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    1. March 15, 2024 7:44 am

      by , 03-15-2024 at 08:43 AM
      Sleeping in a comfy hotel bed in Berlin with complete privacy instead of having family or roommates.

      My dream initially started with me entering a hotel room, much different looking than where I'm currently staying. Kinda like a building you'd create in Minecraft and somewhat reminded me of the hotel in Wijk aan Zee where I stayed at with my family in 2010 and drank coffee for the first time at the age of 12 which then became my to-go drink for the next 12 years.
      I constantly remind myself to not forget my card as I leave my room. Exploring the area around the hotel, it's a flat grassy land like those old videogames had, colours resembling that of retro Halo grass maps.

      I go outside and I'm in this "space park" with climbing frames and rocket statues that double as bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom so I climb up the ladder with one hand while holding my pet cat Luna in the other (while somehow maintaining my balance and not falling off while letting go of the ladder to get the next step. Each bathroom I'm attending I'm surrounded by people outside and despite the toilet being inside a spaceship cockpit with those one way reflective windows, I feel like I'm being stared at and don't go. I walk out of the space park and end up in this street from Amsterdam which is set in the 70s-90s as sound has a VHS quality and everyone speaks in a much thicker Amsterdam accent. I then see this man walk into an alley which I magically remember (in dream universe) as this back entrance for a theatre where I would go with my theatre group from 2017-2019.

      I then woke up from my alarm clock with 7 hours and 58 minutes of sleep!
    2. Dream Journal Day 34: Night of Monday 12.02.2024

      by , 02-21-2024 at 12:17 AM
      Well my recall has been terrible for the past... 2 weeks? I just got back from 5 days in New York and was hoping for some good dreams there since I had a hotel room all to myself. But alas, nothing. Perhaps shifting my sleep schedule had a bigger effect than I thought since on the first night back I already got a non-lucid AND a lucid dream (isn't that exciting!). The lucid will follow in my next entry.

      In a church, I'm singing in choir. The spacious room has Victorian dark wood panelling about half the height of the wall and the double doors (also panelled) are rectangular, rather than the portal shape I would expect. They are set in a heavy moulded stone doorway. The masonry is all white, but the church is brick on the outside. I see several items of old gothic furniture, including an elaborately carved wooden lectern. I head to the exit and see papers, leaflets, posters pinned on a door and piled on chairs by the entrance. A man is standing with a profound expression next to a stand of green leaflets by the open door, and I think that he will sing if I ask him to. I go out.

      I walk back with another girl in choir. I ask if she is going back to 'choir boot camp' with me on Monday and she affirms that she is. We talk more, laughing a lot - though she doesn't remind me of anybody. I ponder how the camp lasts 6 school days (although it might be 7 considering the timeline in my head) and I can't believe the headmistress let me miss that much school.

      Later I arrive at home with a Japanese woman, older. I see a black cat on my doorstep and point it out to her. She seems to look right through it for several seconds before noticing. I feel annoyed because 'she always does that'. So I try saying 'there's a cat ' in Japanese to better attract her attention. This causes her to freak out - she screams and grabs me roughly (seriously - it hurt!) by the shoulders, telling me not to 'say there is a kitten' or I will scare her. I think that she misunderstood me, and now she thinks there is a kitten under the nearest car.

      Fragment: I pick up one of my dresses and find that on one side, the fabric has ripped all along the zip and hangs open. This dress doesn't actually have a zip. I am distraught since I only recently discovered a rip in my other favourite dress (this is true) and now I can't wear either of these until they're fixed.

      See how it took me more than a week to post this? I'm getting lazy... Too lazy... Too lazy to dream journal. Which isn't great. But finally I'm getting back on track and practicing awareness more during the day, so hopefully some results soon.
    3. Winter Competition 2024 One

      by , 01-07-2024 at 04:58 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I had a lot more dreams than this but I only remember the part where I was most lucid.

