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    1. 28 Sep: Chased by attackers

      by , 09-28-2013 at 09:09 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I go to theatre with friends. Right at its beggining, it's interrupted by some young people with banners, urging us all to join them on the streets on a massive revolutionary protest. I look through the window, see thousands of people outside and feel inspired, but I really want to see the play and I insist to stay and join them later. Most people leaves and joins them but then the play start and I even gt to sit on the front row. The curtain rises and a weird spectacle unfolds. Two guys stabbing a girl, all very realistic and the audience is feeling upset and uncomfortable. We look at each other like saying "c'mon, it's fake, right?". While she is still bleeding out and crying for help, they pour wine over her and set her on fire. Then I realize it's probably real and we should stop it, so I jump to the stage and other people follow me. Someone calls 911, some guys manage to overthrow one of the murderers, but the other one is really monstrous and his fingers transform into long knifes and he starts chopping everybody around. It's a massacre and I run away. I found the exit doors locked. I don't know what to do.
      A young girl appears out of nowhere and tells me to follow her into the attic. There's a kind of dorm up there and we hide under a bed, but when I hear footsteps on the stairs I realize staying there won't save us. So I guide her through the window and we escape through the roofs.
      As we wander through the streets, I look up to the sky and realize I can see stuff I didn't see before, like augmented reality, I can see constelations poppoing out and an unknown celestial body passing through them and following a spiral orbit around some other body. I realize this is important but I don't understand its meaning. The little girl tells me to think about it later, but now we must go hide in her home. She lives, apparently alone, in a tiny, tiny anex of a small fishermen village. We have a calm night, but the next day there's a huge mess outside, like someone is going through all the houses doing searches and people are angry and afraid, running around and shouting. There's only a front door and we don't know how to get away without being noticed. Then we are saved by a mistery man who takes us to my mom's house. I dont think it's very safe either, but at least it's a 4th floor and now we have a guardian watching over us.
      I feel safe for a while, the door is locked, the windows are safe... or so I thought, but in the morning I see a guy flying to my bedroom window and crossing it like it's nothing. He stops in front of me, he wears a really strange suit made of golen and silvered mesh. He has a sword. I run to get my sabre and then we fight. But every time I stab him, the sabre does not pierce his suit. He laughs and explains his suit is made of adamantium. I'm fucked. Then I have this faint vision of my guru floating in the air outside my window and kind of scolding me with his eyes, for not remembering something I should have so clear in my mind. "I know! I must trust the guru!"
      I am invaded by a sense of absolute peace and thrusthfulness when taking mental refuge in the guru and all of a second I'm no longer in my mom's house, I'm somewhere else.
      Evangelion comes to me from somewhere and welcomes me. I look puzzled and he says he's been spending some time with my guru, who has been teaching him personally some secret spiritual language. I feel even more puzzled and a bit envious - why is he learning that secret language in this peaceful place and I've been running around from mad attackers? And as I ask the question, I know the answer. I chose it that way.
    2. Dreams. Lots and Lots of Dreams. Okay 2 dreams and a couple fragments :p

      by , 08-26-2013 at 01:50 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I remembered more dreams last night then I ever have in a single sleep session, which is really super awesome for me! so yaaay!

      Now if I can just get lucid.

      Dreaming within a dream, trying to escape dream!! Fragment. Induction Method attempted: MILD

      I was dreaming that I was dreaming, and in this dream I was trapped! I don't know how or why, but I was trying to escape my dream, and could not find my way out. I tried to escape the dream several times (in my dream) and even tried to wake myself up, to no avail! These dream-within-dreams are very freaking confusing!!

      Rodents, Wolves and Bears, OH MY Sunday august 25th 7:00 am Induction method attempted: WILD/WBTB

      A FULL dream, huraaay!

      My dad goes to town, and comes back with two pets for Mom. One of them is like a giant overgrown rat. I want to say it's closer to a guinea pig, but that doesn't feel right, even if it looked the same. The other pet was a strange creature; I don't know their name, but I think they are an Australian critter I know I've seen before on TV. It had grey-blue fur, long back legs, shorter front ones, a long tail and big ears. We named it Roosey because it hops around like a Kangaroo, though it is also capable of skittering around really fast. The other critter was never referred to by name in the dream; I'll call him Mouse. Mouse was round, fluffy, with brown fur.

      My dream skips forward to that evening, after Dad brings home the pets. They are not kept in a cage though. Instead, they are able to roam free; we just have a wood divider separating the living room half of the house from the kitchen half of the house. This way, our dog Meatball can't get to them to eat them. I end up going into the living room for some reason, and the divider doesn't close all the way behind me; Mouse and Roosey come flying through it into the living room. I leap on top of Meatball, holding him down and call for help, because he is struggling like mad to get to the two critters.

      Dad scolds me for letting the divider open like that, and then has me let the little guys outside to go to the bathroom. It is dark outside, and I need a flashlight. I get them, and take them outside; Mom and Dad warns me not to let them get too far away, Well.

      As soon as the door opens, BOTH of them just run as fast as they can, waaay in the yard. I can't see them anymore because it's so dark. Mouse, with her waddling gait, comes into view; she's not quite as far away as Roosey. I scoop the lil' critter up, and start looking for Roosey; I'm about halfway into the yard by now. I can't find her at first, and then...THERE! I see her, but she is right next to a fox! I start to go after, but she hops away again. I decide I need help, so I turn around, heading back to the house. I get to the driveway, when I notice a large grey-white timberwolf sitting in the driveway, staring at me. Knowing they seldom attack humans and needing to get Mouse inside, I walk by. Then, right by the door, theres ANOTHER wolf. As I head up the stairs, the wolf tries to snatch Mouse from my hands. I yank away, its fangs grazing my hand. I throw open the door and dash inside.

      Breathless I tell mom and dad about Roosey and the wolves and fox. Mom takes mouse, and examines my hand while Dad goes into their bedroom to get his rifle. Mom sighs, shaking her head. I'm only scratched; she's worried about Roosey. She tells me that it's messed up--Dad doesn't often get attached to these rodent type pets, like mice and stuff, but he's really bonded with Roosey, and now she's probably out there, hurt or worse. She says it's just not fair. I agree, looking out the window into the darkness. Then Dad comes out, rifle in hand, and I go outside with him to show him where Roosey is at.

