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    1. The Unprepared Astronaut

      by , 10-05-2012 at 03:46 PM
      I finally made it into space! Even though I had no idea how to handle myself once I got there, the fact that I flew up there was a huge milestone. Before this, stable flight had been a bit elusive for me. Big step forward!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #20: The Unprepared Astronaut

      I'm a graduating senior in college, following around a guy who seems to think we're close friends. I feel pretty guilty because I have no memory of him at all. I'm accompanying him so he can say his post-college goodbyes to his girlfriend. We meet her outside of a dormitory, and I recognize her as a girl that I know from high school. I recognize how weird this is and quickly find myself lucid.

      Both of the dream characters freeze in place, looking into one another's eyes. I decide to leave the love birds alone while I take another pass at Task of the Month. (In this case, I'm going to be trying to remove my head and replace it with a pumpkin.) I try to will a mirror onto the outer dormitory wall but nothing appears.

      I remember how much more dream control success I have when I'm detailed and thorough. I try again, this time imagining an ornate mirror that's been worn by time, the paint on its frame beginning to chip and flake off. This time I get my mirror!

      I look into the mirror but it's dirty and cloudy-looking. The reflection looks like a shirtless me but it's very hard to make out any detail. I wipe at the mirror but it just doesn't make any difference. Rather than get hung up here and waste a lucid dream doing glass-cleaning, I decide to spend my time trying out other things.

      I leave the grounds of the dormitory and head out onto a quiet, empty street. The morning feels chilly and the city is covered with a blanket of fog. I wonder what this fog looks like from above, so I decide to try flying above it. This time, I focus on the little details. The chill of humid air against my fingertips. The breeze flowing past my hair and tickling my scalp. Concentrating on these sensations leaves me no time for doubt and I smoothly rise up into the fog.

      The fog swallows me whole as I rise. I wonder how long it will take me to pierce it. I feel myself going faster and faster and soon I'm rocketing up through the atmosphere. The fog never seems to end and I feel like I must be high above the Earth.

      Suddenly I break through into blackness. I stop rising, my momentum suddenly gone. I'm in the blackness of space and the fog is now a floor below me. I realize that it isn't just the city that was covered in fog -- it's the entire planet. I am able to breathe but I somehow can't keep myself from doing so in these desperate, shallow gasps.

      My flight abilities have stopped working and my arms and legs flail helplessly. I will myself a pair of rocket shoes but I get confused trying to work the lever that turns them on. I start losing my cool and my breathing becomes even gaspier until
      I wake up.

      Updated 10-05-2012 at 05:24 PM by 57387

    2. Followed

      by , 07-26-2012 at 08:55 PM (Hey, Look... A Dream Journal)
      around 9:00am


      Apparently I was in a building which was where my job was situated, except it wasn't because I didn't work in this building. My apparent Supervisor came in and said that we had to do a team building exercise. Myself and another guy started fighting, for no reason whatsoever, great team work, eh? I flipped us over his chair, I had his neck in a headlock and next thing I know I am walking home. It is light at this point and I get a phone call from one of friends. He asks me If I want to play football, I say maybe. This girl comes up to me, she had old fashioned clothes and a short hairstyle. She comes up to me, while I'm on the phone, and starts shouting, shouting at me for no reason. She makes it so I can't hear my friend on the phone and eventually he gets tired of me not replying and hangs up. And it cartoonish fashion, I ran away from her, but she followed me and kept shouting with her hand in the air.

      After I ditch her, I continue my journey home. I get the feeling someone is following me, I then see three guys walking towards me. I notice that the two to the side of the man in the middle is dragging him. He looks dead, so instead of walking towards him, I take walk through the park. It is now pitch black, and I'm walking behind this couple. I look to the side and the two guys dragging the body are still following me. I notice it is very foggy now, it was like something out of Alan Wake. I notice I have a flash light so I shine it around the area, and don't notice anything wrong, so I continue on my way.
    3. Smoke Shop/ School supply store

