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    1. Day 106: (Clever Title)

      by , 05-27-2018 at 03:40 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Dream 89: Not So Lethal Lava Land

      The whole dream was in this faux 2D perspective. Sometimes I could see the environment in first person, and others I saw from third person. The entire dream looked like a video game. Everything was a sprite, from the foreground to the background. At the end of the dream I remember getting cornered by a bunch of purple dragon things and being eaten alive, so that's fun.

      Dream 90: You Said Room Temperature, Right?

      Daytime, grass covered yard in between my house and a neighbor's. I'm talking with a friend about the pink gecko I have outside my house (True story, geckos often like to clime on my windows). I told him/her that I managed to keep one as a pet, and made it a little dirt home.

      When I got to its little home, I saw that it had died inside of the water. My reasoning within the dream was that it was too cold for the lizard and it died of hypothermia. Its eyes were glowing a light green.

      Dream 91: Fragment

      Another school fragment. Nothing much to talk about here.

      Updated 05-29-2018 at 03:59 PM by 93490

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. Back At Home

      by , 01-21-2016 at 04:53 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      I was in a Warframe game. There is a massive Grineer offensive.



      I was looking at a computer. I was chatting with someone. Mom? Mom was asking me to go home and help. I told her I am. The screen theme is black with some scattered windows.

      I woke up in the living room. I heard someone. I went out the yard and saw mom in the backyard getting a pipe off a dog house. I went to her. I told her I didn't hear her come in or that she's coming. She said dad told her I'm her (or that dad opened the gate). I told her "But dad is dead." Then I realized it's all a dream, and I immediately became lucid, the dream improved in quality but I felt I was also quickly losing the dream. I hugged mom and music was playing in the background (lyrics, something like "Sana naman"). It sounded happy but for some reason, I felt very sad.

      A photo popped out or slipped off from somewhere and it covered my entire view. The background is inside a church and the focus is on a woman sitting on the pews, facing towards the right where the altar would have been but it's not the picture. She was reading something, and a white book is covering her face so it's unclear. I felt it was supposed to be mom but she looks more like our aunt (who we call "mommy").



      - I've been thinking of going home for a while now.
      - Dad died a little over a year ago.
      - Our 10-year-old dog died this month.
    3. Another Night With Multiple LD's! (LD's #14 and 15)

      by , 10-29-2014 at 04:16 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      I have fallen behind with my DJ entries, and I'm about 4 days of dream's worth behind. I will just be posting these LD's instead of all the dreams that I'm behind on. These were both from the morning of 10-26-14

      Dream 1
      I woke up in bed and looked to my left. My room seemed exactly like it was IWL. I notice a bee hovering by my dresser, and I think that's odd but I quickly get up and walk outside. I look in my parent's room but they are not there. I go back into my room and a letter is on my bed. I pick it up and it says something about how a disease has spread through the world and my parent's quickly left to survive. They left a bunch of insurance papers with me and they scheduled a meeting time to meet with me. I realized that the bees had been spreading the disease, and the bee in my room made since. (The dream before this was about a virus spread by bugs too and I think this was an FA from that dream) I started panicking because I had no clue how to use the insurance papers, or even what I was supposed to do with them. I also wondered why my parent's would just abandon me. I then suddenly became lucid. I count my fingers to make sure and I have more than 5 fingers. I go outside and again try my goal of flying. I try it a few times, being unsuccesful. Then I remember to do the gravity RC, so I walked over to an area that is right next to this giant tree in my front yard. I notice my weight and I think I was a little heavier than IWL. I then wonder if any DC is going to come and attack me, since that has happened quite a few times, but none come. I continue to try and fly, closing my eyes and imagine myself floating, but nothing works. I even stick my hands out like superman and jump but I get about an inch into the air and fall back down. I then go into another FA. (Next FA is in dream 2...It was an FA but in separate dreams, if that makes since.)

