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    1. June 26, 2012 - "Capturing and Finishing Test"

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:20 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I am in a school. Back to school. Elementary in Manapla. Mom gave me my allowance. Just a few coins. Small coins. More than enough payment for the tricycle. Something like 2.30 pesos?

      I am in a store filled with books. Seems the enemy wanted us to leave. I told the others to pack up already. They were so slow, almost uninterested. DZMM bought the building?

      Too late. They're at the gate already. Tried going out the back. Wall, like the back of our home and garage. They wanted to try climbing. I kept saying impossible. The only exit is out front.

      The police were there. We were arrested. Walk down the street to what was the gym or plaza area. Downward. Slope. Started down because of the slope. My captor beside me. Convince him not to handcuff us. We won't escape. He goes straight ahead. He tells us to turn to the left, to the police station.

      We are looking at... stuff. Blade ship? Invisible. Yeerks. I am thinking one of them is a controller trying to see if we recognized the shimmering object which is the cloak mode of the blade ship. Pretend I can't see it. Blocks. Building blocks. After the orientation, I go to a lady. She said I should just finish my MIMM??? It's my third and last, but I left home so I didn't finish it. It's some sort of school.

      Car. Taxi? Pasay. Manila. Going around. Countryside?
    2. Don't be crass with the police!

      by , 08-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
      This dream once again occurred this morning, 23 August 2012. It contained some brief moments of lucidity, and was interruped when I woke up around 6 am.

      We begin in a university classroom, which for some reason looks very much like a classroom in a high school or elementary school. I'm sitting in for a social studies class, on the political history of the United States or something, and in contrast to my regular courses I don't find this interesting - I find it VERY interesting. Most of my friends in my program have already left. The teacher continues an explanation. By 11 am (or is it 1 pm?), I'll be beginning my first day in Physics class. My phone rings.

      The person hanging out outside appears to be me, but I can't really identify with this person, so maybe it's my alter-ego. For sanity purposes, I'll refer to this individual in the first person.

      I'm doing an extreme sports stunt on a bike, not a skateboard. The scene shifts toward somewhere else. Suddenly, the police catch us, and we're denied permission to enter my next class.

      I don't want to go with the cops, I think. Yet my phone prompts me to, and I enter the principal's office.

      Somewhere along the line, I'm walking in a hallway on campus in what seems to be a big environment building. I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming, and begin to look around at the walls, the windows, and the students.

      I drift in and out of consciousness, of sleep. The waking-life version of myself seems to be paralyzed, so I drift back into sleep, with much effort. The scene changes.

      I'm in the principal's office, and a thought drifts into my mind. I think of writing these things down, to publish certain things on Twitter when I wake up, with codes B, C, and D. The D code refers to detention, while the B code is something later on in the alphabet. The D code says to the teacher:

      "Am I in detention, or am I free to go?"

      This is something that I picked up from a video showing how to deal with the police. Rule number one is be calm and don't be crass.

      I'm given a list of options, from life in prison to one day free to whatever else. The best option, they say, is Baptism.

      The official looks rather puzzled and pauses for a moment, but after a while says that I'm free to go. I remember the buildings on campus, but I never make it to my physics class.

      At home, it seems that my dad has lesions on his neck, which look like cancerous lips protrouding from the base of the chin. We go to the doctor, and then suddenly I'm in this waiting room.

      I remember a TV commercial about healthcare options. Even though I know trhat I'm lucid, I think it would be wrong to change the scenery while I'm walking through that hallway again. So I walk up to the reporter at the receptionist desk:

      "Hi, I'm looking for healthcare options for my dad".

      The reporter, who seems to be African-Canadian, shakes his head.

      Flashback - in a dark cave dismantling something to the next level.

      The doctor finds that the lesions are cancerous, but traditional chemotherapy would have done more harm than good. A new emerging field in medicine, nutshot oncology, has proven that these lesions are treatable by other methods.

      Have a nice glass of glastnost!

      Jail or Baptism?

      On YouTube, the number of likes are hidden, but it's wavering around 50%. A certain scene is depicted, and the likes rise above the half-point mark when we win, and fall below when we lose. It shifts in a gyroscopic circular manner, like the Moon around the Earth around the Sun, and then the Moon will be flung away, pulling Earth-Moon out of its orbit.

      "But the Moon has been around for four billion years!"

      In high school, I send some people an email with facial icons for each of their respective profiles. For some reason, the guys' images are larger. I tell him not to skip class.

      In social studies class we talk about "nutshot porn". That's gross.

      As I walk outside my residence room in the morning, it's chilly. Yet, for whatever reason, my sweater is wet and damp.