      by , 03-30-2012 at 01:16 PM
      The dream starts off on the outside of a store front. I was with my best friend Andrew Carder and he was trying to convince me to go into the smoke shop. I was being reluctant because I am not eighteen and I thought I saw my football coach in front of the store. Next thing I know I am in the shop, I don't even remember walking in. I was walking in the back of the store looking around and I see a section divided from the rest of the smoke shop by a wall. I look behind the wall and there are pipes made of hallowed out balls of glass. I turn around and face the last isle of that side of the store. There seems to be a good amount fog coming from that Isle. The next thing I remember is that I am walking in the front of the store and I see an isle that sells school supplies like computer ink and composition paper and stuff like that. I run into a group of dads with their sons and one of them asks me where the printer ink is. The other father sarcastically says "like he knows where it is". I pointed the first father to the ink isle and I told the sarcastic father "I guess I do know where the ink section is asshole. I then woke up.(That night I got 10 to 11 hours of sleep. I went to bed with a full stomach.)

      Updated 03-30-2012 at 01:19 PM by 53771

    4. Fog

      by , 02-15-2012 at 10:50 PM (DC's Dream Journal)
      didn't sleep very well, got a bit lazy tonight too :/
      Cloudy day, at my house. I get ready to go to work but my parents want to have a talk. there was fog. went out back and saw dad with a trollsmirk on his face, bro and sis looking pretty upset. end up leaving for work half an hour late.
      Tags: cloudy, fog, gloomy, work
      dream fragment
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-01-2011 at 07:00 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      In memoriam.

      Death (Of a Friend) (DILD)

      Fog encases the night, as I float there, hovering just above the street. Lights, headlamps, stream in from either side, a slow procession of ghastly vehicles, barely visible in chill, dry air.

      I'm fading.

      “Interesting, aren't they?” A voice speaks out in the dark, calling me back to the dream.

      Tensing, I turn to see a mass of formless darkness, floating just beside me. An enemy, I conclude.

      “Relax,” it says, “It's not like you can do anything to me, anyways.”

      Is that. . . a grin. . ? Definitely a grin.

      “Watch me.”

      I cut away from myself, manipulating my most basic thought, the structure of the dream, calling, summoning. . . creating death. The manifestation of my intent appears, taking the form of a reaper, scythe and all.

      “Ha, you can't kill me,” it says almost jovially as the reaper's scythe cuts down and I throw in the final touches, the final pattern, instantly wiping the mass of darkness, and whatever sentience it held, into non-existence. . .

      He never knew what hit him.

      Note: This entry marks an end to this formatting style. Expect changes down the line.

      Updated 12-18-2011 at 09:10 AM by 25167

    6. Jack The Ripper

      by , 09-23-2011 at 05:27 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I'm walking through streets in poor conditions. I'm in London in Victorian times.
      I have a light behind me, maybe the moon? I only see my outline, surrounded by white fog, semi-thick.
      I see the tiles (large stones of the sidewalk) it reflects the light of the moon because of moisture from the night.
      In the background I can hear Big Ben – the clock, but I do not know what time it is.
      I keep walking. In the street the only thing that´s heard are my steps, the rest is silent and deserted.
      I find a home. The only details that catches my eye is the window of the house and the wall of the same.
      The window is one that "leaves" from the wall. It's big (it´s like those windows that on the inside of the house you can sit and put pillows on).
      The frames are dark brown.
      I look at the front door, the wood of the door is rough and yellow-brown.
      I knock at the door.
      D opens the door . Behind the door (I don’t get in, but I can see the wall behind the door) is a storage with hanging bags of spices.
      D looks at me and says in a neutral tone of voice: "- Jack the Ripper"
      I raise my hands to the level of my eyes and I see them completely covered in blood.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Which pet do you like best?-me.jpg   Which pet do you like best?-window-door.jpg  
    7. Two lucids in one night, Flying, Void, and Stabalisation.

      by , 09-14-2011 at 02:51 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      non-lucid lucid comment

      Tonight I properly worked out my wake back to bed time, using 90 minutes per REM cycle I chose the third REM to wake up. I also used sleep cycle with a wake period of 15 minutes, so I get the maximum REM period, wether this helped I do not know. (Going to upload my WBTB Sleep Cycle pictures from now on.)

