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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Scary mind controlling aliens. Couple dance.

      by , 10-16-2020 at 07:56 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I have some smaller friends who remind me of the Stranger Things company. Helene sends a message to me about aliens that have the ability to brainwash. Some of my smaller friends discuss whether we should try to build gear that can prevent mind control. They say that it is worth trying even if it does not work in the end. New fragment I copy paste the information Helene sent me and send it back to her because I want her to read the instructions. I talk with her over the phone too. She says that she has never seen that information earlier. We understand that Helene has been brainwashed and we prepare the gear. New fragment I sit on a rotatable circle platform with an iron helmet that is notably home made on my head with four other people. The one opposite to me also has a helmet but not the other two people. I start to spin the platform by using my feet against the ground. The smart one that is in charge of the operation says worried that the speed might be too high and that we might die. I keep on spinning and don't care about his statement. There are some of us guarding the door from the aliens. There is a platform from the ceiling were about five aliens stand on that is being lowered. I close my eyes because I think it is a movie and do not want to look on them because I don't like to see scary things on television. My closed eyes don't help me because I still see them. They are tall, green and slimy but has a normal face like humans. They reach the ground and start to walk against us. We spin faster and faster until the energy is full. There is a new platform that starts to rise and takes the aliens with it. The aliens are able to walk of the platform easily but they just stand there. The platform rises to the upper floor and an arm of one alien is trapped and cut of by the elevator. Nobody seems to care. The upper floor is very close to our floor and we decide to run away. I suddenly have very slippery heels and it is almost impossible to move in them. Stefan F is helping me to move. There is an alien that helps us and Stefan says that there is only one double agent. I tell him that we can't be sure and that there may be more. There is a staircase we come to and Stefan walks one way and I walk the other. I don't want to leave him but see that the two different paths we chose led to the same destination only that mine was shorter.

      Notes: This was a nightmare and I was scared when I walked to the bathroom in the night. I saw a movie on netflix that Helene tipsed us to watch. We talk about brain control in the english lessons. That feeling when you can't run in a dream is so frustrating.

      I wake up 03.20 and wrote down the alien dream. I try to WILD and have a very positive mind that I will succeed. I am able to keep my focus but the itches are bombarding me. It's impossible to relax and I decide to sleep. I had some confusing FA too.

      It is some kind of Bolliad and I sit by a table with Diego. There are tables placed in the middle of the room and there are some youths dancing couple dance around us. I see some girls that look lonely that I want to cheer up by dancing with them but I decide not to. The youths that are dancing want to group dance instead but there is a young leader (about 20 years old) that encourages them to keep on dancing in pairs. I look for William and is sad when I remember that he is too old to be there. There are two old sister missionaries (about 70 years old) that talk about all the cakes on the table in front of me. There is a big cake that they want the recipe to.

      Had a dream about dad and something too.

      Updated 10-16-2020 at 08:01 AM by 97565

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. Showing the dreamview's forum. Playing guitar, falling down an endless pit. Missionary. Friends.

      by , 10-14-2020 at 08:10 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in school with Signe and showing her the Dream Journals' section of dreamviews on my school computer. I see one of my posts and there is a picture of a bowl with cereals and milk in it. I see a comment from my classmate Hugo.

      I'm in school in a sofa with many other pupils from school. I have a guitar and play it. I do some different chords and notice that the chords I'm playing aren't the ones I hear from the guitar. I know it's a dream but I get the feeling that the dream is going to disappear. A transition were I lose my lucidity and teleports to another part of school. I'm walking the D200 floor from the spiral steps to the other part of the floor. I walk to a toilet and slowly realize I'm in a dream. I walk to Helene and Signe. I walk to the spiral stairs and jump down. There is no end to them and I keep on falling. I fly to the stairs and hit the ground smoothly. I want to do it again in order to feel how it felt again. I look down the stairs but there is an end to them now about three meters down. I fly down and Signe and Helene are there again. I feel the dream starts to fade away. I'm in my bed and do a RC. I try to go up from my bed but it's hard and my vision is bad. I open my window and fly away. I fly in through a window and find two girls and a boy sitting in a sofa watching a movie. I test my abilitiy to command my DC:s to do things through my mind and is able to make one of the girls to stand up and jump around without saying anything. The dream fades away.

