I am with a bunch of random people in an airfield. There is some sort of small, insignificant explosion happening about 50 metres away.
It doesn't seem dangerous, and is making some cool patterns in the air. I am recording it with my camera. We are driving in a tour bus, that has no roof or sides. Similar to a luggage carrier.
Then, while looking at the screen of the camera, one of the patterns travels close to us.
Everyone just chuckles. Then one flies and hits one of the passengers. We all scream, even though she is okay.
We speed off. The area is really flat.
At one point I am off the bus, and it continues to travel with everyone else to escape the explosion, even though it's stopped.
I am with two familiar dream characters. Their house was in a previous nuclear disaster dream I've had.
This current dream is happening sometime after that dream, so they have rebuilt and are happily doing things around the house.
The woman shows me something that the guy had made around the back of the house.
There were 5 dummies, that looked very lifelike, lined up on a little ridge of grass. The woman pressed a button and there were explosions underneath the dummies. They were intact.
Later I am inside the house, and I am at a bedside. On the bed is my grandma
I didn't know it then, but I was to visit my grandma while she was in hospital for the first time, today.
Next to the bed there is a switch that rotates. I twisted it, and the colour balance of the room changed. The switch had a scale of warm orange to cool teal. That must be the cinematographic part of me

Then I am outside with the two people again, driving along the straight road near the house. On one side of the horizon there is a massive fog cloud. Something to do with the airfield explosion earlier.
I think it caused some catastrophe, like what normally happens at this dream place. I wasn't too worried about them this time.
Did I just discover the place where my subconscious tries to deal with catastrophes in my life?
The other end of the horizon had a massive storm system that was going to have tornadoes. As if this was Tornado Alley in America.
We were debating which way we should take our chances with. We decided for the new fog-related disaster. I've been through the tornado storm before. And it's still there.
We go over a small hill and there is a really long highway bridge over an expanse of water. The fog shrouds the other end of the highway.
I am driving. We head onto the bridge. There are lots of obstacles on the bridge, including a small, yellow oncoming car that stopped.