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    1. March 27, 2023 8:12 pm

      by , 03-27-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Another nap dream which was longer than needed because I had two hours of sleep today and set an alarm for the nap, but fell back asleep. Glad I got my eight hours sleep anyways

      In my dream I spontaneously traveled to the Netherlands to go to the cinema with my best friends from high school (coincidentally asked me to go to the film today) we get to the cinema and joke around, there's this goth-alt looking woman who looks like a woman I worked with before at a tech festival as well as the woman who works at a bar in Berlin who's slightly disturbed and annoyed by our behaviour and takes me out of the group because she trusts me the most. We go to a private room and she tells me she's giving me access to the projectors in the building which are big television screens with her face on it, I get to access them when her eyes on the photo are at a certain position. I get on my phone and edit the settings of the projection, having access to a bunch of trip-hop music videos she's made.

      I walk back to my friends with a smug look on my face as if the woman took me to a room alone with her to make love to her, my friends all walk up to me like "What did you do???" before my friends are being brought home by a parent, around this time I got a bit aware that things weren't adding up as 1) my friends can drive and 2) it suddenly hit me that I traveled to the Netherlands from Berlin with lord knows what money and had no idea how to travel back. I go to my family home in the Netherlands where my mom meets me normally as if I still lived there saying "Where did you go??"

      Then moments before I woke up a "scene selection" screen appeared before my eyes that looked like like this:

      • -----
      • -----
      • cinema kino
      • family home zuhause
      • -----
      • -----

      As if I hadn't "unlocked" the other locations
      I then suddenly woke up and wrote all of this down here, that scene selection screen unironically is making me wonder if maybe we really are living in a simulation or matrix as it seemed like I was placed in a scenario, which I technically was lol

      Dream was in Dutch.

      Edit: this is what the "scene selection" screen looked like:
    2. crazy

      by , 11-16-2022 at 06:49 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      One jamie dream that was like 1.5 seconds long... We both pulled into a parking lot of mcdonald's of where we both were working??? Oh hellll no.

      matrix mall

      I was in some game room and everyone was trying this virtual reality game. After spending some time in this ultra realistic virtual reality game I wanted to leave. I asked the npcs in the booth how to leave this place and they looked at me like "WTF" like it was real life. I asked "How do I leave here?" and they pointed to a door. Through the door I was in a mall. I kept telling people that we were all trapped in a virtual reality game and everyone was giving me dirty looks. I tried to prove it by flying around.

      FA, I was in someone's yard and said I was glad to be back IRL again. I was somehow still able to fly. Later I was hiking in some caves with some kids and started flying again...
      Tags: jamie, matrix
    3. Matrix Rooftop Jumping

      by , 07-27-2022 at 01:42 PM
      K and I are in a cityscape environment with tall buildings. My view of the city around me is odd. When I look at something below me, my vision seems to "zoom in" and it's like my consciousness and dream body shifts to that location in the dream. We are on top of a tall building and there are large levitating platforms adjacent to other tall buildings. They are very far off and apart, impossible to be able to jump to by normal means. We leap through the air and land on these levitating platforms that look like they are made up of large white cubes, like video game platforms.

      I feel the sensations vividly of leaping through the air, impossibly high compared to jumping in waking life (WL). I land on the platforms with ease and don't feel significant shock from the impacts.

      I remember incubating Matrix-like jumping months ago and last year in 2021. After reading some articles on flying in dreams and LDs, I visualized jumping between rooftops and tall elevated platforms like in this dream. Very thrilling and fun. I've continued to listen to a dream incubation podcast episode on a Jungian analyst podcast that's talked about incubation. Maybe consciously thinking about incubation has brought forward a lot of past incubations. Very neat.
      non-lucid , side notes
    4. 3 Feb: At a Matrix event looking for Keanu Reeves and becoming friend with Carrie-Anne

