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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 14/08/11 - Longest LD ever, and recall fails me!

      by , 08-14-2011 at 01:57 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I'm not sure if I should be pissed, or happy. Just woke up from the longest lucid dream I have ever had, but sadly I only recall two thirds of it... Had another LD after falling asleep aswell, and the dreams were very entertaining for me last night. Lots of recall, and four of my set tasks completed!

      01.00: Sleep

      06.00: Kicking some ass
      I wake up in bed and someone's standing next to it. I freak out for a second before I recognise him, it's Fredrik from my old class. "Hey man!" he says and takes a big swig of beer. He's clearly very drunk. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him. I can hear them partying up above, and figure he came from there. He sits down in a chair next to my bed and spills some beer. He lights a cigarette.

      "Get out!" I tell him. He refuses to get up and burns my sheets. I grab the chair he's sitting in and throws it into a corner next to my sofa. "What the hell man?" he asks and kicks at me, hitting my balls. "Ouch! Get out!" I tell him and flex. He kicks me some more. "This is your last warning!" he kicks me again. I slam my elbow right in his face. Dropping him to the floor. I pummel the shit out of him with kicks, knees and elbows. After a while I grab him and throw him out of the apartment.

      A minute later, the doorbell rings. I take a look in the peephole and I can see three guys standing outside of my door. I recognise atleast two of them as my brother's friend and one of his friend's older brother. I open the door and they want to come in. I invite them in and realise I have to talk my way out of this mess. "We want you to explain what happened" one of them tells me. My mom is in my apartment with a few kids now, and they're making alot of noise. We walk into a room and I'm trying to remember exactly why I kicked their friend's (or brother's) ass. The kids are still making alot of noise, and I can't remember properly.

      06.00: Flying and falling MILD
      I'm lucid, and have been for more than ten minutes already. I'm with two other people, one whom I think is my grandma and the other one is my friend Eric. As I have been using one super power already, telekinesis, I figure it's time to use another. "Let's fly!" I tell them and start to float. I grab Eric with telekinesis and make him fly aswell. My grandma seems to know what to do, but we're not ascending quickly. "Wow this is a stable lucid dream, I've been lucid for what, ten minutes now?" I ask my grandma. "About that yeah" she says. I remember my current task, to free fall.

      I look down at the ground below, we're atleast 40 feet up. I let me and Eric go, and we start falling. "Wooohooo!" I say as we fall towards the ground. Just a few inches from the ground though, we're stopped by some invisible force. "God damnit" I say. Pretty cool though to have superpower survival instincts. I jump a bit and take off again. This time, I bring out a big rubber band, and fling it at my grandma while still holding it. It attaches itself to her, and I drag myself upwards. We fly upwards into darkness for a while.

      The dream skips. I head through a door into a corridor. My three friends Eric, Felix and G are just behind me. It's like we've just come to a house up in the sky from flying. I spot the silhouette of two naked girls in a window. We all hoot a bit. I look around, we're in a living room. My friends take a seat in the couches and chairs and turns on the TV. I sit down in a corner. "Can someone turn on the light? This dream is so dark, and I'm afraid of losing it" I say. Felix flips a switch, making the room brighter.

      I sit down in a couch and watch some TV. Eric starts talking some really random trash. I get up. "I don't feel like wasting my lucid, I'm out" I say and walk up to a window behind him which is open just a little bit. I throw myself out the small crack and free fall once again, but this time a pine tree is in the way. Several branches smack me in the face before I land on the ground head first.

      I get up and check if I'm injured. My arms and my neck actually hurts. "Cool!" I say and turn around towards the house again. Two kids comes out from the back door. I wonder what I should do now, with so many tasks done. I remember the girls in the window. I give each kid a big smack in the head and they fall down, then head inside and close the door. I'm in a laundry room, and there are prison bars infront of me. I can see stairs behind them. I grab the bars and yell. "Johanna!" The dream begins to fade.
      I have no idea who that is.

      06.00: Fragment
      *I'm with my family on a big ranch. We're walking down a muddy path along two electric fences. I spot several big cows on the other side. Two farmers appear and they tell us this place is even bigger than we think.

