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    1. The Beach With Bridesmaids, and Declining a Vacation

      by , 07-17-2014 at 12:11 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at the house I grew up in, in my parents' room. I was there with my bridesmaids, though none of them were actually the ones I had IWL. I remember one girl, Kristin, who was in my friend Rachel's wedding IWL, and I believe my high school friend Grace was in there too. The rest I don't remember, or I didn't actually know them IWL.

      Anyway, they were still wearing their bridesmaids dresses, which also differed from the IWL dresses. They were long and white, with a touch of baby blue in the middle. They looked kind of old-fashioned. They had been wearing them since the wedding, which, in the dream, was a few days prior. I was still wearing my dress too. We were finally changing out of our wedding clothes.

      Then, we were at the beach, swimming in the ocean. There were other people swimming as well, one in particular I remember being an older man. He was talking to us, though I can't remember what it was he was talking about. Something about swimming in the ocean.

      I wanted to swim to shore, because I was afraid of sharks. We all started to swim to shore, which wasn't very far off. The water was extremely clear. I saw many animals swimming around that looked like sharks, but they didn't pay us any mind. Closer to shore, I saw one very close to me, but discovered that it was a dolphin, not a shark, so there was no reason for me to be afraid.

      We made it to shore finally, and I was wanting to get everyone's attention to tell them something about my cat. They were all ahead of me. We were on the sand, walking away from the ocean. Someone mentioned that there were crabs buried in the sand that would pinch you if you dug down. I then saw crab claws sticking out of the sand in places I was sticking my hands into the sand. I would stick my hand in more places, and feel the hard shells on the crabs, and pull my hand out before I got pinched. I was sticking my hands in the sand so I could try to more easily get up to where everyone else was. It was a small incline that, in reality, would really only take me stepping up, but I was trying to climb.

      I finally somehow got up to where they all were, and started trying to get everyone's attention. It was failing at first, but an older man, the same from the ocean I think, helped me. Everyone quieted down. Finally, I could speak. I feel as if I was standing on something so everyone could see me and my voice would project. I began.
      "I know all of you think that my cat is mean, but it's only because you pick on her and try to pet her. She doesn't like you. She only likes me. She isn't mean, she's just unfriendly."


      Something about David, one of my old supervisors from my previous job. I remember being by the cash registers.

      Then, I was at my current job, though instead of the bakery, I was working in the deli. I was walking out on the floor, when a man, a middle-aged Asian man, picked up a bag of pepperoni that was on display on a table in the department. He asked me if it was included in the sale. I looked at the sign before I asked someone, and the sign said you could mix and match brands, and included a list of brands. The brand of pepperoni, which started with an A, was included, and I told him. He put it in his shopping cart and told me thank you.

      There was then an employee, a girl, behind the counter, I actually think it was my friend Cherie', talking about some creme cake she had. The cake had white and light blue icing, and wasn't very big. It was a small rectangular shaped cake. It was supposed to be some fancy cake through some company she was using her mom's account for. She was really excited about it, so much so, in fact, that I was worried about her not doing her job. The cake was supposedly absolutely delicious.

      I then saw the remainders of the cake in a bread pan; there was about 1/4 of it left. The frosting was melted, but it still tasted good. It was just too sweet to eat any more of.

      I remember something else about this weird premium account that Cherie's mom had. I remember trying to do something with it, but was locked out of the premium things.

      Then, I was texting my mom, and she was asking me if a 12 o'clock noon flight would be good for my husband and I to fly out on to go to the beach. Without thinking, I said "Yeah!!!". I wanted to go to the beach, and my mom was offering us a vacation!

      Then, I thought about it a little. He would not be ready by noon, because of his job. Besides, I couldn't get time off with such little notice. I was trying to figure out how to make it work; maybe we could drive instead of fly so we could leave whenever. Still wouldn't work, not with the short notice to our jobs.

      I talked to my husband about it a little bit. I think we were texting about it, either that, or he had gotten off work and were talking about it.