      by , 02-03-2022 at 09:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a Matrix event, one of the movies will be playing and the actors are present. I am cosplayed as Trinity and I am determined to meet Keanu. I can't find him but I come across Carrie-Anne, who seems to be very familiar with some of my friends. She commends me for my cosplay. We take pics together, then she hangs out with us. Turns out she is pregnant and Zilla is also pregnants, so they won't stop talking about pregnancy. We head to theathre room to watch the movie and it is quite big and chaotic. People are all talking, lots of kids who only watched the 1st and dont know this one and are already trashing it. Meanwhile, I spot Keanu with some other actress friend at the front rows and I ask Carrie if she can introduce me to him because I must talk to him. She says ok, when the movie ends. But in the middle of the film she gets up to go to do something and doesn't seem to be coming back and then I see Keanu also sneaking out and being engulfed by fans asking for photos. I try to go after them, but then these kids also want to take pics with me, because of my cosplay. And other cosplayers want to act out scenes of the movies with me, for a laugh and I lose Keanu. Outside on the street is a big crossroad with a square in the middle. It's a mess because there is some protest with thousands of people who are on strike for something, plus everiday people going about their lives. I become semi-lucid and consider teleporting out of there and just aim directly to those I wanna meet. Then realize I am dreaming. But I cant focus, it feels too chaotic. So instead I decide to walk go up a street and find some place quieter. I step inside an arcade (tunnel) outside the building to my left and keeo walking forward until I reach a building entrance with a very vintage look and I feel drawn inside. It seems some old abandoned mall and I decide to finally teleport out of here by just walking through a door as a portal. But before I even do anything, I hear Carrie-Anne's voice on the other side of the door so I open it and it is some old school pharmacy and she is buying some medicine from the pharmacist. She is excited to see me. Wonders how the hell I found her and I tell her is was mere coincidence. She tells the pharmacist "She does these things! I wasn't coincidence!" He looks at her like we are crazy, he doesnt believe ít is more than coincidence. Then I tell her I was looking for her because Keanu left and I wanted to see him. She says not to worry, because she can take me to see him.

      Updated 02-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880

    5. 3 Jan: I am Neo in a new weird Matrix movie

      by , 01-03-2022 at 08:09 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Watching a new Matrix movie and Neo finds glitches in the matrix and he his committed or arrested for it. He escapes by fooling some guard. Then bad dudes from a corporation come looking for him and torture the guard, accusing him of helping Neo. Meanwhile Neo finds that there are several Neos in this matrix. He goes to a barber who looks like a younger self and the customer he is shaving, also looks like a young and slightly different Neo. Yet they don't realize they are identical and think he is insane. When he insists that they are all versions of the same person, they become violent and the barber throws knives at him. Then I have an epifany and say to Riverstone, whi is sitting by my side, that we are also in a simulation, being deceived that we are watching a film. I say that I am actually Neo and I do become him in that fight with his clones and I fly away from there. I go look for people I know, but everything seems to be changing randomly and people I know become someone else or have different lives and don't know me anymore. I enter a house of supposed friends and there is a middle aged couple there. Their cat recognizes me, but they don't. Yet they react calmly to my presence and offer me dinner with them and ask me to explain in detail who I am and what I am looking for. I tell them I have partial amnesia and know my name and my work, but don't know anything beyond that or where I live and was certain that some of my friends lived here. They are very understanding but offer no answers to my questions. Then some girl comes at the door claiming to be my sister and that I am dangerously deluded and she needs to take me with her. I escape and get lost in the small town we are in. Then there is either a theme fair from the 30s going on or I also travelled back in time, because it all looks from that era. When I interact with people, they get startled because I dress funny and I say weird things and clearly don't belong there. Once again they think I am insane and try to arrest me. The only way to escape is flying away, but I can't fly high for some reason and keep being pulled down by them. I scream from the top of my lungs and my thunderous voice numbs everybody around for a while. I then run away on foot. Meanwhile, the corporation guys are back in their HQ debating how Neo is destabilizing the simulations, but they think they are outside of it. Until strange things start to happen and they start realize they themselves are not from the real world but simulated matrix controllers as there is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix. As I try to walk discreetly through the town, I hear some familiar music that attracts me to a place where old ladies do arts and crafts and I find my mom there. I approach her to try to see if she knows me. She doesn't, but she invites me in. The place was a cozy llittle studio which becomes claustrophobic as the old ladies surround me with curiosity and some keep bringing in boxes and boxes of stuff that block the entrance and narrow down the space available.

