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    1. 13 Apr: Literal monster in my bed and israeli military base

      by , 04-13-2024 at 11:53 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I awake in my bed in my teenage room, with something latching onto my left butt cheek. It's like a leech but square, roughly 2 cm each side. I drop it in the bed in horror and it magically goes through the bed sheet. I capture it and put it in a Tupperware type container I have at my bedside table with a bit of flat bread inside, as I go grab my phone to film it. When I come back the flat bread is alive and moving and when I try to grab it, it tries to bite me, as if the creature merged with it.
      My mom is asleep but I want her to see it so I go get her and on return, it grew in size to look like a loaf of bread that is now moving on the floor. Then it takes over a duvet by shooting inside it what seem like very thin snakes. Then red insects come out of it and they all make it move as if the duvet is alive. I am now concerned with the spread of this "creature" and want to burn the whole thing down. But my cats just enter the room, see all that movement in the duvet and they wanna play and jump to it. I am horrified they might also get contaminated and shoo them out of the room. But certain that they were already infected or possessed buy that thing. I close the door to my bedroom and come outside with my mom to think of what to do.
      I review the videos and think about showing them to some authority, but when I do, no one even looks at them when I tell the story, they just mock me.
      Somehow I end up in a military base in Israel though and asked to wait for some ceremony to end, in the back of the room, supposedly to talk to someone. Although I am not a supporter of the Israel military and their whole colonizing history, I sympathize with the people here and I feel their fear.
      There is word of an imminent attack at any moment. There are some fireworks in the distance which send everyone into panic mode, but through the window on the back of the room, where I'm seated, I can see the fireworks and I tell everyone to relax. But there are some sounds of unrest coming from the hallway outside, which puts the guards on alert and they form a barrier by the door with guns pointed and ready to shoot. Then it's just someone who's late for the event and they stand down. But the fear in everyone's mind is real and I feel it to. It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.
      Meanwhile I am trying to show my videos to someone who asked me about it, but the phone isn't cooperating and I can only find videos of my cats playing.
    2. 5 Jan: Charity project school trip and helping Sandra Bullock escape police

      by , 01-05-2021 at 09:16 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      School trip to a poor school beyond a wasteland we have to cross by train. We are welcomed with music but the other students don't look happy at all, more like insulted. There's some music from The Queen and I start lightening the mood by singing and cĺimbing the stairs dancing and mingling with the kids. We go to a room where we sit around a table and watch a presentation. Joanna Lumley is there, she is like a patron. She has being doing a vlog for charity towards these kids and we are supposed to replace her doing those videos. Or someone is. They chose me. I have to make one improv video as a test. I do a makeup tutorial, which is a total flop, but as I do it, I feel like I have a second body from which I watch myself failing and from there I make a funny video making fun of myself. To the other people it just looks like I suffer from dissociative identity disorder.

      Something during a storm in a chalet on a mountain and police cars coming.
      There is Sandra Bullock and someone throws away some papers. We hide her in a room. She is taking anti-depressants and medication to fight alcoholism. But we stand with her. We accept one detective in to explain what they want and they want to arrest her. We think she was set up. We kick him out and I help her prepare an escape to prove her innocence. I go get all the papers from the trash because turns out they are important.
    3. Get Bird

      by , 09-15-2020 at 01:00 AM
      Monday, 9/14/20, Core 2

      I resembled my waking life self, although I was in a strange place. I seemed to be underground. The dirt floor was damp with pools of water and there were various discarded items strewn about. I removed a bird from a wicker cage. I think it was a white cockatoo. I was thinking of it as my pet, despite never having had or even held a bird. I wandered around and the bird sometimes rode on my shoulder, sometimes on my hand, sometimes flew short distances away. At one point the bird landed on my hand and I tried to pet it on the chest with one finger. It decided it didn't want me to and started gently biting my finger with its beak. At first I thought it was cute and was playing, but then it began to bite my finger harder. I realized I knew nothing about handling birds. I stopped attempting to pet or play with it but now it latched on hard to my finger and it was pretty painful. I regretted not bringing the cage.