      Winter Competition 2024 One (DILD) 01.07.2024

      I am lucid and flying over a futuristic city. I have to find a kitten that went missing. I fly down to one of the tops of the buildings and found it hiding. I pick it up and then interact with some DCs. Unfortunately I can't remember much more than that.
    4. November 12, 2023 5:20 am

      by , 11-12-2023 at 06:04 AM
      I move into this condo, they have a pet cat named Destroy Lonely, I whistle and try to get the cat's attention. The cat gets tense at me upon seeing me, I notice but carefully stick out my hand so it can smell who I am, but it doesn't react. I then ignore it and enter the elevator. I get attacked by the cat who turned into this Belgian YouTuber, I kick him down the elevator then make a call saying I was attacked, getting sent a digital form and I check "cat attack". I awkwardly wait as I selected that then got on a bus. There's a girl in the bus whom I've never met that studies at a theatre school in Rotterdam, she looks problematic. The girl makes a fighting motion at me as I walk past her, I ignore her and look at the security camera behind in the bus, filming us.
      I exit the bus and a woman is seen at a table cutting a cake, she tells me it's a peanut butter cake, the peanut butter layer is soft while the edges of the cake are hard and feel like thick layers you'd find on onions. I know to never criticize someone else's cooking though. She cuts the cake and brings the cake to a posh suburban white family sitting at a table in a restaurant, I help her as I carry the forks. The woman and I join the family, she introduces herself and I introduce myself as her husband, much to her amusement.
      The woman from the family says her entire family compliments my "Bob Marley beard"
      I then woke up.
    5. Night of Thursday 9/7/23 (Comp Night 7)

      by , 09-08-2023 at 06:24 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sword Fight With Kid Me
      I'm at home, in the gameroom area, by the big round table.
      My past self is there. He looks maybe 8 or 9 years old. About the age when we went to Disneyworld.
      He says "Are you doing that dreaming stuff?"
      I tell him "Yep, trying to!" but I don't become lucid.
      Then we decide to have a sword fight. We're just imagining that we are holding swords.
      I take a few stabs at him, taking care to not accidently hit him with my arm.
      I chase him around the house a bit.
      At one point I sit down to rest and he remarks about how lazy I am.
      I say "Yeah, having a job will do that to you."
      There is a cat in a cat-carrier on the floor near the gaming table.
      I think to myself that I should let the cat out.
      I recall that the cat talked to me and asked me to release it, but I don't know if that actually happened within the dream.
      My sister's boyfriend N is there too.
      I let the cat out and tell N that he'll need to help me catch the cat later. He agrees.
      The cat saunters out lazily and lays down nearby. Totally chill. It seems satisfied that we helped it.
      I sit down by the fireplace near the cat. It splays its paws and I play with its footpads.
      My sister M is there, and they are talking about one of the third grade teachers from elementary school, Mr. A.
      I say "Oh! Is he still teaching?"
      M says that Mr. A used to call the place she sat the "Bitch-Chair".
      I think about how Mr. A was very perceptive, but don't say it.

      Recorded at 6AM, 66% through sleep cycle 5.

      Updated 09-08-2023 at 06:27 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Tuesday 9/5/23 (Comp Night 5)

      by , 09-06-2023 at 05:21 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Gym Kitten
      I'm at my childhood home laying in my parents' bed.
      I have a longhair black kitten. Reminds me of Oreo a bit.
      Kitten is very cute. Sleeps a lot.
      At one point I went downstairs into the kitchen.
      It is accurate to how I remember it in waking memory.
      A bit unorganized, dirty.
      I'm standing by the shelf left of the fridge (where there were often fruit flies from uneaten fruit).
      There is a plastic container of frosted cookies that have been picked over. Half cookies, cookies eaten out of order.
      Later, I'm at the gym. It resembles the gym I frequent in the present day.
      The kitten is still with me. It is laying on one of the benches on its back.
      I have an ACME 5-piece package but I can't recall what was in it. Maybe a container like a lunchbox.
      The 4th piece of the set might have been a type of ink-pen, "nothing ink" and it was a golden tube-like object.
      I had a toothbrush, and remarked that I didn't need something from the pack due to that.

      Recorded at 5AM, just after sleep cycle 4.

