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    1. (June 13, 2015) Orca #2 Its was only a dream?!?! Nooo!

      by , 06-13-2015 at 02:20 PM
      In this dream I was at some sort of sea world facility with my brother and we were trying to go see the killer whales. We were allowed into a indoor room with a pool that contained one of the orcas. The trainer there was nice enough to let us back there by the pool. I could see the orca swimming around and I really wanted to see it. I lay down next to the water of the pool and the orca jumps out of the water right next to me and I am able to pet it. Its skin is wet and feels a little damaged, probably due to being captive at a park(I do NOT agree with orca captivity). I just hang out with it for a decent amount of time there by the pool. I don't want to leave it but after about 10 minutes it decides to go swim in the water. I try to call it back but it is busy doing it's own thing. We open some underwater gates to see if the other orcas will come into the main pool to see us but no luck.

      That has been the highlight of my dreams lately, and I was a bit sad waking up to find out it was just a dream.

      havent updated in a while but this dream was important to me so i really wanted to share and archive it.

      Updated 06-25-2015 at 11:14 PM by 62947

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Recurring DC who I'm married to (2)

      by , 06-12-2015 at 07:43 PM
      This is the second dream in which this recurring DC, who is implied to be my dream-world husband, appeared.

      I am living in an apartment block, very modern, futuristic architecture. It’s implied the place was built by aliens, who happen to coexist with humans in my dream world. The apartment block is one I often find to be my ‘home’ in lucid dreams, in a tropical climate, very hot, the plants massive, waxy and exotic-looking.

      I can’t quite remember what I did during this dream, except the part just before I awoke.

      I’m on the balcony of my apartment. I’m just enjoying watching the people running around the pool below, some all jumping in at once to flood part of the side of the pool. It looks like a pool party, but I ’m content to just watch them rather than join in.

      All the apartments seem to be empty, except one a few balconies along from mine. There’s a figure in the window, but whoever it is isn’t coming out. I’m curious as I haven’t actually seen the owner of this apartment before; I’ve met most DCs who inhabit the block.

      I go through my apartment and into the corridor; I see the figure from the window come out of his room, then stop to look at me. I approach him and recognise him from my other dream; as he made a profound impact on me when I saw him in the first dream.

      He smiles at me and invites me into his room as if he knows me. I find it odd he doesn’t introduce himself or ask for my name. He’s very attractive, so of course I go into his apartment. I keep thinking it’s odd that he talks to me like he’s known me for a while, when I don’t even know his name.

      He pulls me to him and we make out. In between kissing when I look up at him, his face keeps changing. My vision blurs, and his features fuzz over, then come back to clarity, and again go blurry. The dream fades out, and I wake up.

      This is the forum post in which I mentioned this series of dreams http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...m-married.html
    3. What's Up With Ryuu?

      by , 05-19-2015 at 07:51 PM
      1-2:30PM nap
      I'm out running errands with my mother and my sister. I have my dragon, Ryuu

      in my arms. He seems to be asleep, he's completely limp in my arms with his eyes closed, but he's cold to the touch.
      "Mom, what's wrong with him? Why isn't he moving?" I ask.
      Mom doesn't respond, but parks the car at the pool and we all three go inside. Mom starts talking to a few people while I go near the waterslide. By the stairs near the waterslide is a little triangular machine in the water. I pick it up and look at it thoroughly, then put it back. Ryuu starts to move and is getting warmer, so I'm guessing he only had to warm up like cold-blooded creatures do.
      "Mom, Ryuu's wiggling now!" I tell her, as she's saying good bye to another person.
      Then, I wake up.
    4. Jealousy.

