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    1. Media Fragments Part 2: "Lonley Wolf"[Sic]

      by , 10-17-2020 at 01:07 PM
      I drempt of a cyberpunk detective thriller in the style of a movie/videogame hybrid in which the main protagonist (Vague recolection of the name gus) got cursed with an odd form of lycanthropy in which he turned into a female anthropomorphic wolf.

      The scenes in which he was such tended to have happy lyrisised pop music playing over the top, and the scenes were mostly done in a animated, cartoonish style in which the main protagonist relaxed and almost lead a double life, watering plants and the like.
      The rest of the time, he acted as a stereotypical gruff detective, with his female teammate with short black hair and glasses mocking him for being too "assertive".

      One last character I would like to mention is Mrs. Robinson, who acted as a frenemy that talked through a CGI face that was uncanney vally incarnate, it looked like a ventriloquist dummy had been given polygonal flesh instead of wood.
      She was very demanding to the team, and seemed to want to insist that they don't uncover the case.

      There was also a prominence of face masks as everyday items too.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Media Fragments Part 1: "Dragonball Mega"

      by , 10-17-2020 at 01:06 PM
      Today's entry is a two-parter!

      I dreamt of a new Dragonball series, presumably titled "Dragonball Mega", a lot of the older villains from Z were back, and has new "mega" forms, Freiza had managed to acquire a "wishing wand", and was slowly using it to revive goku's old opponents. I think at some point, goku managed to acquire the same wand, and was now using it against Frieza.

      Updated 10-17-2020 at 01:53 PM by 65287 (Adding title)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Competition. crooning meme song and everyone joins.

      by , 10-17-2020 at 07:58 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in a big hall with a water pool. There are many other kids there and we have competitions. You are supposed to swim as fast as you can. I am the best. There are some time for free games at the end and the leader asks us what we want to do. I say that I like to swim but that Walter (A small DC that I have never seen before) can get my game request. Tuva N is holding him. I think to myself and regret that I didn't say that we could have a flying competition. I am being more lucid but the dream ends.

      Notes: I haven't seen Tuva in a long time.

      I'm walking in the woods with dad and it's dark. We have reach a place where Daniel S and many people I know from church are resting. I start to croon a meme song and as I hum more and more people that are sleeping join me. Everyone is crooning and I am happy.

      Notes: I have seen Daniel S pretty frequently for the past weeks.

      I'm on some kind of school trip and we are viewing different things.

      There is some kind of rank requirement. The worst rank is stingray two and the best is stingray nine.

      I didn't write down my dreams in my tag book when I woke up this night. I wanted to focus on my homework this day.
    4. Big freaking snakes

      by , 10-16-2020 at 12:06 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I dreamt that after a heavy rain, a lot of water was flowing down the hill, among the streets.
      I didnt pay much mind to it, I went to the shop. Then encountered a big fckoff COBRA, but it wasnt any kind of cobra , it was FLYING all over the place. Its morphology was unique:Its lower half was of a light colour , cant tell which, the top, was vibrant red, with the hood stretching all over it's body, acting as a wing to catch wing, while doing this swirly motion mid air , supposedly to maneuver itself. I got really scared, it somehow flew up and charged me , I fell on the ground and covered my face, but nothing happened, it just went away. I ran home like mad while seeing a bunch of these things flying around, told mom, closed windows ,door , I was panicking like mad, then started to see reptillians even, flooding the street , and maybe even lions?
      Someone told me that this event will die off once all the water flows down from the mountains... Nobody was worrying that much about it..but I was furious
    5. Scary mind controlling aliens. Couple dance.

