non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some house, staying with dharma brothers and sisters and my teacher is there too. Can't recall details, but we've been teasing each other, while we sit at opposite couches with different posses. The house starts shaking and chaos ensues, with people jumping over the couches, not knowing where to run to. Some say it is and earthquake, others say it isn't. I go to the nearest window and I see a pit forming around the house and it is full of liquid chocolate on which the house starts to sink. I warn everybody and jump over the pit to safer ground. Then offer help to others. But some don jump and instead pass me trays of chocolate cookies and cakes through the window. Then I am alone with a big guy that I was nice to and he is getting too close for comfort. He looks like a big viking with orange beard, but I have to push him away. He gets mad and demands to know why I don't love him back. I say I could love him if I actually knew him and if he changed his behavior. I buy some time until there are others around, who also escaped the sinking house. They come with paintings, namely portraits of me as a goddess or Wonder Woman. I look gorgeous on the paintings and look at myself for comparison, I suppose. I notice my hair is dark black on the half bottom but has a light brown shade on the top half and I don't like it. So I do some coloring on the top to even out the color, but somehow I end up bleaching most of my hair. At first look, I panic, but then realize I don't look bad blonde. I also have pretty black and pink highlights in the bottom of the hair and it actually looks amazing. Join some event with hundreds of people in an auditorium. My Sensei is on stage talking and then he gets emotional and starts singing a song. He sucks at it, so I accidentally giggle and he is very offended. Says he is doing his best and if there are those who do better, to please come and bless us with their voice. Then he calls me and tells everybody that I am so good that maybe I'll be discovered by someone from the music industry today. Except he knows I hate crowds and singing in front of audiences and surprises. People applaud to incentivize me and I say absolutely no and refuse to go. He comes down the stage and sits really close, on the row in front of me. Someone to my right says we don't need to stay angry at each other and suggests we apologize, but he grunts, so I get up and leave. Outside, I am thinking I can't have my ASD diagnostic soon enough. Maybe then people will understand and be a little more respectful of how hard it is for me to be exposed like that in front of hundreds of people. Then a car passes by on the road, an old model with a big rear. The owners tied, what I assume is their dog, to the windshield wipers and are driving with him standing outside on top of the trunk. The dog seems to be enjoying, but there is a huge risk he slips and gets hang on his leash. They stop at some traffic lights and some courageous guy comes running and unties the dog. The couple inside the car starts complaining and shouts threats, but they keep driving away. We find it odd. I tell the guy they probably will come back, so I stay by his side to support him. But they don't come and instead send a drone with inbuilt communication device. It says please to tie the dog to the drone and return it. I grab the drone and yell to the mic that they have to come and get it or else fuck off. So they obviously don't care about the dog and I tell the guy to keep it. Then the guy also talks to the drone and I notice he is holding the leash, but there is no dog at the end of it. I warn him and we freak out looking for the dog. Turns out he was sitting quietly behind us and allowed me to put the leash on him again, but he had been chewing on it and that's how it broke off. I had a dream based on a story I had watched about this french creep guy who runs a model agency and abuses young modes. I dream I am also working for some modelling agency and the boss sexually harassed me. So I go confront him at some shop where he is supposed to be with his wife and two adult twin daughters, but he is not there. I still deliver my message to the wife and daughters. They mock me. They say my career is ruined and anyway they already received the money I owed them for quitting. I am confused, I swear I did not pay anything and I will actually demand a compensation in court. They keep laughing. A male secretary of theirs explains to me they already received a transfer from my parents after they were told I was quitting the program. I am pissed. They then taunt me that I am throwing away international fame and riches because of nothing. I say I prefer keeping my self respect and dignity and be happy than a sell-out zombie raped by that sleaze bag for any money in the world and also that there are many ways to make money in life. They are getting upset with me and stop laughing and just want me to go away. Eventually I do, I see I am not going to open up their eyes to how pathetic they are. I cross the road, there are trams going both ways and lots of people on the crosswalk. I see the river down the street ahead. I am supposed to go to the street on the right, but I lots of people going straight ahead in a party mode, so I follow them. Then I also come across people showing indignation and complaining about some bullfighting. By the river, I see a fence around and area with sand on the ground, clearly an improvised arena. Outside is a small stable with about 6 young male calves lined up and some people are cheering and celebrating while others are naturally mourning the faith of the young ones and petting them. I get closer to also pet them and to say prayers for them. Then I spot a female calve on the side, looking very weak and being totally ignored. I guess she is there by mistake and no one seems to care about her. I get closer and she comes to me to cuddle up and lick me. I hug her and immediately decide I need to get out of there and take her with me somehow.