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    1. Night of Sunday 2/4/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-05-2024 at 09:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sci-Fi Rejection:
      I'm in a futuristic house with two levels.
      I've completed a nose reality check, and
      become lucid.
      I'm trying to start spicy content with a girl nearby, but she isn't interested.
      I lose lucidity.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:16 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Friday 10/27/23

      by , 10-28-2023 at 07:45 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12:30AM.


      Shitty Future Cars:
      It's night and I'm riding in a van. The streets are very narrow, similar to a previous dream with LM I had a few months ago.
      The car hits a bump, and a futuristic AI voice says "that will be $7 to repair, and $70 for your injury."
      I reflect about how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      I'm now at work, telling my coworkers about this event, and how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      They agree with me, and we decide that we should just drive old-ass cars forever.
      But then one of them tells me that their Mom just died from a similar bump on the road.
      It was one of those awkward moments, because we were just joking about such things.
      But looking back, it didn't make sense because that same person was just laughing about it.

      Woke for WBTB at 6:30AM.

      150 words for the night.

      I stayed up for about 20 minutes, went for a walk, and watched a meditation video about a fantasy forest. Then I returned to bed.

      No recall.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:07 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Sunday 4/2/23

      by , 04-03-2023 at 05:23 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Benevolent Alien Sages
      There has been a 9/11 level attack on planet Earth. On the human race. A group of benevolent aliens has revealed themselves. There is a great pillar climbing to the sky, or maybe it descended from space. Winding around the pillar is a spiral staircase. Around this structure, there are smaller pillars of the varying height along the staircase. Atop each stands an alien. I get the sense that the higher one ascends the staircase, the higher level intelligence the alien is. The aliens are sagely, wise, kind. They tell us that they have revealed themselves because humanity faces a great threat, and they want to help.

      The alien sage. Made with Nightcafe AI.

      I'm in a spaceship or futuristic bedroom. In shape, it is similar to the AirBnB my girlfriend SB and I stayed in while we were on a ski trip some time ago. I'm in a bed. The headboard of the bed has different switches to simulate a starry night and other ambient environmental effects. It's possible that this is part of the alien dream, based on the theme, but uncertain.

      Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808

    4. Cursed Future Arthur

      by , 05-22-2022 at 06:53 PM
      Lost the dream journal to this, going off memory.


      I traveled to a post apocalyptic version of earth. The few people still surviving didn’t know what happened, so I was just there to tell them what caused the world to end—so that history can be recorded and they don’t repeat the same mistake.

      I then traveled back to before the apocalypse wiped everyone out (still in the distant future from our modern time), and I noticed Arthur was still on the air.

      So, I turned on an episode and… it was bad.

      It was unbelievably bad... Instead of having a round head, Arthur had a chipmunk shaped head. Instead of human eyes, the characters all had animal eyes, but they were enlarged to fit the cartoon animal face. Absolutely horrifying. Picture large beady black orbs slightly jutting out of the face with flimsy tacked-on human eyebrows. But they had human mouths…. And teeth. It was hyper realistic, but 2D not 3D. You could see every hair, but smooth areas like the teeth had no detail.

      No that's not what started the apocalypse, but dang thank goodness the apocalypse ended it.

      Updated 01-12-2023 at 03:17 PM by 99032

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. 20 May: Criogenized and wake up in the future

      by , 05-20-2022 at 10:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I think I am watching a movie but I feel it is real. There is Paul Rudd, but very muscular. He is dying of cancer and decides to be criogenized and be woken up in the future, hoping to be healed. For some reason I join him in doing so. But the future in which we wake up is so weird. There is high tech stuff, but socially it regressed quite a lot. It is ruled by petty people and controlled by mafia gangs. I am put in a building about 20 storeys high with no elevator, shared bathrooms at each floor and tiny apartments less than 50 m2. And for some reason, some mafia guys want to kidnap me. One day I am afraid to go to my apartment as I have reasons to believe they might be waiting there for me. But I need to pee, so I enter the building and go the floor below mine and use their toilet. Some nice people from one of the apartments are having a get together with friends and they invite me in.
      And there were a lot more details but I forgot.
    6. 21-XX-XX Alone in the Future

