue-green. She looked like she may have been in her early twenties.

      The woman was telling me something about how disappointed she was in me. I'd either done or said something that had really gone against her expectations of me.

      Now she was pretty much through with me. I knew this was bad for me because, since she was a cop, now that she was through with me, she'd probably have the other cops start giving me a bad time.

      The woman stood up to leave. I may have stood up to try to get her back. But I don't think I really knew what to say. So I probably gave up and sat back down just as soon as I'd stood.

      Dream #5

      In my head, I was talking with either my old friend R or his first or second wife. I'm pretty sure that the conversation eventually became between the first wife, N, and myself. As I had this conversation in my head, I was cleaning out a bathtub in a bathroom with kind of dim, warm, incandescent light.

      I was telling N that I hated even talking to her and R. They seemed to love making me feel inferior to them. It was even like they operated as a team, taking turns saying nitpicky things or one-upping me, when the other person couldn't find the right thing to say.

      I probably said that this was why I didn't want to go to some thing that N had invited me to. This probably ended the conversation.

      As I was finishing the conversation, I noticed that my efforts to clean the bathtub were really failing. I'd sprayed cleaner all over the tub, and I was wiping the tub off with a sponge.

      But I just seemed to be taking whatever grime there was in the tub and spreading it all over the entire tub. The spray bubbles themselves only seemed to be gathering up the grime and expanding it, so that now my tub's surfaces seemed to be coated in soapy grime.

      I might possibly have realized that I'd need to wipe and re-wipe the surfaces before I got all this stuff off. The first spraying was to get everything wet. I'd have to spray again. Then the wet stuff would start coming off, leaving the surface clean.

      Dream #6

      A commercial from the late 1970s. A thin, prettyish, blonde woman was pushing a cart through a grocery store. A male narrator was talking about wise choices a mother should make while shopping.

      The "wise choices," obviously, meant buying whatever product the narrator was advertising.

      The view then switched to a view from the cart. The woman's face was framed in a circle in the center of the screen. The rest of the screen was black. This was supposed to be the view of the woman's baby, who was sitting in the cart.

      The woman was making all kinds of kissy faces to the baby. The male narrator was now saying, in connection with making wise choices while shopping, that a baby will always imitate whatever a mother does. This implied that the baby was probably making kissy faces back to the mother.

      Suddenly the mother let out a flat, kind of raspy burp. The mother was surprised, and a little apprehensive. She knew the baby would probably imitate her burp.

      The view now shifted to a view more like the mother's view. The "baby" in the cart was actually a pretty, skinny girl, maybe seven years old. She was sitting in the basket of the cart, rather than the seat of it. But I felt like she was probably too old to sit in the cart, like a baby would.

      Sure enough, the little girl, kind of looking up to her mother like a baby would, burped, in almost the same way as her mother did.

      It was then nighttime. The mother was in her bedroom, which was pretty big. It was dark. But somehow the mother could be seen, maybe in a nightgown, masturbating.

      The little girl, standing in the hallway in only underwear and a tank-top, was watching the mother through a crack in the door. With a baby-like mentality, the little girl thought she'd copy the mother, in front of the mother.
    9. psychic renewal; national park

      by , 12-22-2011 at 02:18 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was going somewhere, possibly on a long trip somewhere where I wouldn't be able to get anything new to read. So I either had to take one book with me or read one book really quickly before I left.

      I was in a living room which was filled with natural light. I was looking at a shelf-like niche that ran across a white wall. The wall served as a bookshelf, and the bookshelf was mostly full.

      I felt an urge to look to the left end of the bookshelf, almost as if a voice were calling me to do so. The voice may have been speaking about psychic phenomena. I think the voice was low and a bit gravelly, but gentle and intelligent sounding.

      I saw a book that was much bigger than all the other books. All the other books were small and black, almost like binder-shaped date books. This book was tall, hardcover, with a red, cloth cover. There was gold lettering along the spine, giving the book's title, which probably had the work "Psychic" in it.

      I opened the book. The man's voice was, I think, now talking about either the Book of Revelations or the end times. I thought that the book I opened must have been the Bible, and that I must have been reading a passage from the Book of Revelations.

      But when I looked closer at the words, I realized I was actually reading the text from a Christian book called Renewing Your Mind, by a pastor named Marilyn Hickey. (IWL this was an important book for my family when I was a young boy.)

      Dream #2

      Possibly down in the canyon of a United States National Park. Probably in the parking lot for the visitor's center at the park.

      I stood outside my mom's car. My mom was dropping me off here. I was going to be here for a long time. I was possibly going to work and live here.

      I saw all this as if from outside my body and up in the air, at least three meters up in the air, and at varying lengths from my body -- between three meters away and fifty meters away, at the other end of the parking lot.
    10. drunk sister; hollyhocks and dog kiss; late, to school

      by , 12-20-2011 at 03:41 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Happy holidays! The icy Dream Views logo is really fun. And the Santa Claus flying through the moon is cool, too.

      Dream #1

      It was night. I was either getting into or out of a car with my sister and my brother-in-law. The car was probably my sister's. It was a kind of short car, and it was packed all around by some bigger SUVs.

      My sister was drunk, but she was trying to act like she wasn't. She was trying to act nice for my sake.

      We now all got out of the car. The parking lot the car was in was in some downtown-like area. There was a really big, ominous-looking, tan-brick building right at the edge of the lot.

      We walked out to the road, which felt very old and run-down. This place was like one of those downtowns that shut down completely at night. We were all alone here. The streetlights seemed like in a horror movie -- the light was all grainy, almost sepia-colored.

      My sister was now not able to control her drunken appearance at all. She even asked, "Hey, isn't there some place we could pick up some booze?"

