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    1. Another Body

      by , 04-12-2011 at 02:01 PM

      I was in my friends house and my friend woke up and we all laughed at him so he went out to the balcony, we followed him out then me and my cousin decided to build a robot, My cousin had all the materials but we just needed somewhere to build it, so we decided his garage. We were walking to his house and we met the biggest nerd in our school, he was wearing a big blue jacket and a top hat and we asked him to help us, He told us he could help and supply us with something to build on,we said we cant wheel it around the garage though I whipped out a spanner but it was a chainsaw and it cut me open, everything turned black

      I woke up and I moved my arm to behind my head but didn't open my eyes and quickly realized it was a dream and I had just woke up, I tried to DEILD but it failed cos of my arm movement

      I woke up in some land in my other cousins body in the future, everything was snowy and empty, and there was a man stuck on glass buss stop, he smashed through it and came over, I remember looking at him and realizing he was the only man who could read or write. I picked up a piece of blue lined paper from behind a fence and gave him it and asked him to spell my name (still in grahams body) and he spelt out Sam (my real name) but when he read it out he said graham.. I looked at the letters and everything started fading to white..

      I was lying in my bed and I woke up in an awkward position and tried to stay still for a few minutes in attempt to DEILD, I guess i'd finished my REM completely as it was 1pm and time for me to get up so my DEILD didn't work
    2. Date: Early March

      by , 04-05-2011 at 05:11 AM

      Dream 1
      A car in a field is stolen and I beep the horn. The cops arrive and show me a contract and he says “you have to pay me royalties.” I looked at the contract and saw the signature was not mine and said “I didn’t sign that.”

      Dream 2 Test
      I walk out of a doorway onto a grassy field. I remember it as a dream college area then I saw a goat and some sheep walking around. They seemed odd since they were just walking around mindlessly. Then I felt really good, I had passed some kind of important test!

      Dream 3 Future Bridge
      I am a passenger driving down a road in a little station wagon in California and it is flat and dry outside back dropped by mountains. The road turns into a 12 lane highway and I can see shopping centers and such. I feel like the road is changing in time as well as distance. At the beginning it was the 1970’s now it is the 80’s. Quickly it is the 90’s and 2000’s uneventfully. Then I am flying as we come to a bridge and I let the little station wagon from the 70’s go as it drives below me. Now it is the future but I am not sure when. I fly through the bridge’s upper girders and see how massive this structure is, the I-beams are bigger than I thought anything in my time was being made and wondered what kind of huge factory could produce these monsters. Then I noticed there was lighting up here too. Although it was daytime I got a quick nighttime vision of what it looked like at night and it was a nice bright green bridge. The lighting’s housings were huge, you could easily fit 10 SUV’s inside one. I wondered at the power that would be needed to do this, and all for something unnecessary, but got the feeling that it was a concern but no big deal, so much for energy concerns for the future.
      The highway went off to the left but I followed my-times highway, which was now just a depression in the vegetation. The old highways had crumbled and acted like a bedrock letting only small plants with small roots take hold and you could follow this ‘depression’ down to the sea, this led into the marshes and parts were washed out. I now felt the familiar time of the early 22nd century but was still not too sure. There was a long beach but no sign of anyone having used it in any way which I thought would be odd especially for California. I felt there was no more to see and reluctantly landed roughly on a sandbar 6 feet out from the beach. There was nothing but those tall beach weeds on shore and a few houses way in back of that. I then felt I was violating some kind of rule landing here but could not take back off. I closed my eyes and imagined flying away but I wasn’t and upon opening my eyes I saw an all green helicopter with only a small white circle for a symbol on the door. The helicopter circled a bit then came down close to me and I could see it was about the size of a small car, far too small to hold a person. Then I heard an emergency type voice say “EXIT THE AREA!” from the green helicopter. I tried to get my legs out of the sand and then I was surprised to see an all blue robot with a human type appearance approach me. It was all blue head to foot with no face just a thin vertical black line in the middle of its “face.” “Oh crap!”
      Then I am home again in early 2000’s time [not real life home] looking something up on the computer. It’s the old big computer TV like monitor and I start closing windows out as my mom and my other family members are coming in the room and distracting my attention [these are not my family members in real life].

      Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tron-Legacy-Olivia-Wilde-16-7-10-kc.jpg 
Views:	58 
Size:	65.9 KB 
ID:	2121The screen’s background has a pretty woman with short black hair on it who I seem to know and stare at it a few seconds before my sister enters the room talking loudly so I turn the computer off [I do not have a sister in real life]. They are all eating popcorn out of a bowl and passing it around and give me some but I just take out a few and crunch on them. I feel a little sad and not sure why.
    3. Forever

      by , 03-16-2011 at 06:04 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I saw Symphony standing in front of me. I blinked, and then there were two. I blinked again, and then there were endless clones of Symphony as far as I could see in the incomparably large room. My heart started racing. I blinked again, and it was just one Symphony again. I started to calm down.

      “Complete me,” she said in her flat, high-pitched voice.

      “I will as soon as I can,” I answered. She reached forward. I blinked, and she was in front of me, gripping my shirt.

      “I am already complete,” she responded. I didn’t understand. “I have waited forever, and I will wait forever. Time is not a hindrance.”

      “What do you mean, you’ve waited forever?”