      After some more traveling, we ended up at a pool party, perhaps in someone's backyard. Other people had brought their pets as well, and I had my camera to take pictures. DV member MoonageDaydream made a cameo! She was recording video of a small white terrier dog, then she switched to taking video of all the animals. She shrugged semi apologetically, and told me something like, "I have plenty of footage and I want to get the other pets too. I only was focusing on the one dog because my mom was worried there wouldn't be enough footage of him."

      Spoiler for Additional Notes:
    4. Wednesday, April 29

      by , 05-01-2020 at 05:36 AM
      I am on a walk with Melissa, currently in a neighborhood. It seems nicer and the houses are not that close together, possibly because we’re on the outskirts of it. Now the houses are all but gone and it looks like we’re coming up on the Hunter Creek trail. We walk for a little bit up the slight grade and end up on a large driveway of faded, rusty orange stone. A few paces ahead of us there are about three or four kids also heading uphill. I think they are all girls. The oldest looks to be maybe eight and the youngest three or so. We nonchalantly keep walking with them and end up inside this large house on the hill. Melissa and I are in a smaller and tidy bedroom, maybe a guest room, and can hear the kids messing around behind the closed door of another room. Melissa now stands up and pulls her pants down; she is going to change. Before she can do anything else, there is some movement in the hallway and then a man and a teenage boy who is probably his son appear in the doorway. There is something off about both of their facial features. The whole scene is awkward. Melissa is wearing a shirt long enough to cover herself, but she does not pull her pants up. I assume the man is the homeowner and I am bracing for what comes next as he has just found two strangers in his house, but he just stands there and never says a word. For some reason, the waistband of my shorts (my blue athletic ones) is very low and I’m trying to discreetly pull them up. I know the scene looks bad too, with her pants down - from his perspective it probably looks like she was quickly trying to put them back on. I guess the man is just used to people showing up in his house, and now he is gone. I am now in a large, open living room. Another man with a small dog shows up. It’s just the two of us in here, so he starts talking to me, telling me the dog is Zoe. I tell him I have a Zoe too, a black lab. We make small talk as I throw a toy for this small dog. I think about introducing myself but never do, and he doesn’t either. He has glasses, is somewhat dopey looking, and talks rather slow. This room has a window almost the size of the whole wall. Looking through it, I can see that it’s close to sunset. There are hazy clouds with a tint of orange and closer to Mt. Rose there is a group of clouds with the sun behind them. There is a very large patio area with some people on it watching the sunset. I notice a couple, the guy behind the girl with his arms around her. The man in here makes a comment about some girls out there. I say something about my girlfriend being in the other room and then walk outside. I get to the end of the patio - it ends at a fairly steep rocky incline that has flat areas that you can still get to. There are a few people hanging out in these areas. I notice two girls laying on their backs, wearing shorts and tight grey tank tops. It is growing darker out and the sunset is getting good. There is a laptop out here playing a Dead and Company live stream, though the current song is nothing I recognize. (I think I somehow see the set list and the first few songs are nothing I recognize and nothing they’ve really played). Someone behind me is watching and right before they walk away they make a comment about them looking like ‘science geeks’? I think it’s because John is wearing glasses. I am looking at the sky again now and at one cloud in particular. This cloud, silhouetted by the sun, looks remarkably like an angel. There are wings, arms bent as if in prayer, and even a clear halo. I quickly take my phone out to take a picture to send to Mom. I take a picture and a video just in case the clouds shift. When I look back at the video, I see the part of the cloud that looks like the arm very quickly move to its face and back down, as if wiping a tear. I think this whole thing is miraculous.
    5. Tuesday, April 14

      by , 04-16-2020 at 04:13 AM
      I am with Brooke in what looks like Mom’s backyard. I see a woman in a police uniform or something similar walking along the top of the fence, left to right. She does this easily. There is also a uniformed man off to the left that is just hanging back. I take out my phone and start taking a video of the woman. This causes her to become angry and ask what I’m doing. I tell her I’m just taking a video, knowing there’s nothing she can do about it. I go around to the front and see a cop? car in the driveway (the driveway seems longer and more level). I take a picture of the license plate and the VIN. She watches me, still irritated, but does nothing.
      Tags: car, cop, fence, video
    6. cx.

      by , 04-05-2020 at 02:43 AM
      A few dreams from this morning. On one of the earlier awakenings I decided to make notes and stay up to try and force myself back into more usual sleeping habits. Some in-line notes.