      I knew there was a store somewhere -- maybe even just across the street and around the corner. I could even see the store, still open, like a chain drug store, its greenish fluorescent lights shining out through a window-wall in a stately, stone building.

      But I figured I'd do what I could to keep us from going to that store. I think my brother-in-law felt the same way.

      Somehow we decided we needed to go to the bathroom. I knew where there was a free public bathroom. We walked off to our right, toward some park-like area, then along a nice, stone walkway.

      The light was just becoming blue with early morning, and there were already tourists out here -- it mostly looked like mothers and daughters.

      We went to some area that looked like a fast food restaurant. It had the same color scheme as Dunkin Donuts, but with a lot more brown. And it was shaped like a wide, low public restroom in a park.

      I knew that this bathroom had either been sponsored by the restaurant or was the restaurant itself. I probably thought the restaurant was McDonald's or Burger King. I think the restaurant itself was closed, but that the bathroom was always open.

      I think we first walked through the restaurant's seating area, which was huge, but completely empty of people. I think we then walked through a concrete-floored, cinder-block-walled hallway that felt like it was a bridge over a road, between two buildings.

      The three of us were now in the bathroom, which was a wide, concrete-floored, cinder-block-walled bathroom, like a really nice public bathroom in a park. But it may have had a Dunkin Donuts color scheme.

      My sister was still drunk -- kind of wandering around randomly. But I myself was now really distracted. Eventually I decided I needed to use the bathroom. I went to a stall, so I could take a crap.

      But I was having trouble closing the stall's door. It wouldn't stay closed. I was also trying to close it by twisting the little doorknob using a huge, wadded up piece of toilet paper. It was like I was afraid to touch anything in the restroom. So I was protecting my hands with toilet paper. But it was really hard to do anything with the amount of toilet paper I had in my hands.

      Then, at some point, I felt some kind of erotic feeling. It related to the feeling of taking a crap. I thought I was going to do something really bad and gross in the stall. And it turned me on sexually. But I didn't want to get caught doing it.

      Then a mother and daughter came into the restroom. I was kind of annoyed. I knew that if a couple of tourists were coming in, then that meant that a whole bunch of people would soon be coming into the bathroom. Everybody would know I was here, and they'd all start harrassing me. So I might as well leave now.

      I might have walked back out of the stall, passed the mother and daughter, found my brother-in-law and sister, and walked back out into the long corridor.

      Dream #2

      It was a nice, sunny day. I was probably in the backyard of the house where my family lived while I was in high school. But the backyard was now three or four times as big as it was IWL, and it was filled with flowers. It was an incredibly huge, English-style garden! Where our garage had been, there was some big, shady kind of pagoda-like structure made of greyish, dark wood.

      There were some little kids running around and playing in the garden. I thought of these kids as something like my friends or siblings. They were all angelically beautiful, like the golden-haired children of storybooks. I feel like they were all involved in some task. But I can't remember what it was.

      My attention was caught by the huge, stalk-like plants near me. I couldn't put a name to them. They seem, now, to have looked like hollyhocks or foxgloves. But they weren't those flowers, either -- I'm pretty sure. They had a kind of fuzzy look. And some of them had bud-like centers: tight, green bulbs, inside a collar of thin, peach petals.

      I was suddenly laying on my back. Our old dog, a cocker spaniel, was standing over me, vigorously licking, or "kissing," my lips. She was actually licking off a bunch of honey that I had on my lips.

      Some voice in the distance (or in my head?), probably a child's voice, asked me either if my dog liked honey, or if my dog liked to kiss me.

      Whatever the question was, I answered, "No, she's just getting the honey off my lips. She's really excited to go traveling. She loves to go places in the car. In fact, when she ----- (can't remember) -----, we'll probably get a nice car for her. Then she'll be happy to go!"

      I now had an image in my head of a white, horse-drawn carriage, like a nineteenth century carriage. But the carriage was very short, proportioned, it seemed, to fit small children or dogs. And there was no top to the cabin of the carriage. It was flat and open, kind of looking like an ornate, white Radio Flyer wagon.

      A man in a suit and top-hat sat in a small front area and drove the carriage. He may also have been holding a white, lace parasol.

      I could see that there was a main seating area: a small square. But there was also a smaller, back rectangle, which, I now guess, could normally be used for luggage.

      But I guess my dog was now dead, because she was stiff and motionless, and we had laid her in the back area, as if it were some kind of coffin for her, or a space that would have fit a coffin for her.

      But I'm pretty sure the carriage wasn't taking my dog to a funeral, but to a wedding. And I may have been a part of the wedding. This was probably whatever I'd been referring to when I'd spoken to the voice. But I'm pretty sure this image didn't have anything to do with what I'd actually said.

      Dream #3

      I was in some kind of huge place, something like an old, French palace, mixed with a museum, mixed with an old, run-down, slummy apartment. The place was filled with all kinds of clutter -- boxes, junk, all over the place.

      There were no lights on, and it was night. The only light coming into the place was extremely dim, orange light from the streetlamps outside.

      There were a few other men in the structure with me. They were all in one room. The place was huge, but we were all sitting in just one room, which had a bunk bed and a computer desk in it, but which was so filled with junk that we could hardly fit ourselves into the room.

      The men may have been Latino, and they may have spoken very little English. They seemed to be in their late thirties or early forties. They were short, a little overweight, and a little tough-seeming.

      The men were being nice or indifferent to me. But I had a feeling that, as time wore on, they'd probably start annoying or harrassing me.

      My mom now came into the room. I was happy just to have someone familiar to me in this environment. It kind of diluted the bad emotional sense I was beginning to get from these guys.