      09.00: Fragments
      *I'm fishing with my brother. I catch a pike and reel it in. I soon catch another one. I try not to get entangled in all the weeds growing everywhere.

      *I'm with my friends Jonas, Felix and G. We're fishing at the same place I was catching pike in a previous dream. I watch as Felix reels the lure in, and a big pike is following it. Just as it breaks the surface, the pike goes for the lure. The fish flies through the air, over the road we're standing on and into the sea on the other side. We all cheer and laugh our asses off. I spot a fish with an eye on its fin, it looks like a silvery salmon other than that. Jonas grabs a knife and tries to stab it, breaking a couple of sticks someone has put up when he fails.

      09.00: The invading kids
      I'm at a cabin by the woods. It's dark out, and my family is there with me. I spot something moving in the dark woods. We all run on the porch to the end and head behind a table that's on its side. "My face got all warm" my brother tells me. "I know I saw a car." All of a sudden, we hear an explosion and a blinding flare shoots out from the woods and hits our house. Its white light lights up the night. My dad appears, and I know we have to defend the house. I spot a rifle with a scope on it standing against the wall. My sister grabs a desert eagle and my dad some black army gun. "I want the rifle" I tell him and grab it.

      I head down the stairs and as soon as I'm down, a girl comes rushing in through the glass door.

      "Freeze! Hands in the air!" she yells at me, pointing a big rifle in my face. I aim at her but I can't just shoot a little girl. I let my rifle go and hold my hands up "Okay, I don't want to get hurt, I give up, ple..." I smack her weapon down on the ground and drop her with a legsweep. My mom shows up, she was in the room next to me. "Take care of her" I tell her and I take my foot off the gun and let my mom stand on it instead.

      I can hear a shot go off and turn around. Her older brother, but not much, is shooting at me from outside. He's got a rotweiler barking by his side. I head behind a counter. "Where's the ammo?" I ask my mom. "I don't know" she tells me. The boy fires another shot and I respond with my own shot and reload with the spring. A solid feeling. I spot a box of golden ammo lying on a shelf, but it's in the middle of the corridor. I wait until the boy fires another shot before running towards it and stand behind a small pillar. Another shot is fired and I grab the box of ammo and head upstairs again. I tell my family about the kids.

      09.00: Sexfest MILD
      I'm watching some big ass orgie go on in a bed. There's a famous porn star there, and she's going at it in ridiculous speed. Like someone's fast forwarding a movie. All of a sudden, there's only my friend Eric and a girl ontop of him, myself and another girl left.
      Spoiler for 18+:

      09.00: Escort to MTG shop
      I'm with another guy, escorting him through a very grim looking city. A guard dressed in a formal suit appears. He salutes and marches on. "Some routine" I tell the other guy. I've got a black rifle in my hands. We head through a small alley and arrive at a square. Several people are there, most of them looks like bums, dressed in black and hoodies. The entire place feels like "Knockturn Alley" in Harry Potter. I head into a store which I know sells Magic the Gathering cards.

      I can't find the deck I wanted to buy though and I head further into the store. A girl on a chair puts out her feet so that I almost trip. She giggles. "Do you have trouble seeing or what?" I ask her. She looks at me, and her right eye goes all red, and I can see laser coming out of it. She's trying to blind me. "Knock that shit out or I'll smack you" I tell her and grab her arm. "Don't fucking look at me" I say and let her go. I grab the decks I can find and ask the guy behind the cashier for the price.

      "When will we play?" The guy I was escorting asks me. "Why not now? Anyone in here who wants to play a game?" I say out loud. A Chinese guy tells me he wants to play, and shows me a very rare card. It has all kinds of strange rules I don't recognise, and everything about the card is different. We listen for a while as he explains the rules, nothing makes any sense.