      WE go outside, and dad fires several shots into the air. THe wolves all dash away immediately; there wasn't just the two I saw, an entire PACK of them runs off. I lead dad to where Roosey is, and find her. But she's rolling around on her back, badly injured. I'm about to pick her up when I notice a bear at the edge of our yard (a very large brown-bear). I point out the bear to Dad--it hasn't noticed us yet. He takes aim with his Rifle, putting his fingers to his lips to make sure I stay quiet. But for some reason, he doesn't shoot. The bear looks up, and starts plodding towards us, and STILL Dad doesn't shoot the bear. I'm freaking out now, and I ask him what the heck to do, and he hands me a shotgun that he did NOT have when he came out. AND it's not the gun we have IRL, it's a double barrel shotgun. Dad is watching the bear, and I aim the gun. I ask, as it gets creepily close, if he wants me to shoot it. He doesn't answer. My fingers wrap around the trigger, but it's so sensitive that at my slightest touch, the gun goes off and misses the bear completely!

      The bear stands up on his hind legs, roars, and then notices the same fox from earlier. It is skittering by him, and the bear claws him, shoving the animal in his mouth. Dad tells me the bear isn't interested in us, and tells me to grab Roosey. We start to head back into the house, and Roosey needs to get to the vet. The alarm wakes me up as we are crossing the yard.

      Demonic Dog 10:00 am Fragment, INDUCTION method attempt: WILD/WBTB

      Dad and I are in the house. He explains to me that our pet, Tori, is actually a demonic dog--even if she has not yet shown it. HE tells me that she will be used to do things, such as enter our world, if something isn't done about it. For some reason, he believes that I have to be the one to kill the dog. I don't want to do it, the thought saddens me deeply, but I go grab my survival knife that I keep in my room (for when we go camping or fishing). I hide the knife behind my back, and approach Tori. I hug her, give her kisses and pet her...and then I stab her twice in the chest, very quickly. I then carry Tori outside where I sit with her, holding her head in my lap, and apologize for having to do this to her, and for her being used by evil. I am crying at this point, watching her die. I wake up still feeling the intense emotions from the tail end of the dream fragment.

      A Knight Beheaded Time unknown Induction Technique Attemted: WILD/WBTB

      Another good vs. evil dream, with a bit of humor at the end. I'm in some strange area where all of the plant life is grey and dying. The trees are dead, the grass is dead and crumbly beneath my feet. There is an entire crowd of people around me, most dressed like modern day people, but there is one man, a knight in full silver colored armor. We are all enclosed in some giant fenced in area, which leads to some open arena-style place with two exits. We are being herded towards that arena place. Someone speaking from an unknown location, as if from some kind of loud-speakers, tells us that there are two men, one for each exit. One of the men is evil, the other is not. We are told that we have to choose which one is the evil person, and make our way through these shadowy-looking beings in the arena area, and kill him. If we choose correctly, we can all go home. If we choose the wrong person, our world will be in grave danger.

      The knight steps up first; that's when I notice he is blind, wearing some kind of headband over his eyes. He leaps over the fence into the arena, drawing his sword. He immediately slashes at one of the creatures, killing it. Then he turns behind him, and slashes at the fence! One of the creatures laughs at him, and beheads the knight with long claws. His head sails over the fence, his body collapsing to the ground. The head then floats back into the arena, re-attaches itself to the knights body, and he closes his eyes and looks as if he's just gone to sleep! I wake up at this point.
    3. 6-27-2013 Betrayal on the island

      by , 06-27-2013 at 09:51 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      I'm on some sort of tropical island with some friends. If you walk up the shore, there was a pretty big castle, there was an amusement part inside it. One of the areas inside was like a lego land, me and a friend i don't know rode mine carts in some hellish looking lava place. It was fun though. As we walk outside and back toward the coastline, we notice a Hummer was about to be given away. I enter the contest and win by chance.

      Soon after, i walk down toward the shore line and talk to my friends, then i start talking to random people i don't know. After that, everything goes to hell, the FBI start shooting missiles all over the place, and because of that, i take shelter inside the castle. Eventually, the people inside start going insane and every one is killing each other. After a while, most lights are out and the place is blown to hell. I soon find a group of mercenary like people and hang with them.

      Our group soon makes it's way toward an exit which leads outside, the bombing has stopped, so me and another person go outside. The guy i'm with says "Sorry about this" and then shoots me with his submachine gun. I feel the bullets hit in various places on my body. After about 18 shots, he stops and then fires one more time to finish me off. One of the bullets hits the right side of my neck and i feel blood come out. I instantly drop after that, i'm not dead though but decide to lay there so he thinks i am.

      He eventually leaves and i get up, i feel my neck and there's a little blood but everything else is fine. I guess i'm like a vampire or something. Either way, i start walking and eventually end up at a place that looks like my backyard, i find my dad there but in this dream, i don't recognize him as my dad. I walk up to him and he gives me food and guns for protection. And i find out, not only have people gone crazy, but monsters have invaded, how nice.

      He gets up and we go out to this mountain woodland place, we're hiking up the trail to some destination, but a fire has started spreading and we decide to go back. We head back to camp, the only people there now are a guy and a younger girl. My dad disappeared. Anyway, those two are friendly and they go out to collect monster souls which they then use to make potions.

      My dream has a medieval setting. I'm in some watch tower at night, there's a busy town below. I take a broadsword off a stand. I then exit the tower. As i stroll around the town, i see a computer with skyrim loading, i decide to go over and mess up some settings hehe. But then this ladies mother catches and chases me into this alley. While we were there, i take the sword and stab her. I then flip a secret door open and drag her down into it.

      Once we get down there, we're in a room full of my slaves, i lock her up on the wall. As the slaves eat. One asian slave takes her drink and she gets mad, i set there and laugh.