      I am in tesco with some friends, this guy searches me, and some staff tell me that he is there to find hazzards, one tells me he's really creepy and annouying. I become weary of him. For some reason we all decide to see how many of us can fit in one toilet cubical, the cubical is blue and large, there isn't enough of us to fill it. Hazzard man comes instantly and makes a massive fuss, chucking us out. I tell him to back off, he says no and grabs my motorbike helmet, and begins peeling off the sticker, I push him off it and tell him to back off again.
      Vision changes and I'm charging at him, we are having a massive fist fight in the middle of the store, it's quite fun.

      Quality = 6/10
      Recall = 3/10

      I am sitting in a circle of people, I think we are all dressed like warriors from games, I know I am wearing plate mail although I feel no burden (even when lucid), there is a women across from me wearing brown/green cloth clothes.
      I can't remember why, but I become aware, I do not do a Reality Check, I don't need to, I know I am lucid, it is very unstable and bad quality.
      The second I become aware I feel pushed back on my real life body, as if it has gone completely stiff. My arms feel forced into place, like in iron man or dead space 2 when you change your armour, a machine holds you in place, it was like that.
      Impressively the first thing I attempt to do is stabalise, it's hard to describe, but the dream was only appearing in the top right of my vision. I grabbed it and brung it down, then I fell to the floor, eyes pushed up against the floor hands grasping the surroundings, this stabalised the dream.
      I go round a corner and fade out, ergh.

      I'm in this house where a single dad and son lives, I get the feeling I am the dad's brother, I remember sitting in a dark room discussing whats going on. I am sleeping in this large childrens bedroom, I have a laptop, I put the laptop down to go to the toilet, when I get to the toilet all there is is a kids potty, I begin, but realise why the hell am I doing that.

      Quality = 8/10
      Recall = 7/10

      I'm in my bad, it's not a false awakening because I know I'm dreaming, again no reality check needed. It's my room now, and the laptop I was previously using has changed colour to white (from black) and is gigantic, wedged in my room. The dream is already fairly stable, as I am calm and not too bothered.
      I decide to try flying, it comes very naturally to me but there is one problem, I can only do it on my back, for so my back is facing the floor. This is quite annouying as I can't see where I'm going, I explode out of the roof of my bedroom into the street outside, I float down to the pub. I observe the surroundings, it is very clear, but there are bits of blackness, abit like google road view thingy.
      I consider doing the ToTM I imagine a dark night lake, but I don't go there for some reason, then I'm in this fog. There is a voice narrating whats going on. Apparently I am too close to my eye ball (yeah I know it doesn't make sense) and I am begining to fade out. I have to swim to stay up, I'm loosing control, strange monsters begin to swim after me, they are composed of an eyeball and a tenticle to swim, there are hundreds of them, I attempt to swim away. The voice says "if you see cars you will be coming out of the fog." I look desperately around for car lights, none. I attempt to teleport by closing my eyes and spinning but before I spin, a monster bites my on the hand (doesn't really hurt but puts me off) I keep swimming through the fog... CAR LIGHTS! I swim towards the car lights, and a dream scape begins to appear, I look down and DCs are helping me away from the monsters by carrying me. I look around considering to ask them for a gift, I lose thought and see a beautiful women in front of me, I've lost so much concentration I fade out.
    8. Catastrophic dream space? | Sunday 31st July 2011

      by , 07-31-2011 at 02:56 PM (Beyond the Horizon)

      I am with a bunch of random people in an airfield. There is some sort of small, insignificant explosion happening about 50 metres away.
      It doesn't seem dangerous, and is making some cool patterns in the air. I am recording it with my camera. We are driving in a tour bus, that has no roof or sides. Similar to a luggage carrier.
      Then, while looking at the screen of the camera, one of the patterns travels close to us.

      Everyone just chuckles. Then one flies and hits one of the passengers. We all scream, even though she is okay.
      We speed off. The area is really flat.
      At one point I am off the bus, and it continues to travel with everyone else to escape the explosion, even though it's stopped.
      I am with two familiar dream characters. Their house was in a previous nuclear disaster dream I've had.

      This current dream is happening sometime after that dream, so they have rebuilt and are happily doing things around the house.
      The woman shows me something that the guy had made around the back of the house.
      There were 5 dummies, that looked very lifelike, lined up on a little ridge of grass. The woman pressed a button and there were explosions underneath the dummies. They were intact.