      09.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8 hours

      Supplements: None

      Tasks completed

      Recall atleast 6 dreams or fragments in a single night
      Use any kind of superpower
      Ask a DC for something
      Free fall from a height that would normally kill you
      That's it! What a crazy ass night of dreaming for only 8 hours of sleep. I hit myself when I couldn't recall more of that lucid, it would have been the most epic lucid up to date. I know I had a very nice time, and the length of it was incredible. I'm only used to a couple of minutes of lucidity.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 08-14-2011 at 03:08 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Night of 08/14 - Strange love story

      by , 08-14-2011 at 12:15 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      Everything begins at a party. It's the party I went yesterday, but in my dream it seems, that I'm having here much more than yesterday night. Anyway, I'm atracted by a few girls, so I go towards them and have a chat. One is blond the other one has brown curly hair. It seems to me that I have seen her at some other place, but I don't recall that I saw her in a dream. I don't know how it comes, but I'm much more attracted to her than to the blonde.
      There is a passage I forgot but it ended that I kissed the blonde. I had the feeling I was kissing the open end of a bottle. She is a very bad kisser, but we can't stop. That other girl, let's name her W , seems to be disappointed, but she hides it very well. W goes her way, I remain with that bottle mouth.
      There is a guy appearing and it seems that this is her boyfriend. I'm confused, feel very awkward, they leave and I'm alone again.
      I look for W and find her somewhere. I want to talk to her, that I didn't want to hurt her and that the other is a bitch. But she doesn't want to and says this to me:

      W: Haha the joke's on you, you bastard! You just wanted to get laid so you bet on two girls. But as a bad player, you bet everything and received nothing. You are deplorable.

      She runs away and I ran after her. After a chase that seems to me an eternity I could stop her.

      W: Why should I listen to you?

      I don't know anything to say. Why don't lie?

      Me: Because I love you! (Yep I'm definitely lying at that point)

      She burst out crying and starts to kiss me

      Gosh That was confusing. lol
    3. Agora in School

      by , 08-14-2011 at 11:09 AM

      Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I remember Raphael with nunchucks.
      In the same part of the city as the other dream.


      My lesson in media studies had finished and me and my friends were walking down the stairs. We walked and sat down on some chairs where another guy was talking about the riots and said the police told him to "Do something with the girls or go home".

      After that I saw my friend walking with a water bottle. I think I squeezed it and it went into his face. He did it to me after and then I got him with a cheap shot with the bottle. I then ran away really fast up all the stairs with him in chase and then down all 3 flights of stairs and back to the agora.
    4. Agora in School

      by , 08-14-2011 at 11:09 AM

      Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I remember Raphael with nunchucks.
      In the same part of the city as the other dream.


      My lesson in media studies had finished and me and my friends were walking down the stairs. We walked and sat down on some chairs where another guy was talking about the riots and said the police told him to "Do something with the girls or go home".

      After that I saw my friend walking with a water bottle. I think I squeezed it and it went into his face. He did it to me after and then I got him with a cheap shot with the bottle. I then ran away really fast up all the stairs with him in chase and then down all 3 flights of stairs and back to the agora.
    5. Sun Gives Birth to 'Taboo Planet'

      by , 08-14-2011 at 10:51 AM (Dreamography)
      After a period of intense solar activity, a newly formed planet emerges from the sun. Everyone seems happy and excited at this extraordinary event, and I myself am crying tears of joy. Hanging in the night sky, it looks just like the earth, apart from differences in land mass.

      People are somehow able to visit this new planet, which is fully conscious and able to communicate. It does this by manifesting characters from one's own memory and allowing a regular conversation to take place.

      The primary concern of this planet appears to be how we perceive and treat (mistreat) the children of earth, in terms of denying, suppressing and generally failing to honour their sexuality and sexual expression.