      Updated 01-11-2022 at 10:04 AM by 34880

    6. 22 Dec: Immersive Matrix movie experience and my avatar is hacked

      by , 12-22-2021 at 07:58 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With Riverstone, Zilla and NightHawk watching the new Matrix movie, but it is an interactive and immersive experience, just like the scene in the movie itself where Bugs is walking on the simulated matrix. We have to walk around a room to see some scenes and at some point I am literally sitting in front of Carrie Ann Moss and some other actor, while they play a scene and she interacts with me and I become part of the movie. Every other spectator becomes so jealous. After the movie there is a festival outside, some kids play Jefferson Airplane's song and I am groovin. Then I spot some stupid men brutalizing an African lady with intention to rape her. I go intervene and kick some dude really bad. The others go look for reinforcements, so I gotta leave. What matters is the woman had time to escape. Then I try to blend in with the crowd. I am walking around anonimously until some Asian dudes point to me and say I look like JFK Jr and I am like ""OMG, crazy Q'anoners!!!" . I reply that I do not, in any way, shape or form, but if I did, it would be just random genetic resemblance, no need to even be from the same family. The point is, I realize I am also inside some kind of simulation and someone altered my avatar to look like JFK r and I didn't realize. I guess it's so they can spot me more easily.
    7. The Matrix engulfs all

      by , 12-25-2020 at 11:48 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      barely remember the dream
      I dreamt about the matrix engulfing all space and time
      it was like a green static wall from the outside
      everyone was becoming part of it
      but I did not become one with it, even if I entered
      I left

      felt lost ,no way out , everything will be swallowed by it
      Tags: matrix, non lucid
    8. 16 Jan: Entering the Matrix and weird school

      by , 01-16-2019 at 08:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I have a FA in Riverstone's room. It's dark and I can't find any lights, There is a flashlight but also does not work. I hear scary monster sounds. I go check what it is,
      I get lucid, but still feel a bit scared. I see a dark figure, think it is the monster, hit it with the flashlight. Light comes up and no monster, just kittens all over, even coming from inside the walls.

      Mom picks me up, there's a job opening for plant expert at some small company in our hometown. I need to fill an application. Some kids come by. One steals some documents that were on the table.

      Me and some others enter the Matrix with Neo. I think we formed some kind of army to free others. Entering the matrix was fun and psychedelic, like riding a roller coaster while swallowing matrix code. Once inside, we have really cool looks, but not all black like in the movies. We are wearing mostly shades of blue. I have a dress with a balloon skirt, but a bit too short and later I find some fabrics to use as an extra skirt and feel more comfortable. When we enter we find ourselves on some kind of crosswalk on top of buildings, like a suspended terrace and there is a sort of giant wave wall to our right that looks like a tsunami coming to hit us but that never does. It is mesmerizing.

      Then we go to some kind of school to train us and it was very posh, looks like an opera house. Even the bathrooms are so very fancy and vintage-y. There are some true geniuses among us. One black kid, seems as young as six, presents us with a music piece he had composed and although it wasn't entirely original and innovative, it was incredible anyway. I could recognize influences of Vangelis, the Blade Runner OST and some other electronic artist. Nobody else thought so, but the kid confirmed. I told him, it is so very well composed, but because it doesn't sound original, it is not amazing. "You have to find your own sound and then you will blow our minds". I wanted to be honest but still encourage him. He felt both pleased and ego hurt, which is normal.
      Some people don't like me much, maybe because I am some teacher's favorite and it always feels awkward when I enter a class late and the teacher acknowledged my presence instead of letting me quietly sit like with everyone else. Even when they seemed to be reprimanding me, everybody could feel they were actually happy to see me.
      Last day of school and we're packing clothes to go home. My dog Bernardo appears out of nowhere and he has one eye out gouged and I freak out. Then he starts making weird electronic sounds and I see his eye is bionic. I find a way to open up the side of his head and fix the wires to put back is eye in place.
    9. lviii. lix.

      by , 10-26-2018 at 11:40 AM
      lviii. 25th of October

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Some guy wanting me to have sex with him, I told him I didn't want to, and he insisted about it, and I told him I'd made that mistake before and I wasn't going to treat my partner (H) that way again. I remember telling him to ask H if he'd wanted to have sex with him and then at some other point in the dream I remember meeting up with H.