      Dream 2
      I am in my kitchen and realize I'm dreaming. I crawl through a tiny hole in the wall and I'm outside. I see a bunch of weapons in the yard, except it looks nothing like my yard to the right, but on my left it looks fine. I go to pick up a bow but it says I need to achieve a certain level or task before I can take it, or else something bad will attack me. I don't take that but I spot a giant sword sitting vertically on a rack type thing. I go over and lift it out and then I notice words that say close to the same thing about the sword. I quickly put it back. I then didn't know what else to do so I started imagining a hot girl appearing. (I'm pretty sure that lost me lucidity, but I'm not certain) I am watching a scene where a girl is undressing or something I think it is really hot. More happens but I can't really remember it. The dream ends shortly after this.
    4. Whose lucid is it? (LD #12)

      by , 09-12-2012 at 11:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      By the time my recall picks up, I was already lucid. (My dream recall is worse than my lucidity. ) I was in my family room. The first thing I remember doing was talking with my cat.
      My cat was actually a portrayal of my cousin. I can't remember most of our dialogue but we were arguing because we were in the same lucid dream and we wanted to know who would get to use their powers of dream control, and who would be a bystander. I eventually said to him that I challenged him to a dream duel. Winner keeps the dream.
      I punched the ground near him. He ran away and faded. I got up and decided that I would go outside and try to find my guide or practice some dream control, since the opportunity so rarely presents itself.
      I walked though the kitchen and towards the front door, my parents stood back. They must have realized that I was lucid and wanted to go about it on my own. On my way out the door I said to myself "my shoes are on!". I'm pretty sure it worked but it was kind of unnecessary.
      The dream world was beautiful. The sky was nearly alien with two morning suns poking though the clouds. I can remember there being alot of flowers in our front garden. But one orchid was particularly beautiful.
      I began down the walk when something started buzzing in my ear, like a mosquito. I dusted away from my ear. It was persistent no matter how many times that I swatted or dusted the annoyance away from my ear. My ear began to hurt as I began to slap it and dig my finger into it trying to get the buzzing out. I lost focus and forgot about maintaining the lucid experience. I woke up in my frustration.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 05:15 AM by 53527

    5. Pollen storm, bee actors

      by , 09-01-2012 at 01:32 AM
      Walking in back yard, see a native bee. Stoop to have a closer look, and see several of my own bees as well. Look up to see my bees everywhere, working on collecting nectar and pollen. Each bee is fully laden, and even looking in the distance I can see the pollen on the bees' legs. As I remark about this to dad and others standing by, a strong wind comes up, blowing pollen in from every direction. We have to go inside, bu I keep an ey on the beehive. Bees are still bringing their loads in even in the strong wind. Suddenly, I'm aware of individual bees at the door of the hive. They morph into actors, and I follow their actions further into the "hive." One of the actor-bees (played by Angel Coulby) had done something wrong, and was being brutally persecuted by another of the bees.
    6. Potatoes, Imagination

      by , 04-22-2012 at 02:02 PM (Lucid Time!)
      In our backyard, we have an old sandbox from when I was a kid. I'm 16 now and I don't use it anymore. So this spring my mother and I decided to grow potatoes and onions in there, since those plants like sandy soil.

      Fragment- I went into my old sandbox and everything had grown a lot. The plants were far from mature, but they were certainly a lot bigger than they were now. I took one out of the ground and saw that there were several peanut-sized potatoes dangling from the roots. I then tried to put the plant back into the ground but for some reason it was a real hassle.

      Fragment-I was out in my yard holding a curved stick. I was in my yard swinging it around like it was a Katana. I was perhaps bored or a little angry. I just hacked away at imaginary foes for a short while.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:47 PM by 53527

    7. Wasp Battle

      by , 04-21-2012 at 11:23 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I slept over at my cousin's house last night. I can remember having several dreams last night, but my cousin woke me up by screaming and jumping around so all that I was able to recall was this:

      I was in my front yard. It was obviously summertime, because everything was green and the trees had leaves on them. There was this guy. I can't remember very many details but I think that he was very short and had a beard. He told me about this giant wasp that I had to fight or something. He told me that I should not kill it or let it sting me, just fight it.
      The next thing I knew I was running though my yard and there was a giant wasp chasing me. I can remember it having bright red stingers and a yellow-and black striped body. It was about 2-3 inches long.
      At first all i could do was blow it away. I seemed to have a really strong breath that could not only blow the wasp away, but it would create winds that were blowing some of the leaves off of trees and stuff.
      Eventually I picked up a big stick and stated whacking the wasp with it. I didn't want to touch the wasp with my hands otherwise it might sting me. My plan was to whack it and stun it so i could get away. I kept whacking it every time it came close but eventually I missed and it landed on my neck and stung me.
      I felt a slow, aching pain spreading from my neck and I woke up.

