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    1. Talking to Lynn Thompson. September 9th 2012.

      by , 09-11-2012 at 08:35 PM (Dream Journal)

      This is one of them "OH I HAVE AN AWESOME ITEM!" -wake up- "Oh..." type of dreams.

      I was in school, lurking about in the corridors, with some friends. Can't quite remember who they were though. I was holding a really cool katana, with a red handle. The blade was slightly serrated, making it look even more awesome, it was really light and easy to handle too. I looked around and saw this guy run out from the corner of the corridor. He looked like he was a zombie or something. For some reason, I looked at him ready to attack, but put my sword away and said that he wasn't a zombie. He just stood there staring at the wall from this point on. I turned back around an walked into one of the classrooms, only to see Lynn Thompson from cold steel knives. It was cool how I had a sword on me at the time. He was sat behind a table full of cold steel weapons like axes, swords, knives, machetes. I showed him my weapon, he said nothing, I said nothing and I just turned away and spoke to myself. Nice one! I turned back around and noticed that Lynn was actually a DJ, playing death metal. Everyone on the dance floor was playing invisible instruments in time to the song. I believe the song was "The Absence - Wartorn". I then walked over to my family, seeing people at tables eating as if it was a restaurant and a metal club. I started playing an invisible guitar, making myself look like a complete dick. I guess it was okay because everyone (about 30 people) were doing it too. I went outside and started running around the building with my sword. It seemed like I was chasing a group of nuns D:. After running around a few times, I stopped at the entrance and inside was a restaurant, with people sat mainly outside. This old lady asked me to change her food order. It was a spicy dish, but she didn't want it spicy . I walked into the building and then the dream started to fade.

      It was very vivid but made no sense and was a bitch to recall.
      Tags: family, sword
    2. The Demon God's Sword

      by , 08-25-2012 at 04:50 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      1:03 a.m. Candle, reverse day, subliminal audio 1.0 by ninja.

      Incubation: How to lucid dream?

      Around 7:30 a.m. Dream:

      Bathroom. Me. A towel. A woman. A guy with a mask. He asks her where his parents/fiance are/is. She said something. She only has one parent?

      An enemy falls. A futuristic place. I'm standing on a platform of sorts. Did I push him? Gods wagering. A demon god with a sword. My subordinate (female) attacked the demon god and stole the sword. She then passed it to me. The demon god attacked me. I blocked with the sword, holding it with two hands. The demon god used a spear, and with only one hand. He's strong/I'm weak.
    3. Old Sturbridge Village, Library, Family Reunion, and Hunger Games

      by , 08-21-2012 at 04:25 PM
      I recall four dreams from last night:

      DREAM #1

      I go to some village with my family... I guess it's kind of like Old Sturbridge Village or something. We don't have long to be there because it's about to close. They make everyone take out their phones and iPods and leave them at the front entrance on top of a blanket. I felt self-conscious because my iPod looks really small compared to everyone else's.

      In the village place, we go to a bookstore. I dance around in the bookstore singing a song about Pinkie Pie. ... Yup.

      DREAM #2

      I'm at a library, and I'm helping a woman return her materials. But then I'm not sure where to return the CDs because I can't find the slot for audio/visual returns. Suddenly there are like a hundred different return slots at the library desk and I can't figure out what any of them mean. So I just leave the CDs lying around and hope one of the librarians will find them. The woman I helped sends her son to find me, and he gives me a card with money in it. Then I go outside and my dad is there to pick me up. I'm still worrying about the CDs.

      DREAM #3

      Brief dream about some kind of family reunion, I think at my grandma's house. My mom is complaining about how she doesn't like one of her cousins, which I find shocking since I thought they were friends.

      DREAM #4

      I'm being forced into a Hunger Games type of competition, where a bunch of kids have to fight with each other and one kid has to kill everyone else. Except, we all have to wear ridiculous outfits while we're fighting. We each have some kind of personal assistant who shows us what we're going to wear. My assistant is this kind of chubby bald guy, and my outfit is this ridiculous Victorian-looking yellow dress with a lot of buttons up the front and a tiered skirt. Then I have to wear a yellow leather jacket over it.

      We all get changed in the same room. I change next to Fiona (my sister), because she is also in the competition. She has to wear a purple dress. The bald guy is in the room with all of us, but he politely turns and looks at the wall so he doesn't see everyone naked.