      I wake up early to go swimming.
    3. First LD and first DJ entry :)

      by , 08-04-2012 at 09:12 PM
      So, I have been reading about Lucid Dreaming for a while now, and want to get into the topic, as I find it very interesting.
      Of course the first thing to do is practice dream recall and start a Dream Journal, but I somehow couldn't find the motivation and time until now.
      Nevertheless I can recall at least a dream every night, without practice.

      Today I decided to do my first DJ entry, as I had my first lucid dream, and it motivated me to write it down.
      It was a DILD, and happened about 4 hours into sleep, as I checked the time after i woke up.
      Of course, as it was my first LD, it was very short.

      I was in a "normal" dream first, running away, or rather hiding from police, although I hadn't done any crime. At first I wasn't even sure they were chasing me, but somehow I just assumed it and i tried to lose them in smaller streets and alleys. This was probably one dream sign that made me realize it was a dream and made me lucid - there was no reason why the police would be chasing me.
      I came from a place I knew into a slightly different scenery, that I had no recognition of (probably another dream sign), where I stopped for a second, and thought to myself: "Hey, this is a dream, stop running away from the police and confront them / your fears" At that moment the police were gone, or rather it was me that was gone, as I found myself in a room with computers (not many, just some standing around) and became lucid. I jumped up and started flying (which I heard is not so easy for beginners, as you can't really "think away" the boundaries of physics, as gravity at first, but somehow I managed it on the first try) I was in the air for a moment when I noticed the dream fading away, probably because I was so excited, and maybe because instead of getting to know the surroundings, I started off with flying. Then I remembered that spinning can help maintain the dream. So I tried spinning, which in mid air was weird, but possible, but it didn't help a lot, maybe a little, but the dream still faded and I woke up.

      I took some notes on my phone as not to forget and be able to write it down after I woke up (I went to sleep again, as it was 4 in the morning), but I can recall the dream almost perfectly even without the notes.
      It was a great first experience, and I hope I will have more like this and better experiences in the future!
    4. Messed up Driver's License

      by , 07-06-2012 at 03:03 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      A couple nights ago I dreamed I was going to the doctor. A policeman, maybe a police woman saw my license and saw that it identified me as a "small child."

      The police tore up my license (it was now made of paper). This really messed me up because I was going to go to the doctor right then, but now I couldn't drive. I started crying and said she could have just scratched out where it said "small child" as the rest of the license was valid, and that part hardly mattered.

      I couldn't believe she was such a bitch!
    5. Future Haunted Prison

      by , 06-27-2012 at 08:38 PM
      This is a dream I would pay money to remember in exact detail. It was very vivid, gritty, emotional, and at times completely irrational. Again, I want to blame something for my poor recall. So I mention this is additional support for my theory that: irrational dreams are especially forgettable. At the end of the dream things got super weird and my recall of those events is very spotty.

      A detailed beginning is completely forgotten:

      I was in a very old, run down, poorly light blue, futuristic indoor complex. It was large and imposing but looked darkened and vacant. I was determined to release a group of people from some kind of stasis prison. I seemed to know exactly where to go. I used some kind of stealth device to sneak into a giant room filled with rows of beds with wavy metal gates. I would say at least 60-people in rows stacked to the ceiling were in this large medical-like room.

      In the middle of the room, off to one side against the wall was a brightly (white) illuminated bed. The guard I was sneaking up on was laying on it with a blanket trembling with fear. I was going to knock him out when I noticed he was fixated on a point deeper into the room. When I looked I saw what he saw.. It was a ghost. A cloudy looking young man with an outstretched arm walking towards him in a distressed looking manner. I remember thinking, what are the odds I would come to release these people and a ghost would show up?

      There was a panel on the guards bed with an orange LED on it. I twisted the knob and all the bed grates began to slowly lower at the same time. The guard saw me when my stealth wrinkled. He was so terrified by the apparition he made no attempt to stop me.

      Things go completely hazy at this point...

      Next thing I know I am about to enter a "very" haunted area of the complex. I had a powerful high-tech camera with a large screen that allowed me to see in the dark. It was not the ugly green infrared look, it was a pale blue display and it was strikingly clear. When I looked without the camera, everything was almost pitch black. The hall was at least 20ft wide, went forward about 15ft leading to a small set of two or three stairs to a split-level hall leading to the left. The hall had many doors. I remember heavy dust in the air. Long rips in the carpets and clawed looking walls. It was much, much older and worn down than the rest of the complex.