      Recalling my own childhood experiences, I completely understand this point, and return to earth with continued excitement and joy. As I access my favourite news forum, however, it's clear that a profound change of mood has taken place. One of the subject headings is simply "Pedo-Planet", and there is now intense hostility toward this new world, which I find hard to fathom.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Fooled by a Dream Guide

      by , 08-14-2011 at 10:08 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)
      [COLOR="red"]Lucid Dream[/COLOR]

      I recently started with the Lucidology 102 program, so my primary goal right now is to get to waking sleep paralysis.
      I Wake Back to Bed 6 hours and I stayed up for 35 minutes not sure of what I was going to spend that time on, but I used it for the Lucidology 101 part 5 Relaxation techniques.
      Then I went back to bed and start doing Stop, Drop and Roll and the Sleep starters that he mentioned in Lucidology 101 part 4.
      I know what misstake I did, but that doesn't mater here. But anyway I did get to partial sleep paralysis, but at that time I thought I had failed for some reason, so I started daydreaming, and blacked out, and started a normal dream immediately.

      I was dreaming that I were on my way home from the gym. I was taking the bike the same way home that I usually take when I get home from the gym, but this time an old creeepy man was following, but there was also a nice looking girl on a bike next to me. The creepy man started to talk to the girl and said "Hey hot stuff! What year were you born?"
      She answered 1992" I thought hmm only one year older than me .. nice. Then the old man dissapeared and the girl stopped and yelled to me "Hey stop you haven't fixed my website yet" but I didn't remember a thing about fixing a website and to a girl this hot, I don't think I would ever forget.
      I realised that this girl was the girl from the Kick-ass movie, then I woke up.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]I woke up and wrote down some keywords from the previous dream, then I fell asleep again.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I am waking inside a store and I don't know exactly how,[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]but I realised that I was dreaming. I were not lucid enough to remember to sabilize the dream correctly, but I screamed "I am dreaming" and while I was screaming I become more and more aware, so aware that I was afraid that I had screamed for real aswell. I met two of my friends and I knew they were DC:s but I still wanted them to be as excited as I was for my lucid dream. So opened a door and imagined a playboy mansion, but when I opened the door I were just out on a street and[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]I lost some of my awareness, but not entirely. I asked a random DC if they knew were I could find my Dream guide. He answeered by pointing to a bunch of people sitting on a bench, so I walked to them and was about to ask, but then one of them screams "NO I DON't KNOW!"
      So I walked to a another bench and asked "Hey are you dream guides?" "Yes we are" they said. Then I followed one of them which looked like my old school mate Kenny. We went to a dark forrest path and then he started running around and then he just stopped and started dancing silly and laughed out "Haha I have no idea what a stupid dream guide is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="silver"]And I woke up pretty disappointed...[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-15-2011 at 01:40 PM by 49122

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ..a trip to the music store...-lyndsy-fonseca.jpg  
    7. 8/14/11 Destruction and Salvation

      by , 08-14-2011 at 09:20 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) Sports game. 3 scats in a row. Cookies/chips. Big pregame show. Lifts, girls.
      Audience included. I had a tin in the middle of group. I shouldn’t
      2) Mansion. Friend was poker consultant for high roller. Paid full time job. Mansion. Destroyed it to try to kill him. LUCID? He parkoured up and I tried to stop him. Projectiles that ricocheted at deadly force, ducked and covered.
      3) LUCID. Civilizations. Persian empire. Cause meteor in horizon. Wave of destruction (not mine), ripping apart world. I teleported new civilization. Orc. Arabic spires.
      4) Personal dream...
      5) Store. Rip apart flying skeleton. Tosh.O. Security pass. Candidate? Let people through shortcut.
      6) Restaurant?
      7) LUCID? Megaman controls. Deleting schemas to make it move like real life. Consoles. Change room to bed room. Blackout for a second. Stage hands in black outfits were running around changing to the new scene. Hotel esque room.

      Updated 08-28-2011 at 09:31 AM by 29474

      Tags: controller
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. No Cheating (not even in a dream)

      by , 08-14-2011 at 07:29 AM
      I begin by visiting a friend that I am not extremely close to in my waking life, but in the dream it feels as if she is my closest companion. The feelings aren't sexually attractive though, she has more of a sister-figure feeling. I enter and we begin watching TV together, she has just moved in to her new apartment, so there is no furniture yet, just a TV sitting on the carpet, so as we lean against the wall, I extend my arm so that she can be more comfortable.