      “Forever.” She stepped forward, fusing with my body. I felt a rush of energy, and then it all vanished. I looked behind me, but Symphony wasn’t there. Chunks of metal started falling from the impossibly high ceiling above me.
    4. Finally, Robotic Beings Rule the World

      by , 03-13-2011 at 06:53 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was talking to Ben about him visiting us in America and us visiting him in Australia. There was a canyon in Australia that I was particularly interested in seeing, but for some reason, he wouldn’t talk about it. We went through a list of reasons why it was a bad idea – too far away from Brisbane (either twenty-five minutes or five hours, he never specified which), food for the trip, silly things like that which are rarely the biggest factor in planning an international trip. He and another Australian guy debated how well the car would hold up on such a long drive. We were in some kind of virtual reality world. Ben had spent a lot of time converting image data to 3D models of scenic places in Australia, but he wouldn’t let us see them… I was confused, so I pressed this a bit. I finally told Ben flatly that I wanted to see the natural beauty of Australia, and I would see it with or without his help. He wouldn’t talk to me or Nicole after that. We got involved in some kind of weird mind meshing game where we turned Ben’s brain into a marble and rolled it around in our thoughts, making him rethink his decision. He eventually decided he would cooperate with us after all. As we learned, the only reason he had argued was because he thought my request to see the sights in Australia was my way of criticizing his appreciation of nature. Since it was settled, we apologized and settled our disagreement. We missed each other’s company too much to hold out alone anyway. Ben made what was supposed to be a bold statement, then – he would buy a bike in Australia and ride it proudly to show the world how much he loved natural beauty.

      The dream jumped. Ben and I were meeting up at a restaurant and hotel. We were all going to stay there together. One of the employees at the restaurant, a woman with blond hair in a sophisticated, black uniform, asked if I needed any help. I declined any assistance; I was waiting for someone, I said. I stood in the middle of the busy restaurant as waitresses zoomed back and forth between tables. I observed that the hotel was separated by a swamp-like stretch of gooey, red organic tissue. I dared not step on it. I asked the blond woman from before how I should cross it. She pointed out a narrow path made of stone that led across. All of this was clearly a reference to Althea’s swamp in the Sword of Truth series. I thanked the woman for her help as Ben appeared in the distance… He was riding a bicycle! When he approached the restaurant, he hopped off the bike. He asked me which coins he was allowed to use as payment in America.

      “The American ones,” I laughed.

      “The quarters, dimes, and nickels, then…?” he asked, nodding.

      “The pennies, too!”

      “No…” he said in sincere disbelief. “Really?!” He came into the restaurant after paying some kind of bike fee. Even inside the restaurant, he rode that bike everywhere. He nearly fell in the living swamp water as I was showing it to him. I warned him about it… At best, the water would just creep us out. I didn’t want to find out it was deadly and acidic. Anyway, we went to the winding stone trail. Naturally, Ben had to ride his bicycle over it. He nearly fell in twice; one of the stumbles put most of his weight over the edge, but Ben somehow floated to safety. I asked if he was feeling alright… He was having a lot of trouble with balance. Although he assured me he was fine, he seemed very dizzy… He started coughing and eventually vomiting bile. I invited him to sit on a bench with me and rest before we continued onward. He accepted the offer. I took photographs of the swamp.

      The dream jumped. I had a false awakening in Nicole’s bed. The room looked as it did before she rearranged the furniture. I understood that this room was connected to the hotel from before. I kept hearing sounds like a squeaky bike outside. I tuned it out as I relaxed in bed. It was a bright, new morning… Nicole stirred and immediately asked about the strange, periodic bouts of squeaking. I told her I would check it out. The next time we heard it, I saw up and looked out her window. In the street was a metallic figure attached to bike wheels – one big, one small. It cycled freely down the road. I figured out what was going on instantly and ducked out of view.

      “You can’t be serious…” I said, mostly to myself. “Get under the bed! Now!” I urged Nicole. She and I managed to squeeze under the bed together. It looked like it would be easy for the robots to detect us if they checked the house; the bed seemed higher up than it actually was from our low vantage point. Anyway, the moment I saw the human-like design in what otherwise could’ve been an interesting vehicle, everything came into place. I knew it was an artificially intelligent robot. The fact that I heard several on the street – but no cars, frighteningly enough – indicated that they were large in number. I suspected they had built up their forces in secret and overwhelmed our society. They hadn’t checked our room while we were sleeping, I decided, or we would be dead. Our robotic overlords had no reason to allow us to live. I explained all of this quietly to Nicole. We watched, terrified, as a robotic sentinel walked past our door on its metallic legs. They didn’t have feet – just long, narrow legs. I wished I had Apheri.

      Once the coast was clear, we knew we had to get Ben. Nicole and I went to the bench outside where he stopped to rest the previous day. A fleshy cocoon surrounded it now. I gestured for Nicole to follow me in. It was empty… I didn’t want to imagine what the robots had done to him when they found him. Order is a disturbing foe… We heard the squeaking of metal joints as a robot sentinel approached the cocoon. Nicole told me to hide, but there was nowhere to hide! I prepared myself for a fight. The robot raised its arms when it saw me and opened fire. Bullets filled my body. I tackled the top-heavy machine and tumbled with it into the murky water outside. Nicole gasped, fearing the electricity would kill me as the robot’s body began to crackle. Fortunately, it didn’t. The robot turned into a small bug on my arm. I crushed it with a finger, but like a cockroach, it seemed to come back to life despite seemingly fatal injury. I crushed it again, and it took flight. It bit me, injecting nanobots into my body. I couldn’t destroy it.