      I'm already starting to plan how I'm going to kill anyone who tries to attack me. Apparently I will have a sword for my weapon, and I plan to throw it at anyone who comes near me, and I think this is a totally foolproof plan.

      Later on, I'm doing my hair next to some girl with pale, short blond hair. For some reason I know her name is Juliet, and I'm convinced that she used to go to Hampshire (where I go to school) but then dropped out, even though she doesn't exist in real life. Anyway, she says something to me like, "Everyone who dies will be a ghost. And the person who wins will be a monster." And in my dream I think that's the deepest thing ever.

      Afterward, we all get a last dinner with our families. So I'm sitting at a table with my family, but I'm still thinking about what Juliet said. Fiona is like, "I have so much energy right now!" And I'm like, "But Fiona, we have to kill people!" And that's about where the dream ends.
    4. Something Weird

      by , 07-17-2012 at 04:05 PM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)
      This one's pretty fuzzy, I only got 5 hours of sleep. First, I was watching a girl, somehow become more and more corrupt and evil, in some sort of garden with a fountain, maybe in the courtyard of a castle. Then all I remember is something weird happened that made me want revenge, so I got a sword, got pumped, and jumped into some sort of original Legend of Zelda fight between myself and this thing.
    5. Interview with Google-Apple merger interrupted by zombie bum rush.

      by , 07-11-2012 at 12:03 PM (Chard's DJing This Party)
      I try out being a Xenomorph from the movie Alien for a while, walking around and hissing, but no one around to taste with my extending mandible.

      I woke up, which I must've done about 5 times during the dream. I just lay still each time not opening eyelids or moving a muscle and the dream resumed. Probably 4 out of the 5 times I re-entered I did through a device in my dreams I call a "strover," which is like a tablet I can expand itself by gripping the corners and pulling apart. I'll see the screen, then sort of try to get in the screen to join the dream.

      I try my hand at humor and being talkative, almost to the point of spaztic, getting the feeling that the dream will end if I stop talking. While I was saying different things (I don't remember what) I felt sensations at various points in my spine, slowly crawling upward.

      I walk into the building of a Google-Apple merger for an interview, but through a side door where a technician was working. He directs me to where the interview would take place. As I reach the very inviting, ornately decorated room I see a man and woman, my interviewers, sitting across a desk. I continue to talk, getting them to laugh. I have an item on me I call a "silly shield," a normal shield I just name after my personality at the moment. I would be back with them later.

      I feel a fabric stretched out across a metal square rim pulled over my head. Then I welcome the subsequent whirring sound and brainwork as something is drilled into the northeast region of my brain, while the nerves in the southwest tingle. It continues to enter at different angles, each time the opposite side tingling.

      I'm back in the interview room, and the interviewers turn cold on me. "We've seen your silly shield, now what about your serious side?" I feel continuation of the dream is on the line, so I quickly whip out a "serious sword" and show it to them. Right as I'm sheathing my sword a zombie busts down a door off to one side and rushes me. I quickly reach over my shoulder to draw and in one motion bring my serious sword down across the zombie's neck, then arc it back upward to finish the job, lopping off the zombie's head. Five more zombies charge me and I notice a small bomb where people normally keep a fire extinguisher. I light a match and toss it at the bomb, blowing it up and taking care of the zombies. I let the interviewers know we need to get out of here and grab and carry the woman down a hallway while the man follows behind, falls behind, then falls down. I console my charge, saying, "There's nothing we can do for him. I need to save a woman..." Another woman, dressed up as a commando with gun drawn, marches in the opposite direction to fight the zombies. I grab her as well and finish the thought by saying "...or two." I carry them into a side office, do a quick recount of what had happened to make sure I was indeed dreaming, then jump through a window with women in tow. Nothing like free-falling holding onto two beautiful girls. The dream ends sometime during the fall.
    6. Weird DV Thread, Battlefield

      by , 06-07-2012 at 11:12 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Weird DV Thread (Non-lucid)


      There's some thread that lets you talk about some weird things, I just know that it was something that could probably cause some kind of debate on what's being allowed on DV.

      It was probably talking about 18+ stuff.


      Battlefield (Non-lucid)


      There was a lot going on, and since I took a late night sleep, and used two 3mg Melatonin to help with sleep a little, I'll just condense as much as possible.

      I'm inside of a room, something about using computers.

      Then the dream shifts to where I think I'm riding some kind of futuristic vehicle, and me and some group are facing some other team, or at least that's what I think happened.