      by , 05-13-2015 at 07:29 PM
      I haven't been remembering my dreams at all recently, so I'm rather happy I remembered some of this one..Non-lucid
      12:30-2:00PM NAP
      I'm at Grannie Annie's house, but it's not her actual house. She has a tall brick oven, in the kitchen, which opens up and you can walk into the garage, where she's storing a collection of vintage school desks. To get into the garage the other way, you have to walk outside. Her house is very tall, has many rooms and has a nursery for plants.
      I found a lizard in the nursery, and I need to get him outside. I pick him up, and walk to the kitchen. "Grannie Annie, did you just bake?" She nods at me. I sigh in annoyance, and go outside and into the garage. I decide I need to set him up a tank.
      I hot glue a book to one of the desks, believing I needed a flat space to make his tank. I build his tank on top of it, then immediately panic. I hot glued one of her prized vintage desks!
      I go back into the kitchen. More people are here.
      "Are you Alex?!" A tall, tan, freckly, older lady with black hair asks me excitedly.
      "Uh... yes? Yes. I am." I say.
      "Ah, you're so funny! I love reading your posts online!" She smiles broadly. "SO nice to meet you!"
      I shake hands with her, saying "thank you."
      I go back into the garage, where a little platinum-blonde haired boy is. He goes over to the desk, and pulls up the book, with some effort. I thank him profusely. He asks me, "Will you play with me? Nobody wants to play today." I agree.
      The scene changes. I'm at the pool, with Mackenzie and AJ. Julia is at the other end of the pool, looking very angry. AJ looks equally angry. AJ is ranting to Mackenzie quietly about Julia's 'attitude, especially today!'
      I ask her, "what's today?"
      "Mother Suicide Awareness Day." she replies.
      I look around. Lots of mothers are here with their children, which does mean that Mrs. T is here. The black-haired woman is here too!
      Then, I wake up.
    5. Really Weird Night (LD #174)

      by , 02-28-2015 at 04:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      A nightmare where I was looking into the mirror in my bathroom. The skin on my chest/stomach peeled off and my internal organs started to fall out. I remember my heart looked artificial and had some kind of gauge or pressure meter on it. I screamed and woke up.

      wtf I haven't had a nightmare of any sort in like two years...

      After that, I wanted to go back to sleep to see if I could snag some lucidity before morning. Some disjointed fragments led into a couple of congruent LDs.

      -Something to do with my college dormitory. For some reason I was wearing golden earrings in the dream, somebody commented on them, saying that they looked good. I asked myself when I got piercings and could not recall. I didn't become lucid though.

      -Something to do with drawing and a tin of colored pencils.

      -I was playing LBP3. I was designing this level where you would run across all of these little white platforms that were moving and stuff was firing on you. There was also this big metal bridge that would unfold when you got close to it. A was there, commenting on how he liked the game-play aspect of it.

      I was at the community pool in my cousin's hometown, though almost nobody was there except me and someone else. I was just chilling in the shallow end of the pool when this bully character approached the two of us. He picked us both out of the water and said he wanted to try and drown us in the deep end.

      I tried to punch him but it didn't do much.

      I elbowed him in the face and managed to swim away. He followed me out of the pool. I turned around to fight him. He was buff and had long blonde hair and short thick facial hair and blue eyes. It was also at this moment that I noticed that I was still wearing gold earrings. I thought this might put me at a disadvantage because he could grab them.

      I ran in and kicked him in the stomach. He reeled back. He was almost at the edge of the pool. He came back and tried to punch me. I ducked under it and put my leg behind his. From there it was easy to just push him into the water.

      He looked at me angrily. I thought he was going to just get out of the water and attack me again, but he seemed to just be waiting there. But this other DC showed up. He looked like Santa Claus except his outfit was all white.

      He said something about learning to be submissive and recognize your own inferiority. He said that this was meant to be some kind of dream test and that I had failed it.

      For some reason, I was just boiling mad at this Santa/Guide character. I started screaming at him that people shouldn't be taught to be inferior and submissive, and that you can't mold people into what you want. They will do their own things and form their own identities and moral codes and there is nothing that you can do about it.

      I got so mad at him that I FA'd in my living room. But it felt smaller. All of the furniture had been pushed into one end of the room an there was a small Christmas tree in the room with some presents under it.

      This seemed strange to me. I did a nose pinch RC. Lucid dreamin' baby. I had almost become fully lucid in the last section, but now I could think clearly. I still wanted to see Manei. I started calling her name, expecting her to simply be upstairs or something. No reply. I thought to go outside, but saw that it was very, very dark. The kind of darkness that would make me lose the dream.

      I then realized that stabilizing would probably be a smart idea. I rubbed my hands together.

      "I will not lose the dream until I have accomplished one of my goals!"

      I then thought to try teleporting to the beach location. In the past my teleportation efforts have failed miserably, so I was gonna have to really commit. I closed my eyes and started visualizing the beach in Puerto Rico that my family goes to every year.

      I started to see it in the center of my vision. I thought that I should start engaging my other senses. I tried to picture the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the smell of saltwater and the sun on my face.

