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    1. Dresses/30 Rock/Banquet

      by , 09-11-2011 at 04:35 PM (Curiouser and Curiouser)
      So my MILD was slightly more successful this time, in the sense that I actually woke up after one of my dream cycles. Last time I just slept through the night. So I feel like by practicing ADA, frequent RCs, and trying to MILD through mantras before I go to sleep, I am (slowly but surely) getting closer to a LD. Haha wow, I don't think I've ever used that many acronyms in one sentence before.

      I'm going to be trying to write my dream journal in present tense from now on, as I've heard it is better for recall.


      In my first dream I am hanging out with the two girls who I have probably spent more time thinking about than any other girls in the world, S and C. (If only N was there as well, it would have completed the triforce of bitterness and pent up whatever). All three of us are trying on identical purple lacy dresses. The dresses are very strange.

      In my second dream I am watching 30 Rock with M and Zach Galifianakis. I feel a little weird because Zach's wife is on the show, and I think it must be awkward for him to be watching her on TV since they got divorced. (I don't think he's even married in real life) Zach Galifianakis turns into MC (me and M's friend), and he shoves wooden stirring spoon heads covered in cous cous into M's mouth. I wake up and write down the notes from my dream. I try and fall back to sleep visualizing myself becoming lucid, but it doesn't work.

      In my third dream I'm at a sort of banquet put on by my two guy friends G and A. A lot of our other friends are there, along with Emma Watson. Throughout the dream I switch back and forth between being myself, and being Emma. At one point I am going to use the restroom, and all the toilets are really weird boxes on the walls.

      That's all I remember. Maybe tonight will be the night for a lucid. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Hahaha
    2. Poor Recall Again :(

      by , 09-10-2011 at 03:04 PM (Curiouser and Curiouser)
      I tried to attempt a MILD, but I think by the time I went to bed I was too tired to do it properly. I fell asleep pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow. I have a vague memory of waking up once during the night and trying to convince myself to write down a dream, but that might have been a dream itself.

      Calcifer was in my dream!!

      (A strong and powerful fire demon! )

      He had fallen apart somehow, and I was searching through a gravel path finding the pure white stones, because those were the stones that were a part of Calcifer. I put them together, and Calcifer formed back into himself! I was holding him in my hand.

      I remember at one point me and M were driving back and forth different places because we kept forgetting these, and he was getting really frustrated. We drove back to his house because he forgot his belt, but I somehow felt like it was my fault.

      I was at a store (it was sort of Target-like, but all the shelves were really tall) looking for black tights. I had a pair, but they were way too big for me, and when I looked at the size they were an XL. The only tights I could find in a S were sparkly ones, or leggings that only went halfway down your leg. Me and M were going to a dance, and I was going to wear this short halter top black dress I have, but I needed black tights to wear with it. While shopping I suddenly realized I had no clue how formal the dance was or anything, and I got stressed out about it. I decided to just use the tights that were too big for me, and we left.

      On the way to the car I was with my family instead of M, and I was going to the event with my little brother (but it wasn't weird at all, just like a fun family thing. I'm not even sure if it was a dance anymore.) He showed me the bow tie he had bought and in the dream I thought it was the COOLEST THING. It was all frilly and it had a taxidermy alligator head (like the type I bought M in San Francisco) attached to it. Then, in the car, I was actually going with my little sister, and she was telling me something about her jacket and how she had decided she wanted to go with me.

      I have a vague memory of a train as well.
    3. Wow, I have weird dreams.

      by , 09-08-2011 at 08:51 PM (Curiouser and Curiouser)
      I was really hoping for a lucid dream last night, but no such luck. Really weird dreams too.

      There were a bunch of super tall girls competing (much taller than me - which is saying something as I clock in at a healthy 5'9"). I really strongly disliked one of them, some blonde girl. I don't remember why. We were taken to a hotel (me and my group) by the guy in charge, and at first we were upset because we had the building furthest from the center/main event (I don't remember) but then we realized it was by the water, so we were happy.