      Then, our family friend and the one who officiated our marriage, Jamie, texted us to tell us she was leaving for the beach. We were then walking into an apartment, not sure if it was ours or was supposed to be where my parents lived, and the lights were off. I also remember it was evening, and the sun was setting. My mom was sitting on the couch wearing a white button-up tank top, some subtle white and blue pinstripe capris, sandals, and I believe a light white scarf. She was also getting ready to go to the beach. She was going to drive there alone. I was talking to her.

      Then, my alarm went off.


      Another night of barely any sleep for whatever reason. I was tired enough, but just couldn't get to sleep. So frustrating, because I've been so tired. Oh well, maybe tonight will be different. Fingers crossed.

      Updated 07-17-2014 at 10:01 PM by 32059

    2. 1/20/14 - dat dumbass

      by , 01-21-2014 at 11:56 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking into the house from being at my grandmas or something, like from a short vacation. When I walk in the house I see my dad walk in from the hallway. I instantly know he's been in my room. I become infuriated for my mom letting him in our house and he instantly tries to regain power of the house and us. I tell my mom to call the cops now I know he has no right but she acts like she's too afraid. So I go to my room and dig through stuff for some reason, then I hear him coming so I go to my door and shut it and lock it. He starts banging on the door, and brakes it in. Then he tries to make me back down, but I don't and tell him I'll steal everything right back. And I'll sell his shit as fast as he sells mine. He becomes enraged because he can't instill fear in me, so he pushed me on my bed and had this metal stick and stabbed it at my throat, i try to block it with my hands but it cuts my skin and he walks out of my room. I run out behind him and plea with my mom to step up again but she just stands there and smile, so I turn around and hear him digging in my room, then he walks out with some of my stuff and a stack of my money and he laughs at me telling me what he's going to do with it, but then I get up and grab the money and put it in my pocket and say the same things back.
    3. Vacation

      by , 11-26-2013 at 09:37 PM
      -I was at a hotel and we were on a vacation.
      -It turns out that one of my best friends was at the hotel too.
      -We went to a party that my parents told me i couldn't go to.
      -I went for a walk outside to clear my head.
      -After a while a girl that graduated from our school comes and tells me she wants to throw a surprise party to someone else in our school.
      -She wanted me to help her think of ideas
      -Then i don't remembered what happens and i wake up.
    4. family drive

      by , 11-03-2013 at 06:41 PM
      With mom, sister and brother in car. Sister asks mom for gas money since she is "paying for the trip". says it is $172. Mom gives her money but says that she doesn't see why she should since Hector is fine (the person who we visited). We drive. We see Jamal outside. He asks mom if he can work out his chest and shoulders today. Mom says no. Mom almost runs over my cousin Jamal. I give a "WTF" shocked face. Sister is talking crap to my brother. Brother is restraining himself. I give a one arm trapezius massage to my brother to calm him down.
    5. Vacation and Clothes

      by , 09-02-2013 at 06:18 PM
      September 2, 2013
      Technique: MILD & WBTB

      Dream 1:

      Dreamed I was talking with my best friend and then she turned into Jada Pinkett Smith. We were staying at a hotel on vacation and she was asking me about my children (age, school, etc.). We had such a great time by the pool reminiscing about how grown up were now.

      Dream 2:

      I was with my niece and we talking about cleaning out our closets. I recall that some of my clothing was in some type of storage so we went there to find the clothes. We found my extra clothes and started trying the clothes on (which is one of our favorite past times). I remember most of the clothing was from the GAP clothing store. I finally found something to wear but can’t remember what occasion I was dressing for.


      Baby sitting a child for someone and I didn’t like it

      I was so desperate to leave some place, but every time I would leave, I would keep coming back to the damn place.
    6. Anger, Food and Buy-Back Work

      by , 08-24-2013 at 06:10 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our hometown. I was online. Suddenly, mom asked if I can buy something (food called laswa) from the store. I exploded, asking why she's asking me to do this when she just came from the store this morning. She replied calmly and reasonably that they don't cook it that early, and they should have it by now. I was still mad, wondering aloud why buy that particular food in the first place. I replied that I'l just finish something on the computer or Twitter, and I was also eating.