      Later I am inside the house, and I am at a bedside. On the bed is my grandma I didn't know it then, but I was to visit my grandma while she was in hospital for the first time, today.
      Next to the bed there is a switch that rotates. I twisted it, and the colour balance of the room changed. The switch had a scale of warm orange to cool teal. That must be the cinematographic part of me
      Then I am outside with the two people again, driving along the straight road near the house. On one side of the horizon there is a massive fog cloud. Something to do with the airfield explosion earlier.
      I think it caused some catastrophe, like what normally happens at this dream place. I wasn't too worried about them this time.

      Did I just discover the place where my subconscious tries to deal with catastrophes in my life?

      The other end of the horizon had a massive storm system that was going to have tornadoes. As if this was Tornado Alley in America.
      We were debating which way we should take our chances with. We decided for the new fog-related disaster. I've been through the tornado storm before. And it's still there.

      We go over a small hill and there is a really long highway bridge over an expanse of water. The fog shrouds the other end of the highway.
      I am driving. We head onto the bridge. There are lots of obstacles on the bridge, including a small, yellow oncoming car that stopped.
      I can't remember what happened immediately after that, but I woke up not long after.

      After reading this, I can relate half the elements in the dream to things that are happening in real life, and the other half to things that happened today, after the dream.

      Updated 07-31-2011 at 02:59 PM by 34314

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Abandon Lonliness

      by , 07-21-2011 at 03:17 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I woke up and tried to rememeber my dreams, but the only thing i could remember was the pokemon abandon lonliness (there is supposed to be no 'E'). maybe because i watched it last night

      I remember leaving a simple house and walking on brown grass with a black sky. There were wisps of fog here and there
      Tags: dark, fog, grass, pokemon, sky
    10. Bodies everywhere

      by , 06-29-2011 at 10:06 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me walking through a field. There is a thick and heavy fog and I cannot even see the ground under my feet but I can feel it - it is very bumpy and unstable, like I am walking on frozen pillows or something, if that makes any sense. I am walking up a slight incline and the fog recedes a bit when I reach the top.

      The unstable ground I am walking on is covered with thousands of bodies as far as the eye can see. There are so many bodies and they are piled on top of each other so high that I cannot see any natural ground at all. Most of the bodies are men in green or grey uniforms but there are also women and children laying about. Despite all of the dead bodies, many of which are in various states of decay, I don't remember smelling the rot around me.

      In front of me is a small pond. There are bodies in the water but not as many as on the ground and the water is a dark reddish brown because it is filled with blood and rotting flesh. I walk past the pond and to the other side of the hill, but it is slow going because stepping across the mounds of bodies is difficult. The fog has lessend, but there are still bodies as far as the eye can see and I cannot get away from them no matter how far I go.
    11. Inception

      by , 05-25-2011 at 07:22 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 09-20-10
      Length: Unknown
      Vividness: 10/10

      I was dreaming that I was in a huge house while traveling around with my girlfriend, Dakota, and her mom.
      It was night time, so I went to sleep.
      I had a dream inside my dream.

      In that dream, I walked into the bathroom.
      Everything was foggy and wet, and I could barely see anything.
      I realized that, since it was so foggy, this must be a dream.
      I did a RC to be certain, and sure enough, I was dreaming!
      I screamed, "YES! I'M DREAMING!".
      Literally a second later I went head first and jumped through the glass, and straight out the window.
      I forgot to stabilize my dream, so instead I began flying around.
      It wasn't working very well and I began falling.
      I flew by a mirror and when I looked in it, yet everything seemed normal.
      I was trying to think of things to do and thought of making a person appear, unfortunately this only caused me to wake back up in my first dream.

      I got up from the bed, walked to the door, and told Dakota about my lucid dream.
      Halfway through, however, I realized my dad (who I haven't seen in a while) is lying right there.
      I jumped up and hugged him and we both started crying.
      My friend Tema runs in and does too.
      Someone else says something about getting a delicious dish, called the carpaccio from my favorite sushi restaurant, Pirahna.
      My dream ended there.