      by , 04-20-2022 at 10:29 PM
      It was about 200 years in the future. We had made it. We'd survived every obstacle in our way. We'd survived the wars, the societal collapse and everything else. The world was a sunny and beautiful place. Cities were full of greenery and people were happy. But I wasn't. Sitting on a grassy hill overlooking a shining utopian city, I felt a mix of hope for our future, and utter misery. Everyone I'd ever known was dead, and I was completely, totally alone.
    7. 4 Feb: Future exoplanet war, WILD and lucid meditation, then chased by a demon and lost in backrooms

      by , 02-04-2022 at 09:55 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a future scenario that feels a lot like a Myizaki's movie. We have colonies in distant planets but there are also vintage looking people and cities on Earth. One of those planets looks similar to one I know from a sci-fi book I read as a kid. It has big whale like animals that swim in the atmosphere. For some reason a rebel faction starts a war and someone shoots at these animals accidentally. This plays on the news and everyone is shocked.
      This rebel group turned ludite and wants to destroy our civilization, but everyone else is pacifist and doesn't want this war at all.
      I am on this planet and I receive a notification that we're in danger and we need to gather at a sports stadium nearby that also doubles down as an evacution site. People sit on floating cocoons that serve as private balconies to watch the games, when there are sports events, but which are also emergency pods that can close and leave the planet to one of our colonies on other planets. While we wait for developments, they keep us entertained by projecting holographically a game that happened on some previous occasion. It is undistinguishable from reality. One of the persons in our coccoon is a kid that lived with the ludites but is pacifist so he left them. He doesn't know our tech, so he keeps asking questions. He asks how do we distingiuish something real from an hologram. I explain it isn't easy and it is almost like telling th difference between a dream and waking life, some people just have that ability and others have to train to recognize it. I am one of those with the natural ability. I also have heightened senses and can hear what other people can't. And as I say this, I do hear something dangerous approaching. I warn others and we fly the coccoons above the stadium and see a fleet of rebels attacking one of our ships and coming towards the stadium. Luckily there are guardian drones that sit on the perifery and shoot anything getting too close. But any way, our pods close and take off immediately. The drones recognize our pods and don't shoot us, instead they make a formation to protect us from any incoming threat and clear a path so we can leave the planet safely.

      With my dad's family side and my mom, all gathered at some house. It looks like my grandma's house but it is also different. The kitchen looks pretty much unaltered, but in the place of the pantry, there is a cabinet with a TV and a VCR and I am rewinding some tapes looking for some shows I supposedly recorded, but I can't find them. My uncle Fernando comes in and tells me to quit. My two aunts are sitting there, just observing me and say to him that this is important to me. But eventually I give up and we all gather in a living room. It looks like the dining and living room of my grandma's together, but on the wrong side of the hallway. People are all sitting around the room on chairs and sofas sitting against the walls. My cousin Cris is also there, but so are other people I never met. I feel like my current self, but I am myself as a kid and I am on the floor playing with dolls. I think my mom told the family that I am autistic, so they are all observing me and not asking me questions or mocking me as usual. But I also find strange that they don't ask any questions about the autism. I also brought my present cats along, so then I freak out when I notice someone leaving a window open. I go around checking all the windows and asking people to please keep the windows shut. I then spot a cat, that could be Ginga but looks different, jumping to a ledge of a window through which some family member is talking to someone outside. Fortunately the cat is wearing a vest and I manage to grab her by the vest on time and pull her back in. Then back in the living room by uncle Carlos also keeps a window just slightly open and I explain to him the cats can still escape through there and he gets pissed when I close it. Then I do another tour and check the bathroom. All is fine.
      My mom then comes by and says they are announcing on the news that the Health Minister is dead with covid19 and I am shocked. But my mom is even more shocked and I wonder if this will get her to finally go vaccinate.
      Then I follow an unknown lady going to a balcony on the back of the house, where I believe she is going to smoke and certainly open a window. Actually when we arrive there, the window is already open. I take a peak outside, we are strangely located on like a 10th floor and I see on a roof down below a black cat and a black and white cat which I can't tell if they are dead or alive. The black one looks like Cuscus, so I call for him and he gets up. Both cats are alive but stuck on that roof. He immediately tries to jump up, but it's too high, so I wonder what is he doing. Then I see there is a metal structure on the wall for putting little pots for plants and it forms some sort of ladder that is climbable. So he climbs it and when he is close enough he jumps into my arms. The other cat also managed to get out of the roof in the meantime. So I take the black cat inside, not even yet sure if it is Cuscus, but I go look if there is another black cat in the house just to be sure. Then confusion ensues when some other guest arrives bringing some 3 other cats. I lose count of the cats.