      My mom looked a bit different. She was skinnier, and she had shorter hair. She sent me off to some other room. She told me that we were both getting up early tomorrow morning to take care of some task. She stressed the importance of getting up on time.

      I was excited about the event. And even though it was already late, and that I wouldn't get very much sleep at all if I wanted to get up on time, I was really happy and determined to get up on time.

      I lay down in bed and closed my eyes. Almost immediately, I re-opened them. I realized that I had woken up an hour late!

      I ran out into the hallway to find my mom. It couldn't be true, could it? Had I overslept for the thing I was so excited for?

      My mom was at the other end of the hallway. She said, "Yep, you overslept. But I wasn't going to wake you up."

      I could tell my mom was disappointed in me. I felt horrible. But my mom now said something like, "Hurry up. If you just get your shit together and get out the door right now, we can still probably make it on time."

      I was back in the room with the Latino men. Some of them were sleeping on the bunk bed. One was still up, sitting at the computer desk. The light was still dark. It was still very early morning, before sunrise.

      I crouched before the bunkbed and began arranging something on the cuff of my right shirt sleeve for some reason. It was like I was peeling back my cuff and then twisting it back and forth. It felt like I was trying to put some kind of steel band around my wrist.

      But I realized that I was just wasting my time doing this. My mom was probably out in the car, waiting for me. If I didn't hurry up, my mom would either leave me, or else she'd wait for me and we'd both be too late to make it to our task.

      I stood up to get my shit together and go downstairs. But I was so unfocused. I really couldn't remember what the hell I needed to do. I didn't really know what I needed in order to get the hell out of here. And the Latino men didn't help. It was just like they were waiting for an excuse to distract me.

      I now found myself in a car, an old, clunky station wagon, like the one I drove IWL when I lived out in the desert for a couple of years, working for the Park Service. The car was inside -- in one of the rooms of the house. I sat in the driver's seat. One of the Latino men stood just outside the door, looking in.

      The car only had AM radio (IDL and IWL ). I had a plastic tub -- like the plastic tubs you get for various purposes during hospital stays -- filled with little, plastic knobs, each about 2cm in diameter. I had to put all of these plastic knobs onto various parts of the radio's face. Only after that would my shit be together enough so that I could leave.

      But I couldn't fit all of these knobs onto the radio face! I think I managed to find ways to fit some of them onto the volume and tuning knobs. I also popped some of them onto the set-station buttons. And I may have tried to stick some onto the actual station indicator plate. But I was running out of space. And I had a ton of knobs left!

      I was now by myself in a large hallway, probably inside an apartment. It was night, and the hallway was pretty dark.

      I stood near the front door. The door was made of old, worn-out wood. I could feel something like a gentle wind whispering past the door. I knew it was some kind of presence. I partly thought it was a ghost. But I also thought it was some person -- or, a person coming, not a person who was actually there yet.

      I knew that I was still a bit early. But as long as I kept aware of the situation, I'd see the person. Then I could meet the person just outside the apartment. I may actually have just thought of this person as only a breeze of wind.

      I was now looking out through my door through a small, square window that was maybe 30cm directly above the doorknob. Looking out, I saw the dark sapphire sky of morning. I could see that out there was something like a brambly yard, which may have been something like a big, nice garden.

      I was telling myself something very soothing, like the person who was coming to me was a very nice person, and that I had nothing to worry about or be afraid of.

      I watched one or two people crossing my field of view. They were walking along some path, I think, that crossed between the garden and some much wider field. They were a man and a woman. A man may also later have crossed by himself.

      I told myself, "See? See how nice they are? When they come for you, they'll treat you nicely. You have nothing to fear."

      I was now outside. It was a bright, sunny morning. I was drifting up a very, very slight slope, on a long, wide lawn that led up to a sidewalk and an asphalt road.

      I saw a man and a woman walking along the road, heading from the right to the left side of my field of view. The man and woman both looked like they were in their late thirties. But they wore clothes and had hairstyles like from the late 1970s. The man's hairstyle was particularly chunky and bowl-shaped.

      The man and the woman seemed to be in a kind of peevish argument with each other. It scared me a little bit. I felt like if I got into their field of influence, they'd probably start getting all peevish and annoying with me.

      But they were walking pretty quickly. And they were already away from me by the time I got up to the sidewalk.

      Now that I was on the sidewalk, I noticed a few handfuls of people, all adults, walking toward a building. I realized that I was near a university campus.

      The campus neighborhood reminds me now of my occasional visits to the Princeton campus. But the university building, which I saw off to my left, looked more like an elementary school mixed with a modern, suburban church building.

      All the people walking toward the building seemed to be in their thirties and forties. There were men and women. Sometimes people were in groups, talking with each other. Other times they were walking alone.

      Some of the people wore suits or formal attire. Others were wearing caps and gowns, like they were attending a graduation ceremony.

      I also noticed that a lot of the women had very masculine faces. Some of the women were definitely women, just with very hard, squarish faces. But some of the people dressed as women may have been men.

      As I got to the actual building, I realized that it was more like an elementary school. The adults I'd seen funnelling toward this area were actually teachers. They were all now dispersing toward different parts of the building: to their classrooms, I assumed.

      I was in a square, concrete-floored courtyard of the building. There were a lot of kids running all about, rushing, I supposed, to get to their classes.

      There were some adult women posted here and there, apparently to make sure that nobody was getting out of hand. I figured I'd ask one of these women either where I was, or where I was supposed to be. I didn't really know the answer to either of those questions.

      I saw a woman posted just under the covering of the building, at the back, right corner of the courtyard. I figured I'd approach her and ask her what I was here for.