      “They’re immortal…” I laughed uneasily. What was I going to do? I basically resigned myself to my fate. I couldn’t fight this… I couldn’t imagine how, but the robots had conquered us overnight, and they would exterminate us without fail. I saw them marching toward us. “Go hide, Nicole.”

      “What about you?”

      “I have something to do… It’s our only chance.” My body was full of bullets. There was no way I would survive – but maybe I could save Nicole.

      The dream jumped. I was walking around in tunnels built in a Minecraftian style. I was just above bedrock. Everywhere I looked, I saw robots mounted to the floor or ceiling. When the first one saw me, a white laser trained itself on my forehead. Intense battle music started playing. Inspired by this, I ran for my life as bullets rained on me. I turned away from the few that were shooting me and nearly fell to my knees when I saw hundreds of robots staring at me. There was no escape. They had me trapped. I ran for my life past one of the three in front of me. It shot a boomerang sword at me, cutting off my left arm. Blood spurted out.

      “No way…” I choked. It shot the sword again after it returned, taking off my head this time. The bloody head rolled as my body slumped forward. I heard Nicole commenting on how cool the weapon was. I saw her standing by the lighthouse on Sailor’s Isle (Skies of Arcadia). She practiced throwing the sword. It was nearly Apheri’s length and probably just as heavy, but it moved through the air like a phantom.
    5. Over Voltage Overload: Travels of a Robot Spider

      by , 03-05-2011 at 03:48 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was slowly transforming into a robotic spider. My tongue was extremely sticky and removable. For some reason, I gained the ability to scale vertical walls with ease after licking them once. I used this ability to sneak into Nicole’s house through a window. This seemed to take place about five years in the past… Nicole and Jess were much younger, and they were still friends. They were sitting together in Nicole’s room. I crawled in and hissed awkwardly. That was my form of speech. Jess wanted to kill me and flush me down the toilet, but Nicole stopped her. I probably had it coming to me for letting that cat get flushed halfway down the toilet…

      “He’s kinda cute…” Nicole argued. “I wanna keep him.”

      “You want to keep that?” Jess scowled. Nicole knelt in front of me and gently stroked my head.

      “Let’s teach him some tricks. Come with us, okay?” She and Jess went into another room. I followed obediently. They helped me correct my robot spider speech impediment, and I regained the ability to speak normally. I informed them that I needed to be at school at 8 AM, but I wanted to see Nicole before leaving. Nicole insisted that I could ride the bus with her. We started waling around outside. When I asked her about it, she admitted her bus driver probably wouldn’t let me ride to school with her… I was sorely disappointed; before I realized I wouldn’t be able to, I was enjoying a flashback to that giddy feeling of interacting with a crush. I tried to cling to that simple happiness.

      “Well, at this point, I won’t make it back home to catch my bus… I need a ride one way or another,” I said.

      “Don’t worry,” she assured me, “my mom will take us.” A bunch of people came out of the garage together. Everything smelled like smoke. Nicole smiled widely at them. “Oh, you were doing that thing!” she laughed.

      “What thing?” asked her dad.

      “That thing!” Nicole repeated. They still pretended not to understand (if they did understand in the first place). Mike and Eric were walking together. Eric mentioned something about being good at video games.

      “You know what that means…” Mike said.

      “Uh… No,” Eric said, shaking his head.

      “You can reach into the fabric of the universe and bend it to your will! Space and time are your playthings! And rainbows? Don’t even get me started on rainbows. Wow. Just kidding, Eric – you can’t do that stuff.” Eric seemed confused. We continued looking for Nicole’s mom. I couldn’t remember what she looked like, so every time we saw a woman, I wondered if it was her. We decided to go in the garage, but Nicole went off on her own by the time we got to the backyard. Jess started laughing at me. She challenged me to destroy a glowing, black pillar in the yard. I punched it with all of my might several times, but I couldn’t break it. I continued into the garage. It was shaped like a barn. Once I was inside, I saw that they were on a platform near the ceiling. It took me a few tries because I was starting to lose my robot spider powers (it seemed to be caused by getting my tongue dirty), but I climbed up onto the ceiling and dropped down onto the platform. Something inside my body shattered. A console attached to my robot spider body sent out an error message.

      “OV/OL,” Nicole read. She and Jess puzzled over what the error message could mean until a woman came up onto the ledge. She picked me up and sighed.

      “Over voltage overload,” she said, explaining the console output to the girls.

      “Oh no!” Jess cried. She seemed genuinely upset. I couldn’t figure out why. “We broke him!”

      “Not to worry…” the woman said. “I’ll take care of it. You two should get ready for school.”

      The dream jumped. I was my normal self again. Nicole and I lay on the floor in the living room (except it was my Oma and Opa’s living room). There was trash everywhere… Spilled drinks (grape soda on white carpet, jeez), half-eaten candy… I tried picking it up while Nicole and Jess played a fighting game. Justin was at Nicole’s house, so he played, too. He explained all of the unique headgears available in the game when I started watching. Nicole was playing as an incredibly powerful wizard with refined command of electricity. Scamper walked into the room and started eating food and toys left in his reach. I didn’t want Nicole’s family to get mad at me for things my dog did, so I made him drop the toys. One looked like Eric’s Guile figurine. A bunch of people had to leave again. I saw Beckman walk by. He complimented my talent for programming, and I took it to heart. Justin joked that Beckman seemed to be into me. I told Justin that I had a history of guys falling for me.