      She plays sports often, so when her legs begin to ache, I pushed down on her knees to help her stretch them out as I do have some knowledge of sports related injuries, I plan to be a doctor one day. Again, all of this up to this point feels sincerely friendly but nothing more on my side. She then does something peculiar, at first I almost think it's an accident but I soon realize she is purposefully pulling up her shirt. I reach and pull it back down, preventing her from exposing herself with a feeling of uneasiness and guilt as I feel I have led her on.

      She begins to almost cry saying that she knew she wasn't pretty enough, but I quickly stop her and tell her that that is a lie. I tell her that she is indeed very beautiful, and that it is not her lack of anything that is preventing me from wanting her. I inform her that I am very happy in my relationship with my girlfriend (waking life girlfriend), that we have been together for almost 4 years and are practically engaged at this point.

      In the dream I thought this would bring her some relief, that it wasn't that I found her repulsive but that I was just not available to any female because of my outstanding long-term relationship. Instead, she began to bawl and weep uncontrollably. This pained my heart, seeing a girl cry like that was killing me. I repeatedly asked her what was the matter, and why my use of the word engaged made her become so upset. She got up and ran out of the house and I chased her, begging to know what was making her so sad. When I went outside to try and find her, she was gone, and I woke up.
    9. The search for the artifact + the gay marriage debate

      by , 08-14-2011 at 06:32 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      #1: So I was in this large old medieval castle. We were walking around with the tour leader, apparently I was in some sort of tourist group (again, lol). The layout of the old castle was the same as the internals of the house, now that I think about it after waking up. Everything was just a bit bigger. So at one point, the tourist guide was telling us about how there was this old magical artifact from the 1582 that belonged to some dude that had the power to control a lot of things. She said that multiple tries to find the artifact from the castle had failed. It has been lost. I didn't think it had been, and I went off. I arrived at what is actually the main store-room of my house, and looked a round. I knew, KNEW, the thing was here. So I looked around, not finding anything since the room was filled with stuff. I saw the bigger picture howerver, and knew that I had to summon it, so I went into this meditation like state, and hummed until it appeared to me. It was a ring with two stones attached to it. I put it in my hand and I heard hissing. Then I heard the wind, and saw how the ghost of the dude the tourist guide told me about flew threw me with an angry face. I laughed like an insane man and ran outside. I messed around with the ring but I do not remember how, since my recall ends here.

      #2: I was at my old elementary school yeeeaaars back and there was this lesson about what homosexuality is. After the class, both the teacher and one of the students started arguing about if gay marriage should be allowed. I listen to their debate outside the door for a while and decide that they're both complete idiots that dont' know how to argue, and I tell them that. They get mad but tell me to make better arguments than the ones they have made, and I spend an hour in the library on a computer typing up this argument. I come back with a 17 page thing and I hand it out to them. They are "mmmmkay" and I leave. Later when I come back, there is this group effort to build a mosaic on the unused floor space of one of the hallways. I participate. One of the people who made most of the effort realized she did it wrong and had to start again after disassembling what she had made.
    10. 8/13/11 Karate and Magic

      by , 08-14-2011 at 03:14 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) Camp ground. Blasting energy at people and buildings.
      2) Mystic / Fantasy setting. Coworker killed me, made me forget. I came back, classroom setting, same coworker in the desk next to me. He threw a punch and I tossed him over my shoulder.

      Updated 08-28-2011 at 09:31 AM by 29474

      Tags: camp, karate, magic
    11. Lockjaw

      by , 08-14-2011 at 03:09 AM (Spatial Destiny)
      I don't recall much of the dream.

      I was with friends/family, at various different places. The only scene I can recall distinctly is being at my old college apartment.

      At random times, my jaw would try to force it's jaw shut. The pain of my mouth being forced shut, beyond by teeth, caused me to try to force my mouth open (which hurt even more.)

      I wasn't lucid, but I was able to will the jaw-shutting force to stop.
    12. Drunken Dreams

      by , 08-14-2011 at 01:27 AM
      Crazy dreams last night. I'm surprised I even remembered them, they were surprisingly vivid for me being incredibly drunk. I can't remember the order of events really, and I do believe it was all the same dream. I'm just going to log them how I think it might have went.