      Notes: I played guitar at school yesterday. I wonder if I can stop the random teleportations and have a long lucid dream instead.

      I am a missionary at a yard. I walk around with my companion and there is a girl there too. We walk into a small house and there are many drinking glasses. I do some tricks with the glasses and walk out. I look back in the house I just was in and see some other persons doing tricks with drinking glasses. Some of them drop them and they break. Some people are mad because they break.

      Notes: I am preparing to become a missionary and saving money.

      I'm in the kitchen with Eni and his friends. His friends walk out and I talk to Eni. I tell him that we can camp in the park if he brings a tent and sleeping bags. I eat a Billys Pan Pizza and really feel the smooth tomato sauce between my teeth. I think to myself that we probably won't have time to camp because I will soon wake up. Soon after I wake up because of my alarm.

      Updated 10-14-2020 at 10:18 AM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Another Lucid but short.

      by , 10-12-2020 at 08:28 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Too short

      Not sure how or when, or what happened previously. I found myself walking on a street similar to 13th st n in lethbridge. I saw some small critters like squirrels walking towards me. I ignored that and immediately thought of jamie. I wanted to find her but forgot how. I focus on her feeling and across the street was a woman with dark hair sort of like hers but the image wasn't clear and she was passing a church. Already had the watery feeling like the dream was going to end. I knelt down instead and beckoned the squirrel before me. It was limping and the left leg of it was flattened like it was run over. But it was crawling toward me. A deer across the street charged at me as if to protect the squirrel, but the deer stopped a few feet away and shrunk into the form of a dog. It also waddled toward me when I woke up...


      Just another audio only dream. Jamie was telling me, "... I meant to tell you several times but didn't..." Tell me what? will I ever know?


      I was walking outside some apartment buildings. (while writing this dream i have feelings of other dreams that i can't recall.) I was between two apartment buildings looking for L from work. I got a noti on my phone that A girl L from chilliwack, was trying to contact me on facebook. We had a short conversation that didn't make much sense at all. She sent me a youtube link or something. I opened it and on the video was Frank Muller narrating a dark Tower book. As it turns out I actually fell a sleep To an audiobook The Drawing Of The Three by Stephen King, narrated by the late Frank Muller. and It somehow incorporated itself into my dream. I listen to all the Dark Tower books every few years.
    4. OBE Shadow Demon

      by , 10-12-2020 at 03:18 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #541- DEILD approx 2am

      I don't remember the first part but I have FA. There are double windows at the foot of the bed and wife is on wrong side. The windows are open and a cool breeze is blowing in. It feels nice and I am relaxed and content to just lay there.

      I "Fall back to sleep" I am in a room but it kind of dark. There is a white ceiling fan. I start to feel a little scared of the dark so I go to turn on the light. The pull chain feels like its not clicking the switch but it also feels like the chain is stretchy. Something clicks and there is only a small spot of light on the ceiling fan where the light kit should be but its missing. I pull another chain and the fan blades start but they warp and make odd sounds. I can feel the breeze from it and I feel like the blade will get me so I turn away.

      I have another FA back in the odd bedroom with double windows. This time the breeze is much stronger and the curtains are blowing out. I think this must be why I dreamed about the ceiling fan. I hear distant crack of thunder and see a flash of lighting then I hear the sound of gentle rain. I think its good we are getting rain since its been so dry. I consider closing the windows in case we get wet but the breeze and sound of the storm is so nice I decide to wait.

      I wake for real this time but I feel so still and relaxed that I go for DEILD. After a few seconds vibrations start. I consider sitting up but I feel unsure if I am totally in yet so I decide to roll. For some reason that feels like that safer bet. I feel the stretch and the familiar separation then softly hit the floor. As a type of RC I decide to jump and test gravity. I open my eyes and spring up with my feet hard. I raise up to the ceiling and gently float down. It's a cool effect so I do it one more time.