      I hurried to finish something on Twitter because I felt that she's going to leave already. I went out to find she did. I angrily said that I said I'll just finish whatever I was doing. It was afternoon. Found my sister and asked about mom. It was night. Found mom still within ear shot at the corner, and called out to her. She paused and looked back, asking what is it. She looked unsure and went back. I also wondered why my sister was there, and since she's there, why didn't she buy the food. Mom arrived. We talked. I asked sister if she has work. She said something about resting and a buy-back scheme with her work, that after she worked a number of years (five?), she can rest for a bit (vacation?), and store the value of her work. She can then just return for her work in the future, or the company can buy it from her for a certain amount. I thought of a way to make it a good investment scheme.
    7. Francine-in-a-bag

      by , 08-22-2013 at 12:15 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      Cory and I were on a vacation on the outskirts of a big city somewhere because it was our anniversary. The place we stayed at was this cool modernistic rental house with its own indoor pool area with these retro-looking lights and water heating. We went swimming for a while but then I saw blood in the water near me and realized I was bleeding, so I got out of the pool quickly so Cory wouldn't see the blood in the water and get worried about me. Since we stopped swimming, he decided to go out to the store to buy us a bunch of snacks. After he left, Francine from American Dad randomly showed up to hang out because apparently she was my best friend, and we chatted about some things and lost track of time. But then I remembered Cory would be back soon and I didn't want him to feel hurt knowing I was hanging out with friends during our anniversary, so I told Francine to hide in a paper shopping bag. She somehow fit completely in the bag so I picked it up and put it in the bathroom as soon as Cory came back. He didn't bring back any snacks but instead told me to get ready because we were going out to eat instead at a fancy restaurant. When I asked him which one he said we'd go to the same one we went to the day before, and I was all excited about that because it was a restaurant I loved, so I rushed into the bathroom and stashed the bag with Francine in it in the shower and left with Cory.
      Tags: cory, vacation
    8. On vacation with friends

      by , 07-25-2013 at 10:34 AM
      Once again, a dream from the previous day and once again because I was to lazy to write it down yesterday.

      In this dream I was on vacation. During the first scene I remember me and a friend, who is into climbing, was climbing a very steep hill. Halfway up the hill there was a road carved out in the hillside, and as soon as I got there my mother would pick me up. I saw the entire scene from a great hight, like I was a bird looking at myself climbing.

      During the next scene me and some friends were dining in a restaurant. I was still on vacation so I presume it is the same scene. A friend of mine said that he had planned to go travelling with another of my friends. They do not know each other in waking life though.

      Anyway, the guy he had planned to go travelling with had abandoned him in the last minute. When he told us about it he broke down and started crying, saying that his vacation was ruined. I tried to comfort him and said that I could go in the other guys place.

      During the third and last scene me and some friends were playing magic the gathering. I asked them if they had a ring of Valkas that I could trade with them, it is a card I need to complete one of my decks in waking life. They said that no, they didn't. Funny thing is that one of these friends is a guy I have been trying to introduce to the card game, but he has not wanted to.
    9. Vacation in Finland

      by , 06-07-2013 at 08:40 AM
      I dreamt that I was in Finland on vacation. I was in a fairly big city, not sure which though. It seemed to be a pretty old town.

      I was going there with a friend named Patrick, which I don't know IRL.
      We were walking around in the city when we passed a bar, it was part of the corridor we were walking though so we had to go through it. There I saw to my great surprise two girls that I know IRL! I sat down and talked to them for a while. Then I bough a beer for me and one of the girls which I think I had started flirting with.

      When we had finished talking they decided to join us, since they were on vacation as well we might just as well walk around together.

      After a while it seems like we split up, for I was sitting alone with one of the girls. We were talking about Patrick, and weren't exactly saying nice things about him. Then I realised he was sitting right next to us, and he was quite angry about us saying bad things about him behind his back. However he stayed with us, because I had apparently promised to find him a girl, and he told me he would stay until I have fulfilled my promise. :/ I remember feeling quite ashamed about the entire thing.

