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    1. 11-7-14 Duplicating Portuguese magnate!!

      by , 12-04-2014 at 07:35 PM
      My deceased father and my aunt and sister and my grandfather made their own radio station at the base of a silo. They worked for a long time on it. Then they finished it and they came back to our house. I had a long conversation with my dad and we hugged.

      Afterwards I got to go out and look at the radio station. It actually looked like the inside of a library I go to. I was scheduled to perform a puppet show over the radio.

      My sister and I were walking down an old country road. We were close to the ocean, and parts of the road were flooded, forming tide-pools of various sizes. There was coral in them and all sorts of exotic fish and creatures swimming in the water. My sister didn't want to get her feet wet by walking through the pools so I carried her. But finally the walking got difficult enough that we turned around and started heading home.

      We arrived back at someone else's house other than the one we meant to arrive at. A Portuguese man came up to the door and started jabbering to the owner excitedly. He couldn't understand a word he said so he sent the Portuguese man away.

      A young man started having nightmares about a man named Dan Tacket who claimed to be the president of the Portuguese railway system. He would come into the young man's room, say something unintelligible, look the young man strangely in the eye and then rapidly multiply himself hundreds of times till he filled the whole room. Then all of him would swarm out the door, leaving the young man traumatized, screaming and yelling.
    2. House of Dream Signs (NLD)

      by , 11-22-2014 at 09:06 PM
      I was in a small shop when blood dripping from overhead stained the white shirt I was wearing. I looked up and I could see small circles of blood pooling and dripping down from from the ceiling in two separate places. Where could it be coming from? The explanation that seemed most likely was that the vampires were leaving their victims on the roof again. If so, I was going to be very annoyed, because sometimes it was days before anyone found them and by then they were going bad. I wondered if I should go up and check, but remembered that there was somewhere I needed to be shortly so I would have to hurry home to shower and change my shirt.

      Back home, I had sufficient awareness to notice that the place looked unfamiliar (like most of my dream places, it resembled nowhere I've been in RL), but then I remembered that we had just moved here. I walked around admiring the new house: it was much more spacious than the last one, and had great atmosphere. For instance, in my room there were places where tree roots were growing down over the wall, creating beautiful lattice patterns and giving the room a pleasant rustic feel. I remembered my last landlord was always paranoid about tree roots growing near the house, but in this case their growth had been shaped in such a way that they formed a wonderful symbiosis with the architecture. There was a shallow pond my room too, unless I'm remembering a different room, and some kind of fish or crustaceans living in the pond.

      I found my mother in the yard just behind the house. She was engaged in some kind of task, using a tree stump as a base to scrub the blue pigment off of some pieces of paper (as far as I could make out) and wanted me to come help. I also noticed a little pool or pond in the backyard that I thought I should take a closer look at when I had more time. But it was already 11am and I needed to be at my next engagement by 11:30, which barely left me time to take a shower. My brother came out to help my mom instead, so I excused myself and went back inside the house.

      I passed a room that was entirely filled with an inground swimming pool, leaving just enough floorspace to walk around the edges. I gazed down into the water and was surprised how deep it was. I think my dad was in the room; I remember asking about the depth and then noticing the large black numbers marked on the side of the pool that confirmed his answer: eighteen feet. I reached down to touch the water and was delighted by how warm it was. This was much better than an outdoor pool because we could use it year round! And it was the third body of water I'd seen in the house so far. "I'm really starting to like this house!"

      There was more but my recall gets vague after that. One thing to note, though: this dream was little more than a concatenation of dream signs! Mother, father, brother, unfamiliar house, no less than three bodies of water—somehow I went from one to another in a state of total obliviousness, and yet the dream kept throwing them at me as if to say, "Erm, excuse me. Hey. Hey! Notice anything?"
    3. Desert Adventures (NLD)

      by , 11-10-2014 at 06:16 PM
      I was walking with my dad, who now resembled the older Russell Crowe from Noah, out of the town into a desert to join an expeditionary force that was tasked with recovering some powerful ancient artifact. "Are we going to help them get it or take it for ourselves?" I asked him, trying to clarify our motivations. "We'll see how it plays out," he replied. In the next moment I observed the leader of the expeditionary force raise at least a hundred undead elephants from beneath the sands, adding considerably to the impressiveness of their force. "For them, it looks like," I commented wryly, answering my own question.