      Suddenly there are flashes of light and I see this strange demonic shadow thing on the wall. It flickers in and out of existence and moves rapidly back and forth. My throat closes up with fear and I gasp. I start to panic but I decide to try to calm this down a bit. I stand my ground in a defensive stance and say, "NO! No you stop it."
      Maybe my heart was racing too much or me saying stop it was taken as stop everything but, I am suddenly back in bed wide awake. I think to do a nose plug RC before making an entry on my phone DJ.
    5. Walking, snow, woods, dad is idiot. Guitar man. Among us. Wake up in hospital. Discord, transsexual.

      by , 10-06-2020 at 08:00 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Notes: I tried one of my longest WILDs 22.30-23.25. I got some very light dreams about people standing in front of me and some eyes. I think they were HH and not light dreams actually.

      I'm walking in a snowy forest. My backpack is heavy and is hurting my shoulders. I'm walking and walking and I don't know to where I am walking. We reach a cliff and it's no longer winter. Dad wants us (me, dad and my brother) to jump of the 10 meter high cliff into the water. Me and my brother doesn't want to. Dad grabs my brother and starts to carry him while he runs unto the edge of the cliff. Dad makes a really long jump but doesn't make it to the edge of the cliff. For some reason he throws my brother over the edge before he lands on the ground. Dad lands on the cliff while my brother falls down the cliff. I scream at dad telling him that he is an idiot. He doesn't care much and says that he can fix it. My brother is really angry and can swim here (He can't swim IRL). Dad jumps in the water to save my brother but ends up pushing him down almost two meters when he lands on him while swimming to him. I am so angry at dad because it feels as if he wants to hurt my brother. Dad is calling grandpa and talks with speaker on. We listen to the conversation while being mad at dad.

      Notes: My brother is having a tough time and is screaming a lot now. Dad is always going to him and trying to talk to him even tough my brother doesn't want to.

      I'm watching a screen. There is a man that is talking english about how to be a better guitarist. He takes his guitar and says that you have to practice to play only using pull offs and hammer ons. He counts down on swedish and starts playing some really good music only using pull offs and hammer ons with his left hand.

      Notes: I got some inspiration from this dream IRL.

      I'm playing Among Us but everyone has a heart over them. You are able to give other people hearts during the game to those you don't think are impostors. I think to myself how I would want to win as an impostor and get a heart from everyone.

      Notes: I played some Among Us with my cousins yesterday.

      I woke up 04.00 and wrote down the dreams above this.

      I wake up in a hospital and I am shocked. I have panic in my voice and asks where I am and why I am here. A doctor and mom come to me and say that it's alright. Mom says that they are here to operate my warts away (They use the swedish word for warts but they are talking about my birth marks). I don't have a shirt on me and the doctor shows me where I have different birthmarks I have never seen before (I took a look under my shirt now IRL just to be sure I didn't have the birthmarks the doctor showed to me and I didn't have them). He takes a laser and do some weird patterns on my stomach that is supposed to help the operation. New part. We are in Sturkö and I have got a big belt over my stomach, about 15 cm width. It has shining lights on the inside that are placed over my birthmarks that are supposed to take them away. White lights on the front and red on the back. I turn it on and the lights really hurt in a way I have never felt before. It is like a burning chemical feeling about it. I walk around and it turns out that the belt actually isn't secured that good on my stomach. It falls down and the lights don't hit my birthmarks anymore. I walk around for a long time. New part. I'm at home and some of my cousins are also there. Jonathan is nagging about how he wants to play a game to his mother. The belt is still there and is hurting. During some periods I go to a sofa and can't move because it hurts so much. The pain goes in waves. New part. I'm walking in city with mom and the belt is still on. I look on my stomach and see how some kind of fluid is coming from the birthmarks. I touch the fluid with my finger and inspect it. I see how the birthmarks are starting to disappear. I think about mom's cousin L who has operated some of her birthmarks. I ask mom if it is not wrong to operate birthmarks. If no one would operate away birthmarks no one would look down on people with birthmarks and no one would have to suffer like I have done. Mom's answer has to do with that the world can't change and that we have to adapt. She is not happy with the world but says that I have to suffer because the world is bad.

      Notes: I talked with mom about L and her operations for some years ago and havn't thought about them for a long time. Dad uses some kind of laser to cure his patients sometimes. I usually don't feel pain in my dreams. The white lights on the front and red lights on the back has to do with car lights. I study for the driving license theory test now.