      Dream intepretation:
      Moral of the story: Don't say things about people they don't want to hear. It is funny, I have actually been thinking about going on vacation to Finland, perhaps this is my minds way of saying "go for it!"
    10. Third Lucid Dream and TOTM!

      by , 05-11-2013 at 08:46 PM (Raven's Roost)
      Lucid False Awakening

      Last night was the worst sleep I've gotten in months, yet ironically it was my third and longest lucid, and I completed a Task of the Month!

      I found myself in a gorgeous ski-lodge/ hotel, made completely with polished redwood and hardwood flooring. I was living there, alone, and my bedroom was bare save a neatly made bed that was only dipped on one side - a subtle hint that I no longer had, or had never had, a girlfriend in this dreamverse. I was a writer, and my study was cluttered with handwritten pages and crumpled failures. Surveying the seen in a relaxed yet depressed mood, I suddenly heard a hiss behind me.

      Turning quickly, a found a dead and zombie-like little girl with a red headband hissing and coming towards me. Still calm, I thought, this couldn't really happen, and suddenly my mind fought to gain lucidity, reaching a hazy stabilization. In waking life I was asleep with a nightmask on, and that carried through to my lucidity, making a weird, half-blinded effect. I tried to wipe my eyes, and peel away the mask, but to no avail. The dream began to collapse around me and I woke up. Looking around I saw my girlfriend on the top bunk in a bunkbed next to me, sleep walking and threatening to tumble over the edge. I called out to her several times, yet she still carreened over the edge into my arms. Wait, we are sleeping in the same bed in waking life... This is a false awakening!

      I was instantly sucked back into my previous dream, and this time the beautiful red wood lodge with its gorgeous support beams and white trim reappeared. The sensation of whooshing into lucidity was euphoric and unlike anything I've felt in a while. I heard a hiss, and turned to see the little girl back behind me. I told her I didn't have time for her, waved my hand dismissively, and she disappeared. I turned to hear yet another his, and this time it was a floating tiger head. I dismissed this as well, and turned to get my bearings.

      I was in the main lobby, with two giant glass skylights. Without thinking, I lifted off the ground and flew out one of them into the air, and landed in the untouched forest outside. My stabalization was still perfect, so I took a moment to remember the tasks of the month. I remembered laying an egg, but then I recalled Ophelia's story about thinking she had pooped herself and I decided to try a different one . As I remembered that the basic one was to tell a DC they were fake/ dreaming/ in a dream, a hefty latino woman came into view on a path that wound its way through the forest. I ran up to her, intent on telling her she was dreaming, but she began to undress.

      "Uhm... Anyway, did you know that you're in a dream!"
      "Oh shut up!" she grinned, removing more clothes.
      "No really, you're a figment of my imagination!"

      Still grinning, she ignored me and embraced me, now without pants on. She wasn't beautiful by any means, so I was a bit hesitant.

      Luckily, my girlfriend bumped me awake as she turned on her side, and I woke up, totally euphoric, and wrote it all down.

    11. -The Gifts and the Horrors-

      by , 03-25-2013 at 04:06 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: The Gifts

      I was at my dad's small apartment, laying on my bed for some reason, and my father came in with a huge box, wrapped in plain blue paper. From there, he laid it next to me, saying "Here you go, son. I'm giving you this because I'm proud of ya." and I quickly opened the large present.

      Inside was a rather old-looking computer, save for the fact that it was the color purple and had a transparent covering to it. He said it was something called "The Chat Messenger" or something. It did two things that I know of--chat and watch movies. I did the first thing, chatting nonsense with others before turning on the movie.

      It was a horror flick, which is how the next part begins.