      As I walked toward that woman, a girl wearing a pale pink sweater ran through the courtyard with a clear, plastic bottle of water.

      One of the other women admonished the girl for some reason or another. The girl thought she was being really grown-up and helpful for doing something. But she was also using her task to avoid having to do some thing that all the girls her age needed to do. She knew this. So when the teacher admonished her, she listened.

      But as I was about to reach the woman, some kind of alarm went off. The alarm was the prayer bell. Wherever you were, whatever you were doing, when the prayer bell went off, you had to stop, crouch down on your knees, bow your head to the ground, and start praying to god.

      The ritual seems to me now to be Islam-influenced. But the prayer was more like a Christian prayer mixed with something like the United States Pledge of Allegiance.

      I bowed, too, because I at least knew what all this meant. I was near a stairwell. A girl wearing a Muslim-style head-covering bowed near me.

      As I looked at the floor, I noticed it was tiled in meter-square tiles looking like flecked granite. But this tile was all chipped away in a corner, so that almost a quarter of the tile was chipped into an oily blackness.

      During the prayer-pledge, the girl in the pale pink shirt ran out of the doorway of a classroom near me. She had the water bottle again, and she was about to rush off somewhere. But the woman I was trying to approach told the girl to kneel down and pray, like everybody else.

      The girl said something like, "Oh, yeah. Right." She didn't kneel down, though. She just sat, in some kind of athletic pose, with her back to the wall, and waited for the prayer to finish.

      Something about the girl's face made me think she might have Down's Syndrome. But the girl was really smart and active. I liked her a lot.

      When I got up from the prayer-pledge, I approached the adult woman. I had a feeling now that I was here for some kind of volunteer project with New York Cares. So I asked the woman if she knew where we volunteers were meeting. The woman pointed to the stairwell behind me and said that New York Cares was meeting up on the second floor.

      But before I could go upstairs, a little girl grabbed my hand and told me to help her with her spelling. She dragged me over to something that looked like folding gym mats stood up on one side and w-folded, to look like a gym-mat version of Chinese screens.

      Before the Chinese screen was a long, school-like table that was only 25cm or so above the ground. Both the little girl and I had to kneel to sit at the table. The table had a long sheet of paper across it. The paper was filled with items like multiple choice questions.

      For each number, there may possibly have been questions, probably ridiculously inane questions, like, "How do you spell -----?" as if a kid wouldn't know how to spell a word he was looking right at. But there were no answers in the multiple choice spaces. It was just A, B, C, D, with no answers beside the letters!

      I think what the little girl actually had to do was choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D, and then correctly spell the word in the space beside that letter. I think the little girl may actually have explained this to me herself.

      The little girl was probably learning impaired. But she seemed really smart, as well. She seemed to be doing well enough spelling for herself. And maybe she just wanted me around for the heck of it while she was doing her work.

      But every once in a while I'd have to help her with spelling. At some point, I even chose, and circled?, the letter "C" on one of her questions. I also remember something about one of us writing in cursive.

      Then the little girl's brother came up. He was also, apparently, learning impaired, though not as much as his sister. He may have been a bit younger than the girl. He was climbing all over both me and the little girl, though he mostly seemed to be climbing all over me. He really wanted my attention, and he wanted to prove, I think, that he was smarter than his sister.

      At some point I stood up, as if my lessons for the little girl and boy were over. I told them they'd both done a good job.

      But the boy wanted to see my cell phone for some reason. I was pretty sure that that was not a good idea, because I think I'd been looking on some sort of fetish website before I'd come here. The boy didn't need to be seeing any of that kind of stuff.

      I then saw my phones screen, as if it were flickering on, like a TV would, with a bit of vertical hold striping a black screen, as the TV is getting started up and getting a hold of itself. The striping was yellow -- so it seemed to me that this was "effect" for a production, not real vertical hold striping.

      There was then, probably, some kind of video, maybe starring Hyde from the j-pop band L'Arc en Ciel. But I can't remember anything about it.
    11. 1 Lucid, 3 Dreams (December 18, 2011)

      by , 12-20-2011 at 03:48 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I had a dream character appear as a buddy in all my dreams. I don't think he ever said his name, but I named him Chris and he responded to it.

      Nightmare Tunnel

      I was running through some place we called a "nightmare tunnel" with a dream buddy. The walls of the tunnel were odd swirling shades of yellow. We were running along a bridge/platform from zombies. A trap door then opened in our path and I fell in. I was in a dark room now and I walked down the hall towards the light.

      Now I was in an arena like room with high walls that prevented me from getting back to Chris. Suddenly vents opened and thousands of spiders poured out of them.
      As they surrounded me I suddenly realized that if it was a "nightmare tunnel" then that means I'm in a dream. I slowed down time and did a high jump before they could start crawling on me. While I was in the air a few of them tried jumping at me from the walls. I teleported out of the way to a wall with out spiders and then leaped over the arena to get out.

      I found myself alongside Chris again and now running from zombies, ghosts, swordsmen, and spiders. The bridge suddenly ended and below was just a bottomless pit. Chris turned around to face the monsters and prepared to fight them. I decided to take the easy way out and push him off the bridge. I then jumped down into the pit myself.

      I saw a bright flash of light and I found myself laying in a field. I got up off the ground and found Chris. I explained to him that it was a dream and we could do anything. So we both got the idea to play around with the low gravity. We did a few jumps and flips before quickly becoming bored with that.

      "There's nothing to do in this field." Chris said.
      "Sure there is!" I said as I summoned a slinky.
      "What are you going to do with that?" He asked.
      "You'll see."