      “Like Justin,” I said. I didn’t realize I was talking to Justin…

      “Justin?” he asked, bewildered.

      “Tynne. Serenity.” He fell onto his back in shock. Then, he started to cry.

      “Serenity never gave me a chance…” he wailed. I hugged him to calm him down. After that was settled, I went into the kitchen to organize the refrigerator. I sorted the fruits with care. Nicole’s mom finally showed up. She asked if we were ready to go. I replied in the affirmative – just as soon as I was sure the refrigerator was in order.
    6. A war and a robot, but not a war with robots

      by , 03-01-2011 at 11:52 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      I was supposed to be in class, but was skipping. I saw some MTG cards in a store and wanted to buy them. Then the next day I did go to class and we had to build a robot. I didn't have time to finish it before class ended. When I got home I ate with my family but the robot had followed me demanding that I finish my work. I reluctantly acquiesced.

      He had a human face and looked sort of like my youngest brother (8), although my brother was also there and I could notice some differences. Later I asked him if he couldn't just learn all the physics I knew and work on himself since he was a genius. He told me it would just take him about a week (ouch). I told him I was pretty smart but was very lazy and always skipping classes, although I still managed to get good grades. Then I cheered myself thinking that I had built a freaking robot.

      The dream shifted and I was part of the roman army fighting their last battle in a park. The romans lost and I died fighting. Then the dream focused on my friend from real life M and I became him. The romans were taking away the people who were not warriors who had hidden themselves in a small building (myself included). I grabbed a sword and challenged an important enemy noble to a duel, but in the middle of the fight another man decided to take his place. I managed to cut him on the neck, but it was too shallow. He still pretended to be dying so that he could drown me in the park pond. He failed and he began laughing about how he always did that. Then we started fighting again.
    7. Complete Nonsense

      by , 02-23-2011 at 08:55 PM
      1. I'm stuck in some sort of prison camp. The guards are making us take Prozac and there is a big cut on my arm. Strangely enough, the other prisoners seem happy to be there. Suddenly these large robots come in and start breaking down all the doors.

      2. I'm taking a bus somewhere, but I'm not sure where I am going. I get off and go into a big house. There are lots of people inside who seem quite busy with something. A man passes me on the staircase and I ask "Hey, do you know where the hell we are?". He doesn't seem to know either. I'm holding in my hand a book of french lessons. Suddenly I notice that the book is hollow and full of illicit substances. I walk out into the front yard and suddenly it's sunny out (it was dark when I arrived at the house). I walk out into the driveway and see people that I think I might know all cramming into a car. I walk over to them and try to give them my book. They won't take it and someone scolds me. Someone reaches into my bag and grabs a sandwich that I had packed. I hear the song "Lost Highway" by Hank Williams on the car radio. I pick up a rotting tomato slice on the pavement and take it over to what seems to be a compost bin. I open it up and toss it in, but while I have the lid open, dozens of bees start swarming out and I run away.

      3. I feel my rib cage and I am horrified to find that I have lost a very unhealthy amount of weight. All of my ribs are sticking out way further than they should be. Suddenly I can see myself as if I am outside my body. I see my stomach swell out as if I am pregnant, but the rest of me stays frail and skeletal.

      4. I'm trying to make burritos, but I keep screwing up the tortillas. They are ripping and unraveling all over the place, and the burrito filling is getting everywhere.

      5. I'm in a house that I do not recognize. There is some sort of gathering there. For some reason, Tony Soprano is there. Maybe because I fell asleep watching the Sopranos. I run into him in a room in the house where we are alone, but suddenly the scene melts away and I find myself laying on a staircase. I get up and walk around. I think that I am supposed to meet my mom somewhere. I go outside and look down the hill that the house is on. I see a crowd of people wearing academic robes. I can pick my mom out of the crowd, because her robe is bright green and the rest of the crowd wears black. My cell phone rings and it's my mom calling to tell me that the ceremony is taking a long time.

      6. I'm sliding down a road on my stomach, as if I were on a luge headfirst. I am going faster than any car could go. It's kind of like half sliding, half flying. It's night time and I can see the lights of a city in the distance.

      Updated 02-25-2011 at 12:57 AM by 41911

    8. lucky boss and tractor robot; weeds and slavery

      by , 02-20-2011 at 03:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some kind of building construction setting. As I was in this setting, I had some kind of conversation going on in my head, probably just a conversation with myself, but possibly a "remembered" conversation between myself and some person I looked up to.

      The conversation had something to do with the way capitalists exploit people, and how anybody with a conscience shouldn't be part of the corporate system. Of course I felt bad, thinking about my own life in this context.

      The building construction site was enormous. It was almost like some kind of futuristic landscape, where everything in site was part of one kind of building complex. But the whole area seemed to be under construction. But it was in complete disarray, as if things had been destroyed, or as if the place, instead of being a construction site, were just a gigantic dump.

      I was now either swinging on a huge crane or watching some kind of robot swinging from the crane. The crane had a red metal frame. It swung back and forth in front of a half-built building.