      Part II: The Horrors

      I was in this movie for some reason. Much like me real self, I was tall, white and of medium attraction, though I had long blonde hair instead of my short brown hair that I actually have. I was with a group of friends at this vacation spot, each one I didn't recognize very well and all seemed like jerks. It was four guys, including myself, and two girls, one that seemed to have the hots for me. That, or we were just really close friends. We flirted like couples, though passed it off as friendly chit chat. She's the only one I remember interacting with in the dream, a blonde-headed tan girl with big cheeks and a cute face, always wearing a white t-shirt with a rather large bust.

      One night, in our hotel room that we all stayed in, I recommended we go try the haunted house across the way, and we looked at it through the window. Lighting and rain poured over it, and nothing else. Skeletons came out of the windows and went back in. It was certainly haunted.

      The next morning we went into an elevator, the group of us waiting to get to the haunted house. Through this time, someone was chatting something that I wasn't listening to, arms crossed. My elbow was nudged into one of the blonde chick's breasts, and she looked at me with a sarcastically amused grin, pulling my elbow away and mouthing "Sorry!" so not to interrupt the guy talking. We both seemed rather calm about it, her chuckling a bit afterwards.

      We eventually got to the house, stepping inside and going into one of the rooms. It was like an apartment; fair sized and old-looking, clothes and other knick-knacks scattered along the floor. The group was searching around, making jokes about who was the most scared, though out of a closet came a pale-skinned zombie boy dressed like a cowboy, crawling and almost biting on to one of my friends' legs. Someone came up and began smashing his head with his foot, soon the only thing that was left was a battered mesh of red and white. I covered up the body with a chair, though another zombie came in and shot one of my friends, then grabbed another and took them into the floor. One came out of the TV and took another one, and then one grabbed my leg. I didn't feel anything at first, though the longer it went on, the more painful it got. I started screaming, and then I woke up.


      My dad would never be this nice.
      The pain on my leg was quite intense and felt very real.
      Apart from the pain, I wasn't very scared at all.


      I'm scared of people, or something.
    12. A very weird high school

      by , 02-01-2013 at 03:44 PM
      I'm glad my dream recall increased so greatly last night, might have to do with all the apple juice I drank, or the fact that I actually went outside yesterday.

      Sleep: 11:30
      Awakenings: 4:00, 9:00
      Methods: MILD, WILD

      1. Skyrim Ruins

      In my dream somehow I knew I was in Skyrim, except I was actually in the game. I was in this snowy place, it looked like the stones from stonehenge except they were on hills and there were a lot of them. This group of other people were chasing me and I kept trying to get to a city so the guards would attack the group of people chasing me. I looked on the map and saw I was right near one of the gold little stonehenge pieces, which somehow I knew meant a city. I started climbing up this big hill with nothing on it so it was like a field on a hill. Somehow I didn't wake up after this but I still remembered this dream.

      2. Vacation house

      I was in this vacation house with my cousins, this seems to be a very common recurring element in my dreams. It somehow got dark outside at 4:30 and we were just sitting around talking, a very boring dream. All i remember is what I wrote down when I woke up, we were talking about health and somehow one of my cousins (she'd never say this in real life) said that she eats one quart of club sandwhiches every day lmao. After a while my uncle asks me what channel is the hockey game on. So I start to flip through the channels, and in this house somehow we have comcast or something cause it's different from what I have at my house. After a few seconds of browsing the channels I wake up.

      At this point I feel WIDE awake, I write my notes down in my dream journal, go upstairs and drink some applejuice and some water. Then I try to fall back asleep.

      3. High school Weirdness

      I dreamed I was back in high school and we all went sledding. I did not feel the cold at all and somehow all I was wearing were soaking wet whitey tighteys. (LOL) After sledding we went to this weird cafe to have dinner, and there was one aisle with two rows of booths where everyone was eating. At the end of one row was a podium where some guy was giving a speech. After he gave a speech everyone was just waiting and sitting, so I went up to the podium to see if I could give a speech. After I got up to the podium Someone else from across the room started giving a speech talking about prom and some other events so i went and sat back down. After we started eating I guess two security people kept moving me around because I kept causing trouble. I went to a few tables then to a popular table then to a table in the back. I do not remember anything that happened at any tables. Then I remember when we were leaving we had to walk past another big group of people and I shouted "SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!!" (it was in bill and teds excellent adventure) then as everyone was leaving I was running through the snow, up past a wendy's and a few other restaurants until I got to this big snowy field that seemed to go on forever, I kept running towards this hill but I never got closer, this went on for a long time in the dream. I kept wondering why I wasn't cold but I never realized I was dreaming. I eventually imagined I was on the hill on purpose so I could get home faster but I still didn't realize I was dreaming. After that I woke up.
    13. Vacation