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I live in a community within a sheltered complex with many layers or levels inwards. We can go outside but we have to be careful coming back to not reveal our entrances and entrance codes. I go out for the 1st time and without permission, by sneaking out after some group. Inside the door there is a poster with the pin number to come back in and I have to memorize it. The outside is just a normal city alley. I get in trouble soon after when I encounter a group of dudes who seem to be up to no good. I try to shake them off, but they keep following me, so as soon as I can, I try to go back into the complex. But somehow they saw me putting the pin code and they manage to come inside. The first tier of the complex is just a giant warehouse organized as a maze and I manage to escape them as I know the place better. But they also seem to know too much, so I try to reach the authorities to warn about the intruders. I learn they aren't the first ones. There has been some attacks and intrusions from the outside and seems like there are people from within helping out and we are about to go into war. They want to recruit me to fly a drone, but the process is too scary. They basically plug in our brains to an AI drone. It makes no sense to me as the AI is making all the decisions any way and the pilots just look like zombies. They say if the drone is shot down the pilot isn't even aware of anything. I don't get it. So I run away from that to and join a rebel group within this world that lives on top of a hill with trees and a whole natural life. Some drone crashes into their territory or so I thought. Turns out it really just landed in there and it brings weapons. Basically this group is also being called to join the fight. Then I meet some really underground rebels and join them. But I am a bit suspicious of their methods. They take me along to some mission at an official governmental building full of people who are there to work out some bureaucracies. Riverstone is there. My "friends" disappear for a while and when they come back they put on some masks and tell me we need to go. I know what they just did, so I say no. They leave me behind and block the exit door. I warn people that there is a chemical weapon about to blow up and immediately something blows up in smoke. Riverstone panics and I ask him to look around for heavy objects we might use to break the door or a window. He tries a vase to break a window, doesn't work, he inhales some gas and starts collapsing. I see a secondary door in some nook where the smoke hasn't reached yet and I grab a fire extinguisher and strike it down until I break the lock. It leads to a hallway with open access to a garden with a lake. I go back and call everybody to this door and tell them to help the ones who already lost conscience and are laying on the ground. After some effort, there were no casualties, but people are very tired and in shock. A couple persons offer me some cookies as a gesture of appreciation for my help and I find them delicious.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the future, there are city areas we cannot walk into, because drones attack immediately and also bombs are dropped regularly. But I need to meet someone who hides there, so I take a chance. I arrive there just before the daily bombing and the locals help me find shelter. I bring this person with me. We need to enter a museum for some reason but it is not open to the public. We try going in and they reject us. Then it starts raining but it's acid rain, to the point it burns the skin. People run for cover. We hide under a sculpture on a square. Then we see a monster they sent to track us down and we have to run from it. Going to a grocery store with Riverstone and we spot an alien monster hiding in the store. The owner is totally unaware and every time we spot the alien moving he doesn't see it. We keep trying to prove him it's real but he morphs and shapeshifts. Then it also behaves as a ghost and possesses the store objects. There are children size dolls which start moving and Riverstone freaks out (one of his biggest fears) and says he is leaving. Attending some kind of seminar. There is a lot of people and the rooms are small so they put a camera on the presentation room and are projecting it on screens in other rooms. I stay in the room where the speaker is. At the end there's is a play about an Indian guy who wants to marry some rich girl but has little chances. After a lot of rejection her father allows them to meet and even go on a trip together but then it's clear the girl doesn't love him and all of it was a waste of time. But on exiting the theater, the actor who played the rejected guy attracts a lot of girls, who go after him.