      No sooner had I taken a few steps down the hall when I saw a flare of light on the camera. Then, a terrible sounding groaning noise started down the hall and two shabby looking ghosts turned the corner heading towards me. I put down the camera and looked. I saw nothing but I could hear the weird, disturbing moaning getting closer.

      This was too much. I hurried out of the hall the way I came. I shut the wooden doors behind me. I could still hear the moaning getting closer. I was standing in a bustling police station. Apparently, the "haunted wing" of the police station had been condemned... I announced, "Two ghosts are following me." Everyone reacted with irritation. I stepped away from the door and turned around. I could see the broken yellow police tape on the door.

      To my shock, the two homeless looking ghosts appeared in front of the door looking at me. I heard men yell with fear in the station. Somebody shot some kind of energy weapon that exploded sparks of light everywhere and one ghost vanished.

      At this point the dream gets very irrational and unstable. There was some weird thing about shooting a boot. A large plastic shotgun. And some huge super cop that could out perform everyone in the station, including me. I'm almost certain he "took out" the first ghost , and, took out the second ghost in a spectacular way which replayed/repeated like a sports highlight. --Then I woke up.

      Note: This dream has many common elements/dream signs: police, prison, desolate future, undead, LCD, and long halls. Even the poorly recalled super cop seemed like a trickster.

      Updated 06-28-2012 at 08:29 AM by 32174 (Clairifications, additional details, and proof reading.)

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    6. Walking and Walking

      by , 06-08-2012 at 08:06 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      July 8 dream.

      I was walking alone the street. Somewhere in Manila. I arrived in a police station. Rested there. A black kid arrived. Threatening? I jumped behind the desk and hid. He took something and ignored everyone, then started to leave. The woman police officer started shooting at him. It's like he didn't feel it. Then he turned around and looked at the shooter. He said something. Not sure if he killed her.

      A lot of people walking. I was meeting people. Some young and some old. I slept in a garage of a friend. The mom appeared, and I said good morning.
      Tags: police
    7. My Father, Taken By Social Services. (Fragment)

      by , 04-18-2012 at 05:58 AM (The Realm of the Child)
      Dream Type: Non-Lucid, Fragment.
      Dream Mood: Confused, Saddened.
      Dream Setting: My Dad's Apartment.
      Dream Characters: My Dad, The Police.

      I have no clue how this dream protruded into what it did, but my dad was talking and rambling about something to me, and for some reason, the police came to the door and began questioning my father about something, though he pushed them off and went back to lecturing me. Soon enough, they were outside with sirens blowing, shouting with the megaphone things like "Come out, now!" and he ignored it, still. Soon enough though, they yelled out "We have social services here! Come out and stand in the orange circle!" and as soon as they said that, his face turned into something that could worry a man almost instantly. He nodded and looked at me and said "Alright, I should be back by the time you get home from school tomorrow... you can walk to school, right?" I nodded "Good... I'll see ya around, alright?" And so he walked out the door and I said "Thank you, dad." before heading out. This is where the dream ended, strangely.
    8. 4/17/12: The bike cop; old software; and fragments

      by , 04-17-2012 at 12:50 PM
      I'm biking around a city with a friend. We're biking through a parking lot for a strip shopping center.

      Now we're on a road, heading towards a huge intersection, going pretty fast. As we get close to it, I glance at the crosswalk indicator - it's just counting down to 0. The moment it hits 0, the light turns yellow. We're close enough that we can't stop - we have to go through. Right after we enter the intersection, the light turns red. I hope no one is around to see us, but I see that there's a police car in the turn lane to our left.

      Now we're on the side of the road, stopped on a little grassy spot. We hear a siren behind us - it's a bike cop coming after us for running a red light. I want to try to explain that I was in the intersection and my friend was past the intersection before the light turned red, but the cop isn't in a good mood, and I want to wait for the right moment. He tells us that we'll need to take a driving course.

      Now we're in a van with the cop - he's driving. He's looking for food that's right for the test. We pull up by a stand by the side of the road that's selling something, but it's not right. Then, someone else in the back of the van offers pizza.


      I'm in a conference room with some people. One of the people is asking for an older version of some Microsoft software. It's freely available, but he can only find the Windows 7 version, not the XP version that he needs. Someone else at the table gets mad at him - they had to go through the trouble of contracting with Microsoft to get the old version, so this guy should have to as well.


      I'm in a house with some people.


      I'm with a small group of people walking into the atrium of a shopping mall - it's a huge space. Displays are set up here and there; we pass near one of them that's for a video game. D tells me I should save up for it and buy it.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 12:55 PM by 28190

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Detective Fragment

      by , 02-16-2012 at 10:07 AM
      This is just a small fragment from the morning. There was a lot more, but I didn’t stay awake for long enough to go trough it and so I’ve forgotten it.