      by , 01-03-2013 at 05:35 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was on vacation with my family, and I had my daughter with me. We had to swap out cars...one was super small or something, almost toy like. Also, I remember going up to the gas pump, and the hook was still up....so free gas for me. I think I was in South America or something. We all wore a lot of old clothing to blend in. I also remember D's dog washing his paws in the sink. It tripped me out, but not enough to RC.
    14. Feeling Exposed in a Restaurant Shower

      by , 11-02-2012 at 04:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was sitting in a white booth at a restaurant with my family and a girl around my age. The girl was sitting next to me. I think she was supposed to be my girlfriend. We were all supposed to be on vacation.


      We were again on vacation, and had been there for a week and a half. It was almost time for us to go home, I think because the weather was getting bad (it may have been Sandy, the hurricane that just pummeled the East Coast). I was temporarily working at a restaurant while we were there.

      I was sitting in the restaurant with my family, and we were talking about going home I think. I then remember having to reach my hand into a dirty fish tank to get something out. I rolled up my brown jacket sleeve and stuck my hand in. The top of the tank was a little above my head, so I had to reach pretty far. So far, in fact, that despite rolling the jacket sleeve up, I got it a little wet anyway.

      I took my arm out, looked at my now wet jacket sleeve, and felt like I needed a shower. Luckily, they had shower stalls in the restaurant. They were, however, right by the entrance, so they were pretty exposed. I went into one and put my stuff down to where it wouldn't get wet.

      For some reason, I left the stall soon after that, and when I came back to finish the shower, a couple of girls had taken my stall, and I had to find a new one. I saw lots of closed, seafoam-colored stall doors. Finally, I saw an open one, and went on in. I put my stuff down in a corner by the door so it wouldn't get wet.

      I then noticed that I could see a fat white guy showering next to me. It's like part of the wall was knocked out or was never built. Apparently, some of the stalls were like that. I then remember being naked, and seeing that I was exposed to part of the restaurant, which now looked like a department store. I sat on the floor and curled up in a fetal position because I felt so embarrassed and exposed. I told the fat guy showering close by that I felt that way. He told me somewhere I could stand and not have to worry about people seeing me.
    15. I Ride a Boat Full of Cats to Disney World

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:13 PM
      I’m on a boat with my family. The inside of the boat is full of water, and we’re all just floating around in it. But then, I guess the water drains out because suddenly it’s all gone.

      I’m talking to my sisters, when suddenly I remember that I might have forgotten to pack my laptop. Part of me doesn’t care that much because apparently we’re going to be somewhere that doesn’t have any Internet access anyway, but I still wanted my laptop around so that I could write on it and stuff. So, I go to double-check my luggage. There are some plastic bags lying around and I start looking through them, but they’re all just full of shoes. Finally, I find my backpack, but it looks like I didn’t pack anything very useful. Apparently I only packed a few items of clothing and then a bunch of Beanie Babies. And I stuffed everything into the front pocket instead of packing it in the main part of the backpack.

      So, I stand up again. And right then I become lucid for like two seconds. It just randomly occurs to me that I’m dreaming, and I run out onto the deck of the boat saying, “I’m lucid! I’m lucid!” I decide I’m going to jump off the boat and into the water. So, I do that. But, as soon as I do, I just find myself back on the boat again and I’m no longer lucid. Oh well.