      I was in my old home's bedroom. H and mom were there. H had set up this pipe organ for me (though there were no pipes anywhere) and though I was actually playing poorly I was reading the notation extremely well which pleased me since I'm usually terrible at doing this. But in the dream it was assumed (by myself and the characters) that I was in fact playing well too. I remember walking into the kitchen after trying to play some pedal notes, and mom was there making some food. She was cooking some meats like beef chunks and black sausage type of thing in the big cast aluminium pan. It looked odd, and traditional, but seemed like it could be nice too.

      Mom was disappointed though, she said if I "can play the organ, then why can't you do the dishes?". In the dream I felt that there was no reason I couldn't do the dishes, but I felt the need to argue her statement because I had never had any piano lessons or any suchlike, which L and T did; I also presented the fact I was (apparently) doing really well with playing and the fact that I had never really understood music at all in the school, so this was a success or improvement over that. I felt some disappointment myself that mom couldn't just cherish this. In the dream I remember at some later point standing in the corridor and hearing L playing some DOTA game, and I think T was just in their own room, in the dark, which lead me to assume T was sleeping for some reason. It was night time through out the entire dream.


      Dreamed something a bit like the game I had played the last night (and this night) with H, in some watery and dark underground place. But then there were some fire enemies and I ran into a stairwell as I made distance from them; then the situation was a lot less game-like and more realistic and though I didn't feel afraid because of the fire, I made my way up the stairwell anyway, as did some other random people that appeared, some of which I apparently already knew on a personal level, classmates in the dream context or something.

      I took my time going up the steps for whatever reason, sort of fooling around by doing a full step by actually stepping on every bit of each step with my feet as smoke would start from each place I had just stepped on. This went on for a short while, after which I continued going on up the stairs. I walked into a room from one of the stair landings, with some random girl my age or so? I opened a window to the fire escape for the building. I do remember a girl (Sol) I knew from school a long time ago, who seemed to be in the dream as filler. As I looked out the window and opened a latch on its left side, I could see a fireman on a ladder approaching (and emergency lights?) and as he got closer and came in through the window we told him it was nothing to worry about really.

      I remember there was some antagonistic element to the dream from when I was climbing the stairs earlier; there was this group of angry radicals from downstairs who insisted on something about the fire and basically made a big deal out of nothing. The firemen that came through the window shrugged and sincerely said it would be fine since there was nothing to worry about and they told us that they'd switch the main power on in a second. Weird, since it hadn't seemed to be off at all. There was some side or sub-plot, involving a Gollum from China or something, who was being tortured. (Probably from recently playing Fallout)


      Super cheesy 80s programme intro, of a show apparently called "Rexxar : Star Trek". I was watching it on Youtube or something like it, with quite a focus "tunnel vision".

      There was a vividly clear music with a leading electric guitar and other typical sounds from the 80s and some generic synth sounds. The visual elements of the montage were defined by the fact that they were little square "cuts" of other scenes, presumably from the programme itself, presenting the whole thing in a certain cheesy feel. Those square cuts mostly featured head shots of sexy and almost half naked women and some of the cuts had stills of Rexxar from Warcraft, as well as mini montage being featured in one of these square cuts showing a cartoony/kids-style but real cake of Rexxar being made or put together.

      Everything in the video montages had a very pure white backdrop thing going on. Despite the cheesy aspect, the dream video was amazingly vivid, just as the music.

      The characters, the women, were nobody that I recognise(d) and just felt like generic constructs appropriate for the context, but there was some underlying feeling of them being famous within the context.