      I tried to do a WILD. I focused on being aware as I fell sleep and almost immediately felt the rush of falling into sleep and the metallic noises of hypnagogia. When I open my dream eyes, I am in some scenario that looks like a hospital and I am meeting a friend who works there and another one who is being released or something. It feels like they are very familiar, like Riverstone and Nighthawk, but not looking like anyone I know and instead look like some american boys in their twenties. I also have a different look. And there is another girl in the group. I think the boys are a gay couple but I also love one of them. Anyway, once the one being discharged is with us, we all go walk down the street and I have kept my awareness all the way through, but just been watching everything unfold. The boy on the lead says something like "Where are we going?" or what is going on, and I use the chance to say that we are all dreaming and none of this is real. They react calmly and accepting. I suggest we just try to be mindful and rest in that awareness. So we all just sit on the floor and we meditate together. Whenever I feel the awareness fading, I focus on them and it really helps that they also look calm and focuse. I almost fall out of the dream a couple times, but I conjure some tokens with mantras and Buddha images and put them in front of us, saying we can look and touch them as a way to revive lucidity whenever it is starting to fail, and it works for some time, maybe more than I ever managed to stay lucid meditating. But eventually the dream fades and I feel my waking body. I don't move and I focus on getting back. I do go back but this time I land on a beach in what seems like ancient Mexico. There are some native ladies in their long skirts tending to some bonfires. I try to get back to my friends, but all that happens is that, like a mirage, a wall and a room within a room, appear to my right, where I can see the place we had just been sitting together, but I don't see them. I try to teleport there by just snapping my fingers and for a few seconds it works, but then I fall back to the beach. Tried again, wemt there a few more seconds and then fell bavk to the beach and the image of the wall and rooms disappear entirely and I can't seem able to summom it anymore. Then some kind of demon appears on the beach from behind the bonfires. It looks like an old womam with crazy hair walking on all fours and all the native ladies run away in fear. But the demon is after me. First I hide behind some shelter made with twigs sticking out from a pit in the sand. But she will eventually find me, so I decide to fight back instead. I fly a bit above the ground and wait for her to come. She has a kind of ax made of bones and I hope to snatch it from her and use it against her, but when we clash, in the middle of the struggle I just grab something else and hit her with it. Not sure what happened to the demon, because she dissapears and in her place come dozens of cave men figures running from all directions. Again I the mirage of wall with a door and I manage to cross it, landing on some backroom shit kind of place. that I feel I've seen before. It actually looks like a really nice office, but I sense a dark presence and know this is not a safe place. I try to cross it quickly, but all it's doors and windows just lead to more rooms. Until I spot a window to outside and focus strongly on it staying that way as I open it. And it does and I manage to reach the outside. Then I enter some normal dream in the time of Portuguese King Carlos I and the story is that he went on a balloon trip and had an accident due to bad weather and is lost in the countryside for 8 days until he gets back .
    8. 13 Nov: Travel to paralell universe, space station mission in the future

      by , 11-13-2021 at 09:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am with a bunch of high school kids. After some earthquakes, we get "attacked" by clouds of glitter which gets inside us and we start seeing the whole universe and feeling disoriented, like tripping. After a while it gets more clear and we realize we are on board of a train and everything feels a bit different. Outside it is desert and the clouds are white and red. We talk about what to do. I vote for keeping going and seeing more of this place, Zilla and others want to get out and walk. When the train stops at a stop, they get off. The conductor and other local people try to dissuade us of doing so, but this group is very stubborn. Most kids though opt to stay on the train. I join Zilla and her group, despite not wanting initially. I ask the locals for the nearest village and they point towards a direction and say there is only one around. We get there and we go to the only club/bar where we can drink and eat something. It now feels like we are in some Latin American country in the 40-50s. But the bartender says we are actually still in Portugal. We sit down at a lounge room while waiting for some food and we discover a cabinet full of geography and history books. I ask the girl serving us if there is any book about Europe and she opens a book on our table. She has to go back to work and we gather around to read it. My idea is that somehow we were transported to a parallel universe and I am sure history and geography will be different from what we know. I plan on stealing the book if it proves that, so we can bring proof of it back to our universe.