      The dream took place in some unknown dream-generated location. It was day, the light and the sky were yellow/orange and there were rock cliffs and wide ravines. The rock was warm colours too.

      lix. 26th of October (date of this post)

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Something about being flexible enough to inspect my bottom; Was trying to identify the cause of some pain. For context, in waking life I've been having pain in that area for quite some time but it comes and goes, likely part of my condition.

      Non-lucid dream:
      I remember driving a truck from outside its cabin, around a roundabout some several times trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going. There was some halloween party at some castle and the truck had supplies I was going to deliver. Busy traffic at this roundabout, was constantly worried about causing an accident, but not so worried because I was on the truck and not in a car.


      In a fancy hotel/penthouse-like place. Me and H were walking toward a door, carrying some stuff. We were expected. This was the personal penthouse of some old Pioneer Corp executive. We were bringing some gear to demo to this guy and I think he was curious about us bringing in stuff this old.

      I was carrying one of the very heavy power-amps but it seemed exceptionally light and maybe a bit too small; still, I was very careful putting it down on a glass table and H was bringing in some not-too-big speakers that would go on top of a table too. We got it all set up after a bit of faffing around but the Japanese executive didn't seem to mind. There was another man, a fat white guy with some beard and long-ish hair, who looked a bit like a hippie and maybe had a Hawaiian shirt.

      Then they asked us what we were going to play on the sound system and I can't remember what were our first thoughts, something classical? Then someone or H said the Matrix soundtrack, and I said "yeah that'll work". The Japanese man seemed satisfied enough with that choice and he had given us a choice after all.

      I remember the furniture all being wood, in a light-ish stain; sort of orange but very highly waxed or varnished.

      Some sort of transition, all of a sudden watching some version of the World of Warcraft film (which I haven't watched in waking life), and I remember thinking and commenting how bad some details looked. The story was all over the place, with King Terenas and his son Arthas being underwater and Arthas trying to murder his father with a long blade and laughing underwater. Arthas' hair was black, rather than blonde in the dream.

      Then there was some sort of Alliance siege on an underground naval barricade.

      I don't remember enough details to describe the scene and it was all a bit messy to be honest; for most of it my perspective was directly within the "film".

      I will do some scoring a bit later. Not adding any notes. I'm really tired and was almost not motivated enough to even write this entry.

      + Previous score: 58.5

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment * 2: 1.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0

      = Total score thus far: 60.5

      Updated 10-28-2018 at 01:48 AM by 95293

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    10. xxii.

      by , 08-11-2018 at 10:24 AM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up at about 9:30 and got up to write this long non-lucid dream, that I've split into 3.

      Dream part 1:
      I remember being at the place that used to be a store, on the ground floor of my childhood home. in the dream this place was just a room, like a dining room. An old school friend of mine was there and he was sat down at a table and I had been too but now I was preparing some meals, like sandwiches for a trip. I remember I made 8 buns and 4 of something else. I distinctly remember putting the buns in kitchen paper and folding pairs over themselves.

      Then I remember needing to go to the bathroom or needing the attention of my dad or one of my siblings for some reason, and they were in the bathroom. I remember it was dark. The previous room was bright, it had a light on or something.

      Dream part 2:
      Then I remember being underground, at a subway train station. I was walking toward where I knew the platform to be in the dream. It was a long journey, it felt more like I was at an airport terminal, in that sense. I remember thinking the way was through a certain place but it was just a bread shop and actually it was a dead end full of bread stands. I turned around and went toward some stairs up that then had escalator stairs down...