      by , 10-16-2020 at 07:56 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I have some smaller friends who remind me of the Stranger Things company. Helene sends a message to me about aliens that have the ability to brainwash. Some of my smaller friends discuss whether we should try to build gear that can prevent mind control. They say that it is worth trying even if it does not work in the end. New fragment I copy paste the information Helene sent me and send it back to her because I want her to read the instructions. I talk with her over the phone too. She says that she has never seen that information earlier. We understand that Helene has been brainwashed and we prepare the gear. New fragment I sit on a rotatable circle platform with an iron helmet that is notably home made on my head with four other people. The one opposite to me also has a helmet but not the other two people. I start to spin the platform by using my feet against the ground. The smart one that is in charge of the operation says worried that the speed might be too high and that we might die. I keep on spinning and don't care about his statement. There are some of us guarding the door from the aliens. There is a platform from the ceiling were about five aliens stand on that is being lowered. I close my eyes because I think it is a movie and do not want to look on them because I don't like to see scary things on television. My closed eyes don't help me because I still see them. They are tall, green and slimy but has a normal face like humans. They reach the ground and start to walk against us. We spin faster and faster until the energy is full. There is a new platform that starts to rise and takes the aliens with it. The aliens are able to walk of the platform easily but they just stand there. The platform rises to the upper floor and an arm of one alien is trapped and cut of by the elevator. Nobody seems to care. The upper floor is very close to our floor and we decide to run away. I suddenly have very slippery heels and it is almost impossible to move in them. Stefan F is helping me to move. There is an alien that helps us and Stefan says that there is only one double agent. I tell him that we can't be sure and that there may be more. There is a staircase we come to and Stefan walks one way and I walk the other. I don't want to leave him but see that the two different paths we chose led to the same destination only that mine was shorter.

      Notes: This was a nightmare and I was scared when I walked to the bathroom in the night. I saw a movie on netflix that Helene tipsed us to watch. We talk about brain control in the english lessons. That feeling when you can't run in a dream is so frustrating.

      I wake up 03.20 and wrote down the alien dream. I try to WILD and have a very positive mind that I will succeed. I am able to keep my focus but the itches are bombarding me. It's impossible to relax and I decide to sleep. I had some confusing FA too.

      It is some kind of Bolliad and I sit by a table with Diego. There are tables placed in the middle of the room and there are some youths dancing couple dance around us. I see some girls that look lonely that I want to cheer up by dancing with them but I decide not to. The youths that are dancing want to group dance instead but there is a young leader (about 20 years old) that encourages them to keep on dancing in pairs. I look for William and is sad when I remember that he is too old to be there. There are two old sister missionaries (about 70 years old) that talk about all the cakes on the table in front of me. There is a big cake that they want the recipe to.

      Had a dream about dad and something too.

      Updated 10-16-2020 at 08:01 AM by 97565

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    6. Weird tree dream and a tiny lucid | [14.10.2020, 15.10.2020]

      by , 10-15-2020 at 01:32 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Weird tree dream
      There was something about trees and that apparently me and my mother and like a big community of people are turning into them and there was something about reincarnation. But my father realized something at the end of the dream and he killed us all while sad music played.


      Tiny lucid
      There might be something about the series The Order. And then I had a moment of awareness, followed by me wondering about if I might be dreaming. And then I knew that I was, in fact, dreaming. I then tried stabilizing the dream somehow.

      Before I entered the lucid after waking up from a lot of dreams, I actually had the suspection that my next dream might be a lucid. Guess I was right lol

      I rarely ever practice reality checks or awareness training anymore, though. I don't quite know a reason to lucid dream right now.
    7. Picking up a snake. First time to re-enter a dream, confusing night, fighting vampire.

      by , 10-15-2020 at 07:54 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm walking down a pavement but I am a spectator watching from third person. I grab the snake's neck with some kind of long tool. The tool start by the neck but go longer down its body steady and slowly. When the tool is holding the snake in the middle (the snake was about 2 meters long) it starts to eat something from a basket. Someone comes and says that the experiment is done and notes when the snake started to eat from the basket and where the tool I was using was on the snake. New fragment. I have been walking up the pavement and is about to walk back now. I come to the place where I held the snake. I look at it and is a bit scared. I have company with some kids too. I grab it with my tool but notice that it is severed and it is cut up as if someone had made fillets of the body and it looks like fish meat.