      I am at some space station, as part of a skilled workforce who is sent to any planet where we are needed. At the moment we are here awaiting our next assignment. It is normal to hook up with someone for the months we are stuck somewhere, casual relationships that may or may not become serious. My best friend, who's Indian, hooked up with some guy who looks like Idris Elba and she can't believe her luck, because she is just a very average girl. So am I and I am dating a guy who looks just like Chris Pratt and is just as goofy. We are all at the laundry room, washing our clothes and there is a rumor we are about to be assigned to new missions. My boyfriend gets butt naked and asks me to check some pimples on his butt and he sticks his ass up. My friend's boyfriend yells disgusted that he didn't have to see it, while covering his eyes. I ask him to please put his pants back on, but he insists I check his pimples. There are a few indeed, a bit red and swollen and I tell him to just not scratch them and please put his pants on. Then someone comes in and right there starts saying where we'll be sent. My Indian friend is asked to go back to India for some time, there is some mission there for her but she doesn't want to go. People say "But isn't your family there? Don't you feel lucky to be sent home?" But apparently not and I suspect it is because she knows her boyfriend is probably going somewhere else. I and my boyfriend are going to go on the same mission to another station, in the most distant boundaries of our known universe. During the travel there, he keeps making funny scenes like pretending he is going to open the door of the shuttle to get some air. It is actually making me nervous because there is a button we just have to press for the door to open and a secondary safety door is not closed, because people just feel so comfortable they stopped using those. But I insist on feeling safer, so we close that safety door. At our destination, my boyfriend is supposed to test some new secret ship (he is a pilot) and I get to see him doing maneuvers outside. The ship is amazing, looks like a toy plane with a large round nose and tiny chunky wings, but the surface is all metallic, no windows, also with sharp edges giving it a geometric look much like a dodecahedron and it is bright shiny red.
      There is some unfortunate episode where some dude is ejected into space after a mutiny on some other ship, on purpose or due to some malfunction, can't tell, and my boyfriend happens to be on the spot and manages to grab him with mechanical arms and in just seconds shoot straight to a station hangar with the dude. He saves him, but soon after there is a strange infection spreading in the station and the director comes out to announce we have been compromised and it is my boyfriend's fault. The guy he saved brought with him an infection. The director explains we are in an area infested by these little aliens - they aren't viruses or bacteria, literally they are like tiny microscopic people who enter someone's body and exploit its resources like a planet. I get to see images of them coming out of a tiny ship inside some body and spread out through the organism to harvest whatever they need. I just don't understand how they multiply to be able to infect others. As he speaks, the director starts showing symptoms and everybody runs away. I, my boyfriend and another friend with her kids, we get on some escape pod, hoping none is infected and we head back to Earth, where we land in Lisbon. Life is normal back on Earth, we go eat some sweets at a café and talk about what to do next. The kids never been to Lisbon and are excited to see new things, but my boyfriend is insisting that we should stay home and rest.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 10:09 PM by 34880

    9. cccxii. Twice to the future

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:19 PM
      31st July 2021


      (chronology and order a bit messed up in recall)

      I'm travelling through space back to Earth. I have to travel so far that it takes two hundred years to get back to Earth. It's implied I use some kind of cryogenic sleep and for me only moments seem to have passed between all the travelling. But I remember time spent during travel. At some point I fiddle on with a mini-disc player that can supposedly output video signal around the back. I have some frustrations with the player. I note that its model is an "MD-6" and recall that it looks a bit like a high end CD player we have in our bedroom in waking life.

      This mini-disc player is on the floor and this bit looks a bit like my parents' old room. Where mom's study used to be, the enclosed balcony bit, is like a viewing area and I can see into space; it extends further than it would in waking life. There's a planet or two and a star, white? Space is pretty black and realistic in that sense of it.

      I think about how mini-disc as a format wasn't meant for video output and understand that to be part of my frustrations with getting the unit to work (the way I want it to?). I don't recall a screen or what the video was anymore, but I do recall watching some of it.


      Some other part aboard the ship, talking to another crew member?


      When I get back to Earth, the year is 2400 or so. There are alien overlords of several species, dealing with unrest on Earth. I do not feel opposed to their presence, but I feel annoyed at all of it in general. One of the alien overlords is a giant and grey scaly creature, which I like the look of. Another one, whom I'm with in a semi-circle room with a glass dome, is a bit bigger than the average human and looks yellow and a bit chubby.