      I went to some sort of party , I wrote down that S was there but I think it was actually R and I just got them mixed up. M was there and I remember getting upset because he was talking and laughing with R the whole time, even when she was being snarky. It wasn't a big deal though, and I left with Mo and Ra. They had a fridge in their car, which was really funny since it kind of makes sense since they always have the munchies.

      I remembered something else later, and I think it was part of a different dream but it might have been from the same one.

      I was moving into my suite (pretty obvious why I dreamed about that), but the suites in my dream were totally different than in real life, and I only had one roommate. It was just one really small room with two beds and a giant tv on the wall. My dad was helping my move in and my roommate had already brought all her stuff in.

      In another part I was just watching a story about a little boy that captured a pony (it looked very my little pony-esque, not realistic at all), and was doing experiments on it. He was taking blood and collecting urine samples, and then he was making it drink a mixture of the two. That did not feel as weird and gross in the dream as it does now that I'm awake, but I remember hoping that when the two mixed it would just look like strawberry lemonade so it wouldn't seem so gross - but it didn't, it was just a dark orange-y yellow. Ew.

      I'm working on being more constantly aware. I hope this pays off sometime soon!
    4. Semi-Nightmares

      by , 09-07-2011 at 05:17 PM (Curiouser and Curiouser)
      I stayed awake for a while trying the free-fall WILD technique with no success, although it was very relaxing.

      When I did fall asleep my first dream turned into a nightmare.
      I was in somewhere that felt sort of like a mall, and I helped some guy find my old drama teacher, Mr. H (God only knows why he was in my dream, haven't seen him in years). Mr. H said he hadn't really wanted to see the guy. I watched a clip of a movie that reminded me of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, except the two main characters were running through some sort of cornfield and getting caught. Mr. H told me it was a really dark movie. Then I was sort of living it out.

      I was with M and three other people (one of whom was a pig? I don't even know) and we were in a cornfield, but it was inside a big room with high glass ceilings (it was night time). The pig guy chewed our address into the corn, and left behind things that could give us away. One thing was a mug. As we're leaving the lights start going out so we run and make it out just in time. The other three leave, but me and M realize that we could get in huge trouble if they find out we were there, so we try and get back in but a tech guy stops us and says we're not allowed inside. We pretend we won't go in and he leaves and we sneak in.

      A ninja comes and attacks M and sort of sexually assaults me. Then we're running and Mr. H is back except now he owns the cornfield and is the bad guy. I remember how the movie ended, and this is the part where we get caught, so instead I lead M to the back yard and we are climbing over a tree to leave through a hole in the fence (The backyard is my backyard from my dad's old house). Then I wake up.

      My second dream is mostly about the cast of Friends, and I don't even remember myself being in the dream, I was kind of just observing. Something bad happened to Rachel. Joey was worried about his kid or something, and some sort of official went to his house but Joey's baby ape was there, and the official thought it was his human child. The ape showed the official how far he had completed in his workbook and the official was impressed. Joey had a small white dog entered in a dog show, but he knew his dog wouldn't win if they followed the rules, so instead when it was his dog's turn he wrapped him in fabric and dressed him up like a piece of sushi. Everybody cheered.

      That's all I remember. What WEIRD dreams. Oh well, at least my recall is getting pretty good, haha.
    5. Twincest and Religious Molestation 8-26-2011

      by , 08-28-2011 at 04:21 AM
      Not sure if these were separate dreams or all one...

      I remember sharing a dorm room with Nick, a friend of mine. We each had a pair of bunk beds in a room much like the dorm room I was in this last summer. At one point I was alone in the room, and decided to crawl up on Nick's bed to watch TV easier. Somebody asked me why I was on his bed instead of mine... Time lapsed, then friends came knocking on my door looking for me. They told me to stop being lazy and come hang out with them, so I did. I think it was Sean and Frankie...