      I'm on discord and I see a gif with a girl that is transformed to a man. There is some kind of vacuum cleaner that sucks her breasts out from her. My view comes inside the gif and I see the woman that is now a man but still has a woman's face. She raises up from a operation table with some hospital men around her. She walks out. I become the operated person and wonder what I should do this beautiful morning now when I have changed gender. I am outside my school walking up the street to Centrum. I am aimlessly walking the streets and just enjoy that I am free.

      Notes: When I was a kid I wanted to be a girl and sometimes walked in a princess outfit. My name in Among Us is Miss Pink and the persons I play with often refer to me as she.

      Notes: That was an eventful night. The dream about my birthmarks was really long and most of the time I was just idling and feeling pain.
    6. 5 Oct: Alien drone hologram, ghost of my grandpa and serial killer

      by , 10-05-2020 at 11:38 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection

      I am in VFX, the nearest city, heading to the bus station to get a bus home, but the street is packed with people. It's some holiday and everyone is celebrating. Then I realize I am not wearing a mask and have been walking through all these people who are also maskless. I look deep inside my bag and find a mask I carry for emergencies. The buses are not coming and people are angry. Then a group of people at the end of the line for the bus, spots a bus stopping a few hundred meters before, to avoid the crowd and they start running to get to it firs. I join them. Then a meteorite crosses the sky. We hear something on the news about incoming meteorites worldwide. When I finally get to my mom's home, another one of those meteorites flies by her building. I go to the window to check it out and realize it is not a meteorite but a spherical UFO. It comes to check our windows. I tell mom to stay still but the UFO somehow enters the room without breaking the window and analyzes us. Mom panics and collapses. The UFO is a type of intelligent drone and asks us to cooperate or else. Then forces us to have a math lesson with a hologram teacher, who for some reason is Cristina, a Portuguese tv host. She asks me to solve a math problem but I struggle with it, because she wrote it on a screen and immediately deleted it, plus they give a gadget that is some kind f calculator and I don't know how to operate it. They get upset. Meanwhile my dad comes in, doesn't realize there is an alien drone projecting an hologram, thinks the lady is real and starts flirting with her. I feel so embarrassed that I ask the alien drone to please forgive him and it actually becomes more friendly.

      Spending some time at some place like a kindergarten. I am friends with the teacher and I am replacing or helping her. RAP has a kid going there and at the end of the day comes to get him. We meet and we get very friendly, we goof around a lot. I think he likes me. Then his wife also comes by and he introduces me to her with too much enthusiasm and with his hand around my waist. I feel awkward and she clearly is very upset. She is gorgeous, but I get the vibe he has way more fun with me. Some woman complains the next day that her kids didn't do homework or something and that it was our fault.

      I am sleeping over at some Japanese friends' house. When I arrive he serves me tea. Hands me a strange package with detachable packets, each one with a different infusion. I just want to drink some hot beverage, but he claims it is important that I read the texts printed on each packet and choose the one I want accordingly, no matter if it's in the middle or end of it. I say I don't care, just detach the first one and he insists the choice is part of the experience and we end up debating the virtues of caring or not for that and I no longer care about the tea. I then spot on his tv some anime show that looks familiar. I see that it is written by a polish guy I know from the Sangha. I love it and then realize it is very similar to the story I have been wanting to finish for a graphic novel.

      I am back in VFX with Riverstone and the town looks totally different. The street layout is changed, one of the main roads is now pedestrian friendly and it has now lots of tourist shops selling historic artifacts and ethnic crafts. I find my dad at an Indian shop arguing with the seller that some amethyst necklace is actually made of turquoise. I try to reason with him that the Indian guy is right but he insists we are wrong. I accidentally damage a bag some with ink I had in my hand and try to hide it, but then my dad knocks down a bottle of perfume and breaks so all attentions go to him.