      I remember being at a pool with my son, an indoor pool. Then I was at this house with my sister and she had some friends over. I was standing in a long hallway and her friends were behind me. I thought they were acting kind of stupid, loud and obnoxious. I had walked past them and made a comment about dumb bitches. They started teasing me. I sort of ranted at them for a minute before I realized they were making gestures with their hands on their stomachs. I got the idea that they were saying I was a dumb bitch for like.. having a kid or something. I got pretty pissed off when I thought they were talking about my son. I went up to them, my sister watching with surprise, and I sort of shoved them. "You think I'm a bitch for being a mother?" I said. We started fighting, but for some reason they're movement was slow and predictable. They would swing at me and I just grabbed their hand and misdirected it. Then I took a few swings. Since there were two of them, I got caught up slapping this bitch around that the other one decided to throw a punch. I remember being surprised by it and barely grabbed her hand before it hit my face.

      After this, I'm back at the pool, but I had left my son at home for some reason. I was checking the place out before I went back to get him and I see this girl that used to work with me and she had two kids with her. She said something about sitting around the house got boring. There were a bunch of computers set up, like library computers, next to the pool. Everyone was playing the sims, like it was some kind of lan party. Tommy Chong was there and some other old hippie lady that I recognized IN the dream, but have no idea who she was now. There was some conspiracy about the sims and they were getting riled up about it, like someone had been messing them up. I had sat down at one of the computers at one time and was playing the sims, but I had to log on. I had asked someone next to me how we save the game and they raised their eyebrows. Then they asked me if I had an EA account. I said yea, and typed it in. I get up to go outside and I realize I'm on the college campus. I started to walk home and after about a block I turned right and there was an empty parking lot and across from it was a tall fence that had a bunch of houses behind it. A car comes from around the corner of the fence. It's these guys that look like they're all in their 30's. They were like, small-time business types. All wearing polos. The driver was yelling at me and they were all laughing making fun of me. They wouldn't leave me and they were moving along slowly beside me and kept yelling things. Finally I decided to pick up a few rocks and throw it at their car. The car was shiny silver, sort of looked like a bmw, Idk. I threw the rocks one at a time and they hit, but not very hard. The driver finally speeded up.

      Don't remember much else, at the moment. Except I think I went back to the pool and those guys in the car had apparently been harrassing people around these parts. Strange crazy dreams. I also seemed to have a false awakening. I had gotten out of bed and went and got a glass of water with a LOT of ice and could've swore I had a conversation with my fiance about the details from last night's drunkeness. I woke up with deja vu and went and got a glass of water and talked to my fiance. lol Crazy night.
    13. 17th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 08-14-2011 at 12:01 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      August 13, 2011

      (Regular Dream, Fragment. Major blind spell last night.) | Fell asleep by 5:40AM, woke up at ~8AM, back to sleep until 1:44PM.
      -An unknown male dream character being in my bedroom. I think we've kissed. I check his homework packets and discover he is doing a lower math level than I am. I find out he is only 15! Eeek.

      (Regular Dream, Fragmented)
      -I'm inside of an unfamiliar school building. I'm doing my homework. I'm suppose to be leaving, I don't remember why. I recall coming back to the school later and seeing how beautiful the scene is when approaching the school. When driving down a street, you wouldn't notice it down that rural-like road. When driving through, there are big green trees with large mango-looking fruits.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 17th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dream

      by , 08-13-2011 at 10:08 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dream

      Dream fragment - I was looking at a young girl of about 9. She had dark skin, and seemed hispanic. I remember her eyebrows were thick and her eyes dark.
      She was wearing red crocheted headcovering that was like a veil, it did not cover her face. I had one in my hand that was white that I was supposed to put on, but I couldn't figure out how the little girl had put hers on and I was trying to find the way to adjust it so it didn't cover my face.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Dream Shards (Night -002)

      by , 08-13-2011 at 09:39 PM (∞ The Rabbit Hole)
      "Just as an aside I'd like to mention as per the title suggests tonight's dreams are especially fragmented. I'm still not sure if this is due to the fact that my dream recall could still use improvement or that it's part of the way my mind works. Something I'll be trying to figure out in later dream journal entries."