      However when I opened my eyes I was still in my home, but things were different. I saw that it had gotten considerably lighter outside. It still appeared to be foggy and gray, but I could make out the street and plants. The entire backyard had been taken over by a massive jungle/forest. There was a huge vine with massive mango-like fruit growing on it. (When I say massive Mango-Fruit, I am talking 3-4 feet across.

      I made my way out the front door to get a better look at what was outside. The dream's clarity started revving up to very high levels here. I saw that half the neighborhood had been overtaken with these huge gnarled branches. There seemed to be pieces of a structure in there, as if it were made of I-beams.

      I followed the gnarled branches up to see a huge tree, literally miles tall. It seemed as though as it got farther away, it looked less and less like it was made of wood. It seemed to be made of stone or metal, and had complex designs of overlapping circles and rune symbols on it. It was supporting the sky, that appeared to be solid, made of high-technology structures (like the surface of the death star). There were windows or some kind of white lights scattered about on the surface. There seemed to be places where it had rusted through though and real vegetation was growing through it, both on the tree and the sky.

      The sky had to be 50 or 100 miles up. There were layers upon layers of thin, misty clouds surrounding the tree trunk. The thing that I remember the most was the temperature. It was sooo hot and humid in this dream.

      I couldn't believe the enormity of these metal trees, and I had to check them out for myself. I started flying, but for some reason moved backwards very quickly. I stopped and stumbled.

      "No, I want to go UP!"

      I started flying again, but I still went backwards. I lost control of the ability to fly and got pulled out of the scene. Everything started shrinking and getting darker. I saw more of the trees supporting the sky ceiling for a moment. It looked like some of them were just tree stumps.

      Somebody told me that this was a forest that had been cut down by giant cosmic beings from the seventh dimension, millions of years ago, but it was growing back now. I saw my town on a remove section of earth, like a SimCity tile, floating in nothing.

      I was in a black void. White cubes were scattered about. I was still pulling backwards at increasingly fast speeds. I thought I might hit one of the cubes, not being able to see where I was flying.

      I woke up.

      Interpretations: I really have to come back to these after I've had some proper time to think about it.
    6. Pool; Lake

      , 01-11-2015 at 02:19 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday Jan 11, 2015

      Last night bed around 9pm.

      I have been having dreams last few nights, what seems like all night. But waking up every time just a bit too late to remember anything that can be put into words.


      I'm in a house, when we notice there is a fire in the next room. Flames are shooting out from some opening in the wall. I'm looking for an extinguisher, but all I find is some water. I start throving it on the fire through this small hole and it's working.

      I'm outside, sitting on some benches or chairs, by some small stores. Suddenly there is a black smoke coming out of one of them. I think store is empty, but a bunch of us run up there to help people get out and to stop the fire.

      Last night:
      We are living in a single story house by a huge lake. Water comes up all the way to the house. The surface is very calm, like a mirror. Somebody who lives there wants to do something with the lake and I say yes. So she put a thin seethrough plastic layer on top of the water. So it looks like a lake, but you can walk on it. I walk on it, where water is only few inches deep, just barely enough to cover up some rocks that have green moss all over them.

      There is some large party and I tell someone to go walk on water and surprise the guests.

      We are standing outside, admiring some birds sitting in a tree with flowers. I want to take a picture but they all fly away and with tons of other birds alrady in the air start circling above. I know what's coming as I hear soft thuds all over the place. We are getting bombarded by bird poop. I look at my left arm and it has dozens of tiny white-grey lines of poop on it. I'll walk inside to shower.

      Now there is 3 of us, walking someplace. I ask where, and we are going to visit friend K's mom V. I realize I'm still covered in poop and i say I can't go. I turn back, and when they want to turn back with me, I tell them to keep going.

      I'm standing someplace on a higher ground, looking down at some "wading" pools. In one with beatuful turquoise color, water only ankle deep. Another pool adjacent to that one is knee deep.

      Lots of dreams, happy.
      Tags: lake, pool, water
    7. LD #152: Using a Dreamcatcher in a Dream

      by , 01-03-2015 at 06:10 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was at the pool at my family's old health club. I noticed that I didn't need to hold my breath to stay underwater and it felt very relaxing just floating there underwater. Also, the pool was much deeper than it is IWL. Eventually the lifeguard thought that I was drowning and pulled me out of the water. I apologized for calling him into action and told him that I was totally fine.