      I’m in a detective story situation, at the end when the detective tells everybody who the murderer was. Most people involved are actors and I’ at a filming set. I’m probably working for the police, but basically I’m just observing. The detective tells us that the murderer is the lead role actor, and he knows this because he saw the actor shoot the victim. In the dream, I’m actually impressed by this.
    10. driving with mitt romney

      by , 02-13-2012 at 01:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in the back seat, passenger side of a car, riding through a town with Mitt Romney. Romney was in the front seat, on the passenger side. I didn't see who the driver was. The day had a strongly yellow light to it. The area we drove through seemed to be a downtown area, with lots of tall buildings.

      Romney and I were talking back and forth. But suddenly I saw something in between the two seats. It was like a little stand-up paper display that are place on tables in restaurants to advertise specials or desserts. This one had three sides. It was colored a dull, brownish copper.

      Instead of advertising food, though, this thing seemed to be a political pamphlet. I couldn't see all the sides. The side near me was trying to convince people to hold back a bill that was going through Congress at the moment.

      The pamphlet argued that the bill would cut much-needed funds out of community budgets. The pamphlet used the figure of $800,000 as an example. It said this cut money could have been used for things like extra members of the police force.

      The pamphlet then tried to argue that the bill was part of a larger conspiracy, and that Romney was a part of this conspiracy.

      The main goal of this bill, the pamphlet said, was to get police off the street. That way, people would act irresponsibly and violently. The government would wait for a crisis, then come in and take even tighter control of everything.

      I didn't believe in the conspiracy theory, but I was affected by the message and tone of the pamphlet. Romney could see this, and for a moment, thinking I had been won away from him by the alarmists, he stopped talking to me.

      But somehow he got started talking again. He was talking about the comedy shows that used him as a subject. There was one show, kind of like Saturday Night Live, that used him as a subject in a lot of their sketches. Romney imitated the actor that imitated Romney, imitating Romney.

      I reflected on what a bad job of imitation the actor really did. But Romney was catching a lot of the actor's mannerisms. I told Romney he imitated the actor better than the actor imitated Romney.

      The car had stopped. We were now walking outside, in a kind of plaza area with a concrete or stone ground and a big, stone fountain in the center. Romney rushed off ahead of me. He had to head to some meeting. I wasn't sure I'd see him again. But I felt like he was no longer suspicious of me and angry at me.

      As I was walking in Romney's direction, a dissheveled-looking guy in old, brown, tattered pants, shirt, and overcoat walked up to me in something of a hurry. He stopped me with the force of his agitation. He began speaking to me about the conspiracy theory I'd seen on the pamphlet in the car.
    11. A song and "lucid"

      by , 02-11-2012 at 05:20 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a car as a passenger. I was talking to the guy driving about a combination of a song and "lucid." I was referring to lucid as a drug or something. It could have even been lucid dreaming, but I referred to it a just "lucid"; furthermore, I referred to it based on a false memory, or an earlier part of my dream that I don't remember, where I was talking to a girl about the same thing, or she had mentioned it to me, and I just remembered it.

      ANYway, I was talking to the driver about it. He was dressed kind of weird, and he was kind of weird. He took my comment of the song and "lucid" and decided to act it out. He rolled down the window and hung himself out the window hanging on by his legs on the inside of the door. His feet were kind of touching the steering wheel.

      I told him "No, stop" or "No, don't do that!" as there was now nobody holding the wheel. Before we crashed, I took the wheel.

      Dream Skip

      I'm in a room with a bunch of people. It is some weird kind of police training or something, but not very formal. It is also not entirely a police academy. It's like friends or something. I also mentioned to one of them about lucid.

      Dream Skip

      I'm in a room with a bunch of women exchanging gifts in bags because of something nice someone had done. I wasn't going to get a gift and I knew it. I was kind of hoping someone would think of me, but at the same time, I don't like to be the center of attention. I don't really like getting gifts, so I was OK with it.

      Somehow, lucid was also part of this scenario...I think.
    12. The Bookstore Heist

      by , 02-11-2012 at 07:25 AM
      I have certain special abilities, and she knows it. That's why she tricks me into standing on the trapdoor when she opens it.

      It's dark down here. I explore. There are several rooms. There's a man and a child. The child is somehow my responsibility, and she is feeling sick. She has a headache or something, and she wants to take a tylenol. However, she's only about two years old, and that's below the ages it says on the bottle, so there's not really anything I can do to help. She has relatively short curly blond hair. She wants to have long hair.