      I wake up 06.30 and start my nightly wild attempt. I start off okey but it is hard to let go of all my thoughts. I fall asleep and enter a dream.

      I'm in some kind of school dressing room with other people. We walk into a big hall and I notice it is a dream. I see Wencai's face really clearly. I walk to the next room but the dream fades. I am in my bed and try to wild again and enters the same dream instead. I'm in the same school but I'm alone with a janitor. There comes a big sign that covers my view where there is a picture of a zealot from SC2 and Zilong from Mobile Legends and a "VS" between them. I am Zilong and the janitor is the zealot. When I get my view back I am not actually Zilong and the janitor is not a zealot. We have a fist fight and I am crushing him. I become more and more lucid. I think to myself "if I think that the janitor will win over me, is he going to win?". I have beaten him up so bad that he his eyes have become red and his left chin is covered with blood. He reminds me of a vampire and I can't let lose of the thought that he is going to win. When the thought comes deeper to my mind I suddenly know that the janitor is going to win. He becomes a real vampire and jumps on me with his sharp teeth. I am trying to wake up but it takes some time. Meanwhile I see his eyes and teeth even tough I am closing my dream eyes.

      Notes: I re-entered the dream many times and see different parts of the school and had some FA in my house which made me really confused because I was still trying to wild. The FA:ings made me thought that I had walked up from my bed which was weird because I didn't remember ever canceling my wild attempt.

      Updated 10-15-2020 at 05:54 PM by 97565

    8. Modulating Dreaming Processes with a Calculator and a Robot

      by , 10-15-2020 at 07:19 AM
      Morning of October 15, 2020. Thursday.

      Dream #: 19,659-02. Reading time: 2 min 12 sec.

      My dream, in instinctual mode (but on the periphery of liminality throughout), transitions through the usual processes, but I carry a graphing calculator throughout my exploring and meandering. This aspect keeps my somatosensory dynamics vivid and sustains my overall clarity and perceptual awareness throughout most of my dream. I keep it in my right hand and enter numbers mostly with my thumb.

      In the main narrative, I walk through several areas of what seems to be a college campus in the late morning. I consider I am not supposed to be here, but I doubt anyone would notice or care. As I walk, I push random numbers on my calculator, which I consider some people might perceive as a cell phone. I do not look at the display and only vaguely think of random numbers to enter at different times. (It is mainly somatosensory focus holding me in the dream rather than cerebral. As I sleep, I sometimes habitually clasp the wooden slat of our bed’s headboard.)

      Eventually, I transition into the predictable “seeking the sleeper” mode. I find myself walking into the bedroom of an unknown person. As a result, associations with the physical immobility of my body (while sleeping) instinctually initiates. I cannot find a way to leave the room even though I had just walked in. The sleep personification resolves as an unfamiliar girl. She leaves her bed and talks to me. I tell her I have to find my house. She assumes I am a professor that should be living in the school and is puzzled by me calling the school a “house.” I tell her, “Well, I call where I live a house.”

      For a short time, I contemplate returning to deeper sleep. As a result, we walk to a staircase that leads down into a dark flooded basement. The girl briefly transitions into the Naiad simulacrum and talks about the process, but I decide to explore more. We continue to communicate as we find an exit from her bedroom that leads into the next predictable stage of dreaming, the parking lot setting.

      The sleep-wake personification appears as an unknown young male a foot taller than me. I consider if he will be a bully or remain friendly (especially as I am already in the last transition of the dreaming process, so he does not have to be imposing). My indecision creates a delayed and ambiguous behavior on his part as if he does not know how to act. He says something that comes out like gibberish. “What did you say?” I ask him. He does not seem rude or confrontational, but I still move on to the next process.