      I think I pushed someone off somewhere, and her name was Jasmine, but not sure exactly where she was falling into.

      Then I remember having to insert some sword into several slots, like to charge it up or something like that.

      Those were probably different dream frags themselves, but I'm too lazy to split them since they all involved some kind of conflict with battle.

    7. The last warrior and the kid in the orange shirt

      by , 06-04-2012 at 03:04 PM (RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV))
      Monday 04 June 2012
      This dream was sick! It was sooooo long! But unfortunately I remember , very little from this dream epic. ☹
      I will document it to the best of my ability: I am standing somewhere that is a frosty blue. The ground is that of a barren desert with a possible thin layer of snow. There are a few leafless trees scattered about. I am standing on a white path slightly raised from the rest of the surrounding ground. Along the sides of the path are little mounds of what look like dead bodies. I have a long sword in my hand. Then from behind me comes a samurai. He runs along the path touching his sword to the mounds. As he does this I notice there is someone else I haven’t seen on the path. He is a small boy wearing blue shorts and an orange shirt. I look back to the mounds the samurai touched with his sword. From all the mounds he touched rose robotic skeletal warrior men.
      Once that happened I had this knowledge: There was a war. The samurai I had seen was on my side. By touching the mounds he had summoned dead warriors to fight a battle. He summoned warriors from all the mounds except one, which lay at the end of the path. I had to get the mound and summon the last warrior before the kid in the orange shirt did. That warrior was the most powerful of all and would be the difference between winning and losing the war.
      Now I look at the kid in the orange shirt. He looks back. Immediately, we run for the last mound. At this point the mound is no longer a mound, but an already standing warrior frozen in place. We had to stab the warrior to unfreeze him. (stabbing the warrior to unfreeze him doesn’t make much sense, but hey, I got to use my sword) Who unfroze him would decide who’s side the warrior would fight on. We both run as fast as we can to the last warrior in desperation. I get the feeling I might not make it in time. I take my sword and throw it at the warrior. I guess the same realization cam over the other kid because he did the same. We both miss. Not wasting a second we run to are swords and make another attempt. Once again we both miss. I realize I wont ever be able to hit the warrior by throwing my sword at him. I grab my sword and run to the warrior. Once again, the orange kid does the same thing. But I am faster. I take my sword and drive it in to the warrior. Unfrozen, the warrior runs back down the path a leaves the frosty blue wasteland through a bright doorway. The orange kid looks at me with bitter hate. He wants me dead. I run. I look back and see that he is chasing me. But he doesn’t run. In fact he is walking very slowly. His face literally looks like this: X( I run through the door way at the end of the path way.
      I am now at in my compound at Ras Sudr. I am still running from the orange kid. Now I remember next to nothing. Which sucks. But here it is in the form of random fragments: I walk past many houses. I know he is way behind and if I’m lucky I should be able to evade him. If my memory serves me right, then he no longer has a sword but a gun instead………………………….I am at my villa…………………..I see my dog. He is barking at a cat outside the yard. He somehow gets through the fence by passing between the metal rods with a mere 6 inches between them. I find this impressive and clap…………….. The cat and my dog in and out of our yard and outside………. My dad and I look for more cats behind stuff……………I catch a little kitten………..I am holding her, the kitten is in a little plastic bag up to her arms. I hold her in her plastic cocoon………………..I am inside…My sister and Donia see me with the kitten………They have an AW SO CUTE attack. I leave…….I return to take wittle kitty from sister………….I figure it is no use running from the orange kid. I should kill him and get him out of the way forever. I begin to plot his death.

      Oh yeah and I let the kitten go outside and she runs to her mother who is a Chihuahua with a wacky haircut...

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. 29 May: Dream warriors ambushed