      I loop back to returning to Earth on the ship again. This time, by the time I'm back on Earth again, the year is 3500. Humanity is (apparently) incredibly advanced now. I am inside a structure, a latticed sphere building of some kind, which likely wouldn't work with conventional construction techniques, I feel. At the centre of this structure, there are platforms and some humans.

      The humans are gene editing themselves, they look very different from how a human should. I remember some are much bigger and some look a bit stretched in some sense. There is some kind of weird mohawk fashion going on. I think I have some thoughts on this.

      I feel annoyed again, about so much time having passed since I was last on Earth. I think about how they have all this technology and they didn't do anything about me needing to return to Earth with cryogenic sleep. I think I feel myself partly loathing them and partly feeling distant from them because I am essentially from the past.

      Updated 08-05-2021 at 06:23 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. 4 Jan: Futuristic dystopia, alien monsters and an Indian actor

      by , 01-04-2021 at 09:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In the future, there are city areas we cannot walk into, because drones attack immediately and also bombs are dropped regularly. But I need to meet someone who hides there, so I take a chance. I arrive there just before the daily bombing and the locals help me find shelter.
      I bring this person with me. We need to enter a museum for some reason but it is not open to the public. We try going in and they reject us. Then it starts raining but it's acid rain, to the point it burns the skin. People run for cover. We hide under a sculpture on a square. Then we see a monster they sent to track us down and we have to run from it.

      Going to a grocery store with Riverstone and we spot an alien monster hiding in the store. The owner is totally unaware and every time we spot the alien moving he doesn't see it. We keep trying to prove him it's real but he morphs and shapeshifts. Then it also behaves as a ghost and possesses the store objects. There are children size dolls which start moving and Riverstone freaks out (one of his biggest fears) and says he is leaving.

      Attending some kind of seminar. There is a lot of people and the rooms are small so they put a camera on the presentation room and are projecting it on screens in other rooms. I stay in the room where the speaker is.
      At the end there's is a play about an Indian guy who wants to marry some rich girl but has little chances. After a lot of rejection her father allows them to meet and even go on a trip together but then it's clear the girl doesn't love him and all of it was a waste of time. But on exiting the theater, the actor who played the rejected guy attracts a lot of girls, who go after him.
    11. cxcvi.

      by , 12-03-2020 at 11:03 PM
      2nd December 2020


      Our street, mixed with a street back in L. Sunny. The L-side had shade from taller buildings. It was generally busy. Dad's mother was there under such a shade and looking at some kind of wall graffiti; I come to her and she sees me and looks surprised to see me, but she seems a bit lost or confused and I try to guide her somehow. I remember having some low level concern that people might think I'm not related at all and that I'm just trying to take advantage of her.

      Earlier in the dream, there was a gang of three hooligans or whatever coming up from down the end of our street but then I remember feeling/realising that they were likely just passing through.

      3rd December 2020

      Dream, fragmented:

      An early bit of the dream with an overview/interactive "map" of Wales and England; this so-called map was made of dirt and leaves, which I'm walking on.

      3D-like but nonetheless real, leaves were swirling around some locality markers in the West Midlands and near a central point in Wales. It looks like a tornado of leaves is persistently swirling around each one and they seem to overlap in their motions, creating some literal border friction in this sense. I talk with H. I ask in almost rhetoric manner why this can't be sorted out. It looks entirely simple from my point of view, I think.

      I use a stick, or something like and try to mark or uncover a border marker for where the Welsh/English border should actually be (as far as I know/can work out) and I manage to get the Welsh leaf tornado to be "sensible" and stick within its remit but the West Midlands tornado refuses to comply and be contained in any sense.

      The tornados seemed to represent local governmental authorities responsibilities for picking up recycling and other such waste.

      I remember just nearby there's a large tree with bulgy and bulky roots; relative to the map, it's situated just at the very North-most point of the border between Wales and England.

      Eventually, the dream moves on or I lose interest and I start looking at some junk nearby. The front of a diesel or electric train? Not sure, but then we were able to enter it from the side or something, and it's a really old house. It's dark and the daylight from outside has that cloudy day/blue tinge that I find characterises days with that weather. I think I'm still with H or another character. I have some special and unique item I traded earlier? I vaguely recall a chiselled stone, lapis lazuli, with a golden ring around some part of it; it has an oblong/obeliskish shape. (I begin to recall a much earlier bit?)