      I had a dream that involved my mom wanting me to drive the family's old van. I didn't want to do it.

      I was in a Cafe in the outlet mall a couple miles from my house. (I don't know if it is there IWL, but I could 'sense' where I was. I ran into my friend sitting at a large table all by himself. We already have a C and an H so we'll call him CH. So I sat down with him. I remember thinking that I might want to go get some tea or something from the Cafe. But I haven't seen CH in years so we wanted to get our hellos out of the way.

      I went to the Cafe and bought some tea. A little expensive, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

      When I sat back down CH was looking through my art portfolio. There were a bunch of large drawings in it that are not there IWL. The looked like drawings that I did as a child. One was particularly good though. I remembered that I wanted to show him something on the back. When I turned it back over onto the front the particularly good drawing was gone.

      I began cascading into lucidity as I noticed that turning the drawings over, or looking away from them produced different results each time. I transitioned from the Cafe to my living room. I still had one of the drawings in my hand. I then did a nose pinch just to confirm that I was dreaming. Oh, yeah.

      My parents were sitting on the couch across from me. My dad had his arm over my mom's shoulder. I told them that I was lucid dreaming and had to go do my goals. They smiled, almost creepily and said OK.

      I walked around the kitchen of my house, rubbing my hands on things and stabilizing. At one point, I pulled out a drawer. It was full of CD cases in neat rows. But the drawer was broken, one of the sides was missing. I thought to myself that I could fix it. I looked away, and the side was fixed. I closed it.

      I went to the door to go outside, but all I could see outside the windows was black. I couldn't even see that the front porch was there. I closed my eyes and tried to have it appear as day when I opened them. Nope, still dark outside. I then tried to transport myself directly onto a beach. (Why a beach? Because that was where many of my early lucid dreams took place. It just seemed like a good place to go.)

      I closed my eyes and visualized a beach. It seemed to be working, but when I came out of it, I was still in my house. I tried again. This time, when I visualized the beach, Manei was there. But when I came out of it, I was still in my house.

      I then thought that my bedroom might be a better place to change the scene. I have a huge potted tree that could be perfect for bringing me to a tropical/beach environment. I made my way up the steps. But when I got to the top, and turned down the hall to go into my room, I felt a presence. I looked behind me to see someone emerge from the wall.

      The means by which they emerged from the wall was pretty psychedelic and difficult to describe in words. It could best be described as pushing into a taught blanket from the other side until it peeled away from the wall and he became a figure cloaked in that yucky beige color my parents painted the walls. As I saw the figure coming down on me, I wasn't so much scared as I was 'are you serious?!'. I found myself more annoyed by this being than anything else because I had lucid goals to attend to.

      He wrapped me up in mummy wrapping scarves, and then picked me up feet first. Originally, I thought I could simply overpower the being. That didn't work, it's movements and grip felt as strong as steel. I managed to get a hand free. I looked down and saw the barefoot leg of a man. I put my hand up to it and tried to picture a steel spike forming out of my hand and going through the leg. Nothing happened.

      The being carried me into the guest bedroom and wrestled me onto the bed. By this point, I had both hands free.

      "Stop! You are a nightmare! What do you represent?!"

      No response.

      "This is my dream! I'm not scared of you, whoever you are!" I said, venting my annoyance. It was at this point that I realized that this being was no monster, but merely a man. I started trying to punch him, but my hits didn't connect with any meaningful force. It felt as though I was simply punching a pillow. I, instead tried to peel away the cloak and mummy scarves, that felt as though they were made out of paper.

      I managed to peel away the scarves around his face. I saw the face of a late 30's-early 40's man with short hair and a stubble-ish mustache. He looked a little like my father, if he was more of a military type. I couldn't help but thing that this man was an agent or a part of some task force.

      I he still seemed intent on restraining me. I then had one more idea. I put my right hand behind my back and manifested a dreamcatcher. I broke free of his grip completely and floated to the end of the bed. I held up the dreamcatcher. It was no bigger than my hand, but I could see the feathers hanging down from the bottom.

      "Nightmare Ward!"

      Now before anyone asks, I don't know where those words came from. I guess it was just the first thing that I thought to say.

      The man went from being determined and aggressive to terrified faster than anyone I've seen. He started to scream in defeat and the dream went dark.