      Crashing the Banquet
      I'm in a banquet hall at a round table.
      Reminds me of the reception from KB's wedding, but don't think it was one.
      My brother A is there with his wife K. He is wearing a somehow formal version of an Ace Ventura shirt, with the buttons undone.
      My friend D is also there, and he tells me I look hot.
      There was some discussion about whether I was going to attend the event (while I was already at the event).
      I eventually decided to attend. When I come to this conclusion, I'm in a sitting room that reminds me of my ex H's.
      Since I am going to attend, I will need to go home and change.
      I get up and leave.
      Later I am in a palace-like building. It's like my previous rental home, except big and fancy.
      My girlfriend S' mom is showering in the bathroom, which is open and around the corner to the bedroom I am in.
      I wander over and accidently see her, but don't make out any detail. Embarrassed, I worry about whether she noticed me.
      Then I'm driving my car now down a snowy highway road.
      I start to lose control of the car and spin out.
      The car spins very fast and I try to stay calm.
      When the car stops spinning, I am in a neighborhood reminiscent of a childhood one.
      I haven't hit anyone or anything.
      A man approaches the car and I feel his bad intent.
      He starts to flip the car. I notice the car is now a white van.
      A couple other men help him.
      I get upset and try to yell at them, but I can't. I get frustrated.
      I get out of the car and try to confront him, but I can't move or yell.
      The man gets into the drivers seat and starts to drive off.
      I try to chase and yell but I just create mumbling noises.
      There is a box that has some kind of monster in it on the driveway nearby. Maybe a large scorpion.

      Recorded at 7AM, 33% through sleep cycle 6.

      Updated 09-08-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808

    7. Cats and Dogs

      by , 07-17-2023 at 12:30 PM
      I'm sitting on a couch in my grandmother's old house. Next to me is a boy I feel a faint familiarity towards, and at least a dozen cats. There are cats everywhere, and they can talk. The boy is talking at me and I acknowledge what he's saying with nods and gestures, but I don't engage in conversation, I'm more focused on this house full of talking cats. Their ability to harness the English language is normal to me. There is one cat in particular im talking to, and she's telling me that my grandmother had left all of them here and that they were starving. It's been years since my grandmother had lived there, so I feel incredibly guilty. I ask the cat why they didn't just leave, but I forget what she said in response.

      I start walking to the cats' food bowl and a mastiff-looking dog appears from behind me, who can also talk. I fill up both the dogs and the cats food bowls and sit back on the couch with the boy. As I look out the window into the backyard, I see the shadow of a man walking along the hedges. Everyone in the house quietens. The cats seem to know what this is, but I don't. Then, a small jack russell appears from around the corner of the house where the man seems to be standing, and starts sniffing along the hedgeline. Strapped to the jack russell is a backpack seemingly loaded with gadgets, similar to a crude bomb in appearance.

      Seeing this, a deep primal fear is now seated within me. I shakily ask the cat who the two are, and then I woke up.
      Tags: cat, dog, grandmother
      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. 09.06.23 - Night 8 - SC2023

      by , 06-09-2023 at 03:37 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      I went to sleep earlier since these days the cat is no longer with me, he’s on vacation. I woke up twice during the night. Second time was around 1:00 I had to get off to wear my sleepwear. Both times the only thing I remembered was having the feeling of I was dreaming something. After that I was only able to remember a small fragment and the feeling of solving some problems

      …/I see the cat resting. S. says something about his hair again, it’s still opaque/…
      Tags: cat
      dream fragment , side notes
    9. Surprise Bonus Cat (Friday Night)

      by , 03-04-2023 at 04:56 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm happy, but also jealous that my GF got a 20K bonus. I question my current employment situation.

      I'm at a surprise party that looks like Grandma M's apartment. My friend SG is there and she seems excited to see me. She's brought some friends of hers that I don't recognize. There's somebody else there who has a cat on his shoulder. He makes a big show of how the cat is clawing onto his back and isn't jumping off. I make eye contact with the cat, and it decides that I am the next place to sit. It comes over to my shoulder. The table is set to play a monopoly-like game.

      I'm watching some porn and my brother A catches me. This situation is embarrassing, but I own it as best I can.

      Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:32 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. I Forgot My Saxophone!

      by , 02-24-2023 at 04:07 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in someplace similar to my highschool, but it is on a higher floor than normal. Ceiling seems lower. Assorted open instrument cases are strewn carelessly across the floor. There is a crowd of people in dress clothes creating a familiar pleasant cacophony of instruments warming up and noodling around. I'm in the bandroom before a concert performance. I realize that I don't have my saxophone. I start to sweat and panic. How long would it take me to go home and get it? How long do I have?