      Engineering sector:
      I'm in some sort of big rpg world with a team. As we're walking, me and this other lady fall off the bridge, we land in a high level engineering area we haven't unlocked yet. There's some people down here building jets and stuff, the lighting is dark. However, i luckily find my way up and talk to an engineer from tf2. I tell the engineer to go back down and help the lady but he shows me his paintings instead.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:05 AM by 63517

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Lucid Dream - 513

      by , 06-03-2013 at 01:31 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 31, 2013
      Lucid Dream 513: Criminals at Large
      Series: Fearless, Episode 7
      Technique: ADA

      Me, my dad, and brother are in an apartment. There is a dead guy on the floor. I'm shouting to them, "Ok, its time to go. Grab everything you need and lets get out of here now." My dad said, "Relax, he just now called it in, they won't be here for another hour or so." I replied, "They want us caught more than anything, just hurry up and lets go." I grabbed arm-fulls of documents and other things. I threw them in a trash can along with a small napalm bomb. I then lit the trash can and we exited the building. We jumped into the car and pulled out just as a cop was pulling in. I said, "I told you they would be here faster than 1 hour." Several cop cars pulled in and the police entered the building. Suddenly, it exploded into a fiery blaze! We cheered as we sped off into the sunset.

      The dream skipped and we were still driving and listening to the radio. They were talking about us on the radio. It said, "R3 has struck again. Their status as dangerous contract killers has been upped to serial murderers." A man along with 4 police officers has been killed. This ups the number to 30 victims in one month." We talked it over and made sure we were burned the evidence and left no tracks. It turned out that one of the officers survived and he had saw my dad's face.

      We had arrived at a city and Dad, who was driving, accidentally ran a red light. A cop turned on his lights in an attempt to pull us over. Dad said, "Just relax, he doesn't know who we are. I'll handle this." I cocked my gun and told him to hold on before he pulls over. I'll dive into his mind real quick. I focused my attention toward him and concentrated on the interior of his car (apparently I had super powers ). I heard the cop thinking, "The license plate matches. This is the big one!" I told dad, "He knows! Step on it!" We got into a high speed chase.

      The chase went on for quite a while and we couldn't seem to shake him. I shot out several cop car tires, but a new cop car replaced the wrecked one every time. Eventually, we gained some space and bailed on the car to get a new one. Suddenly, the cops came out of nowhere on foot. We took off running and ran into a shopping mall. As we were being chased, I suddenly became lucid.

      I told my dad and brother to stop and come join me. We sat down at a table nearby and a female cop came up to us with a gun pointed at us. She told us to get down on the ground. I laughed and said, "Who are you?" She told me she was a police officer and I replied, "I can see that, but that isn't all you are is it?" She looked confused, so I explained a bit more. I said, "Sometimes, I'm a Pirate, or a Ninja, right now, we are Serial Killers. Right now, you are a cop. I just wonder what you were dreaming of last night?" She blushed and smiled as she said, "I was a swimsuit model." I smiled and said, "Dreams are great aren't they?" She agreed and then joined us at the table. I jumped up and proceeded to summon a sword.

      I held my hand out and traced the sword with my fingers, it appeared, but looked like it was a drawing. I grabbed it, turned my head away, and turned it back several times until the sword looked real. I walked over to the nearest DC (right beside the cop lady) and swung for his neck. The blade went clean through, but his head stayed on his shoulders. I then grabbed him by the hair and lifted the detached neck from its perch. I then tossed it in the middle of a group of DCs at a table. The head landed in their food and they screamed and ran away. All the other DCs at the other tables didn't seem to notice or care. The cop lady pulled her gun on me and I said, "Remember? its just a dream. You are just playing cop." She laughed and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot." I then asked if I could see her gun and she handed it to me. I immediately slammed the barrel into her mouth and said, "You shouldn't have forgot." I then blasted her brains out. I then began slicing the heads off of random DCs in the area with my sword. I made a game out of it and tried to see how many I could slice with one swing. I managed to take off six heads with one swing at one table. Every now and then, I couldn't cut through some of the DCs. The sword would stop part way through and once I pulled it out, their wounds would instantly heal. Some laughed and said, "You almost got me!" After a bit of more slicing and dicing I woke up.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!
    5. Three Lucids and Sugar Cookies

      by , 05-18-2013 at 07:43 PM
      Lucid Dream 1
      I don't know where I became lucid. I wanted to find Angel Falls or the Colosseum so I started to fly above wooded land. I knew that I should try to find a jungle so I willed it to start to turn into palm trees. I somehow threw something down there that made it start to turn into a jungle. I was pleased.

      I flew low to the ground and looked forward and up and little, commanding Angel Falls to appear in front of me. I came to a clearing with a little town, and two houses stood out to me. One was made of dark, polished wood but was made almost completely out of glass. It was very modern looking. There was a house next to it that looked very homey and was about two stories tall. I knew instantly that it was a hotel. The grass was neatly trimmed around these two houses, There might have been a pickup truck next to the glass house, and I think that there was a shed next to the hotel. I decided that I could take a detour, and lighted down in front of the hotel. I walked up the sidewalk and on the the front porch. I think that they had a screen door. The people there instantly welcomed me, and I felt at home. My room was directly to the left, like at my mom's house. I had a bed that sank almost to the floor when you laid in it.

      I remember the buzz of conversation, and I went into the main room. There might have been a dining room table. One of the women who worked there was wearing a maid's outfit and holding a plate of sugar cookies. I reached forward and took one. It was exactly how sugar cookies are supposed to be, so soft that they nearly break just picking them up. I know that she was talking to another woman while I ate around 3-4 cookies before stopping out of politeness/didn't want to get fat.

      I left the house and wanted to find another hotel to stay at, because I thought that this was really cool. I walked across the dusty road and thought that I had bee in this dream for a while, accompanied by an exhilarated feeling. I think that this was the dream where everything got narrow very suddenly, the feeling that usually precedes waking up. Everything in my vision got squished together, and my nose was really long and narrow. I think that I woke up. It's like all this happened, but it also didn't happen. I flew out over the edge of the mountain that I'd been on which declined steeply. There were two hotels there, one was interesting looking but looked unreal, like something made of clay. The other one almost made the cut. It had a rounded top and looked similar to a Colosseum. It looked too small though, and also had that air of fakeness.