    12. Lucid #7 Driving, almost sex :p

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:09 AM
      Lucid #7 Driving, almost sex :p (DILD)


      Lucid again!!! I went to sleep at 00:00, must have fallen asleep around 1:40, woke up at 7:00.

      - I drive Kifisias avenue in the left lane. There is a bus on my right. Some pedestrians jump in front of me. I almost hit a woman. And then something i think is awesome happened! As i wait till the pedestrians go off the road, all the windows or glasses of the car get blured A LOT due to temperature difference. I turn the air blower on. When the clear up i find myself in the right lane, behind a stopped (actually parked) car. I cope for some time to change lane and when i succeed i get stopped by the traffic lights. Duh! I look around. I now don't know where i am. I think i must have turned wrong while the windows where blurred. The green light comes on. I go to the other side of the road... on foot... I stop and look aroun. "Where the hell am i? How did i end up here?". A thought flashed into my head: "When in a dream, you can't really remember how you ended up where you are". At that point i really just didn't believe this could be a dream. When i get lucid i usually have the feelling of the dream already and it builds up till i become completelly lucid by doing a reality check. But this time i had no idea! I pinch my nose, but there was no clear result. I look at my hand. Same as yesterday (lucid #6).I become lucid. I continue the RCs. As i move my right index finger towards my left palm, my palm bruises and it feels really difficult to get it any closer. Like a repeling magnet. I pinch my right arm. Really little pain. I start thinking about what to do. In the place i am, there is a cliff just in front of me. I think of jumping down there and start flying. At that point people started showing up. I remembered i had set my alarm clock, so i think of trying something quick. I see a family sitting around a table. I reach for the daughter (pretty girl). "Do you wanna have sex?" hahaha. I sit down in front of her legs, i hold her hand (nice nails) and stroke her calf. She gives me an interesting look. She turns to her mother: "Should i take him?" (at that point it sounded more like she meant "like a pet", i found it really funny though). Her mother looks at me and says "yee, take him". We get up, i smile and then... (that's all i remember)Well at least she wasn't negative. xD

      PS: The last 2 lucids (#6-7) didn't fade out in the usual (for me) way. I usually feel my head disappearing accompanied with a bit of dizzyness and then i wake up. Those two were like a memory loss. Like normal dreams. I couldn't feel the dream fading away. Anyway. That's all.
    13. "when this burns, that will burn too"

      by , 02-02-2011 at 01:37 PM (Somnium)
      Comments non-lucid Lucid

      I felt like I have had an introduction to this dream before. I recognized the bridge in it.

      A family, which are depicted as members of my family are preparing to stay in a cabin / house on a tiny little island in something resembling to a fjord. The island only had room for a house with a floor. The house was white with dark brown lists. It was a great and wide wooden bridge to get to the island. At the bridge there is an old man with a blanket over him and a cap on his head sitting in a wheelchair. He has two holes where the left eye should have been. As if the eye had become skin tissue and was punctured. But they have said previously in a dream that he was not dead. The atmosphere is hazy, and over the bridge, I see only a mountain sticking up from the earth that goes sky high. The rest is just swamp, not a road even. Further than just across the bridge I do not see because of fog. Around the hut was only heather, all the way to the water.

      There was a baby there, portrayed as Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. He played in the heather on the west side of the cabin when I heard some voices from nowhere and he argued with them. He died of some reason and the man in the wheelchair drove him west from the cabin with a pickup truck. On a road that did not exist. Later, the father and daughter (my sister and dad) are discussing something I don't remember, while she looked down into the water on her reflection. They stood on the north east side of the cabin. It felt like she were suicidal. I felt that everyone in the family would die.

      Dream skip until night. The whole family sat and watched the reflection of a very similar cabin on the other side. The father explained that the same happens to the cabin as it happens with this. If it burned, this one burned also. I saw that the hut was burning and that this one also did, then the image disappeared. I now have a sort of guided tour of everything in place before I wake up again. Just like as the dream wanted me to remember it. I woke up.

      You may call it a nightmare, but it didn't frighten me even though it was some pretty freaky images there. Like the old man with holes in his eye.