      Time lapse

      Next thing I know I'm dating my twin sister Frankie and my old friend Marty at the same time. Everybody acted like it was perfectly normal relationship, including myself. I hated being in a relationship with Marty because he was very boring and not good-looking at all. But Frankie and I were madly in-love, although at the same time I kept thinking "What the Fudge-monkeyzz?!!?". I don't know whether I was a guy or a girl still or what. It was messed up. At the same time, though, i didn't think it was odd. I just kept asking myself "Why in the world am I dating Marty?" I remember complaining to some friends about it later on, telling them how much I dread being around Marty (we have a very complicated friendship in real life...). I don't remember who these friends were that I was venting to, but I know I didn't recognize their auras from real life. (I honestly don't have any friends that I vent to like that in real life).

      Time Lapse

      Mom came to me and started telling me she wanted to go to the State Fair, that we she go to church right now and then go to the State Fair right afterwards. I hesitated for a moment, thinking that this was a very spontaneous thing for Mom to suggest and that if we went to the State Fair right away I would probably forget to bring something very important, but I agreed anyway. So Frankie, Mom and I headed to church (Frankie and I were just sisters again, thank the dear lord...).
      The church turned out to be on top of a very large building - not tall, but very long and wide - at a place I don't recognize. Giant digital screens were hoisted up on the sides of neighboring buildings, on which the sermon would be broadcasted on. I didn't recognize any of the people there, either. Anyway, Frankie and I were anxious to get the sermon over with so we could leave, so we knelt down (there were no chairs) very close to the screen hanging closest to us, thinking that would give us the best view, while Mom socialized with other people from the church. Two men approached Frankie and I and greeted us, both younger men, probably in their late-twenties. One of them, however, knelt down behind me and gave me a tight hug from behind, nestling his chin into my neck much the way Sean does in Real Life. It felt very comfortable, especially since I loved the way Sean did it, but the fact that it was the youth pastor that did this to me made me very uncomfortable. It was wrong.
      "Hello (Lionlite), we missed you," he told me very sweetly, right in my ear. I hated the tone in his voice, but I tried to smile and play along. He continued talking about how they've noticed I haven't been in church much lately and how I really need to make God the centerfold of my life and that I should come to some sort of events they had planned for the month. i felt very uncomfortable because he was still hugging me, and I tried to give him vague answers. Frankie was the only one who noticed my discomfort, and gave me an empathetic look.
      The youth pastor finally let me go and we both stood up. He casually asked me about my trip to Japan, and then finally walked off to talk to other people, thank the dear lord again.
      At that point Mom suddenly changed her mind about going to the State Fair, so she came up and told us we weren't going because going today would be too early. I agreed, although I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't go. "Maybe we could go next Saturday," I suggested, which was a week from the date in the dream, but technically tomorrow. Either way, it was the day i was supposed to leave for Japan. We all agreed that would be the best time to go.

      Why do I keep having dreams in which my gender is so questionable? This entire dream just made me feel sick to my stomach when I woke up...
    6. Japanese Military Ghost 8-25-2011

      by , 08-27-2011 at 12:38 AM
      Almost caught up to my present dreams.

      I know I had many dreams this night, but I could hardly remember any of them, and I woke up feeling rather unsettled after each one.
      Here is the only part of a dream which I can recall.

      I was crouched down in a bright room, on top of some bunk bed similar to that which I had in my previous dorm room. Then it turns out I was in some museum, and the bunk bed was now a hard, white ledge. Suddenly a ghost fazed up through the ledge with a moan, and I was so startled that I kicked out at it (my feet went right through it) and screamed, but the only way to get away from it was to go through it. I didn't though; we just stared at each other. I could only see its torso, but it was the bloodied ghost of a Japanese man in a military suit. He had no eyes, but his eye sockets were larger than normal, and black, empty space. It seemed he stared at me for a long time with his eyeless gaze, and I got the feeling he simply wanted me to know his anger and his pain, his torture.