      So I kept flying. I wanted to see a log cabin hotel, and pretty soon I was fast approaching a long line of log cabins. I immediately knew that they were rented out by people who came here in the summer/winter. There was also a fairly small town next to the cabins. But, there was a huge mansion that was in the corner of the town. I flew above the town and looked down, and the mansion was almost a third as big as the entire town put together. I was going to pass the mansion by, but then I caught a glimpse of a bedroom through a burnt sienna colored stained glass window. I was pretty high up, so I swooped down to the entrance of the mansion. This is where I started to lose lucidity. I remember water, I think. I guess that I got lost or something because I kept on going in and out of the building. I remember a ledge, and one of those things that covers the top of a bed, that filmy and fluttery material.

      Lucid Dream 2
      I was at my grandparent's house. My brother was there as well. Everything was dim and gray. there was a gigantic spider, bigger than a trailer, that was circling the house on a set track. My brother and I were mostly hiding on the front porch, but then I decided to be brave and try and kill the thing. Oddly, I don't remember seeing any trees in my grandparent's front yard. My brother stayed on the front porch while I circled around to the back porch. I remember trying to run really fast,and constantly checking over my shoulder to make sure that it wasn't there behind me. I think that I saw it coming, once. Also, I went to the back porch because I somehow knew that we had to attack the spider from the front and back at the same time. That doesn't make much sense, though, since it was impossible for the spider to be in the front and back yard at the same time.

      My brother had a sword, as did I. I remember seeing the spider scuttling around the side of the house and hiding behind the porch while trying to get within distance to attack but not close enough to get grabbed by one of it's legs.

      When I was walking further into the backyard I thoughtlessly did a reality check and counted 6 fingers out loud. A moment later I paused because I knew that I should have only five fingers. I realized that I must be in a dream. I know that I flew around and did cool stuff, but I can't remember any of it! I do remember doing a nose plug RC and being completely taken by surprise when I could easily breath. I tried it again, and knew that I was in a dream when I could breath. I remember a field.

      Then I had a false awakening, of sorts. I 'woke up' in the same place that I'd been in before I'd become lucid. I checked my hand, and counted five fingers. I was still a little doubtful, so I triple checked, and each time I had five fingers. I shrugged and continued to walk forward, non-lucid.

      Note:This dream was probably influenced by the movie Charlotte's Web, which I watched yesterday.

      Lucid Dream 3
      I was with a group of my friends. I forget how I became lucid. I thought that we were all having the same dream, and that it was really them. I was super excited when I told them to check their hands, because they were in a dream. They all looked down in confusion. I remember seeing N with his face scrunched up in confusion. I looked down at my own hand. I whispered "wow" because it looked as though there were tiny cracks all over my hand, very strange looking. I think that K came over and was curious as to what my hand looked like.

      I told J that we were going camping, and hiked a blue backpack over my shoulder. I was pleased that I'd be able to check off a task in my personal summer goals list. I commanded there to be a field of purple violets in the next field. I went over the hill, but it was really bumpy and I wanted it to be smooth so I held out a flat hand and made a wiping motion over and over. The landscape slowly flattened, but it was if the violets had been sheared because only short green stalks were left. I remember a field with corn that had grown about up to my thigh. I was disappointed that the field was ruined, and continued onward. We came to a road at the other end of the field, with a farmhouse, maybe red. Around this point we started running from a man who was trying to kill us. I remembered promising my friends that we'd go horseback riding as I was fleeing. I could only see that ground beneath me as I ran with all my might. A horse appeared underneath me, tan colored. It had an odd gait, but I was content.

      I remember running across a rickety bridge and trying to cut the ropes before the man could follow me across.

      I was on a rock in the middle of some very dark water. I was close to the shore, but I'd still have to swim to get there. There were a few rocks scattered around me, along with some floating pieces of driftwood/rafts. I was absolutely terrified in this place. It had a slimy, creepy feeling. I was scared that something would come up from underneath and grab me. I wanted to conquer my fear of this place, though, so I began to thread seaweed/thread/rope between all the stranded rocks and such, like I was making little bridges so I didn't have to step over cracks. It calmed me.

      Dream 4
      I was in the place with the glass house and hotel. I was trying to continue up a hill, but it was so steep that I found it impossible. KM was climbing it with ease, and I loathed her because of it. There was someone else with me who disliked her as well. When we reached the top and looked down, the view was breathtaking. KM laughed and said that she wouldn't be testing it out

      I remember entering this pathetic little dog who I loved in a dog contest.

      I had to skate up the mountain which had just climbed, and you had to control these three lines and keep them in line with the lines printed on the ground, sorta like a video game of some kind. It was nearly impossible, I only got two stars and whatever machines I was using got damaged. Someone said that they told me so.

      The judges said that I did bad.
    6. No Weed On Planes, The Evil Box

      by , 05-14-2013 at 02:16 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      No weed on planes

      This dream was like watching a movie... There was a man who was supposed to be an undercover cop but every time he confiscated weed from someone he kept it and then tried to sneak it on a plane. The first time he used his cop excuse but the second time he went way over the top. He actually made it a part of his shirt and added real flowers. He looked really ridiculous. Then he got stoned not by smoking the weed but by eating it just before boarding a plane. There was some TSA woman who spotted him and opened a big book pointing to the word 'marijuana'.

      The next scene he was shirtless and handcuffed to a chair being interrogated. He never tried to use his undercover excuse and was going to go to jail for awhile due to the large amount of weed he was holding. I forget the conversation but he was more worried about what the woman thought of him than going to jail. She acted as if she was touched and began to conciser a relationship with him. I wake up.

      The Evil Box

      Another movie like dream but I was more there than just watching. There was some woman. We came back to her van and it had been stripped but they didn't find the large metal key. She seemed worried until she found it. She cared nothing for the van. I remember seeing that key from false memory from my childhood and I thought it must be fate. She open a locker with the key and there is some magical wooden box with black tendrils of smoke coming out. I got the impression that this thing was evil and must never be opened. I felt like the woman was the guardian of the box.

      There was an evil tribal practitioner of divination watching us in some gazing pool of stagnant murky green water with and evil demonic soul in it. He had to use a special sword to part the water and keep the demonic soul in the water and under control. But something goes wrong and the demon takes physical form and leaps out of the water. It eats the man and begins destroying the ancient stone city.