      I suppose this dream sort of goes in with being in a park/forest as a dream sign.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:47 PM by 53527

      Tags: grass, stick, wasp, yard
    8. Shuttle of Death

      by , 07-15-2011 at 05:56 AM
      I dreamed I was standing in my grandmother's yard. Children were boarding a space shuttle to fly up in space. After it launched, the kids made it half way to the atmosphere, then the ship exploded. All the kids screamed at once and went silence. It rained bodies.

    9. Most Terrifying Dream - Visitor and Knife-Based Pain

      by , 07-12-2011 at 08:22 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Two hours after waking up today, I took a nap, because I was hoping to enter SP and have a WILD. Instead, I fell asleep normally and then entered multiple false awakenings. What happened next was one of the longest and most effed-up dreams I've had. When I woke up, I did a record amount of reality checks. Where in the world did this come from, why is my subconscious so demented, and why did it have to happen when I was attempting a WILD?

      It was afternoon. I was outside, and the sky overhead looked normal for the time of day. I was walking along the right side of my house, sandwiched between the house and a long, straight wooden fence that extended down it. This fence was ashen in colour and seasoned-looking, with uneven, ragged boards that were slightly pointed on top. There was green grass everywhere, and the exterior of the house itself was made of ruddy red bricks with light-coloured cement in between. I was headed to the backyard, where I "knew" the house's garage would be. When I rounded the back corner of the house and reached the yard, it was an extremely strange setup.

      There was the same, tall wooden fence as the one along the side of the house, but this one was much taller, probably twenty feet tall. It fenced in the entire yard on three sides, then connected to the fence I'd just walked along. Because of the yard fence's height, it blocked out the view of everything outside the yard, although I could see tall, normal-looking trees going at least ten feet past the height of the fence. The presence of the ridiculously tall fence and trees caused it to become darker in the yard, since there wasn't as much room for light to get in.

      I looked to the left, at the yard. There was just straight brick on the house; there were no doorways or anything to get in and out. There was just more slightly-overgrown grass, and the garage. This garage was painted white and looked rustic; a few patches of paint here and there were flaking off. The garage door was open, but I didn't see any cars.

      Then, someone from my school's graduating class walked out. I recognized her immediately, and she looked normal - she had long dark brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes. I had invited her over, and now it was time for her to leave. I smiled and waved as she walked past me, leaving through where I'd just come from.

      Then, I saw my dad walk up beside me.

      "Hey [Puffin], can you help me for a sec?" His voice sounded a bit muffled. I didn't think this was odd.

      He led me down the right side of the house, where I had entered the yard from. Once we got past it, the area wasn't the front yard or driveway of a house like you'd expect; instead, it was another backyard. The setup for this part is very hard to explain because of how complex it was. The side of the house we'd just walked down opened up into a square-shaped lot (probably 60x60 feet), completely closed-in by the same tall fence, and on the other side of the fence you could see more trees. A few of these trees even arced over the fence and above the yard a little; their branches and trunks were thick and gnarled. However, they didn't cast any discernible shadows of their own; the whole yard was just in one solid pale shadow, darker than the back yard. The terrain of this yard slanted up five or six feet towards the back of the lot, especially on the left side.

      In the middle of this yard, leaving three or four feet on each side for walkspace, was a big hole. The edges of this hole were smoothed out, and covered in grass, but then it steeply dropped off into blackness; it was very, very deep. Sometime when I was walking along the house, my dad had gone past me and ended up on the other side of the hole, in the far left corner of the yard where the ground was the most raised. Apparently he wanted to return to my side, but now the yard was littered with big, wide boards of slightly-destroyed wood. Most of them were irregularly-shaped, like the random pieces of paper a kid cuts out with scissors. My dad couldn't just walk around this field of wood, because they were filling the yard all the way up to the fence. But in the hole, there was a possible way to cross it. There were two very, very tall grey rocks with flat tops floating in the hole. Connecting the two rocks was a large, flat piece of dry grey wood. There were two other wood planks, and this created a bridge across the whole.

      On the middle plank, there was also a big, triangular-shaped rock that must have been four feet tall. It looked like it weighed a ton. My dad slowly made his way onto the planks (which wobbled a lot, and he held out his arms for balance, but he didn't look concerned). Once he reached the middle plank, he pushed the rock down into the big hole without any effort, and it disappeared. There was no way he'd be able to push it in real life.

      I decided to check in for the day and sleep. I walked away a few steps and looked at the brick wall of the house. Unlike before, when I saw no doors, now there was a basic white door with a gold doorknob. I opened it and walked into blackness. As I walked forward a few steps, I felt slightly numb, losing feeling in my body as I sometimes do when I'm lucid and the dream ends. And I did become slightly lucid at this point! However, the dream scene changed.