      I remember being at the platform now. There was a massive red train waiting at the platform but on a rail that wasn't right next to the platform, then another slightly taller but much much thinner train was arriving, and everyone was thinking this one was gonna stop and be the train to take them where they needed to go. I thought maybe it would be, too, and got closer to the edge as it was going past, but it never stopped. It was a very odd train and I wondered how it even looked inside with the shape it had.

      Looking around, the platform was only one of several. This was in some sort of enclosed valley. Surrounding the platforms were walls of stone but the top was open sky. Past the closest rails was not another platform, but a cliff, and down there were more platforms in different orientations and directions. It was night, but I could see clearly, though I don't remember illumination posts.

      I was annoyed it had taken me so long to get here, and I remember I was carrying a backpack, presumably with all those food things I made. I was looking at a tiny unfoldable map, which I remember being an unsaturated magenta colour, like a light pink, and it felt more like it was for a cd to be in it, but there was no cd. I faffed on with it trying to understand it but gave up and a boy came up to me and mocked me and we got into a bit of an argument and I said something like "this map doesn't make any sense!" at which point the child agreed with a grin.

      I remember I was sitting down now and there were many other sitting down too, seemingly students of some kind. One was arriving now and showing people this transparent but large crystal, with an oblong shape with beveled edges. He said it was part of the research he did with some old guy. Then he addressed a girl there and showed her the crystal, saying like: "this is what your grandfather and i worked on" and she took the crystal into both her hands and examined it.

      At some point I was holding a beer, like a pale ale.

      Now I remember only seeing a machine of some kind. A portable machine, made of glass or clear plastic, and the machine took liquid inputs at the top and they'd go down into larger tubed areas and then down into a tiny transparent chamber, where there seemed to be a mushroom, for each of the chambers. I remember 4 inputs, tubes and ends. The mushrooms seemed to magically absorb the liquids, mostly water.

      Dream part 3:
      Then an instant transition as far as I remember. I was seeing like a film scene but I was in the role of what was a future sci-fi German tank driver. The tank looked high tech and the metal plating had a blue hue. The tank was being dropped off into a warzone in a city in Poland or somewhere like that by a plane or helicopter.

      On landing, the driver looking around for targets, mostly infantry on the ground or on top of buildings. The view zoomed in on a police car that was wrecked, then on a door, and then on some rooftops, as seen from the tank's position. There was some infantry on top of the buildings and the cannon was aimed and fired at the rooftop. Then looked around for more targets and didn't find any so moved on through the road, into a parking lot. Going up the parking lot twisty ramp, met with a mech armed with machine guns and rockets, and it outmaneuvered the tank easily but the tank kept the cannon aimed at it as well as possible; then the mech jumped and latched onto a wall, and the tank was in a bit of a bad position, stuck, and the mech was about to fire its weapons, and took some shells from the tank but without really doing much damage. I remember going "no, no, no" and bailing the tank very quickly. Now I was still the driver but I had some dual machine guns and fired on the mech which quickly destroyed it.

      I continued on foot up the parking lot. Then I saw some agents, and I tried fighting them and did manage to get them but there was a sort of paralyising trap that proved to be difficult during the fight. My memory on the details here has been lost a bit. Then I just remember going out of the parking lot building at a higher tier and it was night but it would be day soon, and I was walking around past the edge of some kind of military base where there were several agents.

      The last part I remember was some mutated war dogs that tried attacking me, and then a worm that came out of the ground and got me. The dream didn't end there but I don't remember what came next.

      Some notes:
      • The old school friend was the first potential cue for a RC. He was one of my closer friends during college.
      • As soon as I was underground at the subway station, even before the platforms, it was a good cue to RC because I know that train stations are very rarely that big.
      • The trains were an obvious dream-sign, one of my more common ones. Though it was the first time they had such weird shapes.
      • In the third part, the dream was initially the context of some kind of future world war, like a hundred years in the future or something. The country the tank was deployed to was not an enemy, but an ally being invaded, in the dream context.
      • The final context of the third part was that it was a digital thing, like the Matrix. Because of the contexts, I don't think I'd be likely to have noticed any RC cues at this point.
      • I remember a music playing the last dream part. It was a mix of the soundtrack from the film "Fifth Element" and something else more dramatic. I can never remember music clearly after a dream ends.
    11. #261 - My kid got upset / The Matrix