      by , 05-30-2012 at 03:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I meet some guy at an outdoor café. We talk about the lucid plane. I think I say something about reading Castaneda's teachings at the moment and ask him some question about my awakened hyper-lucidity experienced during the day. He is some big head of the dream warrior elite and is handing me out some important info and answering some of my questions. I only became semi-lucid at the middle of it, so I don't recall much.
      Suddenly we are approached by two menacing individuals with swords and this guy tells me to deal with it and please cover his retreat. I agree, because he is to important to be caught. He hands me a sword I hadn't seen before and I stay behind to fight the two attackers. The first one is easy. Just demands some brute force. The second one is harder and I have to pick up the weapon of the previous one and fight with two swords. It feels awkward, because I have a katana on one hand and an european sword on the other hand. Somehow I manage, but honestly I feel that he gives up very easily and I don't know why. He simply runs away when he still could keep fighting.
      I then had a rendez-vous with a group of dream warriors at some hideout I just learned about (from the other guy). It is some sort of cave. I enter through a round hole on a wall, like an air passage, which takes them by surprise. They point out that there are a bunch of other entrances, like normal sized doors. I tell them I thought they kept all the entrances locked, so I had to find a way to break in. They reply that the entrances are never locked, not even closed, as there are no doors at all. I find that strange. They say it is a much bigger security to simply never allow the secret of this place to be revealed. And if it is found out, why bother locking behind doors? If any enemy wants to confront them, they are always ready to battle, no point in running or hiding and avoiding the inevitable. I find that very brave and valiant. But then it proves to be shitty when we are suddenly surrounded by a bunch of the bad guys. I had been followed and the hideout had been discovered. My fellow dream warriors couldn't be more pissed off with me. I couldn't be more pissed off with me! I prepare to fight alongside them, but they tell me to go get WakingNomad to help out. I think it's a good idea, but I also feel that they use it to get rid of me for a while.
      Following their instructions, I go look for WakingNomad and I find him at some art studio looking beyond some canvas, seemingly spaced-out. "Hey Nomad, remember me?" Nothing. "Hey man, you're needed to help some dreamers in trouble." Still nothing besides a vague look, like "Really?" "Hey, you really don't remember me?" (While I think to myself "we had sex on our last dream encounter, bro")
      I walked around a little bit, but he wasn't really responding. I think I gave up.(...)

      Updated 06-01-2012 at 08:48 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Portal,Furious Five,Paper sword

      by , 04-20-2012 at 12:25 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was Chell from the game Portal, and I was running though this city, I think it looked a little like Chicago. I can remember seeing the Willis tower and the Trump towers. I went into this brick building. It looked small on the outside but it was huge on the inside and was like some sort of museum.
      Inside were all of these stands with information that were like ramps. I ran off of a few of them and went flying though the air.
      At the back of the museum were the Furious Five from the movie Kung Fu Panda. They were all laying on the floor. Apparently, they were on some sort of quest but had gotten really tired getting there and were taking a rest in this building for a few days.
      I told them I would go out and get something to eat. I think Crane told me that he wanted me to find a pizza if I could. I told him yes. I went outside and started walking around the city.

      I was playing with my cousins in a yard type setting. My cousins are 8 and 10 years old. I can remember them having a huge bin of Legos and a sandbox.
      I can remember doing some random things helping them build with Legos and just sort of enjoying our time together. Eventually I went inside. I think the reason we were all seeing each other was because it was my father's birthday.
      I can remember I saw something on the table. It was a giant sword, made of a thick, brown construction paper. I tried to lift it up and it was insanely heavy. I put it down and unfolded it (It was like some kind of origami). And there was like some kind of radio or voice recorder inside of it. I think that it was supposed to be a present for my dad.

      I still can't stop thinking about the importance of swords as a dream sign. That's the fourth time since I joined the site.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:47 PM by 53527

      Tags: musem, party, sword, toys
    10. Grocery Stores and Dates

      by , 04-14-2012 at 03:04 AM (Night Time Musings of Shadowclaw)
      Dream # 1:

      I was in a strange building that was a combination of a warehouse and a grocery store. The lighting was very poor, and everything looked very dirty. There were lots of people shopping. I walked along the perimeter of the place, watching all the people. Many of them looked drunk or stoned.

      After walking for a while, I encountered a hispanic man near some pallets. He had a silver-colored machete, and I was afraid he was going to hurt me. So I hid behind a stack of pallets. He kept trying to stab me through the stack, but the machete wasn't long enough. When he stopped stabbing, I came out from hiding. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't stab me, so he gaveme the machete and walked away.

      I was quite pleased with having a machete, and I walked around the building. I kept looking down at it, examining the shiny metal and the blade. I started to wonder if anyone would get upset from me walking around with a weapon, but no one even noticed. I then found a short sword laying on the ground, and I carried it around, too. I continued to walk around for a while, looking down at my weapons, immensely pleased with myself.