      I woke up in bed. But not really; it was a false awakening. I couldn't see anything around me because my eyes were still closed, but I knew the room was spacious and had a high ceiling that was painted beige, as were the walls. I knew the bed was an antique, with polished wood with fine details and rich colouration. I knew the bed had white bedsheets and a thicker white quilt on top of that. I was on top of the covers, lying on my left side.

      Immediately, I "knew" I was awake and resolved to DEILD. I breathed normally and stayed still. Although the third breath was a bit quicker and deeper than the others, which usually stops my DEILD attempts, I managed to get small vibrations rolling up and down my body. In the center of my vision, I saw a light blue square that was blurring in an outwards direction (almost like a tunnel). It expanded, and a blurry, pale scene formed in front of me. There were very abstract, blurry, dark grey shapes of people's heads and some desks. The only colors in this scene were darker, pale blue and greys. The scene then started to fade slowly as I started to fail the DEILD.

      As the scene faded, taking about ten seconds, I saw a very clear image in my mind's eye - it was a shoulders-and-up shot of a beautiful woman holding a baby up against her shoulder, one hand resting on the back of its head. I heard a woman's voice narrating something along the lines of, "most mothers prefer to hold their baby with two hands if they are pregnant." It was nonsensical but I didn't realize it.

      Once that image faded, I was back in bed with my eyes closed. I thought, 'let's try this one more time'.

      I managed to get the blurry square again, but it was darker than before and disappeared quickly, leaving me lying in bed again. I laid there on my left side for a few moments and breathed out normally. But I didn't get any results.

      Then I opened my eyes, giving up. I blinked once and looked up at the ceiling. Then, I suddenly heard an incredibly high-pitched, desperate scream, like something straight of a nightmare. It said, "don't look up!", and the "up" drew itself out into a long scream of its own. In the next instant, I was still looking at the ceiling, the yellow colors and window briefly flashed white like a camera had gone off, and I heard one of those sounds like in a horror film - it's like the sound wind makes when a big truck drives past you on the highway, minus all the mechanical wheel and actual truck noises. When everything was white, I saw the bright green outline of a tall church steeple, leaning over towards the right. This was in the corner of my vision. The 'outline' was most like someone had taken a simple photo and inverted the colors, so the blacks were white and the other stuff was green.

      The flash only lasted a moment, and then as the whiteness and church faded, I felt a momentary 'shift' or acceleration downwards, although I didn't actually move from the bed at all. It was like an invisible force had come into effect and was spiritually trying to pull me down. Then, I felt a hand strongly press me down into the bed, and roll me over onto my stomach, with the left side of my face pressed right against the bed. I couldn't see anything. At some point my vision had stopped working and everything had gone a dark, dark brown. My back was suddenly exposed and uncovered as I laid there, and then I felt a sharp blade slowly going into my back, dragging slowly along my rib. It started about four inches below my right shoulder blade, tracing along that rib. The knife was excruciatingly painful as it slowly cut its way through my skin, which seemed to give too much resistance to be realistic, but that only made it worse. I had never felt this much pain in a dream before. The cut went down along the skin and stopped when it got to the very side of my body. All the while, I was paralyzed, and I screamed like crazy.

      For a second, I became almost semi-lucid, and I broke free of the paralysis, but when I moved it, was like my bones were stiff and gelled together or something. I turned around, a bit more onto my back and looked at what was doing this. It was a hooded figure, with a black robe like the grim reaper, and surrounded in something like grey smoke. There was a thin, lighter brown woven cord loosely coiled three or four times around his neck; this cord was made of long brown hair! I wasted no time and growled at this creature and attempted to kick him away, but I couldn't move my legs anymore. I tried to punch him, but I was totally paralyzed again.

      He turned me over and proceeded to cut another line into me, slightly further down my body along the next rib. It was really painful. This cut lasted about seven seconds, slightly less than the first, but then I felt another one, a bit further down still. The whole time, I screamed, and as the last cut ended, I saw a flash of another brief image: my vision turned a solid yellow, and I saw three abstract curves that were larger on one end and smaller on the other. The three lines gradated from red to dark brown, almost black, and only took up about a tenth of the total area of my vision; they appeared off near the left side.

      For a brief moment during the cuts, I was aware of my sister lying on the bed beside me, and she said something like, "I told you so", but I can't remember the exact words. The words she said were laced with pain as if she was getting cut, too.