      Some time later I was with my twin sister Frankie and Sean; Sean was sort of off to the side, not really listening while I told Frankie about what I had seen.
      "You kicked it good, straight in the eyeballs!" she said, so loud and clear that I nearly woke up. "Yeah, that one has a pathetic moan," she said as if she had worked in that place for a long time and knew of all the ghosts there. I think she felt sorry for this particular one.
    7. Always Running from Something... 8-24-2011

      by , 08-26-2011 at 11:48 PM
      Sean and I were walking up the main road of the trailer court, dressed in some sort of light armor and carrying small weapons. We were levels 6 and 7, but I don't remember who was which level (I have the feeling he was higher than I, as he is in most games we play together...). We were wandering around, nonchalantly searching for something to do, a new quest or something. We passed by two other people at the front of the trailer court who were also dressed in armor.
      "Hey, more newbies! Maybe we could travel together!" one of them said. I think they were levels 3 or 4.
      "No, Sean said quickly, and kept walking. We already had other high-level characters on other accounts, like in WOW, so we knew what we were doing and didn't want to be held back by new people... I think we were also enjoying our time being alone together, even though all we were doing was wandering around...
      The other two decided to follow us anyway, so Sean and I started sprinting down the street, trying to get away from them . We turned onto the bike path and slowed down a bit, thinking we lost them. Somehow Sean was suddenly on a bike, riding slowly while I walked beside him. We were just casually talking again, but when we looked back we saw the other two had also turned onto the bike path to follow us, both on their bikes. We picked up our pace a little bit, but I could only go so fast in armor.
      "We could go faster if I could get on your bike with you," I told Sean. He was stubborn though, and kept swerving his bike so I couldn't climb on. I don't think he really cared whether the other two caught up or not. "Come on, please?" I begged. "They're going to catch up to us!" He still wouldn't let me on. He pedaled yet faster so I had to jog to keep up. I started to sweat. I looked back, and the other two were still really far behind us. I kept bugging
      Sean to let me on his bike, so finally he did. He had a basket somehow on the back of his bike, really low to the ground, into which I put the backpack I suddenly had; then I stood on the basket and held onto his shoulders as he pedaled. He continued riding very slowly, though.
      "Why are you riding so slowly?" I asked him annoyedly.
      "Because there's too much weigh ton the bike," he replied matter-of-factly. I frowned at the back of his head, huffed, and got off.

      A little while later, the two behind us had disappeared, and then I had a bike of my own. Sean and I were slowly passing by a large blacked house that was hidden behind tall weeds and trees to our left. We could see through the foliage that there was a semi trailer parked next to the house, its open back facing us. There were a lot of men buzzing around te house and the trailer, many carrying heavy crates and boxes into the trailer and going back into the house, only to come back out with more heavy loads. There may have been people inside the crates... Sean and I wondered whether our missing friend was in one of those crates.
      We decided this was our next quest, to scope this house out and rescue anybody inside the crates. Sean jumped off his bike and let it slide into the weeds, then helped me hide my bike in the weeds nearer to the house. Then we snuck through the weeds and down the hill to get closer to the house. We were noticed by a few of the men almost immediately, and they began their pursuit of us. Instead of running away we ran closer to the house and to the right, away from the semi trailer. We tried to find an unlocked door, but the only ones that were unlocked were too dark to see inside. We chose to run into a dark room anyway; it was pitch black inside, and I almost immediately slammed into a tower of crates and boxes... I believe I was beginning to wake up at this point... the dream rewound a bit because I knew that crashing into the boxes would hurt too much, and I would not escape the men chasing us. So it rewound until we were back at the door and I was running in again - the light flashed on and suddenly it was bright as day in there. I avoided the crates and ran to the back wall where there was another closed door, with shovels and rakes propped up against the wall next to it. We ran back to try the door, but it was locked, so I grabbed the first weapon I could - a snow pusher...Sean and I had our backs to the wall as the men ran in after us. There were three of them - The skinny, young-looking Asian man in a grey hat ran towards me, in which case I shoved the snow pusher square at his chest. However, it was too soft, and I wasn't strong enough to do anything but pause his advance for a moment. He grabbed it by the handle, shoved it down, and lunged at me again. This time I kicked out at him, toe up, heel out, using the wall behind me to support myself and power my foot forward. That only sent him back a step, so I punched him in the face. Then I kicked again, and punched again, and kicked again... he tried to hit me once, put I slapped his arm away and punched again. Punch, kick, punch, kick... Everything was in slow motion. The man was a terrible fighter, I noticed. He hardly even tried. Next to me, Sean was halfway-wrestling a long-haired man who reminded me of Liam Nieson, and I couldn't see the third man but I heard him laugh. He sounded like my friend Cody.
      I was still stuck up against the wall, with the Asian man continuing his attempt to grab me while I punched and kicked him. We were at a standstill. I began to realize how odd this was, that these men were so slow. All I had to do was keep this up and he would not be able to get me, but I would not be able to get away either. I had to break the cycle and find a way out... I kicked my leg out again
      - and woke up with a start as my leg made contact with the mattress and caused my bed to shake. I was face-down in my pillow...