      The Bureau
      I have the ability to make things with my mind, given I have the right materials. However I can't necessarily create whatever I want. It was almost as if I could only create a limited variety of things. Like I could only build things that had already been built or that where already conceived of irregardless of the time they were from. For instance I could build a combat droid from the future but I couldn't create my own. This didn't mean that I could just build something ridiculous from the future though, it was as if when I had certain materials I knew what could be built from them and chose the best option for the given circumstance. In any case, it was a strange set of abilities to say the least. So because of the abilities some organization had found me and were tracking me down. I would run from them and create machines to combat them but every encounter would reveal that the organization was more omnipotent than I had thought before. In fact the dream would fade, my attention would shift, and I'd soon be in a completely different dream without recollection of the last. Then I would feel something was off (and instead of realizing it was a dream) I would find the bureau watching me. They were following me from dream to dream. In every dream I would snap out of whatever I was doing and realize who they were and the chase would continue. It went on like this through at least five or six dream fragments with no real resolution at the end.

      [+] I was in some sort of game or contest/tournament. DkF was there and we had to fight. We fought with various martial arts and I managed to wound his arm quite badly. A girl burst forth from the crowd and clung onto him trying to help stop the bleeding it was clear that she liked him. I felt angry that I had injured someone who someone loved.

      [+] I was listening to an album my older sister and I had made. It was pretty good and I was surprised because neither of us are particularly talented musically.

      Blue Screen of Invasion?
      My computer had the blue screen of death but with a weird error message. Upon investigating it further I uncovered it had been happening to a lot of computers all over the world but that there had been a long running cover up. Recently though the number of cases had exploded and I went to talk to some sort of cop or investigator who told me that it was part of an attack on civilization from an alien race that was about to attack. They had been slowly implanting viruses into our computers and rigging all of our infrastructures to collapse at the snap of a finger and they were getting ready to pull the trigger.

      [+] I was inside of a new Pokemon game for the gameboy. It was combined with Naruto for some reason and so it was a strange but kind of interesting mix between the two worlds, really brought me back to the pokemon days of my childhood.

      Why I don't go to Mexico
      I 'woke up' partially buried in sand in what must have been somewhere in a desert in Mexico. There were other people still unconscious around me. Some of them were in wrapped in some white material almost like they were a mummy or in a cocoon. I realized there was a group of Mexicans 20 yards away or so. They were distracted/talking and I took the opportunity to try to wake a few people up. I succeeded in waking three people but found that many people had already died from being buried alive. It turned out that these people were cannibal bandits who robbed then ate people unfortunate enough to encounter them. They noticed we were trying to escape and came after us but we were able to reach a nearby rock formation and hide in some of the crevices of the rocks.

      Means to and End
      Some sort of professor doing experimental research. He had been a good guy and started it with pure intentions but his means soon far outweighed the ends. He had started his research in hopes that it would one day help give his vegetated daughter a new body and revive her. But in the end he had lost sight of himself and his values during his years of work and desperation and had slowly slid into experimenting on people. He ended up killing many people in his quest and risked even his daughter's own life.

      [+] Talking to JO who had recently come back from her trip to Turkey

      Sentient cows who were still only aware of the farm life. They believed the slaughter house was the afterlife for them. However some of them had begun to resist that notion and question whether the slaughterhouse really was heaven. So there were discussions among the cows, some who believed that upon entering the slaughter house you'd reach enlightenment and ascend to heaven, and others who thought that upon entering the slaughterhouse they'd be brutally killed. I was surprised at the philosophical implications of what I thought was a bit of a silly dream.

      Please feel free to leave comments in the Comments section below!

      Updated 08-19-2011 at 02:47 AM by 49084

      non-lucid , dream fragment