      -------------------------------- Memory Lapse----------------------------------------

      I'm at my friend D's apartment, but it isn't where it normally is. He is living in a loft apartment above a shopping mall strip. I think I might be living with him.
      This might be connected to the band dream (IE I went back for my saxophone) but not sure.

      -------------------------------- Memory Lapse----------------------------------------

      I'm in my ex H's basement. There are some extra couches compared to normal. I have 2 or 3 uncles sitting there. They look like a rougher crowd of people. They are trying to lure a cat at the top of the stairs to come down to them. There is a gate at the top of the stairs blocking the cat. I come lie down on an open spot on the couch. The cat immediately comes to me and lies down on head and starts purring. I feel a sense of pride about my perceived skill with animals.

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid
      Tags: band, cat, saxohpone
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 29 Jun: My cat becomes a real boy and falls down a window

      by , 06-29-2022 at 11:01 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my old bedroom, checking if the windows of the balcony are well shut as a storm is coming. My cat Yéti insists in following me into the balcony although I try to shut the door behind, so he doesn't. I feel like the balcony might be blown away by the strong winds. Then my cat Buda manages to slid in and climb to the top shelves. Then he becomes a real boy, my son. I insist he must come down. Other neigbors come to their windows to check on what's going on. Then he jumps or falls down from the shelf and by consequence out of the window I had not yet been able to close. I scream and the neighbors are in shock. I go down to the street but I don't see any body. I manage to find his jacket. He finally appears, alive but full of pain, with a broken ankle and looking confused. He doesn't want to go to a doctor, but I call an ambulance.
    12. 4 Feb: Future exoplanet war, WILD and lucid meditation, then chased by a demon and lost in backrooms

      by , 02-04-2022 at 09:55 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a future scenario that feels a lot like a Myizaki's movie. We have colonies in distant planets but there are also vintage looking people and cities on Earth. One of those planets looks similar to one I know from a sci-fi book I read as a kid. It has big whale like animals that swim in the atmosphere. For some reason a rebel faction starts a war and someone shoots at these animals accidentally. This plays on the news and everyone is shocked.
      This rebel group turned ludite and wants to destroy our civilization, but everyone else is pacifist and doesn't want this war at all.
      I am on this planet and I receive a notification that we're in danger and we need to gather at a sports stadium nearby that also doubles down as an evacution site. People sit on floating cocoons that serve as private balconies to watch the games, when there are sports events, but which are also emergency pods that can close and leave the planet to one of our colonies on other planets. While we wait for developments, they keep us entertained by projecting holographically a game that happened on some previous occasion. It is undistinguishable from reality. One of the persons in our coccoon is a kid that lived with the ludites but is pacifist so he left them. He doesn't know our tech, so he keeps asking questions. He asks how do we distingiuish something real from an hologram. I explain it isn't easy and it is almost like telling th difference between a dream and waking life, some people just have that ability and others have to train to recognize it. I am one of those with the natural ability. I also have heightened senses and can hear what other people can't. And as I say this, I do hear something dangerous approaching. I warn others and we fly the coccoons above the stadium and see a fleet of rebels attacking one of our ships and coming towards the stadium. Luckily there are guardian drones that sit on the perifery and shoot anything getting too close. But any way, our pods close and take off immediately. The drones recognize our pods and don't shoot us, instead they make a formation to protect us from any incoming threat and clear a path so we can leave the planet safely.