      I instinctually summon the process of attaining physical mobility (while still thumbing the calculator), that, of course, is imaginary while in the dream state (a fallacy that has occurred all my life when dreaming in this mode and is autosymbolic in co-occurrent continuity of the process rather than a false awakening). Although the man is not a bully, I mentally define, with engraved lines, the perimeter of a large square in the parking lot. As we watch, a Transformer robot begins to emerge until it is visible down to below its chest. In this analogy to moving into post-liminality, I walk on to the school building and soon wake.

    9. Omnilucidity Update 2

      by , 10-15-2020 at 03:14 AM
      It's been a while! I've been bogged down with school and life, but I'm here to post an update on my Omnilucidity research. Nothing definitive, just an update to my procedure. (Also Omnilucidity is getting annoying to type so I'm calling it OL)

      Previously, there were a lot of unnecessary steps that complicated the process, so I'm gutting some stuff, and adding some stuff.

      Waking Phase
      Step 1: DJ
      Step 2: Meditate
      Step 3: Find reliable sleep method
      Dreaming Phase - Once aware of the dream state
      Step 1: Stabilize dream
      Step 2: Summon Dream guide
      Step 3: Unlock OL from Dream guide
      Step 4: Pop the fuck off

      The main thing I want to clarify for new peeps to this idea is Step 3 in Dream Phase, which is-uh.. How exactly do you unlock OL, and what does the Dream Guide have to do with it?

      Instruct your dream guide to guide you to lucidity by explaining to you that you are in a dream until you become lucid. This is however the easy route. If you are feeling especially confident in your dreaming abilities, you could just say to the dream itself something like "Just make me instantly become lucid every night dude" and you're poggin

      After you no longer have to worry about obtaining lucidity, you can focus on doing stuff you wanna do or in my case, seeing just how far LD can go!

      ps; I'm also using galantamine and that shit is poggers
      Tags: omnilucidity
    10. REM Rebound: Strangeness Abounds

      by , 10-14-2020 at 06:24 PM (Krikkit’s Dream Journal)
      My sleep schedule has been totally out of wack lately. It’s beginning to show in my dreams.

      In my first dream (out of five!), my roommate was moving out and packing up his things (never mind that I don’t have a male roommate IRL). I was in my room, but he called me out, asking if I wanted his XBox since he didn’t want to bring it with him. Interested, I left my room, and immediately when I opened the door, I saw him standing half-naked (from the waist down! ). I quickly covered my eyes and apologized.

      Next, I was naked in the lobby of my school where I work. (What’s with all the naked dreams?) I had a towel to cover myself with, but it was long and thin, and I couldn’t wrap it around myself like a normal towel. I was afraid I would be stuck at school because I couldn’t cover myself decently enough to go out. Somehow, it didn’t occur to me that being naked at school is arguably worse than walking through the streets naked.

      Then I dreamt that I was in the bathroom of my apartment. Water started dripping from the ceiling, and soon it was pouring like rain. I left the bathroom, but it was the same in the hall. I entered my bedroom, which was dark. It wasn’t “raining” in there, but I was suffocating on the water I’d breathed in already and was afraid I was going to die. I’m glad real life doesn’t follow dream logic—otherwise, going out in the rain would be deadly!

      I woke up after that and checked the time. I was frustrated to see I’d only slept a half hour and feared the rest of the night would be filled with dreams like these. Thankfully, my brain quit with the nightmares and switched to weird surrealism instead.

      In my longest and most memorable dream of the night, I was in a bus terminal waiting for a bus with a group of people. There was a screen displaying the bus info, and ours was at the top. We were waiting for the number 7 bus, though the screen was missing the number and only displayed the destination, followed by my name. Then, the info changed. Below it was the number 5 bus, which we now had to take when it arrived.

      The person in charge of our group said that they only speak Spanish on the number 5 bus, and that after that bus we would have to take after that belonged to Podemos (Spain’s far-left political party), so we should just go by car. I asked if there was enough room in the car for all of us, and he said yes.