      The dream ended shortly after this intro video, when the show "started" by showing some sort of big teddy bear thing on a swivel chair in a very fancy post modern designer house. Vividness was much lower as soon as the intro cut to this sequence. I remember thinking in the dream that the whole thing was somewhat stupid, and that it had nothing to do with Rexxar (despite the featured cuts).
    7. 24 Apr: Kidnapped by aliens(?) and stopping a robbery at a shop

      by , 04-24-2019 at 09:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Kidnapped with a bunch of other people by some unknown entity we never see. We wake up in a kind of well or shaft, hanging dangerously from the wall. It seems that at the slightest movement this well might start to break and fall apart, so we are all very still, except one guy who seems determined to break it. The entity assumes human forms and we are removed one by one in an elimination process that seems like a contest looking for the winner. And the winner is me and another person, who apparently have something they look for or want. They examine us, I see now I have needles still in my arm that they remove and big bruises.

      I am with a friend (maybe Riverstone) and we go to a shopping mall. Although I feel heat and I think it's summer, the decorations are all about winter, snow and Xmas.

      At the mall with some friends, some weird situation with someone stealing my jacket and then leaving it hanged in a place I pass by and it has something in a pocket, that sends a video message to a screen nearby when we walk past it. In the video, there is a warning, a bit cryptic, about some girls robbing something and we conclude it is the Mango store. We go there to warn but actually the robbery is happening right as we enter. First we pretend we didn't notice, then they threaten us, but I signal to my friends to attack. I take down the one with the gun and they help take down the rest, but I am the one that knocks them unconscious. We then look for materials we can use to tie their hands and feet and wait for the cops. The cops bring us bread.
    8. 3/20/18 | Rain

      by , 03-20-2018 at 07:36 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      I saw a video with a Falcon 9 and the Saturn V. My precalculus instructor wasn't happy about seeing a Falcon 9. In the same scene, a sudden downpour hit when I was crawling under power lines. I made it to a small tree. After the 30-second downpour was over, the power lines were instantly restored, and the downstairs part of my old house gained a hardwood floor.
      Tags: rain, video
    9. January 3rd 2018

      by , 01-03-2018 at 01:02 PM
      The program director for the program I am in called me, said my doctor wouldn't be in today and asked if I wouldn't mind doing a video call with him instead.
    10. Sonic Boom but It Has 2D Animation

      by , 08-06-2017 at 02:51 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      I think I can officially call myself a fanboy.

      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 8:00 AM


      Alright so last night I had a dream that I was just on Youtube and I came across a video that went over the subject of "What if Sonic Boom was a 2D animated show?". I watched it and MAN did it look good.

      The animation was smooth, the characters looked top notch, and body movements were a sight to behold. But due to the negative association that goes towards the Boom cartoon, there were (Of course) some hate comments.

      +1 for realism I guess.


      1. This isn't the first time I've had a dream where I was using the internet (And especially Youtube).

      2. The video in question was not even close to finished. The animation was there but it looked like they still needed to clean it up a bit and add some color to it.
    11. Dream - A Beautiful Adventure

      by , 04-25-2017 at 04:09 AM
      Thought I'd start posting one of the most spectacular dreams I've ever had... It's the highest degree of lucidity I've had too!

      Date of Dream: THU 6 APR - 2017

      Dream No. 93 – A Beautiful Adventure
      (Lucid Dream 3)

      Part 1
      Although I'm no longer at Killester (my high school) in real life, I went to attend one of the assemblies and was sitting in the students area. There was this special needs boy beside me (Killester is an all girls school in real life) and he would always come really close to me and try to hug me. At the same time, there was this strict teacher behind me that was constantly telling students to move to their correct year level area. Then I was talking to Mr H (male) about something but I forgot what it was... I do know that it was something about music though. Then apparently the vocal group were going to perform but there only 6 members on the stage and they were all wearing fluro green vests. And then my attention turned to the back of the hall to see where the rest of the vocal group members were... I managed to catch sight of EO (female) and WB (female). I went with WB outside to one of the balconies linked onto the hall and there I saw the most beautiful tree ever. It was literally glowing a very bright green and the flowers on it were these vivid, light purple tulips. WB didn't do anything except stand there and gaze at the tree with me... That's when I all of a sudden became aware I was dreaming!! The dream tried to fade out on me but I asked it to stay... It worked the first time. But then a few seconds later, the dream tries fading out me and my request for stability does not work.