      With my dad's family side and my mom, all gathered at some house. It looks like my grandma's house but it is also different. The kitchen looks pretty much unaltered, but in the place of the pantry, there is a cabinet with a TV and a VCR and I am rewinding some tapes looking for some shows I supposedly recorded, but I can't find them. My uncle Fernando comes in and tells me to quit. My two aunts are sitting there, just observing me and say to him that this is important to me. But eventually I give up and we all gather in a living room. It looks like the dining and living room of my grandma's together, but on the wrong side of the hallway. People are all sitting around the room on chairs and sofas sitting against the walls. My cousin Cris is also there, but so are other people I never met. I feel like my current self, but I am myself as a kid and I am on the floor playing with dolls. I think my mom told the family that I am autistic, so they are all observing me and not asking me questions or mocking me as usual. But I also find strange that they don't ask any questions about the autism. I also brought my present cats along, so then I freak out when I notice someone leaving a window open. I go around checking all the windows and asking people to please keep the windows shut. I then spot a cat, that could be Ginga but looks different, jumping to a ledge of a window through which some family member is talking to someone outside. Fortunately the cat is wearing a vest and I manage to grab her by the vest on time and pull her back in. Then back in the living room by uncle Carlos also keeps a window just slightly open and I explain to him the cats can still escape through there and he gets pissed when I close it. Then I do another tour and check the bathroom. All is fine.
      My mom then comes by and says they are announcing on the news that the Health Minister is dead with covid19 and I am shocked. But my mom is even more shocked and I wonder if this will get her to finally go vaccinate.
      Then I follow an unknown lady going to a balcony on the back of the house, where I believe she is going to smoke and certainly open a window. Actually when we arrive there, the window is already open. I take a peak outside, we are strangely located on like a 10th floor and I see on a roof down below a black cat and a black and white cat which I can't tell if they are dead or alive. The black one looks like Cuscus, so I call for him and he gets up. Both cats are alive but stuck on that roof. He immediately tries to jump up, but it's too high, so I wonder what is he doing. Then I see there is a metal structure on the wall for putting little pots for plants and it forms some sort of ladder that is climbable. So he climbs it and when he is close enough he jumps into my arms. The other cat also managed to get out of the roof in the meantime. So I take the black cat inside, not even yet sure if it is Cuscus, but I go look if there is another black cat in the house just to be sure. Then confusion ensues when some other guest arrives bringing some 3 other cats. I lose count of the cats.

      I tried to do a WILD. I focused on being aware as I fell sleep and almost immediately felt the rush of falling into sleep and the metallic noises of hypnagogia. When I open my dream eyes, I am in some scenario that looks like a hospital and I am meeting a friend who works there and another one who is being released or something. It feels like they are very familiar, like Riverstone and Nighthawk, but not looking like anyone I know and instead look like some american boys in their twenties. I also have a different look. And there is another girl in the group. I think the boys are a gay couple but I also love one of them. Anyway, once the one being discharged is with us, we all go walk down the street and I have kept my awareness all the way through, but just been watching everything unfold. The boy on the lead says something like "Where are we going?" or what is going on, and I use the chance to say that we are all dreaming and none of this is real. They react calmly and accepting. I suggest we just try to be mindful and rest in that awareness. So we all just sit on the floor and we meditate together. Whenever I feel the awareness fading, I focus on them and it really helps that they also look calm and focuse. I almost fall out of the dream a couple times, but I conjure some tokens with mantras and Buddha images and put them in front of us, saying we can look and touch them as a way to revive lucidity whenever it is starting to fail, and it works for some time, maybe more than I ever managed to stay lucid meditating. But eventually the dream fades and I feel my waking body. I don't move and I focus on getting back. I do go back but this time I land on a beach in what seems like ancient Mexico. There are some native ladies in their long skirts tending to some bonfires. I try to get back to my friends, but all that happens is that, like a mirage, a wall and a room within a room, appear to my right, where I can see the place we had just been sitting together, but I don't see them. I try to teleport there by just snapping my fingers and for a few seconds it works, but then I fall back to the beach. Tried again, wemt there a few more seconds and then fell bavk to the beach and the image of the wall and rooms disappear entirely and I can't seem able to summom it anymore. Then some kind of demon appears on the beach from behind the bonfires. It looks like an old womam with crazy hair walking on all fours and all the native ladies run away in fear. But the demon is after me. First I hide behind some shelter made with twigs sticking out from a pit in the sand. But she will eventually find me, so I decide to fight back instead. I fly a bit above the ground and wait for her to come. She has a kind of ax made of bones and I hope to snatch it from her and use it against her, but when we clash, in the middle of the struggle I just grab something else and hit her with it. Not sure what happened to the demon, because she dissapears and in her place come dozens of cave men figures running from all directions. Again I the mirage of wall with a door and I manage to cross it, landing on some backroom shit kind of place. that I feel I've seen before. It actually looks like a really nice office, but I sense a dark presence and know this is not a safe place. I try to cross it quickly, but all it's doors and windows just lead to more rooms. Until I spot a window to outside and focus strongly on it staying that way as I open it. And it does and I manage to reach the outside. Then I enter some normal dream in the time of Portuguese King Carlos I and the story is that he went on a balloon trip and had an accident due to bad weather and is lost in the countryside for 8 days until he gets back .
    13. Lots of angry animals last night. And then I became an animal.