      I'm trying to order pizza for us. I want sausage and garlic, but the guy wants sausage and powdered sugar. The device for ordering pizza is in a side room. It's basically a newspaper, and you indicate your order by flipping the pages a certain way. I can't find what I'm looking for in it. One of the pizza places I find, we can't order from, because they would have to drive through 7 countries to reach us. The pizza would be cold, even if it made it through customs.

      I'm in a bookstore. A group of police types is trying to catch me. I'm wearing a bright orange gas mask that just covers my mouth and nose. I use knockout gas. It disables the store patrons, but the police have gas masks too. Their masks cover their entire faces and are solid black except for clear stuff over their eyes so they can see. All these gas masks are a bit awkward and reduce a person's field of vision.

      I'm running around. I knock over one of the bookcases. I find a way out. There is a shaft going down. A chair is in the way, though. I knock it into the shaft and it falls (I never hear it land). There's a rope there (which I left, of course), that I hang onto for safety while I climb down these shelf things. Eventually, I reach the bottom of the shaft. There's another little bookstore here. It's still dangerous for me, but there are only patrons and clerks here at the moment. They are no problem for me. I steal two giant Christmas cookies and eat them while looking for a place to hide.

      Updated 02-12-2012 at 03:41 AM by 51129

    13. 01/13/2012 thru 01/22/2012 - 1) "Tatano", 2) "Indecent Proposal" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 10:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One

      I had gone to a club with T, in Orlando, and we had taken some 'skates'. During the course of the night, I'd seen him about to get into a fight with some random, really tall, dude. They were in each others' faces, and apparently only seconds away from throwing hands. Attempting to intervene, I stepped between them, somewhat sliding them apart with my hands. Obviously upset with this, the tall guy reaches over and shoves me backward, forcefully, as if trying to knock me to the floor. I instinctively rebounded back at him with a lunging fist to his jaw, completely laying him out. In no time at all, I was being ushered outside by the police, and questioned about what happened. I don't remember much of the interrogation, but they ended up letting me go.

      Dream Two

      I was exploring a mine, or some other sort of underground cave, which was flooded with waist-deep water. A small ledge rimmed the outer edges of the chamber that I was in, along with a few friends of mine. The water was very murky and someone soon exclaimed there was something moving in the water. Shortly afterward, a surge of current came through this waterway, and some of us began to get swept away and toward a dark tunnel ahead. We were able to hang onto the wall, where the current was much weaker then in the center, and pull ourselves out of the water and onto the ledge.

      While we were sitting there on this leg - pretty much stuck, until the current subsided enough for us to make our way back out the way we came - we encountered another group of people coming (somehow) out of the cave that we were almost just swept into. They were of either Native or Latin American descent, and all carrying guns. Apparently, it was some kind of illegal faction or cartel. I also had a small pistol on my hip, but there were more of them than there were of us, and I figured drawing on them would probably be the worst mistake I could make. The leader of the group made some rambling threat to us about how "the Tatano Comes" for the people of our region, however, they didn't really go into detail about just what 'The Tatano' was. After holding us for a brief period, they let us go home. We were all terrified, though, because they had issued the threat not necessarily to us as individuals, but to all of the people in our community. They were extremely vague, though, so even though we knew that they were planning something, we didn't exactly know what. Once back in our community (apparently, we shared a neighborhood), we started theorizing what they meant by 'The Tatano Comes'. I couldn't figure out if they meant some kind of abominable monster or if 'The Tatano' was the name of their outfit, and they were going to raid our community with guns and whatnot.

      It turned out to be the latter. A short while after our encounter, the men had begun to invade our neighborhood. It was now the dead of winter (and was snowing heavily, even though I live in Florida), and I was now watching the dream from a disembodied perspective. I was watching a tiny Latina friend, from my earlier group (whom I believe is someone I know IRL, but am not sure), and she was dressed in a ninja dogi. My perspective followed her as she sneaked around through the night time snow flurries, using stealth to sneak up on the individual, occupying members of 'The Tatano', silently executing them, one by one.

      (Sometime during the day after this dream, I came to realize that this dream was directly influenced by a mission that I'd played on Skyrim, before bed. I'd tried to incubate a Skyrim related dream, while playing, and didn't even recognize the similarities, because of how well-hidden they were. In the game, I had to break into a cave belonging to a group of bandits, who wore primitive, Native American-esque outfits. The cave was slightly filled with water. There was a lot of tension building up, while I made my way into and through the cave, stealthily taking down as many opponents, individually, as I could. The apparent 'boss' of these bandits was a female, which might be the reason why I found the tiny female in my group to be such a prominent character.)