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:10 PM by 41756

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    14. 01/23/11 Shattered Memories

      by , 01-24-2011 at 12:20 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: The rest of the dreams from this night are only fragments, and none of them are lucid, but I will post them here because I think one or more of them might have been shared. If you read this and recognize yourself in here, please let me know, otherwise it might have just been a DC that I mistook for you in my non-lucidity.

      Area 51
      I am in an underground room, there is no way to see that it is underground, but somehow I know it is. It's just a feeling I get like I am far under the surface of the Earth. I go over to the door and find it's not locked, so I walk right out into the hallway. I have the feeling I'm not really supposed to be there, so I try to avoid meeting anyone as I look through the halls. I hear someone coming and I duck into a small room that turns out to be a storage closet of some kind. The problem is they are coming into the closet… I lock the door from the inside, the door locks manually in there, and then I climb up the shelves and through a panel on the ceiling. I get out of sight just before the door unlocks and a man enters, muttering expletives about the door not needing to be locked with all the security on the entire floor. What security, I wonder, I haven't seen any security… I crawl through the vent system for a while, looking down into the different rooms as I pass. I see a computer room filled with computer operators, a lab with scientists messing around with chemicals, an office with a meeting going on, a room with a couple of soldiers aiming a gun at MoSh… wait a minute… aiming guns at MoSh? They want to shoot MoSh? Not on my watch! I go over to the ceiling area right over the soldiers, and I climb onto the panels that I know won't hold my weight… and CRASH! I fall through the floor and land right on top of the soldiers. One is knocked unconscious, the other is starting to get up when I kick him in the head and knock him unconscious. MoSh pulls a kitten with wires on its head from his shirt somewhere. He says he rescued the cat from having experiments done on it, but doesn't know how to get the wires out… I take the kitten and look at it, the wires don't seem to be causing discomfort to the cat, but then I wake up.

      Area 51: The DDO Version
      I am in what seems to be the same complex I was in during the last dream, walking down the same corridors, still avoiding people because I feel I should not be there. Just like in that dream, I enter a closet and climb into the air vent system. I am exploring that, though the rooms I see below are different than before. There are no computers, though there is a room full of kobolds doing something with crystals. There is another room where kobolds are fighting against each other to train. This is really strange… in the next room there are a couple of hobgoblins guarding a large treasure chest. I hear more activity to my right, so I turn down that vent shaft to see what is going on, and I see there is a large chamber filled with hobgoblins and one person fighting them. I see that person and recognize him… he's Tigress' character from our DDO games! What was his name? Nexiel! That's an awful lot of hobgoblins for one person to fight, though, so I look around for something to be used as a weapon. There is a display of swords on a wall, so I drop down over there and grab a sword. I enter the battle with Nexiel, who seems to know me, leading me to believe if it might actually be Tigress. I don't really have much time to consider that with the fighting going on, cutting, slicing, stabbing… the hobgoblins are gone soon, and Nexiel hands out healing potions. It tastes like fruit punch. We go to the next room, make quick work of the two hobgoblins guarding the chest, but before we get to open the chest I wake up.

      The Mist
      I am inside an office building yet again, but this time I can tell it isn't underground because there is a window looking outside. It seems I am on about the second floor, but I can't tell for sure because the fog outside is as thick as pea soup, I can't see more than inches from the window. I go to the hall and make my way downstairs where there is a group of people near the front door. I ask what is going on, a man says we are all going to die in here, a woman says we are doomed, there is no escape, and a little girl starts crying. The girl's mother gets mad at the man and woman talking doom, saying they need to shut up and stop scaring the children. I ask again what the problem is. A man tells me to look outside and ask that again, so I do. I look into the fog and ask what the problem is. Sure, it wouldn't be safe to drive in that, but it will burn off in time. Everyone looks at me as if I am crazy, a woman says if I want to go out there and die, be her guest… she isn't going anywhere near that door. Another woman says this is the wrath of God being visited upon sinners everywhere. I just look at them for a bit… going into the fog means death? The wages for sin is fog? I ask if it is toxic or something, an old man says it isn't toxic, but… I ask them what it would take to get them out. A man says there is a big RV out there, if someone could get to the RV, they could all escape. I ask where. He says it is about 600 feet straight out from the door… but that's the length of two football fields! No one would ever make it! Cut that out, wuss… keys, please. The woman who first told me to go ahead and go is now saying she didn't mean it, she doesn't want to see anyone else die. I tell her it's fog, it's not toxic. I'll get the RV. The man finally hands me the keys.