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection I am in VFX, the nearest city, heading to the bus station to get a bus home, but the street is packed with people. It's some holiday and everyone is celebrating. Then I realize I am not wearing a mask and have been walking through all these people who are also maskless. I look deep inside my bag and find a mask I carry for emergencies. The buses are not coming and people are angry. Then a group of people at the end of the line for the bus, spots a bus stopping a few hundred meters before, to avoid the crowd and they start running to get to it firs. I join them. Then a meteorite crosses the sky. We hear something on the news about incoming meteorites worldwide. When I finally get to my mom's home, another one of those meteorites flies by her building. I go to the window to check it out and realize it is not a meteorite but a spherical UFO. It comes to check our windows. I tell mom to stay still but the UFO somehow enters the room without breaking the window and analyzes us. Mom panics and collapses. The UFO is a type of intelligent drone and asks us to cooperate or else. Then forces us to have a math lesson with a hologram teacher, who for some reason is Cristina, a Portuguese tv host. She asks me to solve a math problem but I struggle with it, because she wrote it on a screen and immediately deleted it, plus they give a gadget that is some kind f calculator and I don't know how to operate it. They get upset. Meanwhile my dad comes in, doesn't realize there is an alien drone projecting an hologram, thinks the lady is real and starts flirting with her. I feel so embarrassed that I ask the alien drone to please forgive him and it actually becomes more friendly. Spending some time at some place like a kindergarten. I am friends with the teacher and I am replacing or helping her. RAP has a kid going there and at the end of the day comes to get him. We meet and we get very friendly, we goof around a lot. I think he likes me. Then his wife also comes by and he introduces me to her with too much enthusiasm and with his hand around my waist. I feel awkward and she clearly is very upset. She is gorgeous, but I get the vibe he has way more fun with me. Some woman complains the next day that her kids didn't do homework or something and that it was our fault. I am sleeping over at some Japanese friends' house. When I arrive he serves me tea. Hands me a strange package with detachable packets, each one with a different infusion. I just want to drink some hot beverage, but he claims it is important that I read the texts printed on each packet and choose the one I want accordingly, no matter if it's in the middle or end of it. I say I don't care, just detach the first one and he insists the choice is part of the experience and we end up debating the virtues of caring or not for that and I no longer care about the tea. I then spot on his tv some anime show that looks familiar. I see that it is written by a polish guy I know from the Sangha. I love it and then realize it is very similar to the story I have been wanting to finish for a graphic novel. I am back in VFX with Riverstone and the town looks totally different. The street layout is changed, one of the main roads is now pedestrian friendly and it has now lots of tourist shops selling historic artifacts and ethnic crafts. I find my dad at an Indian shop arguing with the seller that some amethyst necklace is actually made of turquoise. I try to reason with him that the Indian guy is right but he insists we are wrong. I accidentally damage a bag some with ink I had in my hand and try to hide it, but then my dad knocks down a bottle of perfume and breaks so all attentions go to him. I think I have a moment of astral projection. Starts off as a false awakening in my bed, it's dark in my room, I feel my cats cozied up in bed with me, but at the same time I realize I am not quite in my body and I am seeing through my closed eyelids. Then I hear a strange "ting ting" noise approaching and recognize it as my grandpa's walker coming towards my room and stopping by the side of my bed. I don't see him, but I do feel very clearly a presence and a darker shadow where the sound just stopped. My grandpa died a couple of days ago, so I realize I am being visited by a ghost. First I feel scared but then force myself to calm down, after all it is just grandpa checking on me before possibly departing to elsewhere. Just like he would do when he was alive, he would walk by silently and look casually without saying a word before moving on. At some area with apartments, shops and gym. I just had an ice cream at a food truck and some guys that know me and some who don't, just exchanged some comments and catcalled me. I am a gorgeous woman, with the looks of the likes of Sofia Vergara, but I am also a detective or police agent in my pant suit trying to be respected for who I am. The sun is setting as I walk across a courtyard leading to a long staircase down to a car park. From the top of the stairs I see the shadow of someone stabbing another person at the car park. I am unarmed and my instinct is to go back and see if nobody else is coming and call for backup. I enter a gym that is just right next to me and warn some women there of what just happened so they take cover and hide. I also call the police and they say they already had been warned because there are more bodies and the killer is on a spree. When they arrive, they take me to where there is a line of bodies left by the killer on a street nearby and they evacuate everybody in the danger zone to a safer place. The manhunt starts. I find a suspicious black woman hiding in a tight corner of an alley holding a knife. I tell her to stand down but she won't and tries to attack me. I remove her knife but she has more knives and keeps reaching out to it. I manage to remove all knives and immobilize her and other agents come to take her. She claims she is only hiding from the killer and has the right to defend herself because I could be the