      Part 1 Exit (Transition)
      I am now so fully aware that I am in a dream rather than something I know completely nothing about. I find that the dream has taken me to “the void” which was mentioned on a video I watched in real life a few days ago. When I was in that void of blackness and emptiness, my head was reciting the exact words that the guy said on the YouTube video. But the dream was forcing me to open my eyes so I would wake up. I was fighting with the dream to try and keep my eyes closed but in the end, I lost the battle and ended up becoming awake.

      Waking State (Transition) – Non-Dream
      I have opened my eyes and am aware that I'm in the waking world... But I say to myself, “Don't even look at the clock” and I closed my eyes again instantly.

      Part 2 Entrance (Transition)
      Although I was awake for about a second or two, I found that I was actually still completely, consciously aware of my dream surroundings when I came back into them. The first thing I did was a reality check where straight away, I noticed that I had six noodle-like fingers on each hand. The sight was terrifying but at the same time, this actually confirmed that I was in a dream.

      Part 2
      I don't remember what I was doing in my house but I ran outside due to the excitement of my dream awareness. At the top of the court, I consciously started calling out for WB and continued to call for her while walking up and down the court. Then these cars started coming the court and so I decided to see if any one of them would possibly be WB. There were two shiny looking cars that passed by and didn't stop... But then there was third car, a small dull black one that pulled up in front of me. Out of the car came WB wearing a white shirt and black trousers, with her hair straight and tied up into a bun... WB had a very strong masculine look about her. Then WB said to me that she brought LB (WB's younger sister) along with her to keep me safe. She hinted to me that someone was out to get me and my mind depicted that WB was talking about my real life parents. So out LB hopped from the car. She was wearing a light blue police uniform and she had an extremely feminine look about her, even more so than in this world. At this stage, I was really excited and so went and hugged WB, who really tightly hugged me back. I then went up to LB, gave her a small hug and kissed her on the forehead. She didn't pull back but she didn't return anything either. WB then explained to me that LB wasn't really good with affection.

      After that, WB told me to get into the back seat of the car. I asked her if anyone was going to be sitting in the back with me but she said they were both going to be in the front. I did question WB but then she said to think of them like my second parents... Supposedly with LB being the mum and WB being the dad. She said then something about sitting diagonally from the one I favour more. When I got into the car, I found myself sitting behind WB and diagonally to LB but then I didn't find that the “diagonal” reasoning agreed with me. I consciously chose that position in the car because that was the side next to the nature strip and also, I take that side of the car in waking life. WB then drove off and we ended up at a video rental store, Video Ezy! They don't exist anymore in waking life! We didn't get out but rather remained in the car, this random video just suddenly appeared in LB's hands. I asked LB why they got that video and she told me that I was coming home with them.

      That's when I got to about the most excited I would ever be the dream. I got so excited that the I noticed this dream was trying to fade out on me too. So as we're driving though the area of Dandenong South, I'm looking out at the opposite window, at the blue sky above the buildings. I'm constantly on fast repeat, going “stability, stability, stability, stability” like a broken record. As I do this, I notice that WB and LB are giving me strange looks, maybe thinking to themselves “are you okay?”. I sadly can't fight the dream fade and wake up.

      Updated 04-29-2017 at 07:12 AM by 93119

      lucid , memorable
    12. Sensei's DJ nld

      by , 05-19-2015 at 04:29 PM
      There is a scene change and I am now looking at Sensei's dream journal, which is quite a large book, which when opened reveals that for this lucid dream that was 1.10 hrs or 110 mins long Sensei has decided go draw the entire dream. I browse through several large fully illustrated pages. On the first page is Sensei himself like on a large poster, it looks like a mix between a very good drawing and a computer manipulated picture with really cool colors. He is wearing a sort of anime style/futuristic adventure outfit. The whole journal entry comes to life and now looks like a youtube video. In the meantime, the real Sensei comes in the room and starts to voice synch the journal entry that now's playing.
    13. Like toy soldiers

      by , 03-07-2015 at 03:51 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      There was a video about child soldiers. They fought and murdered people but they were only children. Many of the older kids would lead the youngest ones around the battlefield by the hand.