      Moving swiftly ahead of the rest, my dad and I were the first ones to reach the stone antechamber that served as the entrance to the dungeon where the artifact was said to be buried. While we waited for the others to catch up, we heard an altercation outside. I heard a booming voice that I understood to be that an antagonist in the form of a powerful AI, announcing that it had trained an orbital telescope upon the army we were assisting. It claimed that the telescope was pointed at an ancient city beneath the sands, and was capable of igniting some flammable resource right underneath the army's feet.

      Although in dastardly-villain style the AI had revealed its plan before executing it, there was no chance to thwart it: in the next moment we saw a tremendous conflagration through the cracks in the partially-open doors of the stone chamber in which we took refuge. Fortunately the entrance was facing the opposite direction from the blast, and although the stone walls at our back protected us from immolation, we still had to put our hands over our faces to protect them from the sudden withering heat.

      We knew that anyone outside who had been exposed to the blast must have been destroyed—all but one, a single man who had arrived just outside the stone antechamber in time to be protected by it. I took him to be the leader of the army that had just been decimated. "Wow," I said, not directing my words to anyone in particular, as he slipped into the antechamber and joined us. "That was... overwhelming." I realized that under these changed circumstances, we would no doubt be seeking the artifact for our own purposes now, though whether this third guy would turn out to be an ally or antagonist in the long run was impossible to predict. "Guess it's just the three of us now," I commented as, without further ado, we started down the stone steps into darkness to begin our adventure.
    4. 10-18-14 Life (and death) on the farm

      by , 10-25-2014 at 09:46 PM
      I dreamed I was working on a farm with a good friend of mine and his father. His father was pulling something with a tractor. Suddenly, he made a sharp right turn and the tractor tipped over on its side. The father wasn't hurt, but my friend was. I started crying and ran to him and picked him up in my arms. He was pinned under the tractor and unconscious. He had been very close to being crushed by a tire. It seemed, though, that he would probably heal in time.

      I was showing director Wes Anderson around our house, and he was entranced by a moving picture of a train that we had hanging on our wall. He commented that he "liked the framing". I'm not sure if it was in reference to the composition of the picture or the picture frame it was hung in.

      Another of my friends and his sister and I and another guy were sitting at a table in a cold room with a radio. It was raining outside. The guy turned on the radio, and a classical station came on, playing Bach's Air for G String. The song made me soooo sad, and I started to cry. The sister moved closer to me and comforted me.
    5. 10-4-14 Get free eggs! Drink earth water!

      by , 10-09-2014 at 05:38 PM
      I saw the earth from space. Millions of blinking red beacons, like cell phone towers, were scattered over the land surface. They reached way up into the sky. I saw the continent of Atlantis, right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. For some reason, the area of earth Atlantis was on shifted south, and I could see that another piece of land lay directly underneath where it had been.

      A strange man was feeding a young boy some pink goo that he called earth water. It was actually menstrual emissions. Eating it produced a chicken egg in the boy's hand.

      My mother and her mother were having a dinner party in a sewer system. I set up a disco ball over the table.

      My dead father had somehow been resurrected. He was much different from what he had been. All he cared about were cows and money. I didn't feel like he really loved me.

      Updated 10-09-2014 at 05:50 PM by 69964

    6. The Elderly Indian Servant

      by , 09-01-2014 at 12:33 PM
      I find myself in a location where I usually vacation with family and friends called the Widerness.
      My Father and I walk back to the communal house I which we have rented.He shows me his Gold Credit card which seems to be in bad condition.Wax and dirt coat the plastic.
      I tell my Dad not to leave the credit card in the communal house in fear that the domestic worker, and elderly Indian man might capitalize and steal it.
      "Don't worry, I can sense he's a good chap" my Dad replies.
      I'm surprised by my Dads positivety.