      As the crane swung back and forth, I heard the voice in my head talk about my boss, referring to him as a "lucky boss." Something about the way this had been said made me feel bad about myself all over again, as if I were part of some awful system where the bosses were all "lucky" and everybody else was being exploited.

      I was now definitely watching a robot swinging from the crane. The robot was yellow, like a tractor. It may even have been made out of old tractor parts. But it had cute, big eyes that looked half like oogly eyes and half like empty headlights for a car.

      The robot dropped itself off the crane. It fell down toward a huge pile of other tractor-like robots. I knew that the impact of the landing would kill the robot. But I knew that the robot had meant to do this, and that it had wanted to die.

      Dream #2

      I was in some kind of forest or rural area. I was in front of a cabin. It was a warm, partly sunny day.

      I jumped up into the air and flew over toward a dirt road or dirt path. As I did this, I thought to myself something about the history of the United States and slavery.

      I landed on the path. The path was blocked by a patch of weeds, some of which were quite tall, even flowering. I jumped up into the air again and flew over the weeds. There may have been another patch of weeds not too far after the first one. So I may have decided to keep on flying.

      As I flew over the weeds, I continued my thoughts on slavery. I thought to myself that African Americans had been kept down first by slavery. But then, even after slavery, they had to deal with so much oppression. I thought to myself, Well, I shouldn't be surprised if there's resentment because of all this. But now the situation is definitely changing.
    9. 12 Jan: Wizard of Oz (ToTY) and Earth's core

      by , 01-18-2011 at 12:36 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Fighting oneiric monster
      With my BF on a small hotel in India. We’re tired and we take a hot shower or we’re in a spa, something relaxing I feel we deserve. Each of us stays in different rooms. Later we’re in a war. I’m running to help my BF who is held prisoner on a cave by a half human, half-robotic creature that wants to kill me. It’s some oneiric monster we want to get freed from in our dreams. We’re fighting but I’m kicked out of this dream and find myself in a beach, lying on shallow water. I swim for a while along the coast to reach some place I see at distance.


      Trying lucid meditation
      On some nice big house where I’m staying for some time, like keeping it clean for its owners who will come back soon. The house is full of gadgets and tech stuff and I’m in the kitchen trying to make sense of some gadget that is on the counter. Then someone comes, maybe the owner. I need to leave so I go close the kitchen’s window. Then I feel like jumping out of the window and check a nice terrace to my left but I think “Oh, I wish I could do that...Oh, wait, I can! I am dreaming!”So I become lucid. I fly out of the window, check the view from that terrace and there I find an entrance to a small lab where some young people work. The terrace connects to more terraces and I walk and explore them. At the end, where it opens on a suspended square, there’s a playground with kids playing. Below there’s a sandy road. The landscape is ugly, like some poor neighborhood on a 3rd world country and I think that’s maybe a clue that I should use the opportunity to just meditate, as there's not much to see. So I decide to levitate, legs crossed and I meditate. But as I do this, I slowly come closer to the floor unwillingly, until I land on the sand, facing a wall. I stay focused. I keep my eyes looking down and I notice the sand, I can almost see every grain. I feel each sandy grain on my feet, this helps lucidity strengthening but then I see the sand moving and growing a lump in front of me. It is about to form some face and I am sure it will be some kind of demonic figure to scare me and distract me, but I don't care, so it vanishes before finishing to form. Then I hear what seem like a bunch of cars coming in my direction and I recall I’m sitting in the middle of a road – for moments I forgot this was a dream and I got up, afraid of being hit. Two trucks were coming towards me, but I remembered again I was dreaming and decided not to move. They just passed by me, without even touching me. Then I forgot to keep meditating and thought about the ToTY – my first goal was to do the Wizard of Oz task.

      Wizard of Oz (ToTY)
      So I decided that when I turn around, I would see the beginning of the yellow brick road and I would meet Dorothy a bit more down the road and ask for her shoes. When I turned around there was just a normal paved road, but it was flanked on both sides by yellow markers and yellow walls and only yellow buses circulating along its length. My first thought was to try again, but curiosity won, I wanted to see how it would develop further.
      To my right side I found a bus terminal, right at the beginning of the road. Having a rest, near a parked bus, was some girl with wavy brown hair. She was with three male friends and she was changing shoes. She had a large suitcase open and lots of shoes on the floor. She was putting aside some really nice red shoes with high heels and slipping into some other more comfy shoes. I approached her and I said I really liked her shoes and asked if I could try them. She allowed but when I put them on, the shoes became yellow. I asked her why did the shoes become yellow and she said it was the way they were, they’d change colours when we’d put them on, but she said not to worry, because they were perfectly fine and would totally work the same way. So I decided to knock my heels 3 times while saying “there’s no place like home”. But nothing seemed to happen.
      I waited for a while without moving. Nothing seemed to change. Then I noticed there was a river right in front of us, behind the bus terminal. A huge noise revealed a boat approaching fast. This boat had two guys inside and they made some quick and dangerous turns in the water, causing it to spiral and wave in amazing patterns. I didn't know what this exhibition was about but I was admiring the hypnotic effect on the water, when a group of mutilated dolphins that had just been cut by the boat’s engine arose at the surface amidst bloody water. Some were still fighting for their lives, but there was just too many bones exposed and bits of meat everywhere. It was a horrific scene. Then we heard police sirens and for some reason we did not want to be there when they arrived. So we run up the road and looked for cover.