      I thought maybe if I don't move anymore and kept trying to imagine the dream scene again, the Asian man in front of me, his nifty hat, the long-haired man next to him... maybe I could fall back to sleep, maybe even have a lucid dream... But I could hardly picture the dream anymore. I knew it was already late morning and I was too awake from the jolt to fall back to sleep for a while. So I got up.

      I realize that I'm beginning to question the oddities in my dreams more often, but I have yet to have another lucid dream after the first accidental one.

      Updated 08-26-2011 at 11:50 PM by 49444

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. The Luggage Furnace 8-23-2011

      by , 08-26-2011 at 09:04 PM
      Sean and I were all packed for something and were travelling somewhere (probably a mixture of me helping Sean pack for college, and packing myself for Japan in RL). We each had two large suitcases (which I really do have for Japan...) and we were heading into this really rickety old train station/tunnel. The train was already waiting for us, and it turned out to be only a little rollercoaster-like car on an open track. The seats of each sections were wide enough to fit about three people, so Sean and I squeezed in the middle and put one suitcase each next to us, and one suitcase each under the seat in front of us. A girl with long blonde hair in a ponytail sat there. She greeted us, but I don't think she said much else. Somehow we found out (maybe the girl told us) that this train was headed for a furnace at the end of the line. People supposedly put their luggage and garbage on this train, some to be incinerated and some to be magically transported to wherever it needed to go. However, Sean and I didn't know how the magical process worked and we didn't want our stuff incinerated...The train began to move slowly, and I could see that it looped back and into a furnace not too far away... One seat moved into the incinerator at a time, and the train stopped each time. However, Sean and I couldn't get off the train yet, even though it would have been very easy to hop off at any moment as it was moving slow enough and there wasn't anything but dirt below; but we were waiting for something...
      Finally, the ride we were apparently waiting for showed up, in the form of the mother of one of Sean's wrestling buddies. We saw her drive her blueish SUV up right outside the tunnel and park, waiting for us. The blonde girl had disappeared by now as we sprang into action. Sean had to hop off and run outside to make sure it was okay with this lady that we put all of our stuff in her car, but by the time he got back there was a small baby-gate blocking the entrance to the train tunnel. He could have jumped over it easily, but it would have severely slowed our progress. Instead, I agreed to grab our luggage and toss it to him over the gate, where he would put it in the SUV. Our car was already nearing the furnace and I started to panic. I quickly grabbed a suitcase, ran over to the gate, and tossed it to Sean, but when I returned to our car the luggage had multiplied. I didn't take time to question it, I just knew I had to save it, so I grabbed as many random things from our car as I could and brought it to Sean. I kept going back and forth, and each time I returned there was more and more stuff on the seats, now mostly toys and junk from when i was a kid... it seemed to be taking forever for me to grab this all by myself, and I was becoming frustrated. Finally, as the furnace was getting very close and I could feel the heat now, i was nearing the end of our stash. The seat two ahead of us jerked into the furnace as I scrambled to grab the last large suitcase we had. I ran it to Sean, feeling relieved that I had gotten everything, but as I glanced back I noticed still one last suitcase, still under the seat in front of ours. I raced to grab it - it was heavy and nearly to big to fit under there - but I yanked it out just before that seat moved into the furnace... I dragged this last suitcase over to the gate, my arm hairs singed; On the other side of the gate Sean was in much less of a rush than I had been, so there were still suitcases piled on the ground on his side. I hopped over the gate and proceeded to help him pick it up. This is where Mom woke me up.
    9. Conflict and the Sacred Dice 8-15-2011

      by , 08-25-2011 at 04:07 PM
      So much happened!