killer. I grant her the benefit of the doubt and I say that I believe her and I apologize if we are being unfair but she still needs to be interrogated because she was acting suspicious and had some 5 knives on her. The officers then tell me they have found the suspect, a male, and he is cornered on the top floor of a building with a kid hostage. We all go there but only I go inside the room to negotiate. He has a knife pointed to the kids throat but I get close enough to throw a small knife to his head. Doesn't kill him but hurts him enough so he drops the kid. The kid is taken by other officers. The killer takes the knife out of his skull and grabs more knives. We fight, he cuts me a bit, but in the end I make a choke hold with my legs around his neck, disarm him and flip back throwing him unconscious. I am exhausted and hurt. All my colleagues are in state of shock and awe and unable to say anything. I feel sad and lonely as I pass them going down the stairs.
Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:30 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have a broken window and my cat Yéti escapes to outside. I go get him. A storm is coming and my mom screams when a thunder bangs at distance. I go back inside. Besides my actual cats, we have dozens more weird cats in the house. One is purple. Two black ones look like alien pigs. Also there is a nasty dog growling at mom. I growl back at him and he goes away. I put everybody and the cats on a bus and we go on a trip. A yellow cat gets out of the bus at some stop we make and doesn't want to come back inside. Seems to adopt a service station we stopped at. He finds other cats there he connects to. I accept him wanting to stay there. When I am ready to go away, I find a strange vase in the bus, with a message and a flower bouquet. I open the paper to read the message and the bouquet starts beeping and smoking. I tell everyone to run as it seems to be a bomb. It kind of explodes, but not a deadly blast, instead, it releases a swarm of tiny drones that first form a heart shape, but then start hunting us down. Most of them are locked on me. Others disperse and shoot at everyone else. I run into a building nearby, seems like a mall. The door is made of glass and does not lock on the inside. I managed to take cover inside and close it behind me, but someone else comes in and the drones take advantage of it and come inside too. I ask a Japanese girl where is the bathroom and she points me to a cabin on a corridor to the left. It's one of those Japanese public restrooms with glass walls that get opaque when we lock them from the inside. But it has some malfunction and the wall confining to the next toilet does not get opaque. A Japanese man comes in to the next stall and also realizes it. We try several things, then he says he is there just to nap anyway and clicks some button that pops out a small bed from a cabinet. I say I also just want to hide for a while, so I pull down the bed too and plan on staying there for some time. But the door keeps unlocking and opening, so at some point, I decide to get out and keep moving. I spot some drones looking for me, one comes face to face with me, identifies me and calls for backup. I open another door, it's a pediatrics clinic and a lady there finds weird that I have no baby with me, but I push my way in. I can watch through a window that outside one drone catches some dude that was not even part of my group and injects something on him. Then a kind of larvae comes out of his eye and soon his entire head is ripped apart by growing tentacles that attach to the wall with suckers, leaving his body hanging in there while being engulfed by the alien being. I decide again to face the drones outside and gather all my Jedi skills to avoid all their hits and knock them all down. I even rip them apart with my bare hands. Then I call for my friends and tell them to come out from their hiding places, because I've disarmed the swarm. They come and we gather around dozens of destroyed drones on the floor.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At my mom's. In the living room I see through the window a kind of drone dropping half a dozen black cubes that seem to be surveying the building. I have a feeling they are probes and will try tog get in. Go meet my mom in the bathroom, who is gently picking up a tiny flying drone and dropping it out of the window. She saw the others too and thinks they are looking for this one. But I have a vision that they will come in looking for us and will be followed by actual aliens to pick us up. I tell mom to grab the essentials and leave. I am in pajama so I put on some clothes in a hurry. I realize the drones broke through but on the neighbor's house next door. I can see in visions what they are doing there. It's as if they don't understand exactly where they are and are still figuring it out. They break stuff and attract another neighbor with the noise. I pick up cellphones and chargers and my mom turns off anything electrical for safety. Then asks why are they taking so long and shouldn't we be gone? I tell her I am still grabbing a coat and then we must go. No time to escape but I have a secret passage in the bathroom. We lock ourselves up in the bathroom, I open a lid on the wall that supposedly hides pipes and electrical stuff but pressing the right combination of buttons, the entire corner of the wall turns around 360 degrees and reveals a secret tunnel. The drones come in the bathroom and suspect of something, they look through the vents but can't find the secret passage. The tunnel leads to the attic of the building. In the attic we find a homeless guy who broke in and been there living for some time. I explain I don't mind he sleeps there, as long as he doesn't steal people's stuff from their storages. I explain we need to stay for a while to escape some bad dudes who invaded our home. Later we go outside together to get food and we come back. He meets a friend who we also bring in. I focus on developing my powers. I climb a wall by sinking my fingers and feet on the wall as if it is jello. I notice near the ceiling a row of holes and I take a peak and see the floor of my living room. I check on my cats and I see a couple of them there eating at the table, some food I left on, having a good time.