      So I head for the door and out it… then I realize I can't see the RV. I ask if anyone has a flashlight, shine it into the fog so I can use that to keep my bearings and not wander off in some abstract direction. A man has a large flashlight from an emergency box and does that. I head out into the fog. Making sure to keep the flashlight beacon behind me, I walk in a straight line towards where he said the RV should be. The fog is actually a bit creepy, it looks like Silent Hill, but I find that rather cool instead of scary. Things are moving out there, thicker areas of fog? It looks like creatures… cool effect… I wish I had something to video tape or photograph with. Something big lands on my shoulder, it is the size of an eagle, but it is not an eagle… it is a cricket! Wtf? It starts chirping in my ear… a deafening sound… I push the cricket off, saying to do that again on the other side, I can still hear a bit over there… The cricket continues to chirp. I continue walking in a straight line and I find there is something right in front of me… it's a spider… a HUGE one…

      like Aragog from Harry Potter! It is looming over me menacingly, without thinking I tell him to cool it and go try to scare someone else. The spider obediently goes away. I find the RV and get in, driving it back towards the beacon light. I honk a couple of times and then drive right through the glass doors. Everyone is boarding the RV through the back doors, I get up from the seat and say that was easy… then I wake.
    15. 10 Oct: The biggest fear and relationships

      by , 10-27-2010 at 07:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      21:30 GMT+9 – sleep

      My biggest fear
      On some strange shop (like some Japanese shops I’ve been at) with really attractive cakes and sweets, but I couldn’t really tell if that’s what they were. Then a guy on the shop is taken down a corridor and told there’s a test to him. Behind a big door at the end of the corridor is the scariest thing that has ever haunted his dreams. In his case he says he used to play a game with his friends in which they’d hide and seek and the one seeking the others would incarnate a scary character they’d call the fog-man, a mythical creature that would take away the soul of the one found by him – and then this kid would replace the fog-man in his role. The man said he used to have nightmares with the real fog-man taking his soul. Then the people overseeing this test told this man that whatever he’d find behind that door would be his own mind’s creations and therefore if he was certain of that, they wouldn’t possibly harm him, but if he failed to recognise that... The door opened and out of it came a dense thick fog. He entered and the door was closed.
      I also wanted to play. I opened the door and there was still fog but no signs of the man. The fog disappeared. I tried to think about what is that scares me the most and had this vague feeling of something unknown and scary coming out of the darkness and attacking me but before it would materialise I decided I was in the control of my mind and therefore no fear would take over. Then all the fog and light darkness dissipated and I found myself in an empty room with a mirror and a door. I positioned myself in front of the mirror, saw my reflexion. I was dressed in white and yellow and although I looked a bit strange it was still my normal look, no monstrous face or anything of the kind.
      I’m semi-lucid and I dance a little bit both to increase lucidity and test my image on the mirror. I manage to prolong lucidity but it is still weak in terms of control. Not sure about what to do I decide to summon all of the people I know through the door. Soon I start seeing people from my past, present acquaintances, family, “enemies”. I can’t tell if everyone is there, it would be impossible, but soon they start interacting with me.
      I lose lucidity. I am with my aunt India and my friend Zilla. Zilla decides to call my old friend Mara, whom I don’t see since her wedding. Her brother answers the phone. Zilla doesn’t say a word and he gets upset. He hads the phone over to Mara in the hope the person will talk to her. She asks “who’s there?” and I can see both people on each side of the line now. I tell Zilla this is a stupid game and I don’t see the point of it. Mara then thinks she knows who can be and gets very worried. She says “don’t worry, I will come for you. I’ll help you.” Obviously she thought someone in distress was needing her help. I tell Zilla to please stop it and just say something on the phone!
      Then I am engulfed by a lot more people I know and there’s this lady, who’s my opponent in my work and hates my guts, among them. When I see her I remember we were both at a same party some past time and we talked to each other when we were so drunk already and our hate transformed into attraction and we had kissed. I was wondering how could we still be mad at each other after that. We had been stripped down from our divergences and connected as human beings, but here we were still as enemies.
      Then I’m outside in some big city with skyscrapers and neon lights. I enter a van and someone else is by my side. Zilla is on front seat by the side of the driver. She hands me over a synthesizer she bought but I already have other things on my lap I also bought and she feels angry with my refusal to take up more stuff.
      Then on some kind of mall I see a lady doctor famous in my country who is giving an interview about birth and how women should embrace hospital methods instead of this trend of natural child birth at home, cause so much can go wrong and they need medication and blah-blah. I go to her and make a phenomenal speech to counterbalance – not radical, but very well balanced I refute her ideas that seem to approach giving birth as being seriously ill. Then my friend Zilla and others come with a more radical attitude and start making hate speech and mess up everything. I later ask why they did it and they said I sounded to compromising. I told them I had simply used skilful means to pass the message across without conflict. By then I have a group of followers and admirers but among this group there are a few who don’t understand my way of doing things and always create a fuss. I’m on some high room with view over some kind of inner court. People are down there celebrating the result of some football (soccer) game and I comment loudly about the frivolity of such celebration. They get upset. They accuse me of being peaceful and moderate to the outside but quite radical inside and that the radical activists that are around me just reinforce that I am a secret extremist. As I seek to be alone to digest such accusations, these two radical friends of mine follow me and I scream at them to leave me alone, that it is their fault people think such things of me. Walking down a street I encounter another guy that went to school with me. We talk and I conclude the big issue here to be solved is if I am becoming what my father said I would become or the opposite of that. Am I an extremist under disguise or am I really becoming moderate and if so, am I moderate in the sense my father preached (which resembled too much with conformity) or am I moderate due to wisdom and maturity? As I wander through these philosophical matters, I conclude, after all this dream sequence, that my biggest fear of all, is to become like my father or the person my father wants me to be.