      I remember waking up in bed with Sean, except he didn't look like Sean. He was still black, but he was tall and very muscular, with a large muscular chest, and I don't think he was completely human. He kept bothering me to get up because he had company coming. So we both got up and he started putting on some awesome clothes, some sort of weird armor that was a mixture of spartan and space elements, medallions, and other things I don't remember. He was some sort of military commander.

      The next thing I knew he was gone and there were two other women standing off in the corner of the room; I was in a drab shirt/gown, picking up handfuls and handfuls of tiny dice from a table behind me and pouring them onto what was once the bed but was something else now. The two women kept nagging each other. One kept complaining about "Why can't I have this?" or "Why can't I be that?" while the other answered annoyedly "Because you don't have enough this" or "You haven't had training for that." Their auras were similar to that of two guys I know, Tyler and Scott, respectively.

      I think that's when Sean came back. "We're moving the men out," he proclaimed. "Your men and your men," he pointed to 'Tyler' and 'Scott,' "will be headed for (some place I don't remember), and I'll send my men to (some other place I don't remember... I'm horrible at these kind of details...)." He was referring to little lego men on a game board, I reflected in my mind's eye.
      "What about my little guy? He teamed up with you guys yesterday," I told Sean meekly. 'Scott' answered instead.
      "He can't go with because he never fully declared his alliance with us by moving his residence to our base," he said. I knew this base was a place where my little guy would have had to risk his life and relationships to get to, and the both of us had been naive enough to think that he could be a part of this group without actually risking his life. This was no regular army, but a group of rogue soldiers who were fighting against the government.

      I gave Sean a pleading look. Why hadn't he told me this?

      "He's right," Sean said, "You should have known this." He turned to leave, and waved for Scott and Tyler to follow him. Sean was always the unbiased man, I reflected half-proud of him but still disappointed.

      The next thing I remember is watching my Mom play a video game where her character (which looked similar to Sock Boy) was flying through the air in a Jungle area; she soon maneuvered him so that he landed on his belly on a vine-slide and slid down it for a long time as it twisted and weaved in various directions. Suddenly it wasn't a game anymore. My consciousness was following him to this hidden wooden structure that was half-built into a cave, where we could hear this monstrous noise from inside, growling and snarling and destroying things. I knew this was the place where all the sacred dice were kept. I waited silently outside until the monster emerged. He was big and ugly, and giant brownish mass of teeth, thick limbs, and ooze, looking around with only one eye. He sensed my presence (even though I had no body at this point), and charged in my direction, so I turned and ran. I needed to tell someone.

      The next thing I remember is my consciousness following a gorgeous black woman as she soared through the sky. She reminded me of Storm from the X-Men, except she had really long, dark-brown hair. And she looked angry. She landed on a ledge on top of a very tall building on which one of the women from earlier stood waiting for her. This second women no longer held the aura of Scott or Tyler... I didn't recognize her at all. My focus was on the black woman, her thick, sexy lips; her white lipstick; round, piercing eyes; thin, strong arms; a long, slender, sexy neck; and the tints of grey weaved in with the few braids in her hair. This woman was in her early forties but still seemed very strong. She approached the other woman - who was not fully human - and got right in her face. She began blaming the other woman for the monster in the dice keep, demanding to know who had leaked its location and why. The other woman became furious and tried to defend herself. Finally she got right back into the first woman's face and put her foot down.
      "I CHOSE to work (with whatever organization at some specific time which I don't remember) so I could HELP you protect it, to work WITH you!"
      The black woman took a step back, knowing she was wrong to have blamed the second woman. But she was still angry.
      That's when my mother woke me up.