      Meeting unknown dreamer
      I jumped over a low brick wall and grabbed some hanging vines which revealed some door behind. I sneaked in and found myself on some kind of tunnel. At its end there was another door and when I crossed it I was on someone’s house. I was looking for someone and I heard snoring in the living room. I went there but there was only an hi-fi from where the sound was coming. Then I saw something moving on the next room but it was just some robotic arm which grabbed the remote to the hi-fi and turned it off. This house was becoming too creepy, but I kept going. Then on the very last room on the back I found a guy. He was short, tanned, round face, south-american looking. He smiled at me and welcomed me. I sat on his bed and we talked. I insisted in speaking English, because I knew he wasn’t Portuguese, but his language sounded familiar. He was either speaking Spanish or Portuguese-brazilian. He insisted that I speak Portuguese because he could understand me, but
      I was having difficulties in changing language mode, so I would still sometimes reply in English. I said I was sorry for that, but it was the habit. He told me is name was Irino but his last name I’m not so sure. I just know that we laughed because of the similarities with my own name. Then I realised I was dressed in the dream just as I was dressed in my bed in RL – just panties and a tank top. He noticed that I noticed and because now he was sitting by my side and touching my leg with his leg, I noticed that he was getting aroused and his eyes were glowing. He put his hand on my leg and I said no way, it won’t happen! Just yesterday I met this other guy who also wanted sex on a dream, but we had just met, like WE have just met, ok? [Off course I already had sex with other guys I just met in dreams, but either I wasn’t lucid or the feeling was mutual and overwhelming. If not....] So I got up really fast and headed to the closest window. I saw his garden outside. He had beautiful lettuces and orange trees. I asked him if he was growing it and he was proud to say yes. I was glad that gardening was a topic capable of diverting his attention from sex. We talked a bit about the importance of organic gardening and growing our own food. Then I woke up.


      Earth’s core
      As I fall asleep I focus on a hypnagogic image and it becomes a stable dream. It is a city on a valley, seen from above, on a street going downwards. On my side there’s a show window of some shop and when I see my reflection there I realize I’ve just fallen asleep (WILD). I fly and I hover above the houses thinking about what to do. Then I turn around and see the hill I came from and I recall a dream that some guy shared on DV about his meditative experience on the center of the Earth. So I plunged on the ground, on the hill besides me and I imagine myself going deeper and deeper and crossing the several layers of the planet’s interior. I remember the guy (sorry, don’t recall who you are!) saying he felt the different forces of each layer (the mantle, the core,...) pulling in opposite directions and I tried to experience the same. I did feel the forces or energies, pushing and pulling and twisting in all directions and it felt clearly different from when I cross wormholes between dreams. When I felt I reached the core I stayed there in absolute darkness for a while, just feeling these forces around me.


      Updated 09-24-2011 at 10:22 AM by 34880 (correcting spelling mistakes)

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the year
    10. Robots and Monsters

      by , 01-17-2011 at 01:41 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Up late again last night, and took some vitamin b-6 before bed. I had to get up immediately after waking up, so my dream recall is not good, but I remember that I had more dreams than I can remember. Here is what I can recall:

      Killer Robot
      I am somewhere where this dream has taken place, and go downstairs to the basement. There are a few rooms in the basement, up and down a hallway that the stairs lead to. I am standing on the stairs, thinking about or talking to someone about a robot that is down there. Suddenly, a woman screams. The robot is coming after me! I turn to run up the steps, but can't. I try to drag myself up the stairs by the railing.

      Then I wake up.

      Little Monsters

      I am in an airport or a school. I get into a long line behind a small monster. This monster is one of many in the room, all of them about the size of little kids, but looking like the Wolf Man, Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, etc...

      ... I do whatever it is I went to the place to do, and sit down at a table. Around the corner from me are three pretty girls singing a song. I watch them for a while...
    11. The BLUE M&M's

      by , 12-30-2010 at 06:30 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      This dream was strange, because I dreamed it, woke up, saw a strange image in my head that said REPLAY, and then dreamed it again.

      I was on a highway at night. I was a hitchhiker like so many now. Evil ghosts were taking over the world.

      If the evil ghosts saw you then they would kill you. So, basically, in the dream you didn't want the headlight's of oncoming traffic to see you or else they would know if you were human. Thus to hitchhike, you would have to wait until a car passed you and then leap into the trunk of the car.

      I hitchhiked to a building. Inside the building there was a main lobby. The lobby was used for people trying to "Log on". I'm not sure if it was simply logging on to a computer, buzzing into an apartment, or whatever, but the place was covered in M&M's.

      "THE BLUE M&M'S!!!" I screamed, "JAM THEM INTO THE LOCKS!!!"

      "What about the red M&M's?" A girl asked.

      "NOOO they are bad luck!!! Don't touch the red ones!!!"

      We jammed the blue M&M's into the locks. Apparently, this was supposed to help us fight for humanity against the ghosts.

      After a few minutes of blue M&M panic, a robot in the corner lit up.

      "Hello Master!" It said. WHOA! We all thought that the robot was just there for decoration.

      "Shall I take you to Akon?" It asked.

      "Errmm..Akon, the rapper?" I replied.


      "Akon...will help us save humanity?"


      We stood there, puzzled.

      "Guess it couldn't hurt," said one of the men I was with.