      I think I have a moment of astral projection. Starts off as a false awakening in my bed, it's dark in my room, I feel my cats cozied up in bed with me, but at the same time I realize I am not quite in my body and I am seeing through my closed eyelids. Then I hear a strange "ting ting" noise approaching and recognize it as my grandpa's walker coming towards my room and stopping by the side of my bed. I don't see him, but I do feel very clearly a presence and a darker shadow where the sound just stopped. My grandpa died a couple of days ago, so I realize I am being visited by a ghost. First I feel scared but then force myself to calm down, after all it is just grandpa checking on me before possibly departing to elsewhere. Just like he would do when he was alive, he would walk by silently and look casually without saying a word before moving on.

      At some area with apartments, shops and gym. I just had an ice cream at a food truck and some guys that know me and some who don't, just exchanged some comments and catcalled me. I am a gorgeous woman, with the looks of the likes of Sofia Vergara, but I am also a detective or police agent in my pant suit trying to be respected for who I am. The sun is setting as I walk across a courtyard leading to a long staircase down to a car park. From the top of the stairs I see the shadow of someone stabbing another person at the car park. I am unarmed and my instinct is to go back and see if nobody else is coming and call for backup. I enter a gym that is just right next to me and warn some women there of what just happened so they take cover and hide. I also call the police and they say they already had been warned because there are more bodies and the killer is on a spree. When they arrive, they take me to where there is a line of bodies left by the killer on a street nearby and they evacuate everybody in the danger zone to a safer place. The manhunt starts. I find a suspicious black woman hiding in a tight corner of an alley holding a knife. I tell her to stand down but she won't and tries to attack me. I remove her knife but she has more knives and keeps reaching out to it. I manage to remove all knives and immobilize her and other agents come to take her. She claims she is only hiding from the killer and has the right to defend herself because I could be the killer. I grant her the benefit of the doubt and I say that I believe her and I apologize if we are being unfair but she still needs to be interrogated because she was acting suspicious and had some 5 knives on her.
      The officers then tell me they have found the suspect, a male, and he is cornered on the top floor of a building with a kid hostage. We all go there but only I go inside the room to negotiate. He has a knife pointed to the kids throat but I get close enough to throw a small knife to his head. Doesn't kill him but hurts him enough so he drops the kid. The kid is taken by other officers. The killer takes the knife out of his skull and grabs more knives. We fight, he cuts me a bit, but in the end I make a choke hold with my legs around his neck, disarm him and flip back throwing him unconscious. I am exhausted and hurt. All my colleagues are in state of shock and awe and unable to say anything. I feel sad and lonely as I pass them going down the stairs.

      Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:30 PM by 34880

      false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. clxvi. Nature; Man with a shotgun ,Ancient book, Mall/school hybrid, Mansion and mountains

      by , 09-15-2020 at 01:36 PM
      15th September 2020


      Think I have no body, I'm following or the view is following a man going around a natural park or lake. He has an AA20 shotgun and he keeps firing it randomly, but mostly at the ground. I feel concerned about stray shots hitting someone. It seems there's nobody else around though.

      By the end there's a gravelled car parking area. At some point after that, it's revealed the man was supposedly firing blanks (but they weren't).


      Part of a long dream. Something about a mall, but it's also a school? It's really busy and I am trying to get somewhere specific. I remember talking to someone but I go up several staircases and walk around an upper level, trying to avoid busy routes, but still encountering a lot of other pupils or something.

      I get to an internal bus station of some sort? A transit hub, at any rate.

      (recall gap)

      Then I'm following a person around, in an office-like place. We're in a stairwell, we go down several levels, spirally, but the tiers and bends are all perfectly square and large, the steps themselves aren't too deep. I remember seeing doors every so often. There are engraved plaques, made of blue granite, engraved with counter-relief lettering that's got a golden finish.

      We reach floor "-2", I notice this written on a plaque. I look out a big latticed window and see another building across the way, not far (a few feet), lit by sunlight. I think about how -2 must be code, or only locally relevant, since I knew and could see we were several stories up. The place has tall ceilings, I realise this more because of the large window. The stairs had a running carpet all the way along and it continued on into the hallways. The walls were covered in a medium-dark stained wooden panelling.

      We go into a room here at this level. Very vague recall of the room. There's a desk? A book? The book is ancient. There is a magical aura to it, but this is almost unclear in the dream, I realise this only on waking up. The ancient book has tattered and yellowed pages with coloured-coded and symbol-coded separators. The books' nature means they are constantly shifting in appearance (almost like a "quantic" book of some sort?). I remember opening it and reading some part of it but no recall of how it looked, other than the fact that things shifted around.