      Officially, that's the third nightmare that I've vanquished.

      I false awoke on my bed. I figured that I should get out of bed and write down the dream. I made it to the door of my room when I false awoke a second time.

      I was laying in bed, suspicious of my reality. Eventually, I started moving to preform a nose pinch. Yep, still dreaming. I sat up in bed. I then woke up a third time.

      I was awake for real this time, but I felt that I could DEILD if I tried. I figured that I wanted to get up and write my lucid while I still had it.
      nightmare , lucid
    8. Backlog, 12/12: DEILD, DILD, Dream WILD, "Lessons from Gurdjieff" and "AnotherDreamer's Tea Recipe"

      by , 12-20-2014 at 08:16 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      DEILD. Transition but am still lying on mat. Body feels incredibly heavy; I RC, but almost just "go back to sleep" because it is so hard to move. I reason that that would be pointless, however, because I am already asleep. I decide to get up, and as I do, my body becomes lighter and lighter, and until I just fly out of bed. I run out of the room on all fours.

      Cats are out in the living room. My father's cat is here, which is odd, and he eyes me suspiciously as I come charging out. He seems scared, and then attacks and bites me. I hit him in face with a pillow. Then try to make friends. He seems pissed. My wife then comes out of the bedroom. I suddenly realize that this dream is scary, and things could go wrong if I let my emotions get worked up. So I still my mind and focus on people liking me

      My wife seems happy to see me. She tells me to go get ready for bed, because she wants "quality time." I consider telling her this is a dream, but I do not I wake up.

      I am reading a secret/restricted Jehovah's Witnesses' text called "Watchtower" In it, a discussion about a certain river where initiations and enlightenment have occurred. I go to the river. I am swimming up it, into a cave. I have a vision/flashback (?) of Gurdjieff trying to bring someone to enlightenment. He gives this man a baby. The man is at the river for the purpose of enlightenment, and is displeased to have to take care of a child. Then he becomes attached to the child. He fears for its safety. Gurdjieff comes back, and turns the child into dust. It sinks into the river. The man is devastated. Gurdjieff explains:

      "At first you did not want the child. You were blown by the winds of karma one way. Then you wanted the child. You were blown the other way. Now I have taken the child, and you suffer for it." The man asks if he is close to enlightenment. Gurdjieff laughs and says there are many stages.

      I swim back toward the mouth of the cave and down a small waterfall. The river has become a water park, and I accidentally bump someone coming up the waterfall (?). Segue into a FA: "wake up" at a pool. I am wondering if this is a dream when my wife asks the same question. I nose pinch
      and can breathe. We walk around the pool together; not super lucid, as I think my wife is real. We see a girl DC. I start fooling around with her, and she starts to rub my wife's breasts. My wife pulls away, and says it feels uncomfortable. I think to show off my dream control, and order the DC to run across the street. She does, and a path appears for her to run on. I urge her onward. Finally awake into a FA; my wife is awake, and I question her about the dream, but she says was not there. I assume it was a just a "normal" LD and return to sleep. I then wake up.

      Dream WILD: Talking to my aunt on the phone; we decide to LD together. We enter the dream, and try to help some man find his daughter. More of a semi-lucid, although I was aware I was dreaming. Tough call She tells me about using LDing to contact my dead grandfather. She keeps calling it "remedying" though (like REMedying . . . .)Another FA with my wife. She has her nightlight on. We talk about something, and then I go "back" to sleep.

      A dream about not being able to fall asleep. I finally take Sageous's advice to get up and do something else. I decide to make some tea. I use AnotherDreamer's recipe, made out of sunflower leaves and apple chips. I start eating the apple chips. I check my watch twice as an RC, and the numbers do change, but this is not enough to trigger me. In fact, I think I ignore it altogether.
    9. House of Dream Signs (NLD)

      by , 11-22-2014 at 09:06 PM
      I was in a small shop when blood dripping from overhead stained the white shirt I was wearing. I looked up and I could see small circles of blood pooling and dripping down from from the ceiling in two separate places. Where could it be coming from? The explanation that seemed most likely was that the vampires were leaving their victims on the roof again. If so, I was going to be very annoyed, because sometimes it was days before anyone found them and by then they were going bad. I wondered if I should go up and check, but remembered that there was somewhere I needed to be shortly so I would have to hurry home to shower and change my shirt.