      A program is started to save them. Me and mom have some of them in the van with us, we’re either fostering them or taking them somewhere to be helped.

      Mom starts talking to them about pop culture references that they know nothing about. She says that ‘Christina Aguilera is in a band called Looper’, and I was like ‘??? I didn’t think Christina was in a band…’

      Inspirations: Thinking about Kony yesterday. Christina from watching The Voice. Looper maybe from seeing the movie was coming on a while back, but I’d already watched it before.

      Updated 03-07-2015 at 05:01 AM by 20026

    14. Facebook, The Legend of Korra, and Jack's Diddy From 1589

      by , 01-14-2015 at 09:41 PM (My Dream Goals)
      Notes Dream Semilucid
      Dream shift: ####################

      I attempted a WILD, but gave up since I was too tired. I went to sleep and had this semilucid dream:
      I began by doing something I don't remember (Woke up late, no time to write) When I asked myself: Am I dreaming?
      I was no longer lucid, and was in front of a frameless computer monitor. The full screen was taken up by Jacksepticeye, with the exception of a Facebook chat menu in the bottom right corner with a black box where the chatbox should be. I feel that I want to leave the page to watch some of season 2 of "The Legend of Korra", and in my mind I see a FM of an episode of it; this was an episode generated by my mind in a previous dream. Before I can do this, a video of a teenage girl (about 15) appears in the black box. She and Jacksepticeye are talking with a conversation I cannot recall, before the box goes black again and Jack seems extremely overly-happy, exclaiming that the chat is "so fun" and the people on it are "really nice". 2 identical kids, about 12 or 13, appear in the box. Jack suddenly exclaims "Let me sing a little diddy i know from the year'of 15 of 8 9. At this point, I get up out of my seat, but still try to listen to the "diddy" (which is more of a sort of classical love song) when I suddenly think: wasn't I dreaming?

      I wake up.
    15. A meeting with Carol

      by , 01-12-2015 at 11:40 PM
      There's a secret meeting going on in the basement of a whorehouse; the woman who runs this place and her girls give us shelter on a regular basis. One long table, only two actual chairs which are taken by the leader of one of the larger camps and myself (which seems like a waste since I wind up spending most of this scene on my feet), everyone else makes do without. The last of us has just arrived, and I've started to show a video I recorded earlier, a conversation between me and another man - one of my own kind, unlike the humans at this meeting. I walk around the room as the video plays, narrating here and there but for the most part it speaks for itself. I'm using this video as evidence to convince them to take some action against the other man in the video. When the video's done, the meeting breaks up for a bit. People talk privately.

      As I walk around the room, I come across someone sitting against the wall who becomes very agitated as I approach. I remember him - I'd once done something thoughtlessly cruel to someone or something he cared about. I apologize to him now, and I genuinely mean it - I tell him I don't expect him to forgive me, but for whatever it's worth, I want him to know that I am sorry I did it. I'm not at all sure he understands what I'm saying. There's someone with him who's very protective of him - I leave them alone.

      On the other side of the room, as I'm taking down the video equipment and thinking about the convenient access to electricity here, a woman named Carol approaches me. She's one of the camp leaders, I admire her greatly - we'd been part of the same territory once, but she and her people broke away from me. To my surprise, she's come to call a truce. She doesn't want the personal grudge between us to influence her people, since we're on the same side for the moment. But she reminds me that she's keeping an eye on me, she has people planted in my territory, she doesn't trust me. I remind her that I could say the same to her - I have eyes in her camp, and she's not exactly universally loved by her people, they could easily be convinced to remove her. I say to her, amused, "It's not exactly one-sided."

      Updated 01-12-2015 at 11:56 PM by 64691

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