      Suddenly I am running for my life while this giant creature brings the world down around me. I am able to get some distance away when I come to a Best Buy store. I hear a deep loud bass beat and get curious. There are some rappers using drum beats to lure the demon in hoping to somehow contain it once again. I wake up.

      Updated 05-14-2013 at 02:19 AM by 5967

    7. The Traitor

      by , 03-03-2013 at 01:27 AM
      Not Dreaming

      Since I recently joined this site, I decided that I would start off with a more interesting dream from yesterday, also known as my fourth ever lucid dream. Let's get started.


      At this time, it was about six days from my last lucid dream. I had been doing WILD for quite some time, as well as a bunch of preparation before sleeping. This night, I jumped into bed and did something a little differently. I started out with WILD, then I went to simply saying in my mind "I am going to lucid dream tonight" about a hundred times over until I finally fell asleep.

      I found myself in a line of soldiers. Not in the modern militaristic sense, but more of a medieval sense. I think that this was because I had been playing Mount & Blade for hours last night and the world almost completely reflected it. There were at least eighteen men in the line, counting me. I could see a man on a donkey riding in front of me, holding a shortsword in his right arm. It's hard to explain, but he said something like "It's time to punish those dogs!" to all of us. We instinctively cheered in response and I teleported onto a brown horse while wearing a helmet. A soldier on foot walked up to me and said "Your sword is not right!" or something. At this time, I looked down at my sword when suddenly I obtained lucidity. I did a quick reality check and sure enough, I was completely lucid. I looked up to see that the sky looked more painted than realistic, and that the battlefield looked like its grass was from Mount & Blade. I decided to have some fun and kill my fellow soldiers, so I leaped off my donkey with my sword facing down as it landed right in the chest of my brother-in-arms. It seemed so real that even the blood was realistic as it dirtied my sword. I even felt a bit of remorse for the fake soldier. I checked his face and decided that he also looked like he was from the video game. I saw another soldier mounted up and I pointed my sword toward him. I'm not quite sure how I did it, but I managed to knock him off the side of his donkey with some sort of shockwave. He landed right on his head and his helmet rolled off. Unfortunately, I lost all lucidity after that as a bunch of flying imp-things wielding flaming spoons flew over me, swooped down, and tried to beat me to death with them. I must say, this was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. It was definitely the most vivid and enjoyable dream to date and I got to have some fun with mindless violence.
    8. Fooled

      by , 03-02-2013 at 04:54 PM
      I entered this menthol lucid via an in-dream WILD but never picked up on the fact that I had entered from a dream. I also got completely fooled by a false awakening, not waking up for real until long after the dream had ended. Because of that, a lot of the LD is pretty scrambled, including a couple possible Task of the Month attempts. Still, this one's filled with amusing little tidbits.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #71: Fooled

      I am wandering in my house during the day, thinking about lucid dreaming. I decide to visit DreamViews (on my Kindle?), starting with the Task of the Month thread.

      I see a post from PennyRoyal and suddenly remember that I'm supposed to be making him a fake ID. I remember that he badly needs this ID and I'm way, wa behind on producing it.
      (Needless to say, this is not true!) Being on DV and getting reminded of this task I'm putting off makes me feel like a slacker and a procrastinator, so I close the site.

      I sit on the floor of the living room and pick up a strange comic book with moving pictures. The hero, a billionaire similar to Bruce Wayne, does a parkour safety vault over a railing onto the front porch of his mansion. I watch the move replay over and over, thinking about how I should find a spot to learn the safety vault near the house or the office.

      Eventually I decide that maybe I should just practice this vault myself in a lucid dream. I lay down on the floor of the den to attempt a WILD and
      instantly emerge standing in the living room of my house! I gloat to myself about what a stud I've become at WILD. I rub my hands together and walk into the kitchen.

      There's a man standing in the kitchen and after conversing with him, I learn that he needs a sword. I conjure one into my right hand. The sword is awesome and looks just like the one He-Man uses. I give the sword to the DC, but he looks disappointed. He complains that "it's not a magic sword." This annoys me, so I tell him that if he wanted a magic sword then he should have asked for a magic sword. He hurls himself on the ground and throws a massive tantrum, bawling, rolling around, and kicking his feet like a toddler.
      (This may have been me granting a DC a wish, but I do not remember properly asking the question, so I will not count this as a Task of the Month completion.)

      Annoyed, I walk away from the DC. I look for the note that I left myself for TotM. I don't know whether I find it, but the dream destabilizes somewhere inside the house and I have a false awakening that puts me back lying on the floor of my den. I think about writing the dream down, but I'm distracted when I look over at our couch and have sexy thoughts about doing stuff with Wife on it. I'm surprised by how vivid my imagination is right now. I vaguely remember consuming menthol, but when? (I had peppermint tea at WBTB.) Is menthol why I'm thinking about happy happy fun time?

      Then I have another memory of recently eating popcorn.
      (Also true, right before bed.) I realize that I have one of those annoying little popcorn hulls stuck between my two front teeth. I absentmindedly conjure a box cutter into my right hand and use it to pick the hull out of my teeth.

      I finally remember to write the lucid dream down. I open up some sort of notebook to write the dream down but it's just filled with Wikipedia pages. These Wikipedia pages contain hyperlinks that respond to my touch, so I surf around for a while reading about stuff. I think about how much you can learn these days without even talking to anybody. I wonder how we introverts used to learn before the internet. Oh yeah, I think, there were always books. I happily surf Wikipedia for a while,
      and I remember nothing after that.
    9. 31st Jan 2013 A whole bunch of dreams

      by , 01-31-2013 at 09:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Managed to recall a bunch of dreams today upon waking up, much more than usual.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing game that looked quite similar to Spiral Knights, except it was more dim. I was moving character between different rooms of some foggy place. At some point i found glitch that makes character slide at crazy speed across the screen, ignoring physics and objects, and i used it to go beyond some railing. This time, upon entering different room i apparently got into game and was instead of the player character. I picked up some treasure in the room and ended up hiding behind curtains from someone.

      Dream 2:

      I apparently was a ninja and i had to find my group. After a while of searching through forest i reached the canyon and the group was there, we start getting prepared to assault enemy base in the canyon or something.