      by , 08-11-2016 at 08:25 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - My kid got upset
      I'm in Mitre 10 Mega, my friend works here and I think I was visiting him. My daughter is in a pram and she is resting, I see my friend and we start chatting. Some people try to get past him and since he's a klutz he ends up stumbling over his words and himself, he knocks the pram I think which sets my daughter off screaming and crying like he had just hurt her really badly. I get angry at my friend and punch him in the face, knocking him to the ground. I go to get my daughter and look after her, cradling her to make sure she's ok while making soothing hushing sounds. This dream was really stressful, when I woke up I was really hot which is why I had the nightmare... I always have nightmares when I'm too hot at night >_<

      Dream 2 - The Matrix
      This dream was pretty cool towards the end.. I'm both watching and participating in the movie 'The Matrix'. Though the scenes don't resemble anything in the movie really. First off I'm in a kitchen, it's almost like a dinner party with the people around in nice dresses and clothes. There's an evil lady that enters the kitchen, she's the big bad boss or something.

      I'm now in a room, kneeling on a mat like in traditional Japan with a small wooden table in front of me, separating me and my friend Daniel. It's dark with the only light seeming to be a dark blue that looks like it's given off from a static TV, though I can't see any. Next thing I know we're watching the Matrix again and there's a fight scene, though I am the person fighting... We enter a special electronic futuristic dojo, like some kind of Tron biker race meets X-Men training simulator type room with just me and this dude facing off. We attack each other doing crazy bad ass flips with inhuman capabilities, like there's no gravity or something.
    12. Prison dream and terrible assault..!

      by , 08-08-2016 at 12:36 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Real Life
      Side Notes
      Dream Fragments


      So I found myself in prison one again, I was on the landing just hanging around and wasting time when a guy came up to me, it was Chris Taylor, a lad I went to school with, but as a man..! He was agitated about something, but wouldn't say what, I figured out that he was pissed off 'cos it was my release date and Joy was coming to get me, he apparently had a thing for Joy..! All of a sudden for no reason and with no questioning from myself, the scene changed to a bar-b-q in a very large garden..! It was still in the prison, though it was more like a gated community than a prison..! Someone had made a makeshift fire in a compost bag, with bricks round the outer edge and the coals in the centre..! Suddenly three hefty black guys came along and started shouting about who had stolen their compost..! Brazen as you like, the guy next to me owned up and when they asked why, he said 'well I had a bag of sand to make it in, but I wanted a black bar-b-q'..! They reached over the fence and dragged him over, it was spiked at the top, so this did him no favours, one had a ball hammer and one had a sledge hammer, they took him over the road to a space of waste land where we could all see..! Everyone assumed they were going to hit him with the hammers, but what happened next beggars belief..! They forced him down onto all fours, took the ball hammer, spun it round and placed the but end of the hammer between his arse cheeks and took a swing with the sledge hammer..! They made contact, but not fully and so they tried again, once more they missed, but in the act of trying they were hurting him none the less..! I got up to leave and realised I was still imprisoned, but wanted no more of what was happening, I knew though that if they saw me try to leave that they would then start on me..! I walked to a clear spot, checked no one was watching, then I looked to the sky and took off..! Much in the same was Neo does at the end of the movie..!

      I think then that I feel into sleep proper as I didn't wake immediately or at least I don't remember waking..! The next thing I know is the dog waking me for the toilet..!

      Prison will now be added to my dream signs..!

      Cheers, Nicho..!
    13. Lost in music

      by , 01-31-2016 at 07:26 PM
      At school miffed at not been in time for something. I walk back into a white carpeted area with a stairwell with silver banister and cube glassed window. There is an elderly man there not unlike samuel l jackson, here has a grey checkd floppy berri on his head. i knock it off his head in my fit of rage and it flys across the the room. It falls to the floor spilling out many lead unformed objects.
      I immeditetly realise the error of my ways and apologies. He agrees to help me out of my predicatment by singing with me.
      But when I leave to return he is no where to be seen.