      03:00 GMT+9

      Cat stapled
      My cat is showing some discomfort. I cuddle him and find a staple on his belly. I take it off gently. My mom is upset and worried and I search for more. I find lots of staples on his skin. We don’t know how this happened and feel sorry for the poor fellow.

      Friends and relationships
      I’m in the middle of a crowd who’s watching a movie on an open air cinema. I am by the side of two old girl friends from school and all is fine until it starts raining. At first it’s ok, but my friends start complaining it’s raining too much and open an umbrella. Then not even that is enough and they want to leave. But I’m just fine. The rain is not really wetting me and I say it is just dream rain. Still they leave and I decide to go along. Didn’t go lucid.
      Then sitting around a wooden rectangular table with my friends. One is Mara and she says her husband calls her names and I assume he is also violent with her. She asks for advice and I say she needs to get away from him, but she doesn’t want to. Then he also joins the table and I change subject but she says we can go on, that she doesn’t want to make it a secret. My other friend present doesn’t understand this, thinks he’ll get mad and beat her up later but I say maybe she wants to confront him but can’t do it alone, so we should help. He says he likes her, but she didn’t reveal to be the woman of his dreams and so he gets angry sometimes out of frustration. I ask him why doesn’t he simply leave her and go look for that dream woman? I say if my dream guy was Brad Pitt, I would go after him, no matter what and not beat some other guy for not being Brad Pitt. He feels embarrassed by seeing the ridiculous and we laugh together.
      Then my boyfriend comes up and he insists on having sex immediately. I don’t think it is appropriate and also I feel like he wants to force me like a punishment for something. He drags me to some room and rips my clothes off but I get really upset with his attitude and I escape from him. Outside I meet this guy who I had a crush for in highschool. I am happy to see him and I follow him. He is climbing some steps to go inside a house. I go to. It’s like an antique shop but with rooms. I lie down on some sofa, my friend who was with me on the wooden table before is here now again and notices my interest in this guy. She says I should go for it right now but I feel bad, I just said no to my boyfriend. Then the guy comes to me and ask if I have some deodorant. I find that question completely dislocated but my friend says he is really into me and wants to be fragrant for me. I feel yuc!

      06:00 GMT+9 – wake up
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