      Back home, I had sufficient awareness to notice that the place looked unfamiliar (like most of my dream places, it resembled nowhere I've been in RL), but then I remembered that we had just moved here. I walked around admiring the new house: it was much more spacious than the last one, and had great atmosphere. For instance, in my room there were places where tree roots were growing down over the wall, creating beautiful lattice patterns and giving the room a pleasant rustic feel. I remembered my last landlord was always paranoid about tree roots growing near the house, but in this case their growth had been shaped in such a way that they formed a wonderful symbiosis with the architecture. There was a shallow pond my room too, unless I'm remembering a different room, and some kind of fish or crustaceans living in the pond.

      I found my mother in the yard just behind the house. She was engaged in some kind of task, using a tree stump as a base to scrub the blue pigment off of some pieces of paper (as far as I could make out) and wanted me to come help. I also noticed a little pool or pond in the backyard that I thought I should take a closer look at when I had more time. But it was already 11am and I needed to be at my next engagement by 11:30, which barely left me time to take a shower. My brother came out to help my mom instead, so I excused myself and went back inside the house.

      I passed a room that was entirely filled with an inground swimming pool, leaving just enough floorspace to walk around the edges. I gazed down into the water and was surprised how deep it was. I think my dad was in the room; I remember asking about the depth and then noticing the large black numbers marked on the side of the pool that confirmed his answer: eighteen feet. I reached down to touch the water and was delighted by how warm it was. This was much better than an outdoor pool because we could use it year round! And it was the third body of water I'd seen in the house so far. "I'm really starting to like this house!"

      There was more but my recall gets vague after that. One thing to note, though: this dream was little more than a concatenation of dream signs! Mother, father, brother, unfamiliar house, no less than three bodies of water—somehow I went from one to another in a state of total obliviousness, and yet the dream kept throwing them at me as if to say, "Erm, excuse me. Hey. Hey! Notice anything?"
    10. The Swim to Sin City

      by , 11-22-2014 at 06:11 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #256: The Swim to Sin City

      I’m standing at my kitchen again, looking out into the darkened back yard. This is so familiar… I remember that my last lucid dream began the same way. I perform a nose pinch reality check and now I’m lucid.

      I phase through the exterior door to a nighttime scene in my back yard. The pool is here, but it’s been drained dry. I phase through the pool fence and stand at the edge. I recall (incorrectly) that OpheliaBlue is attempting to complete a dare to go swimming. I think, hey, maybe I’ll swim in a lucid tonight, she will too, and it’ll be badass synchronicity tomorrow.

      I raise my hands from waist to shoulder height, knowing that the pool will fill back up with water. It does, and I’m super pleased. I try to play it cool and not be so shocked when dream control comes through. I dive into the water, happily swimming about and noting that the water feels quite real. After a bit, my vision fades, and I’m in the void. A few more seconds of swimming, then that sensation fades, and I start rubbing my hands together, determined to come into a new dream scene…

      … I emerge back in the kitchen, then phase back through to the outside. Through the pool fence, back into the pool, and more swimming. After diving down a bit, my vision goes dark. I try not to worry about this, though, and just swim forward as hard as I can. I go for a while before the swimming sensation dims a bit. Soon I feel some kind of hard surface and find myself…

      … standing on a table in a Las Vegas casino, next to some kind of big, blocky control box. To my left, there’s a man sitting at a slot machine. He pulls the handle and I decide to make his day and get him a jackpot. Quarters start pouring out of the machine and the man dances with excitement. A man in a suit (a casino employee, I guess) points at me, looking annoyed, then points at the big control box that I’m standing next to. I have strange thoughts where I contemplate whether my dream powers actually affected this control box and not the slot machine directly.

      My lucidity’s starting to fade a bit, and then I see a young boy in the lobby ahead, throwing up into a trash can. There’s a frazzled-looking man attending to him, and the man shouts that he’s not the boy’s father and who left this kid here? This additional distraction
      costs me my lucidity. I jump down off of the table to go help out. I spend a while wrapped up in the dream plot of trying to find this kid’s parents until the dream ends.
    11. Quickie Frags

      by , 11-17-2014 at 06:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      These late-night skype calls have to stop.

      There was some long dream about there being a hotel near my house with a beach and a lighthouse on a lake. There were for some reason a bunch of really tall, skinny, pagoda like houses across. I couldn't help but think that they looked familiar, like I had seen them in another dream somewhere.