      When I’m back on the boat, I see that my dad is standing at a stove and cooking something. When I get closer, I see he’s frying a bunch of snails in a pan. And they’re not normal snails, either … They’re like, super gigantic snails that are probably like six inches long. My mom is standing nearby and starts complaining about how disgusting it is and how my dad will just have to eat those by himself.

      At that point, I start walking up some stairs, because apparently the boat has two floors. On the second floor, there are a few rooms that look like bedrooms, and one room that looks like a kitchen. For some reason, I’m convinced that my friend Hannah lives on the second floor of the boat.

      There are a ton of cats on the second floor. I don’t remember all of them, but … There’s this one, huge fat grey and white cat that’s just sitting around. There are a couple of small, grey kittens. And then there’s this really exotic-looking cat who has a black head, but the rest of her body is orange (possibly with some white … I don’t remember very clearly). She has abnormally large ears. And when she blinks, her face kind of like, folds in on itself so you can’t see it. It’s weird. But anyway, I really like this cat and start petting her. Just then, Hannah’s mom comes up the stairs, and I feel guilty because apparently the cat is hers, and it was in her bedroom. But she doesn’t seem to care I’m there. Suddenly, all of my family comes upstairs and they’re all wandering around.

      I start playing with one of the kittens, and I try to pick him up, but he scratches my finger. I look down and see that my index finger is bleeding. I walk over to the exotic-looking cat and let her lick the cut. My mom is watching and she’s like, “Awwwww.”

      We’re now standing in the kitchen on the second floor, and everyone is pouring cereal into plastic bags and then … layering the plastic bags on top of each other. It’s sort of hard to describe. But anyway.

      Apparently the whole time, we were taking the boat to a family reunion of some sort. It’s at some theme park––I guess kind of like Disney World? Anyway, I end up waiting around for this Cinderella-themed ride. It’s this huge white and gold boat that just like, flies up into the sky and swings around.

      So, the boat comes down out of the sky, and two ladies dressed as the evil stepsisters get off it, complaining that the ride has no seatbelts. So I’m like, “Oh boy.” Just then, two of my sisters show up and we all get on the ride.

      Sure enough, there are no seatbelts. There are just a bunch of benches running across the boat. There’s this random Asian guy sitting at one end of the boat dressed as Prince Charming and he’s like, “HELLOOO.” And we’re all like, “… Hi.”

      The boat flies up into the sky and starts swinging back and forth. And we’re all pretty much just sliding around like crazy. And I’m afraid I might fall off, except there are a bunch of these wire fence-type things around the sides of the boat, so I figure I’ll be okay.

      Even though only my sisters and I got on the boat to begin with, there are suddenly a lot of other people on the ride as well. The ride keeps going upside down, and when it does, we all just have to sort of hook our feet under the benches and hang there. Then there’s some point where the benches detach from the inside of the boat––and we all have to hold on to a bench as it shoots off into the sky. And when that happens, everyone has a ray of magical color streaming out behind them, and it forms a rainbow.

      After that part, there’s this other part where each person gets filmed individually while they dance around holding a fake gun. Apparently there’s going to be some event where we all pretend to shoot each other, for some reason. I stand in front of a computer, watching the people who have been filmed so far. Everyone has to dance against some weird, purple background.

      Anyway, I wander off and then my mom and I start talking to some old guy who is apparently related to me. He talks about how he loves that ride that I just went on, and how his favorite part is the shooting part, because it reminds him of when he fought in some war. Then he starts talking about the war and about how horrific it was. And he talks about how he had this wound in his leg, which he claims looked like a gaping mouth with razor-sharp teeth or something. And I’m like, “… What.”

      I start thinking about how horrible it would be to be in a war. And suddenly I’m afraid I’m going to get drafted into a war or something, and I’m going to die.

      Then one of my younger siblings comes up to me––I think Annabelle––and she wants me to come with her, to find some fireworks that are apparently going on. So, I go with her to look for them. For some reason, she thinks they’re in this nearby dark room. But nothing is going on in there, and there are people in there sleeping in sleeping bags. So we leave.

      And I think that’s all.
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