      I'm at an apartment. It's a single room and it's no bigger than my old room. There's a girl here, I have the impression I'm a girl too but I don't check in any way. This girl has a pony tail and a sharp face, she looks about 20 or so. I need something from her but she's unwilling to trade; I can't recall any of the dialogue.

      Eventually she walks up to the window and I kick her out; she falls several stories and I take the item somehow (was it in the flat?) and this item is one of nine or something which I need for my quest. In the flat, I notice she had some kind of modern CRT TV. For some reason, I give the screen a knock with my right hand knuckles and it resonates slightly.

      I am now downstairs immediately outside the apartment building. There's a crowd and police. I'm on the phone or something and this person I'm working with tells me to remain calm and that they've taken care of everything (male voice?). A big white man is out here and he distracts the crowd, shouting and announcing that he did it, he'd killed this girl. He has medium-length hair curls of a fair colour.

      I go through and past the crowd and there's some advanced cyber police of sorts. They have egg shaped hover drones, no bigger than a fist, and red scanners. They are doing forensic scans of everyone leaving the area and internally I feel concerned but I keep going and stop when asked to; they find nothing in their scan, to my relief. I continue through a street with tall buildings, it's night time, I feel? Deus Ex (classic) feel to the area here. I look at my phone and read debates about cannibalism, for some reason. One state in the USA had apparently had it as something legal for a very very long time (hundreds of years). I hear people nearby but don't look or pay attention to them.

      I reach a small building. It is modern but dilapidated; all the glass is missing or broken. It's dark outside and the odd part is I recall no sky at all. I go inside this building and go up a semi-spiralling staircase. It's brighter in the top floor. There's a curtain or something. (This dream memory starts to get mixed with the other one)

      I have traded all the unique and special items at some point, I don't recall with whom. Now, I have a dulled copper-y looking signet ring; I hold it in my palm and I also have a small bag made from untreated leather, of a tan colour. I open the bag and from inside I take out a live miniature Japanese racoon or something, which fits on my palm. It doesn't move much, but I hold it up to a white and bright fluffy ceiling; it yelps and sniffs as I move it around the room; I intuitively understand it's detecting something, to allow me passage from this otherwise dead-end octagonal room.

      Then, behind the curtain is a door. i can open it because of the signet ring, I think. I try to close it behind me as I hear voices nearing and think I shouldn't let them follow me.

      (the recall becomes too mixed)

      All else I remember is a view of some train with people I know being inside it, laser rifles shooting from inside and outside the train, at each other, as the train passes through a platform. It's night-time. I have vague recall of being somewhere, waiting, and some of my aunts and my mom are there; they are complaining between themselves for some reason and I remember something about a Nazi man visiting and demanding something.
    12. 2069

      by , 11-28-2020 at 12:34 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with mark weins
      He is a swinger with some norwegians
      He wears pink lace underwear

      I am on a layover in texas, Ben asks if we can hang out before my next flight, I agree.
      He picks me up and we drive back to his parents house without notice.
      When we get to his house he gives me a small black electronic device I do not recognize. It kind of looks like a small digital camera with a display on the back and buttons on top but I don't know how to turn it on.

      The house is incredibly large with hundreds of rooms and a grand foyer which has been extensively decorated for Christmas. Multiple floors overlook the entrance room with many hallways coming from various directions. It is reminiscent of the house from Home Alone only it is cartoonishly large.

      I gather that this is mostly Ben's family and extended family. Only there are almost a hundred people scattered about running their own unique intentions saying goodbyes and everyone seems to be in a hurry. I gather that the adults are dropping off their kids of various ages and they are all going on some adult outing together.

      I do not recognize anyone, everyone is quite comfortable and I get the impression this is a yearly occurrence for everyone involved. The kids all form their own little friendship groups as if they were being dropped at summer camp. No one recognizes me and I don't even see his parents anywhere.

      I was traveling and forgot what time I needed to be back at the airport. I do not have my ticket but remember I had a picture of it on my phone. Looking at the time I realized my layover was only 45 minutes and I have been in this house much longer than that. I was somewhat anxious but am now resigned to the realization I have missed my flight and now am only looking for Ben.