      False awakening in our bed. I find snot on my shoulder? Apparently it's H's. My recall of the room is very vague, but the darkness was warmer in tone than it should have been and there seemed to be an absence of any light sources.


      Related, or in sequence to, the office dream. Big mansion place, outdoors. Large open gardens area, I remember some hedges but not much else. The mansion had an oblong rectangular shape; ovoid at the lateral ends?

      First I'm visiting the mansion but then later in the dream I take ownership of it or something. Everything goes wonky after I own it, and I have to go around on foot in some mountain crag areas to find power sources and set traps.

      Then at some point I move the entire mansion so that it sits level. I feel myself do this with my hands physically and remember seeing it from above, but no other senses suggested that I was of gigantic scale.

      It's daytime out here and it's half bright but not, it's cloudy and overcast but there are godrays in the distance. There's a sort of moody feel, like a literal storm is approaching. The light and atmospherics look grey but golden and warm, in part because of the distant godrays. I see them near some mountains in the distance, past a vast body of water. The mansion was atop a cliffy area overlooking this body of water. A massive lake or small sea.

      I remember several small fragments of being in the house. Interactions with dream characters but during my initial notes I don't really care to recall most of them. Some early ones about being interviewed and recruited as a doctor. There was someone else attending the same things as me, in alternate pace, it was an older snobby woman, also applying.


      (in waking life) Went back to bed after answering the door. I had many dream scraps but almost all of them faded. I tried getting back to sleep and tried to focus on my intent to go back to the earlier dream, especially the bit about being hired as a doctor, as I thought this may help with becoming lucid. But my intent faded and I transitioned in and out of lesser states of awareness.


      - There's a great deal of internal and deeper themes here for me, especially around school, malls and office-type spaces. Some of these dreams felt like they were focused on consolidating my knowledge of certain features within buildings. In recent months I have felt that in drawings, my attention to detail in architecture is not well internalised and after recall these dreams I felt my associations of different features in buildings were expanded.
      - Despite the crowds in the mall/school hybrid area, there was no covid pretext to any of my concerns about avoiding people. It was a mostly back-to-basics thing about not wanting to be in crowds.

      - The view of the mountains and vast water was very picturesque; although I'm not sure of it being related in this case, on waking it did remind me of a picture we have on a wall of the bedroom, depicting an Italian lake.

      - The ancient book was one of the most interesting features of these dreams. It's something I feel compelled to recreate in some artistic form now.
      - Again its appearance may have been related to the fact that I have not internalised the details of books very well, which shows whenever I try to draw one from memory.
    8. September 8, 2020 Non-lucid

      by , 09-09-2020 at 05:02 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Had several false awakenings where I thought I was getting up early to get work done early in the morning, checked my phone and thought it was 8am but then woke up IRL later than that.

      Dream was at the KC pool in the basketball/volleyball area except the slope down to the playground was much bigger. In the parking lot was a city, it was either dusk or dawn. I thought I was in my new apartment but going into another part of the building I realized it was a bar, people from my high school were there. We were catching up, it felt like the bar was closing and it was time to go home or maybe to another class in the city, I went out and tried to get into my apartment but it was just the bar now.

      Now I'm at my old apartment driving to a club or bar, I go in but I'm not dressed appropriately, I try to go to the shower but a random kid is about to go in and use it so I sigh and turn around. Eventually I end up back there and I'm in line, abb is there and we greet each other, the bouncer asks me for my ID and I get out my wallet.

      Show choir dream where I'm in a movie theater, we're doing dance moves but I don't really know them so I'm watching someone else. It's really messy. Another team goes onto the front stage and I think they aren't doing very well, they're ripping off a movie but I can't remember which.
    9. False awakening and 1 DILD 1 DEILD

      by , 09-07-2020 at 06:27 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Kept having repeating false awakenings and look at the window to see the sky looked very dark and yet slated grey as if a solar eclipse was happening. I look around and woke my self up. This time I found myself in my bed again and walked near the garage. It was half open with the other half missing. I told my father that we needed to fix this in order for no one to walk inside.