      Dream 3:

      I was watching some pokemon anime. and there was some dude who joins the Ash in his travels just because he's too scared of everything. They end up traveling through many places. At some point he had to part, so he ended up walking around the road being scared of most of sounds in the forest. There were also some pokemons but none looked familiar. Dream skips.
      I was now in first person in anime instead of just watching, but still being just spectator view. There's some evil dude trying to capture some sort of legendary pokemon who is able to talk. After a few attempts that pokemon uses some sort of ability that fires homing spikes and retreats, saying to that dude: 'You are not strong enough yet'. Evil dude gets angry and calls in some other dude with big badass sword. He sends him somewhere.

      Dream 4:

      There's three people in the room: two dudes and girl. I was spectating through first person view from one of dudes. They talk to the girl about something. Suddenly the dude with sword from previous dream enters the room and outright murders one of dudes(not the one i was spectating from). The other one manages to hide completely inside a tiny bucket on wheels somehow, and starts trying to escape. Sword dude soon notices that and slashes the bucket. View changes to deathcam now showing dead body of that dude glitching out of the bucket, and my dream self finds that death animation hilarious.

      Dream 5:

      I was checking MSPA for updates and ofcourse there were some new ones on Homestuck. The updates are about some Homestuck trolls being stuck on floating island. They have to dodge/block attacks of someone invisible. Eventually some of them fail to do that and die, others end up using some sort of time manipulation to slow time and dodge attacks easily that way. At some point i notice that on the site there's some other column of updates on the right side. I check it and it's some totally random stuff and MSPA fanart. I wake up.

      Then i accidentally fall asleep once more while recalling dreams...

      Dream 6:

      I am in the room and there's random SBAHJ stuff floating everywhere(bizarre stuff), it lasts a few seconds. I wake up once again.

      Updated 02-04-2013 at 07:08 AM by 59854

    10. Lions and Zebras Try to Take Over the World; I Steal Sunglasses and Have a Nose Piercing Problem

      by , 01-25-2013 at 05:39 AM
      Uh … OOPS it’s been months since I last wrote an entry in this thing. That would explain why lately I’ve been having so much trouble remembering my dreams. I really need to get back into the habit of doing this so that I can have cool dreams again. Yeah.

      Well, I recently had a pretty cool/weird dream. It went something like this:

      It starts off as kind of a third-person thing, where I’m not really a part of the action, I’m just observing the story.

      There are a bunch of lions and zebras living together in a giant palace. There’s one lion who’s the king of them all. And he decides that he and the other lions and the zebras are going to destroy humanity. He sends one of the zebras to warn the humans of their oncoming doom.

      So, the zebra walks up to a house. It’s night-time. The back door opens and Will Smith walks out. The zebra is like, “We’re going to destroy humanity, bwahaha.” And if I recall correctly, he has some gruesome thing with him like a head on a stick or something which I guess is part of the warning sign or whatever. Will Smith is like, “Oh no!” And that’s the only part he plays in the dream and I’m not sure why he was there at all. Oh well.

      This is where I finally become a part of the dream, although I’m a random character and not really myself. I’m riding on a white horse to the palace along with some other people––I don’t know who they are. I think I’m leading everyone there. I have a sword and I start swinging it around and thinking about how I’m going to cut off the king lion’s head.

      We’re galloping over this beautiful landscape with rolling green hills and everything. I think we go over a bridge at some point. Then in the distance, I finally see the palace. It’s huge and gleaming and white, and there’s a rainbow coming out of the top of it and stretching up into the sky. I’m like, “Whoaaa … that’s pretty.”

      At this point I have a somewhat lucid moment, in which I’m suddenly aware that I’m in the dream and that I’m simultaneously asleep in my bed. I know I’m about to wake up, but I try not to because I really want to get to the palace and kill the lion. Alas, I wake up before we get there. Oh well.

      As for dreams I had last night (or maybe it was this morning):

      I vaguely remember a dream in which I was at a beach, and I acquired a pair of fancy sunglasses. Somehow, I know that I stole these sunglasses, although I don’t remember exactly how that happened. I feel guilty about stealing them, but I keep trying to justify it to myself, like, “Oh, everyone steals sometimes!”

      Anyway, I can’t remember much about what the sunglasses look like besides that they have a brown tint to them, and I also realize that I can see through the lenses (and I’m super near-sighted, so this is weird). So, they basically function like regular glasses except they’re tinted. But for some reason I think this is like, the best thing since sliced bread.

      Not sure if it was part of the same dream, but I recall a brief fragment of a dream in which I am standing in front of a mirror and I take out my nose piercing. My nose instantly begins gushing blood everywhere and I panic … but I think I manage to get it back in again.

      … So yeah. Now I should start remembering to write these lovely gems down. I want to keep having cool/lucid dreams.
    11. A long random dream

      by , 01-06-2013 at 04:02 PM
      I had a rather long dream last night (Or three dreams that connected) . Sadly it is 4:30pm and this is the first chance i got to write it, so my memory of the dream has faded quite a bit, but i will still try and write as much as i remember.

      My dream started out in a car with my family. It was rather packed so I got a feeling we were going on vacation. My grandmother was driving with my grandpa up front and me in the back. I think my brother and younger sister was there but if they were they played no major role in my dream and thus i can't remember if they were there.

      We started going up on a over pass. There was a lot of cars so we were going really slow. Soon we weren't moving at all due to traffic. We stopped right before going on a bridge. There was a large man-made river under the bridge and a sloping green hill on our side running along the river, There was a huge crowd of people walking along the river. Some were stopped having lunch or resting. They all seemed to be going somewhere. They didn't seem to be exactly together...as in they weren't all hippies or something although a few happened to be hippies but there were just normal people, hipsters, jocks, nerds, people dressed for work. They all looked like random people that just decided to walk along the river together.

      My grandma suddenly wanted to go out and see where they were headed. My grandpa said she should and told me to go with her. Me and my grandma go out and went down to the river. She walked off to go ask someone. I stood around watching everyone. I noticed a small boy off by himself. I can't remember exactly why I noticed him, it might of been simply because he was alone or he might of been crying or something but any way, i went up to the kid and asked him if he was ok. He said he was lost and didn't know where his parents went. I couldn't just leave home alone so i told him i would help look for his parents.