      I placed it between my hands and then magically expanded it to the size of a house. We then jumped on top of the slinky and I made it fly high in the air. I then added some spins and spirals to the flight to make it fun. Once we got past the clouds I decided to let the slinky fall and jump off. I was now happily free falling through the sky. I completely forgot about the landing part though and I hit the ground hard. I immediately got right back up full of energy.

      "Ouch, that hurt a little." I said with my hand over my side.
      "You just fell 1000 feet and you're okay with that?" Chris asked me surprised.
      "Ha ha, if this was real life that would be a broken rib." I said laughing.

      Sadly the dream started to fade away at this point. More things may have happened, but I can't remember.

      A Grim Future

      I was inside an old rundown building. It was abandoned and looked like no one had lived there in years. Chris from the last dream was by my side again and was exploring with me. As we moved around the house I started to notice that it looked a lot like my home. We were on the second floor but didn't find anything interesting. I fallowed Chris down the stairs and into one of the larger rooms. I recognized it as my living room and realized that it was my home. I then shined my flash light near the couch. In the light I saw the two dead bodies of my parents.

      "What the hell is happening here?" I thought out loud.
      "You time traveled, remember?" Chris answered.
      "How far did I go?" I asked him.
      "About a few years I think." He said.

      Through out the house I found more dead bodies of family members. I also found several animal bodies of pets I've had through my life. I woke up shortly after.

      The Honor Code

      I was in the living room of a very nice house. That's all I can really it say, it was fancified. I found Chris sleeping on the floor.

      "Chris, get off the floor." I said.
      "I was sleeping" He said annoyed.
      "Look outside." I said while pointing to the window.

      We walked to the window and looked outside. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and there were gray clouds covering the sky. We looked to see a caravan sinking into a pond and a many people drowning. Medieval soldiers soon arrived and worked hard to get them out of the water.

      "Shouldn't we go help them?" I asked.
      "Not unless we're in the army." He said.
      "Seriously? We can't help people unless we're soldiers?" I asked in disappointment.
      "I heard they're offering a 3 day trial period. That should be long enough for us." He said.
      "Well then let's go!" I said excitedly.

      I turned away from the window and saw a man of about my age in the living room. Looking at his clothes I could tell he was associated with the military but only a squire. He was messing with a few statues and antiques in the room.

      "Can I help you?" I asked him.

      I startled him and he dropped the small vase he was holding. We both looked at it as it fell to the ground and shattered. He looked up and smiled sheepishly.

      "It's not mine but you're paying for it." I told the squire.
      "I was sent to help you find the barracks." He said.
      "Okay..." I said expecting him to explain more.
      "We must go there for you to sign the honor code." Chris explained.
      "Lead the way." I said.

      We walked outside into the snowy weather and the squire pulled out a map. I tried reading it, but I couldn't make sense out of it. He pointed down the road leading to the village and we followed him. Unfortunately the dream kind of skipped straight past the village and into the barracks.

      The squire pulled a golden tablet out from a desk drawer. He motioned me forward and handed me a quill. He started rambling a bunch of nonsense that I kind of ignored until he mentioned magic.

      "This golden tablet is the honor code. It is magical device that will decide if you're with or with out honor. Just sign right here." He instructed me.

      I took the quill and signed the tablet, but it was more like random scribbles. I then stepped aside so Chris could sign. Neither of us blew up or anything so I figured we passed. The squire then scribbled something on a scroll and said we passed.

      The next thing I know I'm at a fair with rides and stuff in chainmail armor. I knew my job was to watch for crime and keep peace at the event. Despite this, I walked up and down the street trying to find Chris.

      "Chris! Where are you?!" I shouted into the crowd of people.
      "Right here." He said as he walked up to me.
      "Where the hell did you go?" I asked.
      "Rollercoaster." He replied.
      "I see you also got cotton candy..." I said staring at the bag of pink fluff strapped to his side.
      "Want some?" He asked.
      "Yup!" I said happily.

      So we spent the rest of the dream just sitting on a bench and eating cotton candy. As with all cotton candy, it was tasty.


      It was a bright sunny day and I was riding a rubber raft in the ocean. My sister and a weasel were also in the raft with me. I saw Chris in the water working hard to push the raft.

      "Why did we bring a weasel?" I asked Chris.
      "New dream law." He said.
      "And it's a law because...?" I asked confused.
      "There's been a lot of dragon sightings around here lately. Everyone is now ordered to have a weasel at sea. It will protect us from the dragon." He explained to me.

      I then saw a large white dragon leap out of the water nearby. It wasn't aggressive and it swam away. I noticed that me and my sister were wearing colorful electronic knee and elbow pads. I read the screen on my elbow pad (impossible in real life) and it showed 1000 points. I figured this referred to power points and could be used for defensive abilities and magical attacks. I placed my elbow on my sister's knee and gave her half of my points to add to her defenses. Thanks to our training from the last dream, me and Chris knew much more about fighting dragons than her and I was worried that the dragon could still attack. It appeared a few times, but luckily we never got in a fight.

      We started to approach an island with slides and swing sets. It looked exactly like the playground I usually visit in dreams except it was surrounded by water and sandy. We got off the raft and stepped onto the beach. Unfortunately Chris said he had more rafts to deliver. The whole island was essentially the playing field of a game. There were many children there wearing colored knee and elbow pads like us. I noticed many of my family members sitting on the beach, but I didn't bother to greet them. I kid then ran by me at a super speed and smacked my elbow with his elbow.

      "Ha Ha!" he taunted.
      "Fricking pointjacker!" I yelled at him.

      He had taken 35 points or so from me. I couldn't ask my sister for any of my points back because I felt that would be dishonorable. I also knew she would need them more because these guys were hardcore. I wasn't interested in taking power points from other kids either as that was like stealing money to me. I just wanted to play around like I usually do on the playground.