      Updated 08-25-2011 at 04:24 PM by 49444 (added date)

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Searching for Seashells 8-12-2011

      by , 08-25-2011 at 01:23 AM
      My boyfriend Sean and I were on the shore of some beach, searching for seashells. We had already collected many, but were sent back to look for more because the previous ones were either not enough or not the right ones. My most prominent memory of this dream is a close-up of Sean, bent down serenely on the shore to pick up a shell as the waves lapped onto his legs. He was still wearing his sneakers and his pant-legs weren't even rolled up. But he looked so calm, like an angel, as his dark skin gleamed in the low sunlight. My dream self was somewhere behind him, minding her own business and searching for shells...

      Updated 08-25-2011 at 01:24 AM by 49444 (add date)

      dream fragment
    11. My sub-conscience works too well.

      by , 08-12-2011 at 01:59 AM
      The past few nights, my dreams have involved my ex, telling me that he regrets breaking up with me and loves me still... He told his current girlfriend that he never loved her and always loved me. The dreams took place in a hallway near my locker in school.---The weird things about it was that it was my school---but wasn't... you know what I mean? Like it looked nothing like it and the lockers were red, while they are blue in real-life. I hate how dreams alter the truth and I blame my sub-conscience. I'm jealous of those people who learned to control their dreams, knowing they are dreaming and can accomplish anything in their dream-state. I, myself was only to perform lucid dreaming once and it wasn't even on purpose, but it was a few years back.
    12. Last couple of nights

      by , 08-04-2011 at 02:53 PM
      The night before last I dreamed about auditions for the school production. It was odd because no one dresses up for them usually but in the dream (the play we are going to do this year is greece) two guys from my year group had dyed their hair black and styled it, also they had dressed up.

      Last night I remember something about my street being full of water and swimming in it. I got stung by a jelly fish (I saw a few jelly fish last week on holiday while swimming), and it wrapped itself around my leg. I then got it off and swam to a massive rock while a couple of people came over to help me. I think the dream ended with me realising I didn't need to swim back, but if I got off the rock on the other side I could just walk round the block to get back to my house.
      I had another dream where my boyfriend told me he was going to do work experience where him mum works for the rest of this summer. The work was something to do with engineering which is waht he wants to do. It's odd because his mum is a school trip planner who works from home in r/l! He might have been able to come back at weekends but probably wouldn't. He didn't seem sad abou this but I was really upset. In r/l he's really lovely though .
    13. missing an airplane

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:59 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in an airport with my mom and a man, probably my mom's old boyfriend, JT. The airport was large, with huge, tall corridors, and it seemed pretty empty. We were trying to get my mom to one flight and me to another flight. J and possibly my mom (or I?) were dragging along one of those pull-type suitcases on wheels.

      We went through one corridor with a tall, wide window wall. Off to the left, at the far end of that corridor, was a smaller hallway that was apparently an actual terminal. We then went through another large area that somehow reminded me of a mall, even though I can't remember any stores being there.

      We then got to an area that looked like a back area somehow. It was huge, multi-leveled, with an escalator going down to a lower level, and it had polished, beige, marble walls. I felt like we had to be close to where my mom's flight was taking off. It seemed like a relief to me. I knew that once I had gotten my mom onto her flight, I could get onto mine.

      But now my mom left me and J. She walked to the far end of the area and up to something that looked like a customer service or returns counter in a department store. She told us to wait a second, that she had to take care of something.

      I knew that my mom was going to take forever doing what she was doing. So I just left her and J. I ran away from them, looking over my shoulder and waving as I told them that I wished I could wait for them, but that my flight was leaving.

      I ran through the area with the glass wall and the smaller hallway. I had a feeling my specific gate was far away from here. I wasn't actually quite sure where it was. I looked at the clock on my phone. It gave some time around 4 PM. I thought that was fine. I didn't need to catch my flight until 4:30.

      But then I thought it over. I was really far away from my gate, I didn't know where my gate was, and I was already within half an hour of my departure time. That's when you start getting cut out of your flight! I looked at my watch twice more. First it said 4:08, then it said 4:13. I realized that I was in trouble, even if I found my gate right now.

      I took my phone down from my face. I was now actually running outside. The airport was like a mall, or more like an agglomeration of big-box stores. There were different airlines indicated outside of different buildings. Some airlines had their own buildings.