      At some point, I found a new part of the building. It was made up of long, dark corridors with carpeted floors. As I walked down the first corridor, my weapons vanished. I walked passed people sitting and laying on the ground. They looked like they were passed out, probably from all the booze and drugs. Everyone in this area had unnaturally colored hair, like bright pinks and greens, and they were dressed like they were at a club. At some point, I walked by someone who couldn't find their child, and they were very upset.

      As I walked along, I kept going in circles, always returning to the beginning and walking past the same people. I met my sister along the way, and she gave me a giant bottle of pills. It was probably a gallon-sized bottle. The pills were a prescription from my doctor to help me sleep better. There were also giant quarter-sized pills mixed in, which were supposed to make me feel happier. The next time I walked by the people who lost their child, I gave them the pills. Then I woke up.

      Dream # 2

      I was outside with several students from my college. I only recognized one of them. The rest were strangers. We walked to a baseball field and sat on the bleachers. There was a big white screen set up, and a move began to play. It opened with a gigantic mansion, and then panned through a rich neighborhood. The camera eventually made its way to a grubby, run-down trailer in the middle of the rich neighborhood. Then a pickup truck drove out from behind the trailer, and John Candy was driving. Somehow I knew that the movie was "Uncle Buck" from the opening scene, even though I've never seen the movie IRL.

      As we watched, my biology professor sat next to me and watched the movie with us. A girl and her boyfriend who were sitting in front of us started to argue, and eventually the boyfriend left. The professor then told the girl he'd take her on a date to make her feel better. She looked like was going to say "yes," but then she said she didn't know. So the professor started asking all the girls if they wanted to go out, and he even asked me if I was attached to anyone at the moment and nudged me with his elbow. I simply just stared at him in disbelief. I didn't know if it was some kind of joke (because he's known for playing practical jokes on people), or if he was actually serious. I then woke up.
    11. School Play/ Sammari Sword battle

      by , 04-13-2012 at 06:58 PM
      The dream starts off I am in my school church and we are doing our Easter Passion play like we do every year and I am Judas like I was the last time I was in it. After we finished it the first time I was brought to another point of time where we were doing the play for the second time, except this time the church looked nothing like it did before and my religion teacher looks nothing like himself. He didnt even look like a human; there was something about his head being shaped like a balloon. It was much larger than it was the first time with big columns coming down from the ceiling. Instead of acting out the play me and someone else are sitting down listening to someone talk from the front of the church. Me and this person I am sitting next to strike up a conversation, for some reason I saw "Penis" entirely too loud and the entire congregation turns around and my old football coach says some rude remark. At this point I am feeling really embarrassed and I walk out of the church and I go into a side door of the church. From the side door I enter my truck and I immediately drive up to my house. One of the strange things was that my house didn't have any steps. I just drove my truck as close to the door as I could and stepped from my truck to my house door. (I have a very lifted truck and my house is on a brick base so my front door is high up without steps) When I enter my home I notice that my mom, a girl that I am antiquated with, and 2 or 3 other indistinguishable people. The girl was staring at my from the outside of the door. I notice my sister inside the house, but she looks nothing like my sister. She was also way too young to be my sister, i have no younger sisters than me, but somehow in my mind I knew it was my sister. Suddenly my sister and I break out into a Katana sword fight. I throw my sword into some sort of portal that looked like a poster on the wall and my sword disappears. I pull another sword out of no where and I walk up to my sister use one hand to grab her shoulder and the other to drive the sword into her chest.
    12. On the run

      by , 04-07-2012 at 03:51 PM (The Dreams of a Trapped Mind)
      Ok, due to the fact that I decided to have cereal (I was hungry, don't hate) and called my girlfriend (she had a nightmare) before I wrote this, I remember significantly less >_<

      medieval time era. I'm in a party of probably ten or so. It started out in a small village, but things took a turn for the worst when the first sword was swung. We had no choice but to head for the hills and run. I don't know if it was our fault or theirs, but our men were dying and I had to get them out of there. Once in the forest it's just a matter of covering our tracks and silently killing all stranglers who try to find us. Since the ratio was like two swordsmen to eight archers, this wasn't a problem. We came into a clearing, thinking we were safe, only to get ambushed by two dozen men. I escaped. All of my men were either captured as prisoners or slaughtered in the field.

      I don't know whether to be happy because I escaped, or sad because I lost all my men :/
    13. Old Dream of being attacked with a sword 05/10/07

      by , 04-05-2012 at 04:35 PM
      Well I was dreaming of shopping at K-mart, not too unusual unless you count the joyride it the parking lot with the shoping cart. It was cold out, some snow on the ground. I had gotten into a shopping cart at one end of the parking lot, and the wind blew me across the lot. Good thing no cars or people were in the way.