      The kid looked about the age of six. He had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was wearing a t-shit and jeans. I can see him in my head quite clearly. Image the sweetest little kid ever and that's him. I don't remember what his name was though. Through out my dream I simply called him Kid and refereed to him as The Kid.

      My grandma returned and asked who the kid was and I told her he was lost. We decided to follow the people to where every they were headed (My grandma never did tell me ) and try and find his Parents there.

      I remember we walked for some time and came to a park were a fair was taking place. we entered the fair to take a break from walking and look around. there was a particular ride that the kid decided he had to go on. He had to have someone ride with him so i went with him. The ride was really weird. You got in this box and sat down. It sat two. Then it shot you upward. The box than free fell until this cable caught it and you swung down. It was fun but scary.

      (Also...a weird fact...when i was in the air i could see another park across from this one and it was a water park from a dream i had a while back. I sometimes get references to other dreams like that. One day I'm going to map out my dream world because all my dreams seem to take place in the same universe. )

      After the ride we walked around the park awhile. I had no idea where my grandma went. That when these three people showed up. They were dressed weird. There was a lady with a sword who seemed to be the leader. I remember her most. She was wearing a black and red dress with goth style makeup and short black hair. They demanded I handed the kid over to them. The kid said they were there to hurt and so i refused. They threatened me with the sword so i picked up the kid and ran.

      We came up to a large tunnel and ran inside. The tunnel was like a maze and soon we were lost. We walked around for sometime until we came to a opening to a large cavern. Inside was a table with to people playing cards. there was a lady sitting on a bed reading and a man on a platform of some kind. He was sitting with his legs dangling and his arms crossed. They all looked up rather surprised when me and the kid entered.

      I laughed nervously and said we were lost. The kid hid nervously behind me. On of the guys playing cards put down his hand and said "Of course. No one would come here unless they were lost." the other guy smiled and said "Not exactly on the map" They laughed as if sharing a inside joke.

      The guy on the platform said something like they should help us find our way. He looked rather carefree but his clothes weren't normal. He wore a suit and cape just like out of a old horror movie with vampires. He was pale and even looked like a vampire. He then hopped off the platform and did something rather unexpected. He pulled out a small decorated box. He opened it and it was full of white powder. He put some on his hand and snorted it. I knew then i didn't want to be here any longer.

      He saw my disproving face and said "Bad, habit...don't do drugs" The other three laughed. I kept the kid behind me. i didn't trust these guys one bit. I said "well if one of you could tell me the way out we would be on our own." The guys playing cards said "Whats the hurry, come on, play some cards"
      "No," I started "We really should go"
      "One game and we will tell you the way out" He smiled and they all waited for a reply. they gave a feeling that i didn't have a choice.
      "OK. one ga..." I didn't even finish and one guy pulled me forward and sat me in a chair and they started dealing. The girl on the bed motioned for the kid. He ran over and sat one the bed and she pulled out some kid story and started to read to him. I didn't like him being so far from me but i didn't have a choice.

      We started playing cards (I don't know exactly what game but it was apparently fun. I lost track of time and ended up playing many games. The drug head just watched and made joke every now and then and the two other guys and me played cards for a very long time. I completely forgot all about not trusting them and they became like best friends.

      Then the drug head offered me a really good looking cookie . I remember that i hadn't eaten anything in a long time and took it. I looked over at the kid and before i could ask the guy said "I don't think he would like it. " He laughed and leaned back on a wall. I looked at the cookie not knowing what he meant and against my better judgment (Real life i wouldn't have) I ate the cookie.

      That when the three people that had been hunting the kid walked in. One pointed to the bed and other ran over and grabbed him. He yelled and kicked but the guy held him. I jumped yelling to put him down. The others just stared and did nothing. I ran over to the guy holding him and tried to take him but the lady with the sword stepped in front of me.

      I was fully prepared to fight but a strange feeling came over me and the room swayed. I put my hands out to keep from falling. The lady looked at me confused for a second than said "The kid is our objective. If you intent to get in our way i will kill you" That's when i started laughing uncontrollably. The room was spinning and everything looking weird. The three people trying to take the kid looked at me like i had gone insane. I couldn't stop laughing.

      With all my will power. I stood up and said "I'm not going to let you hurt that kid" She raised her sword but before she could swing I fell over laughing again. She looked at her comrades unsure of what to do. Everything seemed really funny for some reason. I Stood up again and turned to the guy who had given me the cookie.

      "This is your fault and you know it, a little help please" He looked a bit shocked then laughed. Faster than possible he ran over and grabbed the kid from the man holding him and ran back. The lady backed up in surprise. I started to feel normal again but i still couldn't help laughing.

      The guys playing cards stood up and each pulled out swords and said "I don't think this kid wants to go with you three. I think you better get out of her before someone gets hurt." Three weighed there options and decided to leave. I went over to the kid and finally stopped laughing.

      The drug head dude said that he would show us a secret way out and we head to the back of the cavern.

      Nothing much happened after that and i woke up. That was one of those dreams that seemed to last all night. Also drugs are bad, don't use them
      Tags: drugs, sword, vampire
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 12/22/12 Night Whispers

      by , 12-23-2012 at 12:24 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Night Whispers
      I am on a beach like the one described in my hypnosis program that I fall asleep with. I am fully lucid. I am thinking I should find someplace where I am needed. So I trace out a circle in front of me and it becomes a portal. I step through the portal and into someone's bedroom. There is a kid in the bed sleeping, a boy that looks like he is about 15. There are several people standing around him, though they are not waking him up. They are leaning over his bed and whispering things in his ears. When I get close enough I hear that they are talking about death and murder. I ask them what they think they are doing. One of them looks up at me in surprise. I think he is surprised I can see him at all. I tell them to leave the boy alone. The one who looked up at me tells me not to mess with things I don't understand. I tell him we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but stop trying to put negative thoughts into the kid's head. The man says I have been warned, so now I will pay the price. All three of them approach me, I stand my ground. They transform into strange demonic creatures right in front of me. I summon a sword from my Witchblade. The demonic creatures seem to hesitate, I think they are surprised I am going to stand and fight them… then they attack me. I duck down and underneath a nasty looking sword as it is swung to remove my head. I use my sword to run the demon through and pump light energy into the thing. It burns up from the inside out, disappearing in a flash of white light. I barely respond quickly enough to block another attack coming from behind. I duck around and turn, taking out the other two demons quickly with my sword. I look back over at the boy in the bed. He hasn't even been awakened by all of the commotion. I think either he is the deepest sleeper I have ever seen or maybe I have been fighting in the astral plane, which is the only answer that really makes sense. I don't have a chance to check before I wake up.
    13. Frags

      by , 11-05-2012 at 11:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in a large outdoor pool complex. It was wintertime and snowing. I walked to the very end of it and began relaxing in this hot tub. This girl that I knew in my freshman year of high school came over and started flirting with me me. It was kind of annoying.