      We enter the long grey room in the house and find the Indian man washing dishes and making tea in the far corner.
      He offers us the bright yellow tea in mugs and we accept.
      My Dad blatantly tells him its horrible tasting and returns the mug.
      I feel sorry for the man, and embarrassed at my Dads words although i soon reflected and realize he was being honest..the tea did have a foul taste.
      The Indian man leaves seemingly nonreactive to the statement looking fresher than when he arrived.
      My Dad and i then begin to clean the dbris and wax off of his credit card.
    7. 2 LD's Both Late, last one 10 hours In

      by , 04-13-2014 at 02:00 AM
      4/12/13** My awareness is still not up to pre dry streak levels but 3 LDs in 2 days...I'll take it! Lots of fun as well! To bed around 12:10am - tried to simulate son waking me like on 3/30/14 which launched a nice early LD, this time using a gentle alarm ~70 minutes after bed for DEILD attempt but may have had some REM rebound the previous time...will try 80 minutes next time. Completely missed the 3 snoozes 1 hour apart and turned it off at wbtb...my alarm app has a max snooze of 60 minutes so...may be better for late DEILD attempts.

      Interesting non lucid tie-in to another non-lucid in same night. Father Fitzpatrick (name not known to me but I bet there are a few somewhere in the world) is coming by and a Patrick comes by...could it be Patrick Fitzpatrick I wonder...no just a Patrick. In a later dream I tell Father Fitzpatrick "You will not believe this! I had a dream about you last night and this is the first time I am meeting you!"

      DILD 1 - wake from it ~8:40am. I am in a kitchen unlike any from my memory, old style. There is a bag of candies but only 5 left and they look picked over and broken. I am peeking out my curtains and apparently there is a house in the back yard, like an in-law unit but it is a good size white single story home that looked most like an old farm house. I could see someone in the window and then the curtains close. I go back into the kitchen and there is a stranger standing in front of the sink and I realize this is a dream. I decide to knock around the stranger and go on a bit of a rampage around the house messing with different DC's and eventually fly up out of the house and then realize I should fly back down and think about what goals I should do before losing awareness or most likely waking up since I don't recall anything after and my recall was fairly strong tonight.

      * sexual content warning *
      DILD 2 - wake from it ~10:50am - 2 different components from this WILD attempt turned DILD showed up in my dream - an HI that I played with via visualization and then a completely manual visualization. My father and I are on a bus or RV and guiding the driver. I have been here before (false memory) and it goes from 3 lanes to 1. "You can get over one lane...actually you can get all the way over now." We jump out to help in some way and plan to get back on at the red light but the driver runs the red light and leaves us behind. We cross two crosswalks at intersection to get on same street he turned down to see if he pulled over. Nope. We go into a nice hotel lobby and my father says he has the driver's number. I should get it also I think. My father jumps on a University transport bus to borrow a phone but the doors close=2nd separation (1st from others on RV/bus). I know if I stay at the hotel he will find his way back to me and he does later and it has shopping like the hotel is connected to a mall or just a really large hotel with some shops including an ice cream shop. My father makes some corny joke to the lady in the shop and repeats it in case she missed it the first time. I see a woman standing provocatively and realize I am dreaming but start off with lower awareness. She is standing on a ramp elevated purposely giving a view up her skirt and I take a look (this was also the theme of an HI before the dream). I go around like a bit of a dog and enjoyed in particular this large breasted blonde woman (more blonds than normal I think as a result of Scarlett) with a white pull over shirt and jean shorts. I pull up her shirt and she pulls it back down. I tell her "you know you like this" and she goes along. I pull it up again and am expecting a bra clasp in the front and lower the shirt and raise it again willing it to be in the front. Nope, so I reach around and undo the clasp. Nice! I remove her shorts and underwear and my own and she remarks "I think your **** is too big, you might hurt me" but as I stick it in she enjoys it. We go at it a good while to the point of me thinking that this dream just keeps going and going. I carry her around the mall with her legs straddled around me and continue to have sex. We make our way into a movie theater and my father has followed...oh well. They are playing a racy movie on the screen and we continue to have sex in the theater seating. Someone grasps my shoulders from behind and I know that it is my wife. She says "you have saliva all over your ****" I say "saliva...uh, yeah right..." I use my mind to change the movie to a cartoon. There are kids around but I am dreaming, it doesn't really matter. A's friend M (another visualization before dream) comes over and the blond is gone now and she sticks her hand on my **** she just has to get a feel on it. My underwear is back on but I yank it out and let her feel it some more. I wake up physically affected...enough said.
    8. Invisible Skeleton