      I dropped my computer in the hotel pool. Somehow it still worked when I got it out.

      I was driving during an intense rainstorm. I can recall swerving to avoid an I-beam that was being washed across the road.
    12. Chess, Vegas and Role-playing

      by , 11-09-2014 at 05:01 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Chess, Vegas and Role-playing (Non-lucid)


      I was in a park and I was playing a very odd game of chess. It was like checkers, but the checkers had different shapes and drawings, but it was played different than chess. I was with two friends, chatting with one of them while the other one was finishing playing a game of what I believe it was Magic the Gathering:

      The other friend was going to play a game of chess with someone else. I did felt like playing chess and I wish I knew he liked chess. A young made up friend came up, who was going to play a role playing game with me. He was going to be the GameMaster and I was filling up the stats of an elf that I was going to use as my character. I was rolling dice to add my stats, etc. I was now at a hotel in Vegas and waiting for him.

      There was a lady who was fliting with me and we kind of connected, but then, after a while she was interested in someone else, apparently an old boyfriend.

      I was walking around because it was sunny and warm. I saw several hotels around me with some pools. Some of the hotels had portable pools. I was going with this guy now, who I was going to play the roleplaying game. He told me that (while he pointed at a pool) that was portable. But it did not look portable to me.

      We went to a room and I was waiting for someone else, so more people could play. The box said that a solo player coudl help, but I personally found that to be boring. Suddenly, the room's phone rang and a recorded message started to play, saying the name of my wife and talking about pressing 6 if she accepted the loan. I wondered what was going on.

      I saw again the lady that flirted with me. There were some portuguese guys and they were laughing because this lady was complaining about the bread.
    13. Happier!

      by , 10-18-2014 at 06:37 PM
      This is an interesting lucid that happened about 40 minutes or so after first falling asleep. These are very unusual for me! Also had a much more nightmarish start than most of my lucids.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #247: Happier!

      I’m standing by my pool, which looks distressingly green and nasty. While I’m stressing out about how this happened, a large snake comes slithering out of the pool toward me. “Whoa, are you kidding me?” I shout, running a few feet away toward a stone wall that’s about eight feet high. I scramble up to the top before the snake can get me. I notice that this felt easier than it should have, and I become lucid.

      I let go of the wall and float away, my feet rotating gently upward until I’m lying on my back, looking up at the sky. I’m in some kind of miniature canyon, and the green water is now just a calm pond rather than my pool. I fly down toward the only exit, which seems to lead into a cave.

      The cave interior is well-lit but feels sinister. The walls are stained red as if they’re covered with blood and strange growls echo off of the walls. Further down the slope I see dim, hulking figures shambling through the fog. I think that they look like zombies. I remember that I want to summon Dreamer but I want to wait until the environment becomes more pleasant.

      I walk further down the slope and a huge, crazed-looking man with a black beard charges at me, his hands outstretched for my throat. That’s not real, I think, and I feel only a dull impact as he passes through me. Out loud, I say to Dreamer, “I know you’re here with me. I’ll call you in soon.” (I still don't want to call her in while the dream's still going all horror show on me.)

      Another crazed figure charges me, decayed flesh hanging off of his face. Yuck! Why is this dream trying to be so scary? I turn away, knownig that he’ll pass right through me, and he does. I emerge from the cave into a large tiled room that looks like an industrial kitchen. About a dozen or so zombies are in here, rising up from the floor, shambling forward, and then collapsing with a sigh into a heap of bones. Then the cycle begins again. It’s gruesome to look at and I really want to fix it.

      I decide that the zombies and I are all going to sing together! I come up with some song where the chorus goes, “Happier! Happier! Happierrrrrrrr!!” I belt it out with all I’ve got, and the zombies join in with me. Each cycle they look more and more normal, until after about 30-40 seconds, all of the zombies are now blond guys wearing shades, suits, and sporting 80s looking haircuts.

      I keep singing with these guys for a while, really enjoying the turnaround of this dream. I realize that I should think about other goals, and as I’m making my way into the next room, the dream thins out
      and fades.

      Updated 10-18-2014 at 06:39 PM by 57387

      nightmare , lucid
    14. Getting a Huge Cake, Swimming Pool With a Stitch Toy, and Trying Cupcakes At Work

      by , 10-12-2014 at 11:13 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I had gotten this huge chocolate sheet cake for opening a bank account. We were putting it on the "decorator's table" at work piece by piece (it was already cut up into pieces).