      Dream Fragment Three
      (This entire dream was disembodied, though I only remember two very brief scenes.)
      I was watching Marty McFly (Back to the Future) test out a hoverboard in Doc Brown's garage/lab. I got the distinct impression that this was still the 1985 reality, and that the hover-board was either brought back from the future or built from the design of the one he had in the future (and then the past). There was some little kid hanging out in the garage, too, and he said something like "whoa! A hover-board!" and, even though I was just kind of observing this dream, passively, I remember wondering just how this kid from the '80s knew what a hover-board was.

      Later, Marty was at home with his girlfriend from the movie. She'd gotten around to telling him that she was pregnant and they were going to have a baby. They were both overjoyed with the whole thing, and began making love on the couch. Again, even though I was nothing but a spectator, I remember becoming a bit jealous at the amount of raw emotion and passion I was seeing in the scene.

      Dream Fragment

      (Unfortunately, I've pretty much lost all of the details to this dream. I had watched the movie The Immortals before going to bed, so the dream was heavily based upon that.)

      There was some epic, mythological battle going on, and I was entrusted by the Gods to wield Poseidon's trident. Of course, I was reluctant to take on the responsibility, but the deities (whomever they were) were convinced that I had it within me to succeed in destroying Earth's foes. The main thing that I can remember is a part in the battle where I was treading water in a seemingly bottomless ocean or harbor or something. There was an opponent coming up at me from the depths, and I kept firing shot after shot of golden light from Poseidon's trident, down toward my attacker. Every desperate shot pushed him/it further and further deeper into the water beneath me, as I just continued frantically blasting away from the surface. There was so much more that went on in this crazy, action-packed dream, but I really don't recall anything else.

      Dream Fragment

      (I successfully incubated a guitar-related dream, after a night of guitar practice.)
      The only thing I really remember was that I was teaching someone to play guitar, focusing mostly on fingering the fretboard. That's about it.

      Dream One
      "Indecent Proposal"

      I was in my old neighborhood, at the house my baby's mom and I used to share with her dad. It was late at night, and some unknown guy comes by. I happened to see him standing on the porch, through my bedroom window, and was wondering just wtf he was up to. When I went outside to question him, he told me that he was new to the area and thought that someone else lived here. We started talking for a moment and he told me that he'd been going around the neighborhood meeting people and had been set up to meet some girls in a nearby house, for some fun. He said that I seemed pretty cool, and he invited me to tag along. Apparently, my ex and I were still together, and I told him that I wouldn't be able to join him. He then smiled and asked if my girl was a freak, because I could just bring her along. Lol.

      Again, I respectfully declined and sent him on his way. After that, I remember having a brief conversation with my ex's dad, whom I was surprised to find was actually home at the time. Then, sometime later still, I was out on the porch again and saw that the guy I'd met earlier was coming back around in the direction of our house, with a girl on each arm. He noticed me standing around outside and, just as he was restating his offer for me to come hang out with them, I woke up.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was with some friends and family, at some kind of massive protest downtown - like an OWS function or something. There was an insane crowd in the street. My mom was with us, and I think my friend JS was there. The more the night went on, the more volatile things were becoming, and we were beginning to fear that violence was going to erupt, any moment. Indeed, in one corner of the sea of people, a commotion started. The small scuffle led to a lot of pushing and shoving and angry words, in that region of the crowd. The last thing I remember is my group wading through a crowd of the potential rioters, in order to have some words with the more important figure heads of the event, and try to help them restore order.
    14. 01/11/2012 and 01/12/2012 - 1)"This is a Raid!", 2) "Deady's Little Girl" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:57 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "This is a Raid!"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in someone's living room. My daughter CJ was there, and we were all just kind of sitting around watching TV. All of a sudden, some girls came into the house/apartment and blurted out [At work. Censored for Now] My kid perks up and says "really??" as if she was so excited about what she was about to witness. Later, I was with CJ (who was now a bit older than she is now) and she was driving us around in a car. While she was driving, I was explaining to her - for some reason - what a police raid is. (It's been a topic around Extended Discussion, lately.) I was telling her how a raid was, put simply, when the police barge into your house without warning. I don't remember whether or not I actually elaborated on this, but I figure she only focused on that one concept.

      So, having this fresh 'understanding' of what a raid was - and once we pulled back up to the friend's house, where we once were - CJ slammed on the gas and crashed the car directly through the outer wall and into the person's dining/living room area. Needless to say, I was mortified, though she, completely unfazed by the crash, suddenly yelled out to everyone in the house, "THIS IS A RAID! HAHAHAHAHA!" as if infinitely proud of herself at having so quickly applied her new knowledge of what a raid was.

      Lol. Kids...