      by , 03-09-2014 at 02:00 PM
      The beginning is a little confusing. I entered some sort of castle - it was not really a castle, but some sort of ruins of a big, ancient building. The stairs seemed to be made for dwarves, as I could barely go through them. One of them was destroyed so I had to use a rope to go up to the next floor. When I arrived to the top somehow I was in my old house, and a skeleton told me that he had to kill my father. I agreed with that (?) and he touched so I could see him (he was invisible for other people). I could barely see him, only a tiny reflection in the air.

      I went to my father's room and my grandmother was there, making the bed to go to sleep. I helped her as the mattress was too heavy for her. She starting arguing with me about how bad that mattress was, and I told her that that was the most expensive in the store. She went to sleep and I started looking for the skeleton. Not here...neither here... What are you doing behind the curtains? That's fucking creepy you know?

      My parents arrived home and entered their room to go to sleep. I understood that it was not correct what I was doing, so I told my dad to go out of the room for a second, since the skeleton who wanted to kill him was standing there, waiting for the precise moment.

      Okay, come with me and don't ask me anything - I told him as I indicated the main stairs to go outside. My mother went out of the room and I asked her to shut up as I was fearing that the skeleton would come out and kill everybody. I followed my father downstairs and when we were almost out I started to feel anxiety because there were a lot of bugs and leaves in the bottom floor. The thing is that all that was being told to me mentally, like somebody's was narrating an adventure story. We went out of the building.

      I saw my father going upstairs again. The hell are you doing?! - I yelled at him - come the fuck down you dumbass he wants to kill you! He went down again and I told him to go to the boat and to be prepared for us to escape. I went to the top again, but this time climbing with a rope, since I didn't want to meet the creepy bugs and snakes again.

      At this point my father enters into my real life room and I wake up. ''I just dreamed about you''.
    9. My daughter is missing, and it's all my fault

      by , 10-25-2013 at 06:34 PM
      In this nightmare my best friend's kids were my kids, so instead of having my two boys, I had a 7 year old son and a two year old daughter. My father and stepmother were visiting or rather it appeared both we and them were staying at a big hotel. And it seemed that both my husband and I had trouble keeping track of our kids, multiple times in the dream one of us thought the kids were with the other while the other thought they were with one. At the end of the dream, my daughter went missing, and I knew I would never see her again, and I knew it was my fault because of how negligent a parent I was, and it appeared that my father and stepmother were mostly in this dream to witness that. Though at one point I also saw my stepmother sprawled across my father in a way that was indecent for in public, while they were sitting on a bench outside, so there was this awkward moment there too.
    10. DayZ and sickness