      "Alright, let's go see AKON!" I shouted! The robot led us through the maze of halls until we reached Akon's bedroom. He was talking to someone on an iPad.

      "SSh, I can't be bothered!" He said to us. He was enthusiastically talking to his friend about dirty things. Dirty Things > Humanity.

      I decided that this building was a lost cause, and that I needed to save my family. I quickly drove home and picked up my parents who were fending themselves against the evil ghosts.

      "I left something back at the house," said my father.

      "We don't have time to get it, any minute now one of the ghosts will sense that we are here!"

      He left the car anyways and was instantly defiled by ghosts. WTF.

      "Let's go!!!" My mother screamed. I stepped on the gas pedal, and woke up.
    12. My future followers

      by , 12-22-2010 at 01:03 PM (Eonnn's Akashic Records)
      I was in a classroom, one which looked nothing like any classroom i'd ever been in, so i became lucid and walked out of the class and had a look around. Someone came up to me and said "i've been looking everywhere for you... come with me" so i went with him. he took me into a small room, where there were several other people. They started telling me about how they were from the future, and i was their leader. We were fighting a war against robots/AI that were being controlled by the government. I was told that in the future, I had a special ability that allows me to turn off the robots, like an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). The team would help me out by using bombs/guns to destroy the robots. While they were telling me all this, they were also healing me with some sort of chakra device. They were pressing this blue stick thing (which looked like a paint-roller except it felt really soft) against my neck, I didn't stop them because it actually felt like it was healing me, it felt really nice, i could feel healing energy penetrating my skin going through my neck. They didn't tell me why they were healing my neck, I assume it may be because perhaps in the future i become ill or get some sort of throat problem. They only healed the right side of my throat for some reason, and when i woke up, my throat felt really good, like it truly was being healed while i slept.
    13. 6 Dec: Stabbed to learn not to feel pain

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      1:00 GMT

      Stabbed to gain control over fear and pain
      I am in some apartment building apparently coming out of my cousin’s home. She has something weird about her look, like dyed hair or extreme make-up. She goes downstairs but I feel more interested in following a corridor that seems to connect to a different partof the building or even a twin building. I then have fun exploring these connections - I go from corridor to corridor, explore different levels by taking the stairs sometimes. Every block is of a different colour or has different tiles on the wall, but it’s getting boring so I try to look for an exit.I’m a bit lucid. I look at a map on the wall, trying to locate myself, when some guy offers his help and tells me to just follow him. I do so and he leads me out. Outside, it’s a city street, looks like London and he meets a bunch of friends he was with before. They are making plans for next steps and they divide in two groups. I stick with the guy’s group, a small one – 2 guys and a girl. I don’t know where they are taking me. A bit further down, when we’re around some ugly buildings of a bad neighbourhood, the guy draws a knife and he wants to stab me in my belly. I am aware it’s a dream, but still, I shriek at the thought of feeling a knife slashing my flesh. They say “Don’t be afraid!” and I’m like “What’s wrong with you?” So just when they are about to stab me I say “Sorry, I don't want to be stabbed, I’m going to wake up!”. I wake up but I still had a brief moment when I could feel the knife cutting through my flesh. I felt discomfort and I was awake for a while...
      When I go back to sleep I am again in the same city and they are still around waiting for me. What the hell? I felt like I was going through a Freddy Krueger’s nightmarish type of thing. I ran away, I zig zagged between buildings, trying to lose them. I laid low behind a building and a concrete wall, where people threw garbage and I lost lucidity for a few moments. I got distracted with all the clothes and bags perfectly good that were thrown away. I am considering taking them with me to give away to people who need it, but suddenly I see my chasers about to find me and I instantly get back to the action. I run again but eventually they cut my way through, as they knew a shortcut through some tunnel. They grab my arms and the guy is once again about to stab me and he swears “It won’t hurt!”. I first thought he was just being psychotic, but now I have this clear feeling they were also lucid dreamers or some dream beings who were just testing me and trying to teach me something. Their attitude changed slightly when I opened myself to them. The guy said to me “It only hurts if you believe so. I’m telling you it won’t hurt if you don’t give in to fear.” Oh, so that was it? I was still a bit afraid, I was actually already feeling the pain again, just by thinking of it, so I told him ”OK, but let me do it to myself. And can I stab my leg instead? Just to try?” “OK”, he said. So I stabbed my leg and I was amazed that it felt like stabbing styrofoam. I could feel it buried in the flesh but it didn’t hurt. I was starting to lose fear and thinking about stabbing myself a bit more (lol). They smiled at me and simply left.

      Female robot and androids
      I am now free to do whatever. I look around and I am in some industrial park or similar. I see a huge robot-like metallic structure rising above the houses and go check it from a safe distance, because it starts to move its arms. Below it and around are people watching some demonstration of its functioning. It’s made of hollow metallic tubes that shape it slightly into a female form and some of this tubes are then channelled to some interface where half a dozen women are plugged in, apparently controlling or feeding this robot. The creator of this machine is explaining how it works and what it does, but then all the focus goes to one of these females who detaches from the interface. I find out these are not real women, but androids. Lots of flashes in her direction, reporters asking questions and the inventor says she can even speak Russian. He ask if any Russian speaking is around and some guy points to a girl by my side, but in the middle of the crowd we get mixed up and they bring me closer to the android. I say there’s been a mistake, I can’t speak Russian, it was some other girl, but the android lady is looking at me totally interested. She seems to think I am lying and she is processing that information and trying to figure out my intentions. She says she wants to meet me and asks me for my contact. I don’t recall even handing her over my contact, but I see her adding my email and name to her processor/brain – like if she just extracted it from my mind and I was reading the info on her eyes as she was processing it. Then she turned away and left, followed by a sea of curious people and reporters.