      Dream Fragment One
      I was ghost hunting with some chick. We'd begun the hunt during a non-lucid portion of the dream, but I ended up becoming slightly lucid after realizing we were searching for ghosts. I didn't really choose to interfere with the narrative at all, and we just continued looking around for any ghosts that might be in the area. On the street of some unknown neighborhood, I'd thought I'd caught a glimpse of some sort of bright apparition, reflected in the metal surface of the trunk of a nearby car, but I didn't really see anything else around us. I figured it to just be the reflection of the moon, but didn't spend too much time confirming it.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was discussing the previous dream on the forum, and Omnis Dei (whom had been participating in the raid conversation, in ED) had commented on it. I can't remember his comment, though.

      Dream Three
      "Deady's Little Girl"

      I was on an upper floor of an old apartment building and happened to be looking out of a window, when I saw a woman in a compact car getting her vehicle flipped by an angry mob. Once the vehicle was turning over onto its roof, I could see that there were also kids in the car, and they were terrified. Immediately, I ran downstairs. I don't remember much of the actual confrontation with the crowd, but I was able to reason them into leaving the woman and her children alone, and they ended up dispersing. While they were clearing out, I began helping the woman and her 2 children out of the overturned car. She had a little boy and girl - the boy being the younger of the two, at the age of maybe 2 years old. He was just the sweetest kid. We'd gotten along really well, within the first few moments of my meeting him. Sometimes, he'd just come up to me and hug around my legs. The mother, who was maybe in her early 40's, was quite attractive, and very thankful for my help. She had short, black hair, and a bit of a 'punk' kind of look to her, and it was easy to see that there was at least some level of mutual attraction there. I asked her if she wanted to go and grab something to eat sometime, if for no other reason than that she seemed like someone I'd like to get to know.

      Later, after we'd gone out for food, we ended up back at her apartment. It wasn't long before we started fooling around and [Censored for now]. Eventually, I was just not able to ignore it, and I told her that I had to stop, before we'd even really gotten down to business. I didn't really go into detail as to why, not wanting to hurt her feelings. She was noticeably upset, but ultimately seemed to understand. Her father, on the other hand - whom I met later in the dream - well...he wasn't quite so understanding...

      Apparently, her father was some kind of immortal, invincible being. On the outside, he looked like your typical, southern-ish old man. (Kind of reminded me of Abraham Whistler, from the Blade movies.) He'd caught wind of the fact that I'd refused to sleep with his daughter, and was soon Hell-bent on causing me major bodily harm. This 'man' spent the rest of the dream hunting me down and trying to kill me, often brutally murdering anyone that I'd recently associated with, in order to pick up a trail that would lead him to me. Every now and then, he would track me down, and we'd square off. I actually ended up killing him at least 4 times, throughout the course of the dream, but the bastard just kept coming back. This was quickly turning into a slasher flick type of scenario, and no matter how I would get away from this guy, he would just keep on coming for me. There was one moment when I was being stalked through a school or something like that. I'd grabbed some sort of weapon and was about to kill the man again, when I realized that it was the police that were following me this time. I'd almost killed them, by accident, because I was so rattled. They told me they'd heard something about the situation and were coming to investigate. However, while I was talking to them, the chick's old man popped up suddenly, and completely mutilated them both, right in front of me - carving them up in gruesome fashion. I believe I bolted, after that. After a little more cat-and-mouse, I remember one more confrontation with him, where we in the back of his pick-up truck (which was somehow stretched into an RV-like structure, with four walls and a ceiling). We'd gotten into another fight, and I had begun slipping in and out of lucidity, by this time. Feeling much less threatened by him, I attempted a few 'Hadouken' fireballs on him, but was not able to manifest a single one. Then, still having the upper-hand, I pushed him into into some sort of industrial shredder that he had inside his vehicle, painting one wall with his crimson remains. There was literally nothing left of him that could be identified.

      Having slipped out of lucidity again, and wondering if I'd actually managed to get rid of him, I made my way to the woman's apartment; where she and her kids had been, throughout the whole ordeal with her father. Despite our earlier 'problem', there was still a level of friendship between us. When I got there, though, instead of being happy to see me, like her kids had been, before this, there was an almost palpable hostility in the air. Somehow, they had gotten word that I had 'killed' the grandfather. Out of nowhere, the - once sweet and affectionate - little boy comes running up to me and bites me on the hand. Hard. I drew my had back and looked toward her other kids. She had three this time, instead of two, the third of which was an older, teenage daughter. All three were giving me a look that I could see was the spitting image of their grandfather's evil glare. But, where her younger children didn't seem to pose all that much of a threat, it was the teenage daughter in whom I could see an explicitly dangerous level of rage building, though she remained silent...just staring at me. It was then that I knew he was somehow 'influencing them', from beyond - possessing them, somewhat, in order to carry out his revenge. The mother was also visibly hostile, though not on the level of the children. As I pleaded with her to let me explain the craziness that I had just been dealing with, she insisted that it was best for me to leave and take my daughter (who was now with me, for some reason), because I was upsetting her children. On one hand, I could see that she didn't really want me to leave, but with the tension the way it was, she seemed to be demanding as if she had no other choice. Feeling more than a little dejected, I left the apartment.