      After entering K-mart, there was this guy that appeared at times. He had a rapier (sword) and would try to hit me with it from time to time. But it was as if in slow motion, and I would catch the sword with my hands a few of the times. I could feel it cutting my hands, and my arms as well. It didn't hurt, but I felt the cuts though.

      The lucid points in my dream is when I actually caught the sword blows with my hands.

      Updated 04-05-2012 at 04:37 PM by 53953

    14. House Arrest, Sylar (Heroes), weird animals and more

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:07 AM
      So my dream starts off at Walmart (Thing about my dreams is that i have many "Dream Locations" When I'm at Walmart in my dreams it's always the same over sized Walmart) Anyway, everything is normal until this evil dude come's from nowhere with a black sword. I here a voice and it's generic like and says "You must take the sword. You are the chosen one." In front of me is a golden silver sword stuck in the ground. The sword is between me and the evil dude( He is about 17 and wearing all black. He has black hair and brown eyes) I run at the sword and everything goes into slow motion. I grab the sword and pull it from the ground. The second i pulled it from the ground i saw a smile cross the guys face and I knew I had made a mistake. He then swung out with his sword in a sweeping motion. This created a wave that knocked me back and threw me into the shelves behind me, but it didn't stop there. The one slash cut into the ground and roof destroying any thing in it's path. It brought up a giant wave of smoke and debris. I couldn't see anything but i could feel the earth quaking under my feet. Then all the smoke cleared and i did a 360 but the guy couldn't be found anywhere. I stand up and apparently am uninjured. Then I notice i crowd is forming around me and they do not look happy. I then realize I'm standing right smack where all the damage begins and...I'm still hold the sword. I begin to see why all the people are giving me bad looks. I start to try and explain but no one will here me and next thing i know i'm in court

      The court is basically The People Vs Me and i lose. the judge lets me of easy for some reason and i get house arrest until "He sees fit" I go home which is just like my house only the furniture is different and my room is weird( Of course i don't think so until i wake up) I have a huge bathroom all too myself and i have a roommate and apparently I'm rich and half a lot of stuff. The scene reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki movie. The room looks bright and happy with bright colored clothes everywhere( My roommate is a designer or something) Me bed is round and has lots of quilts on it and is surrounded buy wall dividers. It looks quite cozy. Anyway my parents are pissed and they don't believe me about not destroying Walmart. They, along with my roommate, go some where and I end up alone in the house i cannot leave. I'm not even allowed to go in the yard.

      So I'm siting in my room and looking out the window. I see this gigantic hole or cave in the ground. on the inside walls of the hole are thousands of smaller holes. Inside each of the smaller holes are bird nests. The birds are all different shapes, sizes and colors. There are even rainbow colored ones. The whole time I'm thinking " I remember that being there" But at the same time I'm so entranced but how beautiful they are to care. Then I see these big trucks pull up and guys come out and start spraying this purple smoke into the hole. Al the birds start freaking out and i think they are killing them. I can't sit there and watch this so even though I'm not allowed to I jump up and run outside. I yell at them to stop and they give my funny looks and explain they are only trying to get the birds out because the hole is going to collapse. Feeling stupid I head back inside. I get to the back door and see that right beside it is a large aquarium. In this tank is strange looking frogs and turtles of odd color. I was thinking out loud and said "How weird.." One of the turtle turned to me and replied "HOW RUDE!" I was like I turned to go the other way forgetting i was trying to go back inside and saw this black car pull up. Some how I knew whoever was inside was here because I had left the house. I step for and start to say it was all a misunderstanding but stop mid-sentence when I see that the man getting out of the car is none-other than Sylar (From the show Heroes).