      I then was talking to Dallas about playing some Mario game that I had played with him, and I had beat him. I told him I had also beat Bowser at the game, and I had told Bowser "Sorry baby, I mean Bowser!". I thought maybe Dallas would get irritated that I had called Bowser "baby". At this point I think Dallas and I were in the car in a parking lot at nighttime.


      I was in this indoor swimming pool. I had this toy that was this electronic Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. He was in some sort of small pod. The toy was then at the bottom of the pool, and they were going to clean the pool, so everyone had to get out. I got out, and it looked like they were going to put this vacuum cleaner thing in the water. I told them I needed my toy. I don't remember who got it for me or if I got it, but I had it again. The toy then asked me
      "Are you Nicky (last name here)? Or are you Tidy S________ (some weird, long last name)?"
      I told it no. I don't recall any more about it.

      I then was outside somewhere. We were close to the beach. I told whoever I was with that I wanted to go for a walk on the beach because I love the beach. I was "remembering" where the beaches were in the area and thinking about what they looked like. I saw a hotel that we used to stay at a lot when we'd go on vacation when I was a kid. I wondered if we could walk on the beach there. I then thought about starting at the beach that was at this little seaside community and walk to the part of the beach by the hotel from there. It would be a long walk. I wondered if there were any obstacles.


      I was at work at the bakery. There was this cupcake tower with mini strawberry cupcakes and then a jumbo icing filled strawberry cupcake in the center. It was on display on the floor. I tried some of it, a mini cupcake and a piece of the jumbo, before we opened, but then thought that I would probably get in trouble for it, because it was messed up now. I was trying to imagine the tower not being messed up and seeing if that made it not messed up. I went back to it and it was all fake, plastic cupcakes and didn't seem messed up anymore. I also tried a pumpkin cupcake at some point.

      I then was behind the counter at work on the decorator's side. Something about some guy that worked there. It had to do with toys. A lady then came up and was asking if we had any more small blue number 1's we could put on the cupcake tower. She said she had the cupcake tower but she lost the 1. Apparently, this happened often, because it was a question that I had definitely had to say no to before. I asked the decorators, and they said no, just as I thought they would.
    15. Looking for a ghost in a Panzer Tank

      by , 10-09-2014 at 10:37 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Looking for a ghost in a Panzer Tank (Non-lucid)


      I was called for an emergency so I had to go to some pool that was in the top of a huge building. This place was in a very busy downtown, much bigger than Chicago and even New York.

      Despite not being lucid, I believe I flew towards this place and I found there was some sort of weird entity at the pool who was taking the life of many people. There were here some Zelda characters and Queen Ruto was trying to deal with serpeant, who appeared to be very angry:

      Suddenly, she got swallowed by a typhoon that came from within the water and several people and random Zelda characters were drowned. I could see how this typhoon was coming at me, but I was able to avoid it.

      Suddenly, I was told I needed to drive a tank. I was given a bracelet that had a huge logo that it was a red and black "R" I did not feel I wanted to kill people with the tank and I feared I had to do that but I had to do it's will for some reason.

      I glided to a street that had two tanks parked. They looked like panzer tanks:

      I got in and people in there appeared to know it. On the inside, it was very large, there were several sits and hundreds of buttons and little LED lights. I sad in front of the driver's seat. Its steering wheel was like from a normal car, but I saw switches that I assumed it would just fire if I pressed them. Among the group, there were four females and a male, all dressed in military. Apparently, this tank was able to hunt down ghosts and their master, who was a zombie made out of fire, something like this, but surrounded by fire:

      So we got into the tank and I drove to a smaller building. I parked, smashing some cars because we were on a rush. I inform them that I was a Psychic Medium and experienced at Spirit Banishings. I tried to give them guidance in how to protect oneself but they did not listen to me, as the male apparently was a spirit communicator also.

      We got into a small heck house,and the cashier told us that it was $90 each. I wowed with such price but we showed our military ID's (I had one in the dream for some reason) and we were able to go for free.

      As we wandered here, we found no ghost. The place decor was like an old house,with old school furniture, because it was by far scary, in fact, it was very clean and spotless and we found no ghost, so we left and we witnessed other tanks around the city.

      From here, I had a FA and something related to telepathy.
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