      by , 01-22-2022 at 07:31 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      No lucidity unfortunately. For whatever reason I felt like my brain was too tired. Also no horny dreams tonight lmao

      • I had a dream that I took 2 ibuprofens because I was sore. Yeah, that was the entire dream.
      • I had another dream, and I woke up in the middle of the night and was thinking “I should write this down” but then I passed out again.
      • Apparently I got donuts with a friend of mine? I don’t remember this. Plus something illegible that I can't read now.
      • I had a dream that I only had $940 in my bank account EUGH that is terrifying.
      • I had a dream that my cat kept biting me and her tail for some reason. It was painful, unlike the bite of the tiger I experienced a few nights back which actually quite felt nice. I was annoyed because my cat definitely is not a biter in the waking world. She is very nice and will only bite in self-defense, if at all. I've never been bitten by her before so idk where this dream came from.
      • I was going through different houses for a run. The houses were along a pier, and for some reason, the route kept taking me INSIDE OF these houses. Like into people’s personal rooms and stuff as part of the run. So I’m like running and pushing chairs and crap out of the way, and people are looking at me while seeming very confused. I was also quite confused. The entire pathway on the pier was like this, just going into random people's houses. At the last house at the end of the pier, I saw some weird-looking bears, walking by the ocean (or possibly on top of the water). But someone in the house said they weren’t bears, but rather giant racoons or something? Idk but they were mammalian. I turned around and they started chasing me. I then became either a lion or a tiger and I started jumping over houses and stuff to get away from the bears. I also hopped in and out of multiple zoo exhibits, which existed on the pier for some reason.
      • I was with a group of friends, but all of them were dream characters that I don't know IRL. I had memories, which I’ve now forgotten, of a great trip that we had, and we had all known each other for a very long time within the dream's narrative. We were at an airport, and all said goodbye to each other.
      • I was in a less-nice part of some big city, but it also looked like a super run-down Chinatown? In the narrative of the dream I had lived there before in the past. I had a memory of going there with other people. It was nighttime, lots of lights, a bit sketchy.

      Updated 01-22-2022 at 07:33 PM by 58176

    14. 6 Jan: Action movie turns violent porn and returning my neighbor's cat

      by , 01-06-2022 at 08:11 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am watching a Steven Seagal action movie with Riverstone and it has sex scenes that are basically porn and I feel a bit uncomfortable. The porn turns violent, which makes it worse. When a villain is caught, he is threathened with revenge sodomy and then some lady has a ganga bang on a pool and she is turned upside down on the water and is unable to breathe. The movie is also quite immersive and at some point I am actually in it. I am some business man that is the main target of some terrorists/ gang. They attack me in the lobby of a building and I run for dear life to an elevator and almost get killed by a rain of fire. But I manage to slam myself against the wall on the right side of the doors and just get a few non-lethal shots while the door closes in.
      I am not enjoying this dream at all, so I suddenly change scenario. I get out of the elevator as myself and the building outside is some kind of pavillion under preparation or renovation for some event. There are ladders and plastics all over. I spot Jaime sitting on a ladder. I come to him and say "Hi, I know you." He seems puzzled, like he sort of recognizes me, but can't really remember from where and when. I tell him my name and he gives me a big smile. Says that I look a bit different and he wouldn't recognize me if I didn't identify, but of course he remembers me. He says he missed me so much when we went to different schools and lost each other contact. Says he loved me and it was really tough for him. I am happy that he says it and I confess it was mutual. He comes down the ladder and invites me for a walk. There is some market outside the pavillion. We talk about this and that, we are so happy to be together again. Then we stop at some lady selling homemade belgian waffle cookies. They look yummy, but are 1,5€ each and I tell her it is too expensive. I understand anything homemade and artisanal is more expensive, but think that is excessive. But Jaime buys 2 cookies and I guess one is for me.