      I can remember being in this boy-scout troop type thing. It was cold and rainy. This one boy was going fishing by a river. I can remember the river being wide with a lot of rapids and turbulent water.
      The boy stated that he was trying to catch a catfish. When he reeled in the fish and held it up, it was this very long eel-like creature whos head looked sort of like a cats'. I can remember it having whiskers and catlike eyes.
      The boy then walked over by a tall wooden fence and released the catfish into a very small, shallow pond.

      I had a false awakening in my bedroom. I decided that I wanted to draw a picture of Lia (My dream guide) But it was really dark in my room.
      I started going around turning on all of the lights in my room. (I have three lamps, a light in the fan and a desk light) But for some reason all of the lights were dim. I began drawing anyway.
      After awhile I looked over my drawing and was disappointed with the quality of the drawing. She looked ugly.

      I was having a dream about playing minecraft with a bunch of my friends. We were mining some diamonds deep down in this cave. We started to head back up, but the floor of the cave started to collapse into pools of lava. I can remember running and dodging falling objects.
      Eventually, the minecraft style dream morphed into a more realistic style. We had reached a large cavern. We all stopped and looked around for a second. It was silent.
      This man in a robot suit dropped down. But the suit was not fancy technology, it was more like a steampunk mech suit. I know that's difficult to understand, but this guy had this armor made out of this copper-colored metal, and he had all of these pistons and gears moving around in very intricate ways to make this man move.
      The man lowered himself onto the floor with this big chain. He then summoned a bunch of attack dogs to me and my friends. We all drew swords and fought off the dogs.
      When we turned to the man with the mech-suit he opened these canvas and wood bat wings on his suit and started to slowly fly out of the cave on a jet of steam, screaming all the while. We ran after him, and reached the surface.
      We could see him streaking ahead, gaining speed. We tried to chase him, but it was difficult because we were running though a forest and there were alot of fallen trees on the ground.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:31 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Sep 28, 2012 - Demon Summoning

      by , 10-17-2012 at 04:50 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      The dark forest. Transformation. Demon summoning. House. Gnome. Cloak of invisibility. Drunk with power. Dwarves. Fight. Rath's mom. Oil. Chicken oil. Exercise. Swords. Yellow shirt. Blue short. Red?
    15. D.I.A. #4 -Slew of dreams, Lucid Dream #16

      by , 10-05-2012 at 08:27 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can't really put all the pieces together. I tried to WILD last night. A whole slew of lucid dreaming things happened including a lucid that I barely remember, a false awakening, and two additional non lucid dreams. Let me start with the least interesting and work my way up.


      The first dream entailed me and my mother. We decided that we were going to "Go die" so we had dug two holes in the ground and acquired some coffins.
      Then my mother said that she was going to carve a death note into an Ipad. She asked me if she could use my Ipad instead of hers. Then she got an exacto knife and started carving a message into the screen about why we had decided to die/commit suicide.
      We went outside, and got into our coffins. I'm not entirely sure why, but I decided to get back out and have second thoughts about committing suicide.
      I was just standing in the drive in front of our house, and started talking to myself about the decision to commit suicide. The my mother got out of her coffin and decided that she didn't want to do it either. Then I told her that I needed to get a new Ipad since she scratched a death note into the screen.


      Another video game dream. Halo reach this time. It has been strange to me that video game dreams have stepped up their game and gotten alot more interesting and vivid recently. (Also strange because I haven't played Halo reach in almost a year now.)
      I was literally a spartan. Not like controlling it or anything, like you normally would in a game, but my body was actually a spartan. But the game was still playing out normally. We were on this strange map that was sort of like a junkyard, with a dingy orange lighting to it.
      The game started and I started looking for a way to help a the team. I saw a scorpion tank that nobody seemed to be using. I got in and looked back the direction that I had spawned. A wraith pulled between me and the direction that I had spawned.
      I fired and killed it. Then a bunch of enemy players started swarming around my tank with energy swords. They were jumping around, trying to avoid getting shot. I realized that they were going to board my tank, so I bailed out.
      When I got out, I took out my own energy sword and got into the fight. (The use of swords (though energy swords) still coincides with swords being a dream sign for me.) Unlike real halo, it took two hits to kill someone with the sword, one to break their shields, and one to finish the job. I can also remember the electric effect of the sheild being very vivid and realistic.
      When fighting the first enemy, I broke his shields and killed him with two swift slashes. The second guy hit me from behind, breaking my shields. Our blades crossed and we pushed against one another. Then I killed him.
      The final enemy, who was like the leader got in. I hit him and broke his shield, but my sword ran out of charge after the first hit. I tried to melee him again, with the sword hilt. He stabbed me in the chest, and the dream painlessly faded away.

      Here are some images for the non-halo players to get an idea of what this looks like.

      Scorpion tank

      Energy sword


      I seriously wonder about classifying this as a minor event. I will.

      I was running down this highway, though a city very fast. I was lucid, but my recall was worse than my lucidity, so I couldn't remember how I got lucid. Though I was lucid. I can remember thinking about how cool this was, my sixth lucid dream.
      I started to feel like my back was cold and wet.
      I false-awoke into my room and the window was open and all of this rain and wind was coming and and there was a violent thunderstorm happening outside. Annoyed, I closed the window and went back to "sleep"

      I'm not sure what to make of all these dreams. There was a lot of waking up involved last night, and I probably don't have them in the right order. I was on an extremely consistent sleep schedule the last few nights, going to bed just around 9:15. But last night, I didn't make it to bed until 10:00.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:24 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
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