      by , 09-10-2013 at 02:06 AM
      Dream: Black
      Lucid: Purple

      The dream started out with me and my brother at my subconscious's remodel of the North West Airfield. It wasn't much of an airfield (it was just a road in a middle of the forest) We were walking around and all of a sudden i get sniped from behind. Im now in a car with my brother (it was like dayz i died and he came to pick me up but it just skipped to the next part of the dream because thats how dreams sometimes are) he told me "I will drop you off in town so you can get some loot, then meet me down at the airfield." i followed with "Can't you just take me with you? I mean you're already going to the airfield." He responded with a grunt and a disappointed "yes". Right after the talk, we see a bus on the side of the road with 3 people. I said "Woah, were not going to take them out, are we?" and before he could answer they sniped him and i ducked. I thought to my self "They must of not seen me..." I then took my brothers MP7 and Ak-47 and snuck up on them. I was on the left side of the bus (the bus's door was on the left). The bottom of the bus was fairly high off the ground so i could see the people around the bus (2 on the right and one in the front). So i ducked under the bus and sprayed both of the people on the right (they didnt die yet but they were bleeding really bad) and then i sprayed the girl in the front. The girl in the front stayed where she was then i went around the corner with my ak and shot both of the others in the head. The girl from the front went around the corner and shot me in the head with a makorav. But soon after i died she bleed out and to my self i thought "WORTH". *Im not exactly sure if this was the same dream or another but it was fairly short* I then got up from my computer and went into the bathroom and i look into the corner of where the door closes (if someone was there the door would conceal them) and i saw my dad sleeping while standing with "green asian zing puke" and i said "Dad, what the fuck?!" he woke up and he was like "What...? Holy shit, we need to clean this up." then i woke up.
    11. The Strange Move: Don't want to leave my socks

      by , 08-20-2013 at 08:56 AM
      I dreamed that my father, my stepmother, and I were moving out of a house. For some reason there was a rush and my stepmother especially was hurrying us along, and we were going to leave most of our stuff behind for good.

      I was worried that we were leaving my fathers guitar, many of my toys (though I was a grown up), but most of all my socks: it appeared my stepmother was actively trying to prevent me from taking any of my socks, and out of some reason I felt very deeply the need to take them.

      We were almost ready to go. I managed to persuaded father that we come in one more time to get more of the stuff, and so I could get some of my socks, and he agreed, against my stepmother's wishes. The socks out of some reason were in a large chest in the basement.

      As we passed the yard, a huge owl landed, and he said "They love eachother very much" (At least I think that was it - what the owl said is the part of my dream recall I am least sure about). I said to my father: Did you hear that? What this owl said? He had heard it, but he insisted that the owl must have learned to parrot the phrase without understanding the meaning. I agreed.

      I did get some of my socks. Though most of my stuff did stay behind.
    12. 8-11-2013 and 8-12-2013 A person who cares

      by , 08-13-2013 at 03:37 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      I didn't log that night...hehe sorry

      The Wrong Lane:
      It's night, and i'm driving on an elevated highway near a swamp village in the middle of nowhere. I get to the top of a hill, i'm driving pretty fast. However, i run off into wrong lane and i hit a ramp which sends my car into the air. I hit some wooden supports as i fall. I then land on a wooden platform. This man then starts chasing me, i run and jump into the swamp below. I make it to a ladder connected to the nearby village land. I climb up and then start lifting weights with some weird guy from the cartoon ed, edd and eddy.

      A person who cares:
      It's night ( lol it's always night! xD ). I arrive at some dojo i've never been to. There's some people i don't know. As class starts, they line up in some weird fashion and i get really confused, i don't know if they're lining up by rank or height. This frustrates me a lot. I then come back later that night and steal some of their souls! Next thing i know, i'm at my house with some kid. We're outside and it's still night ( yep more sexy night time ). We look in the distance and see search helicopters looking for something.

      This gets me worried, i'm afraid something may have happened. The kid then picks me up in an atv, i quickly tell him to stop because i have a bad feeling like a murderer is on the loose or something. I then see my dad and start talking to him. As i do, i see more search helicopters in the background. Something is definitely going on. Then suddenly, my dad picks me up and rushes me inside the house. He must have saw something behind me i thought.
    13. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-26-2013 at 05:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Enough (DILD)

      The waves came in hard, sweeping me off my feet. Swimming against the tide at an angle, I try to regain my footing near the shore, but the unusually steep dropoff made things exceptionally difficult. The best I can manage is to grab hold of my baby sister’s raft and circle my father who hadn’t been phased by the tide.


      I make chase. Through the palace, the ramparts, the temple--merely a game. By the end, I’ve claimed two of the three boars...but I had never been invited to play.