      I was up on some kind of asphalt slope, looking down to the buildings. I ran around the corner of the airport and then for a certain distance more. I then looked at the building closest to me. It had signs for a number of different airlines. But I was looking for Continental.

      I knew that if I had gotten to this building, I had gone way past the building with Continental in it. I even looked down at a ticket or card I held, which was red and said "Continental Airlines" on it in blue lettering.

      I turned around and began running again. I was pretty sure that there was absolutely no chance that I could catch this flight. But I figured that I might as well keep trying. I looked up at the sky, which was a kind of gentle blue, tinged with a pale, golden yellow. I may have seen a bird or an airplane flying through the sky.
    14. ):

      by , 07-17-2011 at 11:16 AM
      The last dream I had, freaking sucked. It started off with me and my boyfriend and we were arguing. We'd been arguing the night before, so that probably had something to do with it. We were on some sort of ship that had rooms resembling the rooms at my own house. By the end of the argument we had worked things out and all was fine. Shortly after we left to go to the store (the ship was docked). We never went to the store and we were gone for like a week.

      When we got back I found my sister really upset, crying on some stairs near the ship. When I asked her what was wrong she told me my brothers girlfriend had slept with, C.P., a guy she's been talking to for quite a while now. Naturally I was already upset with M.P. (brothers girlfriend) but it got worse. Me and Wes fought again that night. I apparently blew things out of proportion and broke up with him. When I realized that I had made a mistake that night, I went to apologize to him. He was staying in what was my brothers room before he moved out. I walked in and the lights were off. I started to say I was sorry and when I turned on the lights, M.P. was in the bed with him, both of them naked. I was at first hurt. Like my heart had been ripped out and there he was holding it in front of me.

      Then I got extremely pissed. M.P. was sitting there smiling at me. I grabbed her by the hair and beat the crap out of her. W.I. (boyfriend) screaming his apologies the entire time I am. When I had thoroughly beaten her, I turned back to W.I. and smacked him as hard as I could. Hard enough for him to hit the floor. Then I ran off the stupid ship crying. W.I. tried to chase after me but I ended up in some vineyard where Aaron was taking a nap on a in the middle of the field. I tripped over him since my vision was severely blurred due to the tears. He grunted and sat up, staring at me.

      I glanced at him and muttered a sorry but when I tried to run away he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down to the ground beside him. He put his arm around me and let me cry. Much like one of my friends would do. when I was calm enough to talk he reassured me that I didn't deserve to be put through that and that I should move on. That I was better than that, and that I had every right to beat the shit out of M.P. Then he rolled over beside me, and dozed off to sleep. The last thing I remember is laying down beside him to take a nap. I woke up crying my eyes out believing it was real.
    15. More climbing

      by , 03-14-2011 at 05:21 AM
      1. I'm swimming in some stream with my boyfriend. The stream is pretty deep but the current isn't very strong. There are lots of ducks in the stream. I keep laughing at them quacking and swimming about. I tickle one of the ducks' feet under the water, and the duck quacked angrily and flapped away, causing me to laugh hysterically.

      2. I'm packing in a hurry, but I don't know where I'm going. Someone is telling me that people are coming to get us and take us somewhere, but we are going to be unconscious for the trip. Once we finish packing, they tell us to look left, right, up and down. We all pass out and I vaguely feel my wrists being bound together.

      We have woken up in some strange mansion. They dressed us all very fancy. We have dinner in a huge dining room. There is a very elegant dark haired woman sitting at the end of the table. She is very polite but seems very cold. I have a note in my hand that I am supposed to give her. I walk over to her, and for some reason I start speaking in French. I say "J'ai une note pour vous", and she nods as I hand her the note.

      3. I'm climbing up some kind of wooden structure, and I can never seem to get to the top. This reminds me of my dream that I had the other night, and I suddenly realize that I am on the street, feeling the pavement, trying to stay lucid. It must not have worked, because I can't remember what happened after this.

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 07:50 AM by 41911

      lucid , non-lucid
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