      After walking downstairs, I noticed her father's pick-up truck in the parking lot. Inside, was the man himself - fully whole - and he smiled evily while getting out of the truck and walking in my direction. By now, I felt completely defeated. I knew that he was just going to keep tracking me, no matter how many times I killed him. There was some stranger nearby, and I started raving about how I'd chopped the old man up, and how he kept coming back to life. The stranger just said "no, man...no...." and shook his head at me like I was losing my marbles. Again, I turned to face the woman's father. He had a bottle in his hand, with a cloth sticking out of the top of it - a molotov cocktail. For a moment, we just stared at each other, him with this smug look of victory on his face. About here, my lucidity began coming back, and really the first thing that I was thinking about was just waking myself up from this horrible dreams. In the middle of my train of thought, though, and without actually lighting it first, the old man suddenly chucked the bottle directly at my head. Almost instinctively, I focused on a bit of telekinesis and pretty much 'force-pushed' the unlit molotov directly back at him, accompanied by a wave of my hand. Before I got to see if it actually hit him or not, I woke up.
    15. Pool Party; How not to pick up a girl

      by , 01-23-2012 at 06:30 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Pool Party

      I was in a swimming pool. There were multiple DC's, but I rarely look at any of them. I did not see any of them last night.

      I looked up into the sky. I saw clouds moving in from either side. In the middle was another set of clouds clearly making a hand. I couldn't quite believe how perfect a hand the clouds formed. Then I noticed the moon was the index fingernail. It made more sense then, and then it seemed extraordinary again.

      I asked some of the other party-goers if they could make out the hand in the clouds. I wanted them to see it before the other clouds covered it up. I counted the fingers on the hand twice. There were 5 fingers both times.

      I then realized I was wanted by the International police for drugs and guns. I ended up getting out of the pool for some reason, and going through the corridors of an airport.

      I ended up telling the guards I was wanted by InterPol. I then turned around and tried to find my way back to my airport hotel room. (?)

      There were lots of people, hall ways, and rooms, but I found the right way to go. I called out and my daughter answered. Having found her, I now found myself back in the pool.

      There were guns at the bottom of the pool, and the police had shown up. I didn't see them, but I saw a gun under the surface of the water pointed at me. It seemed to have a glowing outline, and was an odd looking weapon that we don't have in waking life.

      I was scared by the gun. I knew the guards at the airport told these police that I had said I was wanted by InterPol, and I wondered why the fuck I would say that to the police.

      The cop wondered if I might have any automatics, or a revolver. He explained how a revolver spins around with an ugly look on his face. I played scared and ignorant.

      I walked out of the pool and found that the police were led by my father's second ex-wife. I showed her a cylinder from a revolver I had found at the bottom of the pool. I asked her if it belonged to her gun. It was partly true, but somehow it was part of a stash of guns that I had had.

      I thought if I asked if it was hers, it would show I didn't know anything about it. I then realized that I seemed to know about these gun parts for some reason, so I was only giving myself away.

      The lady thought I was in on some drugs too, so she said something about the cylinder not being hers, but she would just go smoke a joint. She wanted to see if this peeked my interest.

      I saw a couple joints, one of them wet, on the ledge of a wall in a tray. The police woman didn't notice. I bumped her on the arm hoping she would notice but she didn't. I told her she was missing all kinds of opportunities.

      The End

      How not to pick up a girl

      My brother saw several girls playing some kind of ball game. He wanted to interact and impress them, so he rolled over to them. It was controlled, but looked uncontrolled. He created a circle by touching his toes. He was a perfect circle and started rolling over to the girls.

      Soon he was rolled up much more tightly, rolling. He started bouncing. Being rolled up into a ball was supposed to be the easiest on the body (which it would be), if rolling.

      He ended up bouncing up very high. I thought it must have hurt when he landed. He then rolled in a tight ball between the legs of one of the girls. He unfurled there as he had come to a stop. It seemed reasonable to end up there since he'd been out of control trying to roll without getting hurt.
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