      I saw a wooden toy intended for climbing on past the swing sets. As I walked over there I stayed close to the swing sets where these gamers were too busy swinging. I got too close though and took a foot to the face and fell to the ground. I turned onto my back and saw a fat kid get off the swing in front of me. I stood up to face him eye to eye (sadly I was a foot shorter in this dream). It was the kid that accidentally kicked me in the face.

      "You tryin' to steal my points?" He said in an attempt to intimidate me.
      "No." I said firmly.
      "I thinks you are." He said smugly.
      "Just passing by." I said.

      I had already started walking towards the wooden toy again before he could get out another word. I wasn't in the mood for dealing people like him. So I started climbing multiple platforms and layers inside the structure. I stopped when I heard footsteps coming from the ground below me. I snuck to a position where I could remain hidden and observe. I saw the same kid from before wandering around below trying to find me. I jumped down and tackled him to the ground. I held him down until I had absorbed all of his power points.

      "Please go away now." I said irritated.
      "Mommy!!!" He cried and ran off.
      "Finally." I said to myself.

      I walked over to my family sitting on the beach and just looked out into the ocean. The dream faded away after this.


      Chris seems to be a much better dream character than most. He just makes things more fun. Unfortunately I didn't take his hints that I was dreaming. I hope to see him in more of my dreams.
    12. 4 Dreams (December 16, 2011)

      by , 12-18-2011 at 02:45 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Arrow to the Knee

      It was the middle of the night and there was a full moon surrounded with a yellow haze. The first thing I can remember was being an ant and I was being chased. I was being chased by another larger ant who was pissed about something I did. I ran through the jungle like environment of the grass field. I felt compelled to follow the direction of the yellow moon. I eventually came across an ant size house and recognized it as home. I ran inside and locked the door to keep the other ant away.

      Suddenly I was human again, but didn't take any notice to the change. I looked up and saw my mother and another man standing next to her.
      "Who the hell are you?" I asked the man confused.
      "I'm your step father. Don't you remember?" He explained.
      "I don't have a step father." I said.

      We continued to argue it for a little while. Somewhere along the way we got mad at each other and both pulled out bows and arrows. We then ran around the house shooting each other, but mostly missing. I used to be a dreamer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee. In other words, he shot me in the knee and I woke up.


      I was in my grandma's living room with my sister and we were just standing around doing nothing. Then I felt the urge to look towards the hallway. On the ceiling I noticed a large black scorpion slowly lowering itself from a string of web. I jumped back shocked because there aren't supposed to be scorpions in Ohio and I don't like them. I sprinted through the hallway to find my grandmother. When I found her she was in the kitchen standing at the sink and making a salad.
      "There's a really freaking huge scorpion over there!" I yelled to her.
      "Scorpion?" She said confused.
      "Waaaaiiit! I forgot my sister!"

      I ran back down the hallway and had to duck real low because the scorpion was half way down to the floor already. When I got to the living room, I didn't have to say anything to get her to follow me. As I ran back to the kitchen I saw my grandma with a huge bucket of water. She placed it in the hallway and then grabbed a hose connected to the sink. It seemed that she was prepared.

      The scorpion had lowered itself to the ground and multiple baby scorpions came from behind it. The larger scorpion charged first and tried to leap over the bucket of water. My grandma shot it with the hose and knocked the scorpion into the bucket. She then continued to spray it and kick the bucket over like a boss.

      Many baby scorpions then swarmed around the bucket as they were sprayed with water. A small red scorpion managed to sneak by onto a shelf to my right. It jumped onto me and stung my arm. I grabbed it and smashed it against the counter. I started to feel a severe burning where I was stung, but I could only ignore it. I then took a glass full of water and started splashing the scorpions with it. It was surprisingly effective.

      When all the scorpions were dead we all sat down at the table to rest. "Anyone get stung?" I asked. I looked at them and noticed they had stingers straight through their hands. I then brought my hand to my face and saw at least 7 long green stingers piercing through my right hand. I rested my hand on the table and made a plan to pull the stingers out. My hand was starting to shake and burn from the poison and it felt horrible. I managed to pull one of the two needles out of my index finger. It was too painful for me to continue and I woke up.

      You Drive

      It was the middle of the day and I was driving an awesome looking yellow car. My dad was sitting in the passenger seat and instructing me. Suddenly the car started picking up speed beyond my control. We were roaring through the city at impossible speeds and I struggled to avoid running into everything. It was at this moment that I suddenly remembered I hate driving and told my dad to drive. So we somehow managed to switch seats while moving at 300mph. Then my dad decided that I should be the one driving and we switched seats again. We kept switching back and forth a few more times until it was actually funny. As I was driving, a giant wave of water came pouring through the city. I motioned to try to steer away from it, but it was too late. The wave smashed through the windshield and the force of it snapped my neck. Needless to say, I died and woke up.

      Booster Shots

      So I was just riding along on a school bus and everything was fairly normal. Then a man in the front got out of his seat and announced that it was booster shot day. So everyone including me got in a line. I'm not afraid of needles so I had nothing to worry about. Then I saw the man give the kid in front of me a shot through the anal wall. He then motioned me to come forward, but I slowly stepped back.
      "Now don't make this any harder than it needs to be." he said as he move closer.
      "That's not how you give a booster shot!" I yelled at him as I moved further away.
      "Kid, I don't have time for this." He said losing his patience.