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I woke up in my teenage bedroom at my parent's house. There is a noise of jets outside and I go check it out and see three Northrop black planes passing by. They are flying quite low. But the stranger thing is they come back and pass in front of my window a couple more times and then come even closer and start circling my building as if scanning it. Last circle they slow down and come really close to my window, like less than a meter away and I realize they are tiny, no more than a meter wide, so they are actually unmanned drones and they seem to be very interested in me. Were they looking for me or did I attract their interest for being up staring at them while everyone else sleeps? I then remember getting my phone to film, but it's too late, they are gone. Meanwhile my mom is awaking and I wanna tell her, she will freak out, but she is dressed up already and in a hurry to go somewhere for a few days for some conference. I feel worried, she never leaves abruptly like this. Later on my father opens the door to a lady and her son. I don't like the woman, she is full of herself, but her son is actually a cool kid. They seem to be trying to fix us together, but there's no way, he is just a kid. Am I also a kid? Because I don't feel like it. I show him my room, the room from my teen years. He likes the furniture but dislikes the arrangement and gives me some advices on decoration. I'm like "seriously?". I go to a museum with Riverstone and Nighthawk. At some point I split from them and go to the museum shop where something strange seems to be happening. There is some lady from a religious organization and a bishop and they are talking some fundamentalist shit to people. Clearly something is about to happen, and I decide to get out from there. But when I reach the door, a fat lady is locking it up with everybody inside. People seem confused and nonreactive, but I protest violently and even start crying making up that my mom is the hospital and I need to go see her. They don't care, they are doing a protest and basically taking everybody in the museum as hostages. They take us to an auditorium and force us to watch some kind of play, that I am sure is meant to brainwash us into their cause. But after offering resistance repeatedly and they reacting violently, I decide to resist by being a nuisance and making noise with some plastics I had in my bag and loud commentaries throughout their attempted play.
Morning of November 22, 2018. Thursday. Dream #: 18,966-01. Reading time: 1 min 40 sec. Readability score: 50. I am looking at the ocean while I am incorporeal. It is near either sunrise or sunset. The ocean’s surface has a purple hue. A drone that I see as firstly flying high in the sky reaches a small island. At first, I do not know what it is. It had been sent to study lemurs. Eventually, I feel that it is invasive and unwarranted. There is a family of lemurs that sits in what is more like an oversized bird nest. An unfamiliar narrator’s voice (very rare in my dreams), as if as part of a documentary, mentions something about the mother lemur and “what she makes of it.” (I hear “make” twice, but I do not recall the full phrase. It seems to imply making something in a literal context but is ambiguous.) I am aware that the mother lemur may capture the drone and hide it somewhere, like inside the nest or covered with something, to prevent humans from watching them or discovering where they are. Purple (as a dominant feature) is an uncommon color in my dreams (though so is orange) and only dominates when coming up more quickly out of slow-wave sleep, of which the ocean represents the residual essence. (Ocean presence of a vivid discernment, other than its depths, typically only occurs in the last dream of a sleep cycle, whereas rivers, lakes, and streams occur near the beginning of every sleep cycle and often even when I am not asleep, in the first stages of hypnagogia. I associate water with the natural melatonin process and sleep itself, usually hearing the imaginary sound of water as I enter sleep.) Lemurs, as well as monkeys, on the fundamental level, are often a precursory subliminal association with coming up out of the dream state, a representation of the infra-self. Flying autosymbolism (either projected or inherited) has occurred in my dreams at least once (typically more than once) during every sleep cycle for over fifty years. It is the main factor of vestibular system correlation, the primary process of resolving physicality because the physicality of the dream state is imaginary (which triggers falling dreams, the so-called “waking start”). The drone is the emerging consciousness factor in this transition, a non-lucid and often invasive dynamic by way of the preconscious, seeking out my infra-self (the lemurs in this case) to initiate consciousness. A look at thousands of my (non-lucid) dream posts on Tumblr (once autosymbolism is legitimately understood) will reveal the same processes with infinite variations.