      We all got into a van together. I was the last one in and didn’t see anywhere to sit, but then I climbed into the back, where there was an empty seat. There was hardly any room for me when I sat down (despite the seat having been empty), but then the driver (I think it was the driver) told me I could move the stuffed animals… turns out there was a whole pile of them hogging the seat. Then he told me I should marry the girl sitting next to me (who was wearing a wedding dress) because we’d make a good couple if she wasn’t engaged (to the girl sitting to her other side).

      We drove to an “alien abduction store”, which had nothing to do with aliens whatsoever. Outside, there was a large board showing what the store sold, kind of like a drive-thru menu. We slowed down as we passed the sign, and looked at what was for sale. I don’t remember everything, but there were some magnets with weird memes on them. I've recreated the one I remember:
      burnout theory-strange-dream-meme.jpg
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Hassling an old bully, fighting over stepping on grass

      by , 10-14-2020 at 03:54 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      note: there's been a time when I often dreamt of being middle school, which was really bad because it was a really traumatic part of my life. But with time, I had those dreams less and less, sometimes I still do have em rarely. This time was different

      I was again back at middle school as an adult, and the whole class was made of adults(pretty strange). The interior of the building was much larger, instead of 3 floors, there was like 15. Going downstairs was really tiring.
      All I remember, is that now I knew I can play the other way, this girl who bullied me often tried to start some shit... and so I kept coming back at her, hassling her to the point she wanted to kick me , but she kicked into the table by me instead, hurting her leg, she was seething from anger. I went downstairs left the building.
      Then I got into a fight with some guy because he was playing tough guy , and I stepped on the grass infront of the school...
    12. 2020-10-14 nearly lucid, ultra vivid & present dream: cloud, flying, superman suit, clay people

      by , 10-14-2020 at 09:19 AM
      I have no idea where the asterisks are all coming from below. RC.

      + company parking lot [DS], thinking about parking. There is a path up and to the right.
      Later (different dream?) I'm standing at the top of a steep set of stairs, looking down into the parking area below. I realize I'm standing on the other side of the area where I was earlier (from my car) looking at and up the hill. I'm very careful selecting my footing as I begin to descend the stairway.

      + at work, with JoWei [company 3, B and N colleague], we're going to have lunch. At the counter, there is a choice between different colored aspics. The "chef" brings out different trays containing these aspics, colored brightly: purple, red, blue. They do not look very appetizing.

      + with [deceased] wife, we're walking in a mall (?) outside in the parking area, she says how, since I'm not around any more and don't visit her, she has had to ask BrZim (old lawyer friend who loved her) to come visit her. This makes me really sad. I think I should not be close to her or try to caress or kiss her since this would be inappropriate since we're not together any more [This led to dozing/waking? thoughts of sadness about our sometimes troubled relationship, and how I should have perhaps done more to be better]

      + (ultra-vivid/present, nearly lucid)
      It may have started within an office setting, I'm not sure of that.* *
      But where it really picked up, was: I'm sitting on a bench in a courtyard outside.* Bright sunshine, balmy California day.* * This area is the yard for a company where I do not work and where I do not know the people, yet I'm still hanging out with them.* *Across from me in a shady circle clearing two people (gender unclear) are playing pickup-jacks.* I watch the little ball bounce, I count along with them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.* I don't see any jacks, though.* *One of them has a string attached to their hand.* * I am very content and comfortable.* I think I would really like to work here, because*it is so close to where I live, I would have a trivial commute.* *I'm looking around the fringe of the courtyard to the*surrounding buildings in the area as I think this.* There are people sitting to my left and right, I sense their heads in my peripheral vision, but don't look at them closely.* *I have* a feeling of serene happiness.* *I look up at the sky, it is bright and blue without a cloud.**

      Then entering from the left, an inky black roiling cloud blotting out the entire sky is moving rapidly towards us, from left to right.* *I stand up and make some comment (or it's a thought), about how I have to go now and don't want to stick around for that cloud, and with a thought about wondering what they think about my flying away, I do a superman take off and start flying to the right, to stay ahead of the cloud.