      I took the shot away from him and ran to the back of the bus. I started swinging it through the air like a knife or sword. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I said defensively. I then saw the bus driver turn his head and look at me. Shockingly it was an alien head. The aliens head then stretched all the way in front of me as he was still driving.
      "What seems to be the problem here?" he asked me.
      "He wants to stick a needle up my ass!" I shouted, as I pointed to the man.
      "Well then let him." He said calmly.
      "Hell no!" I exclaimed.

      I then stood behind the stone column in the back of the bus. I started swinging my needle around defensively as they moved in closer. Luckily I woke up before anything bad happened.


      Sometimes I wonder why I insist on living when I'm in the dream world.

      Updated 01-03-2012 at 07:39 PM by 32005

      nightmare , non-lucid
    13. mailboxes broken into; dying woman; cleaning room; sexy doll on full house

      by , 12-17-2011 at 06:24 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Ugh! I let my dumb weekend chores spiral out of control. So I'm not making this entry until now!

      Just as a note, the second dream was the closest thing to a nightmare that I've had in a long time. It wasn't very different from many of my other dreams. But, for some reason, it upset me a lot. I could hear myself screaming in the dream. I may actually have woken up screaming.

      Dream #1

      I was heading into the lobby of either an apartment building or a hotel. I had just moved out of my old place and into this new place. The lobby was really wide, but with a low ceiling and a kind of old, worn-out look. There was a little front-desk-type area at the back, right corner of the lobby.

      I headed toward a small room on the left wall, near the front of the lobby. It was the mail room. There were a lot of aluminum mailboxes along the wall on my right side. But a lot of the mailboxes were busted open. Someone had broken into the mailboxes.

      I was arfraid for my own mail. My mailbox may have been open. I had some mail in my box. But it did seem like something was missing.

      I looked at my mail as I walked out of the room. One piece of mail was for some other apartment. The other piece may have been a door tag from FedEx, like what they leave on a door when they come to deliver a package, but the person isn't hme.

      I thought I would either give the piece of wrongly delivered mail directly to the person it belonged to, or else give it to the person at the front desk. But I was kind of afraid to let anybody know that the mailboxes had been broken into. I didn't want the people who'd broken into them to cme after me.

      For some reason I was getting ready to leave the apartment. A FedEx man was coming in at the same time. But instead of asking him about my package, I told him that someone had broken into the mailboxes.

      Dream #2

      A documentary about the effects of some sort of nuclear accident, probably in Russia, though I'm pretty sure it wasn't Chernobyl. The documentary was following the lives of people in a small town near the accident.

      The people had all been exposed to radiation. But they hadn't been moved away from the area where they'd been exposed. Most of the people seemed to be women.

      There was one woman in a bedroom that kind of looked like a hostpital room. The woman was by herself, with her baby, in the room. But the room had multiple beds (or low cots), some of which could be separated from each other by dark blue curtains.

      The woman was walking back and forth with her baby cradled to her chest by means of some kind of blanket. The woman wore a dark green t-shirt and may have been pushed up above the navel of the woman's taut belly.

      A narrator may have said something about how the woman was really ill from the effects of the radiation. Now the woman was laying in one of the low cots, holidng her baby close to her. The baby may then have changed into a three- or four-year-old girl. The girl may have been tending to the mother.

      The view now closed up on the woman's right arm, which was loosely hanging off the edge of the bed. A nurse administered some kind of injection into the woman's arm.

      But either the woman was so sick that her body couldn't take any more medicine, or else the injection had been administered wrongly, and now the woman's body was rejecting it. The woman's vein swelled into a square about 3 cm per side. Then the woman's heart stopped beating.

      I couldn't believe the woman had just died! I was now in the room. I don't know where the daughter was. I don't know where the nurse was. I thought I was myself, by myself.

      I was panicking. I didn't know what to do about the dead woman. I still didn't want to believe she was dead. I thought if I found somebody, they might be able to save her.

      So I used my cell phone and called somebody who I thought could help. I was now out in what I thought was the lobby for a small, narrow apartment complex.

      I got a hold of the person, probably a man. Suddenly I had to admit to myself that the woman was dead, and that that was what I was going to have to explain to the person. As I started talking to the person, I looked at myself in the mirror.

      I was a woman, maybe in her mid- to late-twenties. I was either white or Latina. My skin was pale. I had kind of sharp, almost squarish features. I wore some kind of pale, powdery foundation, and my eyebrows seemed to be pencilled in. I also had my hair in tight braids, which seemed almost like dredds, except with a bunch of tiny tangles coming off of them.

      I then walked toward either a blank wall or a white wall with a plain, white door on it. As I did this, I told the man I was speaking to that I had been the one to administer the shot to the dead woman.

      When I suddenly realized or admitted that I had been the one that had killed the woman, I broke down. I was crying. But my voice was more of a terrified moan, which eventually became a low-pitched, loud scream.

      Dream #3

      I was in "my bedroom," which almost had the shape of my bedroom, but which was almost empty. There were some boxes along the back wall, near the left corner. But I noticed they had been pushed from the wall.

      I was afraid that somebody had been in my room. BUt I was more worried about putting the boxes back into alignment.

      When I looked closer, I noticed that what had probably pushed them out of the way was some really heavy box that had managed to slump over toward the wall in such a way that it wedged in between the other boxes and the wall, pushing the other boxes aside as it slid along the wall, down toward the floor.

      I picked up the heavy box. It was apparently a Christmas package I'd received. I figured I'd just need to open the package now and put the contents wherever they belonged in the house, so that the box would stop interfering with the order of my other boxes.

      I opened the package. A wine bottle was inside. I pulled it out. The green bottle was encased in a white, plastic square, and it had a white, plastic, pull-off top.