      I walk into the white and silver studio, with large round platforms for the performers to stand on, with hanging microphones and headsets.
      Robs group is currently performing in black outfits and time is rapidly running out. There is a main control panel where an old style cassette tape should be placed. I am convinced it is missing and question Georg about its possible whereabouts she is quite aggressive and berates me.

      It is time for the performance, but I do not even know the tune let alone the song, reminscient of whiplash.
      I flounder about, then the music starts, it was there all along and the performance goes fine, except for my hystronics

      I think the lead objects represented unmanifested though forms (being situated under his hat) and that is why it was not his "time" to perform the actions I wanted him too, despite his conscious thoughts.

      Otherwise usual worry about worsed case scenario for no reason but habit.
    14. Battle at the Arcade

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:58 PM
      I had forgotten about this dream when I woke up and I was sad that I didn't have any lucid dreams, but then I remembered it after trying to remember my dreams for a few minutes! I was sure glad that I did, this one was pretty fun even though I went a bit crazy for a minute, beating up a poor, innocent dream character. I wonder how many lucid dreams I completely forget about having.

      I was hanging out at an old school arcade, and it was quite popular! Very unusual for arcades these days, the last few I've seen were like ghost towns.
      I felt like I was in the 90's again, there were kids everywhere playing games and the atmosphere was very exciting and full of positive energy.

      I saw a girl that I used to have a crush on when I was 13. I wanted to buy these peanut butter cups because I remembered (falsely) in the dream that she used to love them. I tried to buy a bag from the cashier guy there and he said it would cost $95 AUD!
      I tried to haggle a little bit with him and a group of about ten DCs joined me, including my childhood crush. The guy caved into the pressure and cut the price in half, but he most certainly wasn't very happy about it. He demanded that I should take another item on top of the candy as well, quite odd. I took a small gray comb that was sitting on the table and gave him money. He didn't give me the candy, instead he tore up a couple $20 notes and threw them on the counter for me, while counting in $20 increments as though he was giving me change.

      I pointed at his face and called him a dick, so he reached beneath the counter, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at my face.
      I looked at him and said, "Are you serious? You can't hurt me in my own dream."

      He shot me a couple times and it didn't bother me at all. I was afraid that he was going to hurt my childhood crush though, so I slowed down time. I could see his bullets moving through the air, creating ripples in their wake.

      I got up next to them and calmly watched them float by me. I pulled a couple out of the air and dropped them on the floor. He kept firing though, and he was trying to hit my crush. The bullets started moving faster too.

      I kept swiping them to the side so that they flew into the walls or into arcade games. Two of the bullets got past me though and went into the girl's leg and stomach. I made the bullets come out with my mind and then held my hand over her body to heal her. The guy did it now. I didn't want to hurt him before that point, but hurting that DC made me go a little bit dark.

      I punched the next bullet that he shot and it went zooming past his head, then I ran up to him at super speed and kicked him straight in the nuts. His face started to slowly get distorted from the pain.
      I then punched him square in the nose and it sent ripples all throughout his body, emanating from the impact point. The force of the blow knocked him downwards into the ground slightly. Woke up.
    15. Matrix, forklift driving, party and FA

      by , 08-17-2015 at 01:20 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was an agent in the Matrix. I received information that redpills have breaken into the Matrix, and are looking for something on a construction site. With two other agents I quickly took over workers and ran after them. We chased them into a dead-end, and started to fight. I smashed concrete with bare fists, giving some heavy strikes to redpills. Somehow, they managed to push us back, and ran back to construction site. I quickly took over a forklift driver, and drove after them with as much speed as forklift can offer, which is not too much. However, it was enough to kill one of them with fork, but two of them escaped.

      Suddenly Matrix received an error, and I found myself in my house. It was a big party over there, and a total mess. There was a blonde woman close to me. She was wearing a blue dress, and she had glasses. She started the conversation, talking about her recent travels. I mentioned my latest trip, which ended with rights to classify wood resource types and sell them. She was interested in the topic, but she had to go. I wandered the corridor for a while, and then I just woke up in my bed. Next I went to the toilet.
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