      First if you don't know who Sylar is then go watch Heroes, He is my favorite bad guy other than Freddy Krueger ( I'm not including Anime villains ) until then the small explanation is he has super powers and he kills people
      Second I completely froze when i saw him but only for a moment then turned and rad inside utterly scared for my life. I slam the door behind me and run and hide in the bathroom and lock the door. There is a little slit in the door that you can slide open and see out side for some unknown reason. I look through and watch as my back door flys off it's hinges and hit the wall. The only though that runs through my mind at this point is "shit shit shit Shit Shit SHIT SHIT SHIT" Then he turns and looks straight at the bathroom door and i slam the slit door I'm looking through shut and back way too fast tripping and falling to the ground. The door to the bathroom moves but won't open because it's locked then the door is busted in half. I watch in shock and Sylar enters the room. Then I jump up and run for the window hope to escape but Sylar is to fast and grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground HARD. This knocks the breath out of me and a struggle to get to my feet but he kicks me back down. Using his ability to move things with his mind he flips me and makes it were i can't move and smiles saying "I would say any last words but you don't get any...goodbye" He raises his hand in the oh to familiar motion about to finish me off ( In the show he slices the tops of people heads off with his power by pointing and making a slicing motion) I slam my eyes shut.

      That were I wake up...guess i died.
    15. Dream Control Won't Work Here

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:01 PM
      I'm playing dance dance revolution, and I'm trying to get people to play with me, possibly in competition. The competition somehow shifts to actual fighting, One Piece style. More than one of the Shichibukai are involved (they aren't the same ones as in One Piece though). I'm trying to survive, although I'm not that strong a fighter. At one point I fight a cockatrice with a sword. The cockatrice is 1.5 times as tall as me, and about as wide as it is tall. Even though I avoid looking at its eyes, it manages to stun me with its gaze attack. I don't turn to stone, though. Eventually I shake it off. The Shichibukai watching me makes snarky comments because I didn't completely avoid the gaze attack. I vaguely remember something about him switching sides in a flashback because he was paid with a large emerald, and that was more than the previous guy was paying him. Also, there's some sort of royal/powerful person involved in all this, possibly a vampire.

      I'm in my room at my old house, and somehow I figure out I'm dreaming. It seems so real, though. I try putting my hand through the door, but it's solid. I open the door. It leads directly to my mom's room, instead of the hall. Ok, definitely dreaming. I remember the other dream I had where I was at my old house, and I had a very difficult time manipulating the dream (I was trying the trick of opening a door and having it lead to whatever place I want to go, and it just would not work), so I decide to leave this place.

      I go out through the garage (there is some sort of church service in here?) and into the backyard. I keep noticing how real this dream seems (though, as I'm actually writing this, I'm just remembering thinking this, and I've forgotten all the little details that made it seem so real). I'm on the porch in the backyard, but I'm barefoot. I need shoes. I tell myself there will be shoes behind me. I turn around. Nothing. Well of course not, I would never leave my shoes on the porch. I go inside and fetch my shoes and quickly put them on. Now I can venture past the porch. The gap between the two parallel fences on the left is much larger than in real life. A white and brown dog-thing standing on its hind legs that is 1.5 times as tall as a man comes at me through the gap in the fence, barking. Instead of getting scared, I decide to get aggressive and take a swing at it. What happened next is a bit fuzzy, but the dog thing is gone. I wish I could have a sword--I'd feel a lot safer--but I don't seem to be able to make one appear here (I think slightly later on, I manage to make a sword appear, but it is there and not there at the same time, or maybe I am just imagining holding a sword. The details are fuzzy). I head out the gate.

      I'm walking along the streets outside my old house, now. I need to get away from this place. As I'm walking, suddenly the street before me collapses as lava comes up through the ground. Ah, the old running-from-lava dream. I turn and run. The lava is right behind me. Like a true protagonist, I keep jumping ahead at exactly the last instant before the ground I was standing on collapses into the lava, even though I'm running as fast as I can. At one intersection (corridor?), I know I should go right (I don't know how I know), and I go left instead. It's a dead end. I backtrack as fast as I can. I run and run.

      Somewhere in all that running, I forget that it's a dream. I run into a weird ghetto place. There are buildings made of chain link fence, even the roof. I'm running on top of one.

      I stop at some point. A lady wants me to try a soup or discuss recipes or something. I say I always use a particular thing for soup. She has it, on the shelves, among the labeled bottles mixed in with books. She prefers a mix of all the things. I know these things had names in the dream, but I can't remember them.

      Afterwards, I'm trying to use a public restroom, but there's too many people and no privacy. There's two toilets and one sink in the open in this room, and one toilet and sink in the adjacent room, but the door is broken and won't stay closed. A person in there asks if I'll hold the door closed for her, if she'll do the same for me. I heartily agree and comply. I'm holding the door shut, with my back to it. I smell something odd. What is she doing in there, smoking? Another person is smoking in the main restroom area. I hate this place.
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