      Walking up stairs and checking hallways I decide to start walking into rooms, they are all different shapes with different groups of people in them having their own little social gatherings. I lean against a large papasan chair that has a smooth leather jacket hanging on the side. As soon as I do a smug looking short haired blonde teenager appears and immediately starts chastising me for wrinkling his perfectly smooth leather jacket. He points to me as I am wearing my members only jacket and insults me saying I wouldn't care because I'm already wearing a wrinkled leather jacket. I'm inclined to agree. I move along.

      I understand that there are going to be 50+ people all staying in this house in various rooms scattered all about. Only the adults were leaving one by one couple by couple out the grand entrance, assuming they are all congregating in front of the house for their adventure. I do not know where they are going but they are all excited to leave their kids and the kids are apathetic/happy to be with their friends.

      I cannot find Ben anywhere, like no where no where. Always new rooms new couches new arrangements of kids of all ages 18-5 having their own little gatherings scattered about. I wander around for almost an hour looking for him to no avail.

      Things are starting to not make sense as I don't recognize technology or even the styles of most people. It occurs to me I may be out of my time. I ask some kids what year it is and they are just laughing at me thinking I am kidding. That there is no way someone doesn't know what year it is at Christmas time. Finally someone says it's the year 2069. I am somewhat flabbergasted. I have no idea how I have slipped out of my time again. But I am welcome to the adventure.

      There are still some adults here and there saying goodbye to their kids. I notice a somewhat concerned couple saying goodbye to their children and assuring each other that everything will be fine and they will be back in no time. They are dressed somewhat bohemian and I feel a comradery with their style. Most of the parents are ritzy and done up like they are at a formal Christmas party, like upper class glitzy styles and too many conflicting expensive perfumes.

      I see an older gentleman come out of a door to the grande entrance and I think at first it is Ben's father. Only his face looks like Caesar. I extend my hand and tell him it's good to see him again and it's been too long. He doesn't know who I am but shakes my hand anyway. I wonder if my hand is dry or sweaty from the hurried walking around this expansive house.

      I finally see Ben up some stairs walking a girl with mocha skin up more stairs and to his loft getaway. I gather he has been avoiding everyone and I am somewhat frustrated I have missed my flight and have been wandering around for the better part of an hour in another time, confused as hell. His loft has a large balcony overlooking the city below. It is a cartoonishly large futuristic and detailed city, with purples and greens and blues and yellow hues to the buildings. I now definitely know I am out of my time.

      I am standing on the rail looking out to the view just taking it all in when he approaches me to my side and stands by the rail next to me. He asks if I've ever seen anything like it before. I say yes, it's exactly like the city I saw in my dreams a couple nights ago. He is taken aback but not entirely surprised. There is a girl sitting on cushions behind us who is the girl he was leading up here. She is confused at our conversation. I remember that he left me in the beginning so I start into some great tirade exclaiming my frustration with him. I take off my jacket and I have no clothes on underneath. I have no shame but I am yelling at him that I have been lost, and out of place, and I have no clothes, and I missed my flight, and I have no idea how I got to 2069. The girl with him is bashful at my appearance and several people walk by gawking while I am going on my monologue. I am unphased in noticing them as I am always comfortable nude. He assures me he can get me to Denver quickly. I look off the balcony, there are multi hot air balloons in various shapes and colours, I joking say Oh you're gonna fly us there in a balloon!? He smiles knowingly and responds that if I had left with his dad we could fly the blimp.
      'Noah?' I hear, and I am awake.
    13. Mini tanks, Putin. Hunted by dinosaurs. Watching boring movie. seeing into the future. Flying.

      by , 09-17-2020 at 07:08 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I'm by the courtyard and there is a big metal box and two people by it. One of them has the spirit of Alex but I never saw his face. There are two mini tanks that are about to fight. One of them is like a normal tank and the other one is just the wheels of a tank. They drive past each other instead and start to target each others' base. The tank I watch has a big canon that is pointed backwards and a small canon that it's using to shoot the base down. Alex makes a joke about communism and that he is Putin. The objective has changed and now the goal is to shoot the bullets until they deform and get the shape of a cube. There is a fire heating the bullets up so they will change shape more easily. One of the bullets hits the big trash can outside my door and it catches fire. The tire is melting down and I try to blow it out. It works after a while. Someone gets burned on a bullet and I am responsible for it, but I don't know why. I move up the little stair in the courtyard and they are having a fire there. The fire is made out of coal and paper that never burns up. Simon is cutting out big pieces of paper with a ruler but he is having a hard time so I help him. I put the pieces from the paper on the fire and they don't burn up.