      The dream finally ended, and when I woke up, I could feel residual stinging in my back. I didn't get up immediately, nervous that I'd entered another FA. It took a lot of RCs and a few minutes of lying stock-still in bed before I could get up and shake things out.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:15 PM by 28408

      nightmare , false awakening , lucid
    10. A "Death Worwerkew"

      by , 05-24-2011 at 11:30 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:02 AM by 44350

      Tags: death, invisible, yard
    11. April 23 - My Best Owl

      by , 04-23-2011 at 03:02 PM
      I'm by myself, playing around in my back yard (which seems much larger than normal) when I noticed what seems to be a bird's nest. However, it's weird because in my dream it's resting at the bottom of one of the trees in the yard. There are about five or so eggs in there, and one of them is partially hatched. The sight makes me extremely sad because in the partially hatched one I can see part of the animal inside and I believed it to be dead and I pick it up. However, all of a sudden the eggs continues to hatch and out emerges some sort of owl species. I absolutely fall in love with it and the feeling appears to be mutual as it crawls up my arm and settles there. It already knows how to fly and we become sort of best friends and are completely in sync with one another.

      There then seems to be a bit of a time skip, because all of a sudden it's a few years later. I'm searching for my owl but I can't find it anywhere. I quickly find out that someone has stolen my owl and killed it, and this makes me extremely angry. I track the kidnapper to a group of scientists who are working to perfect the human being by infusing various animal DNA into various humans. I find out that they killed my owl and another woman's child so they can fuse the genes and create a new being. I go kind of insane and begin killing the scientists with whatever I can find, and halfway through my massacre I wake up from my dream.
    12. construction project; poor neighborhoods; shaving instructions

      by , 04-06-2011 at 11:40 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking through some park with my mother. It was daytime, and the sunlight was kind of pale. My mom and I were walking along some kind of concrete walkway and up a slight slope. At the top of the slope and off a little to the left, my old friend D sat on a concrete staircase.

      My friend D wore a brown, button-up shirt, not tucked in, and light brown, casual pants. His hair was a little long and paler than usual. D looked depressed. When I first saw him, I wondered how I might be able to avoid him. But when I saw how depressed he looked, I figured I should talk to him.

      D told us that he knew I hadn't wanted to talk to him. He was only here at the same time as I out of coincidence. He was actually with some group of people working on some kind of volunteer project. D was actually on a break at the moment.

      D took me to where the volunteers were. The project was all about pouring concrete for something I may have thought of as an ice skating rink. D showed me that first, people lay down wooden shipping pallettes, so that the slats of each pallette made some kind of checkerboard pattern. Then concrete was poured over the pallettes. The pallettes were supposed to hold the concrete in place.

      But I realized that the concrete was supposed to go much higher than that. I asked D how the rest of the concrete was supposed to stay in place. D said that other pallettes were added to the first layer of pallettes, stacked one on the other. But the checkerboard pattern was alternated.

      At some point, D may have tried to illustrated what he'd meant. But he may have been required to "go outside" with us, as if the construction project had been inside the whole time. He may have taken me and my mom outside. Then he may have asked more personal questions about our friendship, which I felt bad about.

      Dream #2

      Some kind of documentary about poor neighborhoods. The neighborhoods looked really torn down and destroyed. For some reason I felt bad about not living in these ruined neighborhoods myself.

      I was now flying through some neighborhood that looked like the neighborhood where my family had lived while I was in high school. It felt empty and desolate. It was daytime, and it may have been winter. I feel like there was snow everywhere.

      I flew over a lot of backyards. All the backyards were strewn with junk. I finally came to my family's old backyard. I landed on the top of a wooden fence and looked into the yard. This backyard was filled with somethink that looked like old cloths or tarps. The tarps appeared to have been frozen by the cold.

      Dream #3

      I had bought a new razor. There had been a lot of talk about my razor with a few friends of mine who work in the deli in my office building. I kept shaving and looking at my razor and the other razors I could have bought, as if the bathroom I was shaving in was somehow mixed with the store I'd bought the razors from.

      At some point, one of the deli workers slapped me on the back in a friendly way and told me to shave in an upward direction. He then said something about how I was going to have a good shave. That was apparently the same thing as saying I was a good guy.