      A crowd had gathered. My father lay upon the throne, sword through his throat, feast laid before him--still alive. Tears hit my cheeks and anger welled from the pit of my stomach. The culprit stood near my dying father, cold, emotionless--I understood why. Falling to my knees at his side, he managed a smile, telling me not to worry, he had been bested and that was that. But I in turn consoled him, pledging vengeance, pledging to finish what he started, assuring him of my abilities.

      And so I turned to the warrior without a name, the warrior who possessed skill enough to slay my father... The challenge I set forth: first to seven hits, or last alive. Solemnly, he agrees, pulling another sword from his side. I grab a pillow sitting beside the throne. In a flash he strikes, slashing high--jugular to hip. I step out, parry with the pillow, and push away. A quick turn precedes his follow-up, but I’ve already trapped the reverse-handed strike, allowing me to parry again and make a hit on his midsection. “Hit,” I clarify, now standing a few paces away, pillow in hand.

      Surprised, he takes a more cautious approach, circling me slowly. “You don’t know what I can do.” I tease, almost mockingly, before teleporting behind him. But he’s ready for it, dodging my feathery attack while launching his own counter. I jump back, putting us both right where we started.

      Dropping the pillow, I broaden my stance and stomp the ground forcefully, tossing up a few small stones into the air. With a few quick jabs, the stones fly towards him; two make contact. “Hit. Hit.” Sensing an opening, he closes in, but I move backwards gracefully, bending water from the earth to deflect his blows. I flick my fingers. “Hit,” and again “Hit,” the water splashes against his face.

      Clearly flustered, he fights water with water, pulling it from the earth as I had done. But I capture it in the air, whipping it around in a gust of wind: “Hit.” And that was that. He walks over to congratulate me on my win, sword still in hand, but then I remember, That was only six. Before he can end it in a single blow, I teleport into a flanking position and strike him with another pebble, sealing my victory and fulfilling my pledge...
    14. Put that tutorial in a cage!

      by , 06-05-2013 at 05:34 PM
      The room is white, featureless, indirectly illuminated, and the only object in the room is a black-metal cage, approximately 42 inches on a side. The bars are about 3 inches apart and I can clearly see that nothing is inside the cage.

      My intention is to put the Dream Control tutorial into this cage. It's what I'm supposed to do and it's also what my father wants. I did feel odd having him advise me in any way about dreaming material but he seemed to know what he was talking about, though he was never in the room.

      I struggled for a while with the concept of placing the tutorial in the cage and how it wouldn't escape the particular style of cage, since the spacing between the bars was easily wide enough to slip through (for a tutorial) when I woke up.

      I don't even know what to say about this dream.
    15. The Golden Skyscraper

      by , 05-30-2013 at 09:55 PM
      Date: May 30, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (attempted DILD)
      Sleep Time: bedtime @ 1:00am WBTB @ 6:00am for 5-10 minutes, then back to sleep Awake @ 10:00am

      Dream #1
      I was planning on putting on a play for my mother with some people (?). We were moving several props to the center so people would be able to see them from a distance. These props included items that belongs in a kitchen and a living room (I guess like furniture). No matter were we moved these props, there seemed to be a problem and we never could get this issue quite right. After some time of moving things around, my mother had passed away in this dream (by the way...my mother is alive) and my father and grandmother had built the most beautiful skyscraper in her memory. It was so tall, the tip of the building was covered by the clouds. The skyscraper was made of pure gold with reflective mirrors all over it. The gold shined brighter than the sun itself. As the building glistened in the sun, it almost look transparent. It's beauty was absolutely awesome!

      Dream #2
      I needed a ride and I didn't know where I was. It was very dark and I was crying and I was scared. I went into a store and asked the owners if they new the bus route and they asked me where I was going. I couldn't tell them exactly where I was going, I just cried and told them I wanted to go home. The owner felt sorry for me and said that he will give me a ride home. I was still crying because even though I had a ride home, I couldn't tell the person which way to go. I remember passing a building in my dream that said "San Bernadino Hospital."

      A huge metal barrel I was rolling around and groceries were inside of it.
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