      I'm flying right* on the wavefront of the cloud, I'm partially within it, I look at it and see bits of things swirling about violently, wisps of cloud, rain perhaps.* *I will myself to fly faster to stay ahead of it.* I really focus on flying faster and faster to stay ahead of it.* I want to fly 2x, 3x faster.* * I turn around and continue flying away from the cloud (back-first) while I'm looking at it.* *I think if superman's suit was made to be water-repellant (meaning it reacts like a magnet to water, pushing the wearer away from the water), he could be able to effortlessly fly faster than any persuing*cloud, because the water vapor in the cloud would repel him away.

      Then I'm standing in a long featureless corridor.* I think (or someone says?) that if this were true, people could then manipulate and control superman by moving water around him to repel him into a place of their choosing.* I look down on the floor and there is a flat image of a smashed-up superman, presumably who suffered from this feature of his water-repelling suit.

      I move into an adjoining room.* *The visual quality sharpens and is super vivid.* *There are two (female-like) characters here.* *The substance of the room (walls & floors) and the people themselves are like clay models.* *But they're moving.* * Very sharp and vivid.* *The colors are: black, brown, deep red.* They both have black hair, but their bodies seem to be sculpted out of clay as well.* *Strange faces.* * I have a fleeting thought about sexual engagement with them since I detected their female-ness but did not pursue this.* I hear a man's voice from an adjoining room.* I enter the room (wondering if the* women are guards and will follow me), and there is another clay man there with similar features to the women, black hair, he's (training a young person?).* *There's a (clay?) bear?* *

      That's all I remember, I think I woke at that point.
    13. Showing the dreamview's forum. Playing guitar, falling down an endless pit. Missionary. Friends.

      by , 10-14-2020 at 08:10 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in school with Signe and showing her the Dream Journals' section of dreamviews on my school computer. I see one of my posts and there is a picture of a bowl with cereals and milk in it. I see a comment from my classmate Hugo.

      I'm in school in a sofa with many other pupils from school. I have a guitar and play it. I do some different chords and notice that the chords I'm playing aren't the ones I hear from the guitar. I know it's a dream but I get the feeling that the dream is going to disappear. A transition were I lose my lucidity and teleports to another part of school. I'm walking the D200 floor from the spiral steps to the other part of the floor. I walk to a toilet and slowly realize I'm in a dream. I walk to Helene and Signe. I walk to the spiral stairs and jump down. There is no end to them and I keep on falling. I fly to the stairs and hit the ground smoothly. I want to do it again in order to feel how it felt again. I look down the stairs but there is an end to them now about three meters down. I fly down and Signe and Helene are there again. I feel the dream starts to fade away. I'm in my bed and do a RC. I try to go up from my bed but it's hard and my vision is bad. I open my window and fly away. I fly in through a window and find two girls and a boy sitting in a sofa watching a movie. I test my abilitiy to command my DC:s to do things through my mind and is able to make one of the girls to stand up and jump around without saying anything. The dream fades away.

      Notes: I played guitar at school yesterday. I wonder if I can stop the random teleportations and have a long lucid dream instead.

      I am a missionary at a yard. I walk around with my companion and there is a girl there too. We walk into a small house and there are many drinking glasses. I do some tricks with the glasses and walk out. I look back in the house I just was in and see some other persons doing tricks with drinking glasses. Some of them drop them and they break. Some people are mad because they break.

      Notes: I am preparing to become a missionary and saving money.

      I'm in the kitchen with Eni and his friends. His friends walk out and I talk to Eni. I tell him that we can camp in the park if he brings a tent and sleeping bags. I eat a Billys Pan Pizza and really feel the smooth tomato sauce between my teeth. I think to myself that we probably won't have time to camp because I will soon wake up. Soon after I wake up because of my alarm.