      I'm in a field and being hunted by a dinosaur. I go to a friendly dinosaur and a big monkey that is hiding me behind a big rock. The monkey has the spirit of Daniel from Kristianstad. I go to the other side of the rock because the evil dinosaur is changing position. I get eaten pretty many times in the dream and I don't remember how I transitioned back each time I got eaten.

      Notes: One of my worst nightmares when I was smaller was about being eaten by dinosaurs. I talked with Daniel yesterday.

      I'm in a hotel with Casper, Diego and Håkanssons. There is a show on TV that everyone is wathing but I'm not interested and goes to sleep on a big pillow instead.

      My dad saw into the future and got a hint how he was to become successful and now he just sits by a chair in the courtyard with two people on each side of him. They talk and exchange idéas on how they will be successful.

      Notes: My dad is studying to be more successful.

      I'm outside the gate and know it's a dream. I fly away but notice that the dream is not stable. I land and touch my face. As I touch my face the whole world turns a little bit browner and my vision gets weird. There are patterns of waves that interupts my sight. I don't feel my face at first but more of my senses is activated. The dream is stable and I start to fly again. I fly to Hemköp and there are all different kinds of people I fly over. The color has changed to gray and there are only men walking.

      Notes: Many of my dreams was near my house today.

      Updated 09-17-2020 at 07:12 AM by 97565

    14. 27 Nov: Running from alien monsters in the future with my dad bitching me

      by , 11-27-2019 at 09:11 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In the future, our society collapsed, but my dad is still pissing me off about how I failed his expectations!!!
      I point out that his expectations were never appropriate for the world I grew up in and that I am very successful in my adaptation to it. And he is alive purely by luck and because I have saved him quite a few times. He is out of touch with reality. At that very moment, a horde of alien monsters who roam the streets is heading towards us. We get an early warning from seeing other people on the run. I chose a path they probably won't take and I push my father into that direction. He keeps on bitching. Something about me trespassing a property, as if that mattered in that circumstance. We escape the alien monsters, which as I expected, keep going through the main avenue. But then we encounter 3 creatures like sheep but who talk. They seem fairly innocent, but I sense danger. It happens they are also dangerous killers and one of them is an assassin who had tried killing me in my bed before, but taking up a different shape. I am not sure how it goes, but I manage to escape from them.
    15. 16 May: Earth after our civilization collapses

      by , 05-16-2019 at 02:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am being shown future human civilization but not sure if it is on planet Earth. First is just an overview of what seem like an industrial exploration on another planet, similar to Earth or one that has been terraformed.
      There is a huge plateau with giant machines like trucks with in built platforms, and they can pick up shuttles and carry them to a place near the edge of this plateau and then tilt the platform they are on, so they are launched into space.
      Below this platform, the planet is green and luxurious, but this area is covered in roads, machines, big trucks and shuttles, just like an interface to ship materials in and out of the planet.
      I wonder if people live there. And then past this plateau and entering the forest I do find people and settlements. They live in small, almost primitive looking villages, with houses that look like Mayan and Incan pyramids, but then seen from a different angle, they have large panoramic windows, like bioclimatic houses that blend in the environment. They farm, but the way they have their plantations integrated in the natural environment is so beautiful and artistic that it makes me cry. People look like Celts and I wonder if these are just the hippies of this era, yet they have just the right amount of high tech facilitating their way of life, which is very discreet. People are gathering and walking towards a stone path, made with large flat basalt stones going uphill and I am told it's some kind of religious celebration day and they head to some kind of temple. But what I find is an old city, with the old buildings, the beautiful ones from 20th century and before, totally preserved and being used, alongside avenues of old uglier buildings abandoned, in ruins and apparently just being displayed as an open air museum.
      I recognize one street as Avenue João XXI in Lisbon, still with some billboards from banks and other institutions hanging behind their glass walls, but the outside is very decrepit, the concrete is worn out, paint is gone, walls look very grey, covered in dirt and metal parts are rusting. Then I am invited to sit at a nice café in one of the recovered building where they serve cookies and cakes from the past, according to recipes they have preserved. But all this left me emotional and I have no hunger. They insist that I sit and just enjoy and they start bringing me samples of cookies and I do feel so much better.
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