I am in the culdesac, right on the edge of my driveway. Then I spot a giant drone flying around just feet above the ground. I think about how it is invading my privacy. I am at my church youth group, although it is in my kitchen. My brother is sitting there, laughing so hard, sounding like he's drunk on soda and candy. I get a plastic water bottle and open it, but start laughing extremely hard because it spills all over me. I hand the water bottle to the youth minister and go upstairs to dry off. I remember being afraid of going upstairs alone, but do it anyways. When I get to my bedroom, instead of getting a towel, I choose from a stack of Monk books to read, and I bring one back downstairs. It is in the same dream, but me, my sister and mom are playing a card game called "detective" in our basement. In the game we each get different characters, and when I peeked at my sister's cards, I saw that we were both policemen. My mom revealed that she was someone with the last name of Brown. I am on a rollar coaster with two of my friends. I remember opening my eyes and seeing the world far below. I then notice that we don't really have anything supporting us besides our legs clinging onto the cart, but I don't really care. A bit later I open my eyes and see my house from over head. Then we somehow land in the living room in my house, and I think about how cool it was to be able to drop us off right into my house. I am in my literacy teacher's room, only it is not his classroom. It's my social studies room. But anyways, he gave me a piece of crumpled up paper, and told me to give it back to him at the end of the day. I say OK and start walking away, but then realize that I have to leave early, so I walk back to his class and give him the paper. I think he will be angry at me for not giving it to him at the right time, but he doesn't care. I walk to my locker and hear two teachers singing to the Farewell song from Sound Of Music.
fragment: I was at my parents' house playing poker with friends like we used to do all the time back when I was in high school and for some reason there was no roof on the house. There was a beautiful night sky above and I noticed some strange flying machine that I called a drone in the dream. It zoomed in close to look at us and I became spontaneously lucid. It didn't like what it saw in the home I guess, so it dropped a mini-nuke on the house. I made myself invincible so I couldn't get hurt by it and made all of the fire collect into a billowing pillar of flames that I shot at the drone. The drone flew away and I used my mind-powers to make all of the smoke leave the house. Woke up. fragment 2: Was playing some kind of RPG where I would run around a shopping mall and collect powerful mops and brooms of various colors to battle these evil guys that were chasing me. fragment 3: I was on a stakeout mission with Johnny Depp as the CIA agent from Once Upon a Time in Mexico. We were hanging out in a cab, waiting for someone. The corporation discovered us and Johnny gave me a tiny pistol about the size of my thumb, but it still worked. He said he used to use it all the time on spying missions because it was so easy to hide. We ran to a park and got into a gunfight with some cronies from the corporation. Then a car pulled up with more corporate guys. One of them was carrying giant vials filled with a mysterious red substance. He broke them and clouds of red dust went everywhere. We both ran away, covering our mouths and trying not to breathe. People around us that inhaled the dust started convulsing and then turned into zombies. I had taken one of the corporate guys revolvers and so we kept shooting the zombies as we were running. Eventually we got to a group of other normal people that were hanging out, having a little fiesta. Only two zombies were chasing us at that point, a bride and a groom. They were both moving really slowly too. Johnny said, "Well, no point wasting bullets on these guys. Everybody, grab something to hit them with". The Queen song Don't Stop Me Now started playing as everybody moved around the zombies in a circle, hitting them on the head in unison with various objects. After awhile, there was nothing left of them but bean dip, some salsa, and a brain. One guy bent over and scooped up some of the bean dip with a tortilla chip and ate it. I told him, "You know you're totally going to turn into a zombie, right?" He just smiled at me. Dream ended.
Updated 12-28-2013 at 07:04 PM by 66732
Dream recall from today's nap. Dream 1(fragment): I was at home and there was a weird noise coming out from a router(i don't even have router IWL). Dream 2: I was apparently typing dreams into dreamviews DJ, remembering ones from earlier(fake memory i guess, or?), i had already had many typed, more that usual, huge walls of text. I decided to reread them while visualizing. One was about some kind of base, which then turned into XCOM-like fight on that base. As i was reading i was interrupted by family and there was talk about sleeping schedule, but i refused to change it. I was back to checking DJ and was one about battle in AI War and some missile frigates, clearing up the territory. Then i had one lucid dream i was typing as well(Except it was not lucid, but i was thinking it's lucid when was typing), in which i was at home and was ambushed by some robotic drone, but saw it's reflection and punched it away before it could do anything. Before i could finish typing/visualizing, dream ends.