      Updated 10-14-2020 at 10:18 AM by 97565

      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
    14. clxxix. Protecting a minister and film called "The End"

      by , 10-13-2020 at 06:36 PM
      12th October 2020


      Somewhere in China. I was helping some kind of cabinet minister or something. I think I was his bodyguard and for some part of the dream we were in a silver car; the minister was the driver.

      I was constantly on the lookout for potential threats. Vague recall of having a weapon. I remember an underground area, a mix of some metro station I know (grey, dingy) and an underground car park or something.

      Most recall faded, but by the end of this dream sequence I was in a kind of transition where I was in my native country, in the capital or somewhere like it and near the water. On one of the quays? Something about catching a train.

      Some family members were there and I was trying to be the last one to get on the train to make sure nobody got separated. T and her sister were there.

      Not sure what part of the dream, but at some point I was selling guns, shotguns?

      13th October 2020


      Dream about a film, called "The End", which was apparently the first in a series. There's a group of four people and they have to stop the four horsemen at the breaking of the last seal. There's some narrating? Not sure: "But what if one of the people, the wizard, didn't make it on time? What would you do?"

      This bit seems to be a replay of a previous dream section but with altered details. Vague visual recall of seeing the last seal break, implying the group failed.

      Before this, I was a child or teenager. I saw my reflection, of my younger self, on a metal blade of some kind.

      I had inherited a large wooden instrument from some African music player. I recall now the instrument looked exactly like a wooden organ pipe, but with tribal decorative patterns painted on it. (recently made a joke to H about one of these sounding like a didgeridoo)

      It was apparently up to me to find someone who would take on this instruments legacy, or I could take it on myself.

      I remember while I was younger I had to train weapon skills (vague recall of panel like classic WoW skills) and I was going to be training my unarmed skill, so I was going to spar with someone my age.

      Something about needing saturated fat first though, and eating some cereal rich in it and other stuff.

      There was a barge too... Maybe we were on it? Recall faded too much.

      Even earlier than this in the dream, dad and I in the middle of a city, like the capital. He'd left his car in a lane and we were on the pavement talking, but I get the feeling he'd left the car open, like he/we were getting back in soon.


      - I never used to have dreams about my younger self. But it seems they are starting to appear more often. I have an inkling as to why but I can't be certain and it's a bit complex.

      Too tired at the moment to make other notes on some stuff. Need to remember to edit this later.
    15. Another Lucid but short.

      by , 10-12-2020 at 08:28 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Too short

      Not sure how or when, or what happened previously. I found myself walking on a street similar to 13th st n in lethbridge. I saw some small critters like squirrels walking towards me. I ignored that and immediately thought of jamie. I wanted to find her but forgot how. I focus on her feeling and across the street was a woman with dark hair sort of like hers but the image wasn't clear and she was passing a church. Already had the watery feeling like the dream was going to end. I knelt down instead and beckoned the squirrel before me. It was limping and the left leg of it was flattened like it was run over. But it was crawling toward me. A deer across the street charged at me as if to protect the squirrel, but the deer stopped a few feet away and shrunk into the form of a dog. It also waddled toward me when I woke up...


      Just another audio only dream. Jamie was telling me, "... I meant to tell you several times but didn't..." Tell me what? will I ever know?


      I was walking outside some apartment buildings. (while writing this dream i have feelings of other dreams that i can't recall.) I was between two apartment buildings looking for L from work. I got a noti on my phone that A girl L from chilliwack, was trying to contact me on facebook. We had a short conversation that didn't make much sense at all. She sent me a youtube link or something. I opened it and on the video was Frank Muller narrating a dark Tower book. As it turns out I actually fell a sleep To an audiobook The Drawing Of The Three by Stephen King, narrated by the late Frank Muller. and It somehow incorporated itself into my dream. I listen to all the Dark Tower books every few years.