      Office scene
      I remember maybe it’s time to meditate a bit, but I can’t find peace, there’s just too much going on and I can’t make it still. Then I think about dropping a visit to Nighthawk’s dreams. I am now in a corridor with doors to offices. I see elevators and decide using one as a portal, but every time I try to get into one, someone holds the door and enters. I even try to do it with some suit guy by my side looking at me like I’m crazy, but it doesn’t work ‘cause he totally distracts me. I give up on elevators and try to use the office doors instead. The problem is they have glass windows and I can see the other side, so I have once again difficulties in making appear a different world on the other side, because I keep seeing the people working inside the office. When I open the door, it is still an office. Oh well... I just look around, checking every person on each cubicle. Mostly very young people. It’s a nice office, light coloured wood furniture, glass walls, lots of light. I go to the end of it and I find a window to a square interior patio, with view to all floors. I notice the building’s decoration is quite nice and then I see a corridor through which the company’s CEO, a tall slim lady in her 40’s, is coming in my direction. She sees me there and asks me what I think of the place. I say it’s nice and I like the carpets on the hallway. She invites me for a drink in her office and we sit and talk there for a while.

      4.50 GMT

      Just recall my mom had a good prize in the lottery and I clearly recall the numbers. Will suggest her to make a bet

      6:30 GMT
    14. 0/1 Mon: Terminator Basketball

      by , 11-30-2010 at 11:03 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0748: Some residue here from watching Sarah Conner Chronicles lately. I'm playing a 1v1 basketball game against a terminator. It has no skin or clothes, so just the robot body. We are playing indoors. I am leading with a score of 17-16. The terminator has the ball as the buzzer is about to go off. He shoots a long jumpshot and... misses! I win! OMG, I beat the terminator. I was way too proud of this fact. Even when I woke up I was surprised and giddy. Anyway, then I show the terminator how backspin affects the arc of the shot and that's why he missed.
      Tags: robot, sport
    15. 11/1 Scamming

      by , 11-06-2010 at 01:25 AM
      I am on a beach in a small bay. Its fairly hot, and extremely sunny. Families with children are scattered about and teens are playing frisbee to my left. To my right is the ocean. Across the bay, there is another beach with more families, and at the top of the beach, there is a small building with large windows, though I can't see into them. Beside the building there is a parking lot with really nice cars.
      A DC child approaches me, and I ask him what's in that building on the other side of the bay. He tells me the 'Scammers' are on the other side, and that I should go and check it out. I'm wary of these 'Scammers' but go to check it out anyway. I walk down the beach and into the water. There are several families swimming around, I avoid bumping into the playing children, and climb up onto the sand on the other side of they bay. I approach the building and go inside. There are double doors, exactly like one of the side entrances to my old highschool (Another reason to be cautious about this place ) I pass a front desk, which the attendant is either missing or is not paying attention because I am not stopped. I walk down the main hallway and see a large room full of well dressed college age kids listening to someone give some kind of lecture. I slide in the back of the room and sit down to listen for a bit. There are diagrams of robot vacuum cleaners drawn up on a chalkboard, beside the diagrams are paragraphs of information, stats, and features of the individual models. Some kid asks a question about the sensing unit on the vacuum they're talking about, and it had something to do with crystals. [Things get hazy here] There is something later about a pool cleaner robot that looks like a red dragon on wheels with a clear belly where debris is stored and bristles on it's mouth for cleaning corners. I get up and leave the class and begin walking around the halls. There is something going on about a stolen memory chip. I see the person who stole it running down the hall, and around the corner. Following closely behind is 2-3 security guards yelling for him to stop. Somehow he is killed or knocked unconscious, and I am alone in a supply closet or possibly an elevator with his body. I check his pockets and find the memory chip as well as a Walther P.99. I pocket the pistol, but keep the chip in my hand. I wander around looking for the exit, and find a restricted area. Of course I enter the restricted area. I walk down the now narrow corridors watching for security cameras, still holding the stolen chip in my hand, with the pistol now in the other. I come up to a secretary desk, and standing around it is older versions of the college humor staff (LOL) Pat, Amir, Sarah, and Jake are all talking, and greet me when I approach. I notice that Jake has long white hair, and is sitting in a wheelchair. I hear a woman shouting. They're looking for me and the chip again. A DC (A girl I used to work with, Brittany) runs up to me and tells me that I have to hand over the chip. I raise my pistol and put it to the chip. I've got a hostage now. The data on the chip is apparently worth quite a bit to them, so I figure this is a good way to get out. I start walking backwards towards the exit with the chip still held hostage, all the while Brittany is trying to get me to hand it over, walk away, etc. We get outside and stand in the parking lot. Brittany points to a car and offers to do something with it, (Maybe supe it up so I can escape with my life or something like that) if I just hand the chip over. She points to a car that sort of looks like mine, I figure she thinks it is mine, but I tell her that's not even my car. She thinks I'm trying to trick her, but it's really not my car. (It was pretty crappy) I wake up.
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