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Monsters in a fortress With a group, trapped in some fortress. We are trying to escape but we are being hunted down by some guy who can transform into a super strong monster. We managed to block some doors behind us, so he can't physically get to us, but he penetrates our minds and causes hallucinations on us, to disorient and, eventually, kill us. We are at some kind of terrace. Some plants to our left become monstrous. A sharp branch pierces through a girl, killing her instantly. Another plant cuts the head of a guy with a razor-like leaf. From nowhere I am attacked by a little critter, the size of a koala, with arms and legs but reminiscent of a fish with shark teeth. It bites me on my jugular and the pain is excruciating. I have the feeling these monsters aren't really real, so I repeat out loud that they are just illusions. When I'm close to faint, the critter's bite looses some strength, it falls on the ground and shrinks until it disappears. I tell the others to follow the same strategy and as they realize we're all hallucinating, they get rid of their own monsters. We count the dead and the survivors and we notice a little girl missing from the group. She had been dropped by a pterodactyl-like flying monster, over the terrace edge and she was dangerously dangling on the outside wall. A guy on the group who looks like Van Damme, says he'll rescue her. He asks for my help in preparing some ropes so he can go get her, but he suffers from some super-hero syndrome and he treats me with incredible arrogance. In the end he fails to rescue the girl and simply gives up. There goes the super-hero down the drain. I decide to finish what he started. The little girl had also been arrogant with me on some previous occasion, demanding that I give her something as if it was my obligation to satisfy her whims. Now her mother is explaining to her the meaning of selflessness, asking her to thank me for saving her life. On the terrace, we find a door leading to the outside of the fortress, where we breath with relief. Then someone reminds us that some other group of people were still trapped inside the fortress. Most people just shrugged their shoulders and said they couldn't do anything for them. But a guy, who was Jim Caviezel, was sitting on a boulder smoking a cigarette, and with a very cool attitude he said he would go back to rescue them. I offered to join him. Retrieving Manjushri sword II Having some erotic dream, when I become aware I am dreaming. I touch some curtains and notice their texture. This makes me fullly lucid and I immediately jump through the window, wishing to crossover to the place where I was last time face to face with the guy who had stolen Manjushri's sword. I land on that same empty room and the guy is there in front of me. Although he looks slightly different from last time, as well as the set, I recognize the situation as the continuation of that other dream. The sword is still in the center of the room, but this time its blade is made of translucent iridescent light of all the colors of the rainbow and it is hovering over a black platform full of gadgets that I assume to be protective mechanisms. Last time I met this guy, we were evaluating each other before making any move, but this time I feel that I should simply go for the sword which I could then use it to fight him. We look each other in the eyes for a second and then I jump to my left get the sword. Immediately one of the gadgets on that platform becomes very alive, shooting deadly lasers at me. I have to withdraw and hide. The guy is watching with a smirk on his face. He is probably thinking I will never be able to beat the defense system and he looks relaxed. But after attacking and testing the machine a few times and learning its moves and glitches, I finally manage to reach the platform and disable the laser gun. Then some black spherical drone emerges, with a round blade on iits belly, but even before it cuts any bit of me, I grab the sword and destroy the drone with a blow. Now the guy is in panic, but too late, I already jumped like a jedi through the roof to a safe distance on the outside. I decided not to waste my time fighting him and his guards. But they don't give up that easily and they start a relentless chase. It follows a long sequence of scenarios and fights. including a theater where I fight one of the guys and a subway station where I try to loose them by jumping from one train to another in opposite direction. At some point the sword starts to loose its glow and it becomes inert, rendering its powers unavailable. I end up in the back of some truck going uphill. When I get off of it, the sword transforms into a metallic ball, the size of an orange. I put it inside my top, between my breasts, where I think it will be safe. I look around and see a bus full of tourists, unloading snowboards and other winter sports materials. I look down the hill and iti is covered in snow. It is becoming dark and down in the valley I see a town, starting to turn its lights on. It looks beautiful and I feel drawn into it. I discretely steal a snowboard from a guy and decide to go to that town. So I snowboard downhill.