      I must have done something with the bottle. But now I was standing near the front wall of my room. The lights had been on before. But now they were off. The only light in the room was coming from my hallway or bathroom.

      I was looking at my room, proud of how clean and spacious it looked, now that I'd organized things so well. But I now noticed that I had a cluttered pile laying a meter or so away from my back and right walll. The pile was mostly clothes, though there may also have been a blanket or beanbag chair.

      I sighed, annoyed that I'd have to clean this stuff up before I could truly think I had a clean room. I lifted up a maroon, button-up shirt made out of some flannel-like material. I folded it. I folded another piece of clothing. I eventually worried that someone, somehow, might discover that I also had female clothing in this pile.

      Dream #4

      One of the very first episodes of the TV show Full House. Almost everybody in the cast was different.

      The house itself also looked a lot different, like a mix between the house in Growing Pains and the house in Family Ties. There was a staircase on the left side of the room, near the front door. At the foot of the staircase was a big piano.

      The dad and Uncle Jesse had kind of secretly worked to buy a doll for the middle daughter of the family. (Uncle Jesse may have been John Stamos, but the dad wasn't Bob Saget.) The two men wanted to make up for something really aggravating that had happened to the girl, and had probably been their fault.

      So the two men left the doll sitting on top of the piano. The room was now empty, though I had an image in my mind's eye of the older daughter, who was the same person as in the regular show, except that she had really straight hair and wore eyeglasses.

      The middle daughter now walked into the house. She was different from the daughter in the regular cast. She saw the baby doll laying on the piano top. Surprised, she rushed to the doll and picked it up. She walked up the stairs with it.

      The doll wore no clothes, probably had a white, cloth body, and plastic limbs, and was either bald or had plastic "hair" molded onto her head.

      Somehow this plain old cloth and plastic doll managed to pee. She just let out a huge gush of water, getting the daughter's front all wet.

      The daughter's appearance had changed. She now looked like a "rebel girl" or "skater girl" kind of TV show character. She cried out, "Oh, god! You peed all over me!"

      The daughter needed to clean herself off. But now the whole scene started over again. But everything that had already happened was still remembered by the characters.

      The doll was placed, by an unseen erson, on the piano top. For a moment, the camera view closed in really tight on the doll, who seemed to be surrounded by a tiny square of little, wooden bars, almost like a mini, doll-sized railing that had been built onto the piano top.

      The daughter ran in and picked it up, this time without any surprise or excitement. The daughter may also still have needed to clean the pee off herself.

      But now the daughter, walking up the stairs, started saying things to the doll like, "Oh, yeah! I really like you! You're really sexy!"

      I wondered why this girl would find a doll so sexy, and I wanted to see more, to see howthis relationship would develop between the girl and the baby doll that she found sexy.
    14. 12/06/2011 - "Chocolate"

      by , 12-13-2011 at 08:34 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was in the woods, but I believe I was only watching this dream; disembodied. It was a backwoods slasher-movie type of scenario, with this huge, hulking mutant of a hillbilly cannibal lumbering around in a filthy shack. I had seen more of this 'creature' - for lack of a better word - earlier on in the dream, but I don't remember very much. I know that he had a double-barrelled shotgun that he carried on him, at all times, and his house was pretty much just carelessly littered with the carcasses of his past victims. And that he was ugly, and that the only word he ever said throughout the dream was "chocolate", in a low, neanderthalic voice.

      Before too long, there was a group of three hikers, who'd come up a trail that took them into this freakshow's area. They soon found themselves confronted by this monstrousity and abducted at gunpoint - thrown into cages and held until their new host decided that he was hungry. The room that they were being held in looked like a lion's den. The rotting remains of his 'left-overs' thrown carelessly all across the room. It was a disgusting sight, and the hikers knew that they had to try to and escape as soon as they could. At first, they could only see the gory, dismembered remains of those who were there before them, but it wasn't until later that they figured out their mutant captor was actually eating his victims. One of the hikers actually ended up being eaten, but I don't remember it. However I did find out that "chocolate" was what he refered to his victims as, while eating them.

      The last thing I remember is that 2 of the hikers had made it out of the ordeal alive. The other was 'turned into chocolate' - meaning he was eaten. (Actually, it wasn't until writing this, that I realized how much the mutant's calling his victims 'chocolate' sounded so much like when Majin Buu was turning people into chocolate on Dragonball Z.) The remaining two had spent the last few minutes running for their lives, through the woods, and had stopped somewhere to breathe, thinking that they had lost their pursuer. I was watching them, sitting on a downed tree trunk, just beginning to relax after the hell they'd been through. Then, I heard the familiar grumble of the word "chocolate," and twin shotgun barrells raised up into my perspective, as if I was the one behind the trigger. There was a loud blast, and I watched one of the men explode, from his head to his ribcage - ripped open as if the shotgun blast had been a grenade that went off in his body. I had just enough time to see the man beside him flinch from the crimson explosion, before everything went black.
    15. No one cares/ No one can hear me

      by , 12-05-2011 at 05:34 AM
      Last night my dream was actually a bit unsettling. In it, I watched as an utility pole came undone outside my house and landed on top of Karen Carpenter...yes, that Karen Carpenter. I was unable to move as poor Karen was electrocuted. She even blew apart into separate parts, right in the middle of the road.

      I ran to my grandma's house and started freaking out. My whole family was there, but no one seemed upset that a 70s legend was lying dead and mutilated in the street. I looked outside to check on her. Her brother (I think his name is Richard?) was by her body, sobbing. It was heartwrenching, man.

      I've noticed that a new recurring theme in my dreams has been people not hearing me or not caring when something happens that I consider important. I'm not sure if or how this applies to my waking life, but it's interesting to notice.
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