      At home, in Alhandra. I'm in my old childhood bedroom, with my present day cats. There is another cat on the balcony of the room next door and it is peaking through my window, barely stable on its ledge. I recognize it as my neighbor Carla's cat (although she never had one in RL). A chubby turtle cat with a mutation that gave her four ears. I wanna be sure she is safe and wanna show Riverstone the mutation, so I open the window and allow her to come in. She is friendly but not a big fan of being held. So I let her walk around and my 3 cats seem to be ok with her. But soon after Buddha goes nuts and mounts her, despite him being neutered. I think she must have really strong pheromones. Luckily he can't really do anything but he is annoying her a lot. So she finally let's me pick her up and I go to the kitchen with her in my arms to show her to Riverstone. I then decide to take her back to Carla. My father joins in, saying he also has stuff to take to her. I notice he his just wearing a shirt and underwear and I insist he should get some pants, but he refuses. He has a bag with a small vase with a plant and a couple of herb stacks. He comes with me down the building staircases, but then wonders "Shouldn't you put on some shoes instead of coming with your slippers?" and I say she lives just a couple floors below, why would I bother? And he replies "But didn't she move to the single house of her grandmother down the street?" And I remember she indeed moved to her grandma's house. But then I also wonder if he knows that, why would he go on the street with no pants on? Anyway, we reach the second floor and the apartment on the right side of the hallway has the door open and I hear her voice inside. I don't question anymore where she lives. We go inside and she is having a party with friends. I think it's her birthday. She is surprised that I have her cat and then looks a bit uncomfortable with my dad and his gifts. I look at the supposed herb stacks he brought to her and I see only grasses and yellow oxalis with no nutritional or medicinal value and I wonder what's his thinking.
    15. 6 Sep: Visiting parallel universes and trapped in a glitchy one

      by , 09-06-2021 at 10:04 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I have been entering a cave or underground shaft as a means to hide or escape from something, but it leads me to a parallel universe, which also reveals to be dangerous. I almost get killed in the middle of some conflict and I rush back to my universe.
      I then meet a woman who is somehow connected to this multiverse. She can switch between universes with just hand gestures. She has a big guy with her, like a body guard, but he always stays in the background and doesn't say a word. She shows me one or two safe universes as a friendly introduction. Then she warns me we're going to a stranger one. She says it is a split or incomplete universe and to be careful there, as it can be disorienting, but she never makes it sound dangerous. Once there, all I can say is that all matter appears to be glitched, as graphics on a computer that didn't render correctly. Everything looks like it has missing pixels or misplaced parts. Walls have like cubic blocks sticking out randomly, the floor has like gaps that seem to be holes in the space-time fabric. She warns me to mind the gaps and then she leads me into an elevator. The floor his weird, with a slit in the middle. I show concern and she kinda mocks me, but then remembers "oh, shit, don't press the button to descend, we have to go up." She says there is a glitch in it and if we press down, the floor opens up and we fall, but not to the elevator shaft, actually to the void of space-time. I become uncomfortable and tell her I wanna leave. But the glitches also settle in people's minds sometimes and she can't remember which hand gesture she has to do to takes us away from here. She makes several tries and gives up laughing. She says she will eventually remember, but for now she takes me to an apartment where apparently she stays when in this world. She asks me to be her helper / personal assistant while we're here. But she starts behaving like a demented person. Some times she is clear headed and she is a normal person whom I help with pleasure, and then she turns into an evil bitch who treats me like shit. But I can't raise my voice or defend myself, because I depend entirely on her to get out of here.
      She has 2 cats and a small dog and they are not very nice, I don't know why. They stay mainly in one room and don't trust people. Then it starts raining outside and she puts a leash on the black cat and drags him down the corridor to the balcony on the living room. I am already freaking out for the poor cat. But then she hangs him by the neck with the leash, over the balcony. Saying she is giving him a bath under the rain. I yell and pull the poor cat back in and she is possessed. Calls me names, humiliates me, threatens me. But I don't care anymore and I plan to leave her house as soon as possible and take the animals with me.
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