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 A probe of some kind was going up a wide, grassy hill. At some point it crossed a barbed wire fence. The fence was the boundary for some secret government area. Apparently I was watching the probe's view on some kind of video screen with a group of other people. But the view was really clear, as if I were there myself. I'm not sure who was controlling the probe. It seemed like we were all yelling at the probe to get out of the government area. But it wouldn't. It just kept going straight forward. The probe went up a really steep slope that may have ended in dirt and a rock ledge. It then hit the crest of the hill. The probe began to go over the hill. The view below was pretty vast, like a brown or red desert, but I couldn't make out much. Then a drone came along. It was a small, grey, flying vehicle that looked like a mix between a drone jet and a helicopter. It distracted the probe and may even have made it fly away in the direction of the drone, i.e. off to the left. Dream #2 I stood with a group of people who were either astronauts or actors playing astronauts, or both at different times. It was either dawn or dusk. The sky was a dim silver-blue. Before us lay a huge rocket, like for the old American space launches. But the rocket was actually the shuttle itself. I was now suddenly walking out behind some big, wooden shed with someone else. We were talking about one of the astronauts and what a great person he was. For some reason our discussion made me think either that the launch wasn't going to happen or that the whole thing was just a production, for a movie, all fake. But as we rounded the back corner of the shack I saw the rocket standing upright. The rocket was so huge that I had to believe it was real. I now stood back with the astronauts. They were all climbing into their vehicles. The rocket was back to laying on its side. The side of the rocket was open, like a hatch. A woman who looked very much like a young Raquel Welch with Barbarella hair and a dark blue jumpsuit jumped into the hatch. She then jumped into a smaller structure that itself looked like a rocket. I understood that the big rocket carried everybody into space. The big rocket then fell away from or released these smaller rockets that were packed inside of it. Each astronaut had his own rocket. Another astronaut stood outside the rocket. I kind of saw from his view. He was tall, white, and blonde. He held a grey sweater made of some kind of rough wool. He placed it inside his jumpsuit, against his chest. He then made some weird comment. Apparently a worker, like a maintenance worker, maybe an Irishman, had made this sweater for him. The astronaut commented on how only maintenance workers knew how to use good old material like this for clothing. The crew and I were now all being led to a subway train that was arriving to take us to our launch site. As we got on the train, I became another one of the astronauts. I was a young man, blonde, tan, with beautiful eyes and face and sweeping hair. I and the rest of the crew wore grey, as if it were our uniform, though none of us wore the same thing. As I sat down in a seat perpendicular to the wall, a black girl behind me said to her friend, "Do you see all the people who got on in the grey? They're all from Group 60." I understood that Group 60 was the name of the astronauts' crew. I was now walking through some kind of suburban neighborhood. It was like I was back in my hometown, visiting it for old times' sake before I went on my mission. It was a sunny day and hot. I then walked along some road going up an incline and under the shade of a lot of trees. I was kind of worried that I wouldn't get to the launch in time. Then two guys came up to me. One of them, white with a kind of reddish-tan face and scraggly, blonde hair and beard, approached me as if to ask for money. I didn't want to hear the guy, so I walked across the street. But he seemed to be following me. So I moved faster by hopping up in the air and flying (even though in the dream I wasn't quite aware that I was flying). The man called after me with some cuss words. I now had the view of a probe, either a flying probe or a rover. I was going up a wide hill that seemed to be all brownish-red soil and rocks. I passed some kind of barbed wire fence, which was the boundary for some kind of government area. I then climbed up an extremely steep slope, which was topped with a rocky outcropping. At the top, I saw down the other side. It was a vast view, but I couldn't make anything out. Suddenly a flying drone approached the probe. The drone looked like a dragonfly. It had two headlights (?) that looked like eyes. It also had something that looked like either a helicopter propeller or dragonfly wings. The vehicle had blue, red, and white markings on its tail which made me understand that it was South Korean. The drone had scrambled the probe's system and was now carrying it to Korea. I could see a map, like a satellite image, of blue ocean and some green landforms. I understood that I was looking at the probe's view of Korea. We were almost there. I, as myself, though still as the probe, tried to figure out how to explain who I was. I needed to get to my space shuttle launch. But I had a feeling that the Korean soldiers would just be a bunch of hard-headed guys who wouldn't listen to a thing I had to say. I now saw an alert that a male Korean jet fighter was sending down to some base. The message alert (like a telephone ring) was actually a strange video. It was of some kind of claymation girl representing a big, fat Korean girl (who was supposed to be hot) in a pink bikini. She was getting a phone call, which she knew was big news, and which she assumed was tragic. So, even before she answered the phone she broke out into floods of tears. I understood from this that most of the people down at Mission Control were women, and that their boyfriends were mostly pilots. The girls had this alert screen "ringtone" as a reminder of how much they loved their jet fighter boyfriends.