      I was apparently shaving off my mustache. I wondered if that was a good idea.
    13. Werewolves and fires in circles

      by , 12-22-2010 at 10:54 PM (Dreams of random stuff)
      I'm in front of my laptop in my room, it's night. I checked the clock to see the time/found situation odd, and I couldn't read the clock. Numbers were too shallow (or they weren't there at all...) I am now quite sure it's a dream but decide to check the clock again. I then say "I shouldn't have wasted time" and head for hallway outside the room.

      I shout "Light!" and light flickers for a moment before going off. I try it a few times quickly and it works.
      *Blank spot*
      I am in our living room fighting against two werewolves, other being my dad. I do all sorts of poses to make fire fly all over the place. I make outer circle of fire that one of them gets stuck, numbers go flying around indicating damage. 5, 12, 52, 3... Then inner circle which makes two of them bounce off me as they jump at me. I beat them and go out of the house.

      When I turn to close the door, my brother is there. I scream a bit from the shock, but then I am all like "I don't have to take this" and go to our yard, shouting our dog to come and attack him. Interestingly enough there was another dog, which was like the first one. (We have just one dog. I suppose it was the brother of our dog, which we had at our home sometime.)

      Other dog helps me and other helps my brother. Dogs fight (but I don't know how and what happened). Then I go to my brother, who now is a cartoon lion, grab his tail and start swinging. I notice that it has changed from night to day, thinking that I made the sun rise. My brother says that actually it just came day in the dream. I throw him somewhere and go to our front door. Someone (my mom?) comes outside and I wake up.


      Most vivid dream I've had... and well, most awesome too. No control though, I'd say.
    14. Driveway Lucidity

      by , 09-29-2010 at 02:58 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I know this dream was longer, but I can't remember anything else!
      In the beginning of the dream, it was daytime, and I was sitting cross-legged on the driveway of my house. My house was on a clean, smaller street with nicely arranged bungalows; there were also a couple large trees here and there. My driveway was a bit cracked up because it was fairly old. My front yard was a 15x15 foot area of grass with a tiny evergreen tree, only a few years old, in the middle. In real life had planted it when I came home from a school field trip four years ago, and it appeared in the dream now.

      I didn't look back at my house at all, and was just looking out onto the street. I heard my mom coming and glanced to the side, seeing her sit down beside me with a skimpy metal rake. "Here, you have to do the leaves," she said. I thought about it for a few instances and then became lucid, saying, "am I dreaming?"

      "Yes," she said, sounding uninterested, and got up. She started to walk away and I looked around the street, asking, "you sure?" and she replied "yes" again in the same tone. I'd never been told by a DC that I was dreaming, so that was exciting. I didn't even use dream control to make her say that. However, since my lucidity was pretty low, I didn't remember my dream goals. I started to run down the street, randomly superjumping (even feeling gravity pull me back down), until I woke up. It was fun, but not what I would've done if I was more aware.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:55 AM by 28408

      Tags: driveway, house, yard
    15. Wave 4: Time's out, sucka

      by , 08-02-2010 at 03:25 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      Although I never get a lucid dream yet, this morning I (almost) accomplished a feat i have never done before; remembering TWO dreams in ONE night. Today again I woke up right after a dream (about 5 or 5:30) and remembered the dream i just got out of. Going back to bed, it was a guarantee I would dream one more time and have 2 to write in my journal. Unfortunately, I had to go play golf with my father at 6. Out of luck. I tried to go back to sleep but nope. My fathers alarm clock buzzed. Times out.

      The dream:
      In my classroom at my high school. I am sitting at my place but nobody is with me. I look around and see Alexis, Antoine, Yussef and Eric behind me. At the end of the class there is Catherine and Severine (see Wave 2) with Etienne. He hugs Sev. I think its pathetic, since shes not his GF and she thinks hes ugly. Then my French teacher starts talking to the class. She refers to Alexis as the French fry, cause hes blond. She did some comments about the organisation of the class and how a teacher could help you with your binders (?). Then Eric says something racial against Muslims in the class. I think at that point our teacher is a man.

      At recess in my primary schools yard, he walks and talks to his friends when he sees all the Arabic kids of the school. He starts to walk away and puts on his hood but they gang up on him and chase him around. I pop up and walk behind them while talking to Karim (who is a Muslim) and asking him of its really that funny. He answers yes and I agree in my head. Then at some point he pulls out a shovel and tries to hit me. I stop it with my hands. The dude is freakin crazy in real life, i wouldnt be surprised if he hit someone with a shovel. This happens in front of my French teacher who doesnt say a thing. End of Wave 4. Wave 5 coming up tonight.