      My father then said this was bad and that he will see if he can get someone to fix it. Then all of a sudden it was night and I found myself waking up from my bed again. I didn't know if I had dream of all of it or was I still dreaming right now. I got up and realize I was in a completely different place. I was amazed at how luxurious looking it was. My brother showed up and said yea its amazing isn't.

      He told me it was my place and I was dumb founded. I couldn't stop exploring around it. That's when I realize I had to be dreaming. I enjoyed looking around in till I ended up losing lucidity and in to another false awakening.

      Not too long after a nightmare I woke up in rl and was somewhat in a daze. I look around and felt funny. All of a sudden the dream kind of took me from waking life straight back in to a dream. I was in a car and was already lucid. I was confused because my eyes were open when I was awake . There was a young woman next to me and I couldn't understand what she was saying to me. However I recognize her as an online friend. I then woke up
    10. 20/09/05 - ld 33

      by , 09-05-2020 at 06:23 PM
      Again, only unintentional WBTB and intention to lucid dream.

      In the following sleep cycle I first got into a non-lucid dream but with ever-increasing awareness. When I reached lucidity I seemingly woke up but immediately recognized the false awakening. Getting up and moving was a little difficult, though also incredibly realistic. I was at my parents' house and slowly walked through the dark deserted rooms. At the front door I used the key to open the door though I'd normally just walk through it - the dream was so vivid and yet unstable that I wasn't sure about passing though objects.
      Outside it was a bright, warm summer day. The trees on the left were incredibly coloful with red and purple fruits, swinging in a gentle breeze. The wind also blew my long hair into my face which had - surprisingly - a dark-red color. I decided to go into the garden because I expected it to differ from reality - which it then did of course. It resembled the gardens of a palace with lots of water areas and a fountain in the middle.
      I thought it would be interesting to drink from the fountain and tried to make a glass appear - didn't work, but whatever. To get to the fountain, I needed to balance on a swimming log. This again felt so incredibly real that I got lost in thoughts about it - and woke up.

      I was still close to dreaming, maybe even in sleep paralysis, and so I just let myself sink back in. Some dreamlets washed over me without letting me enter until one of them opened wider and wider. I got to observe a scene where a black car was chased by the police, driving on a bridge high above the sea. In the car there was a dream character that was me, and a partner. They came to a stop, having trouble with their car. Another police car arrived and barred the way. I was still observing, though maybe influencing the plot, when the 'me' in the car decided to take the only way out - to jump with the car from the bridge.
      I saw the car falling down and into the water. Reminding me that this was just a dream, I took my place down there. Now, I was suddenly swimming underwater. Of course I knew that I could still breath and I did - but every breath was difficult as it was accompanied by a sting of fear.
      In large circles I was diving deeper and deeper until suddenly all water was gone. Otherwise, the surroundings were still the same - now looking like a vast hall. The floor was cluttered with balls and balloons of different colors and sizes. One of them was special: it was filled with what looked like confetti. My partner who had come there with me was trying to cut it open but the material seemed very firm. Someone else told us that there would be knowledge about the universe and about the future in there (okay?!). I took it and pulled (with some difficulty) the plug. Without the chance to do anything else, I woke up.

      This was another good example of the sheer weirdness of dreams and also my first time dreaming lucid in third person perspective, interesting!
    11. Dream - Neurology On Level Two & Thirteen Blankets

      by , 08-27-2020 at 02:51 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 17 AUG - 2020

      Dream No. 716 - Separated Sections

      Dream 716 A - Neurology On Level Two

      The dream started at my old house in the sitting room. It was supposedly a teacher from my high school, yet she looked like my primary school French teacher. It was also the fact that a new subject was being offered at my high school and this was French. I said to the teacher that I had already completed Year 12 but she wasn’t having it said that I still had to enrol in French as a Year 12 student this year; I was now wearing high school winter uniform

      The teacher then told us to get into groups of 4. Once I had found three other girls, she took us outside into the front yard, under the carport to take us through our French exam. We were each supposed to recite lines off some sort of script that we were given. What we were being assessed on was how well we could speak French; the tone in our voices, how well we used the languages details, and even how we moved our mouths.

      At the end of it all, the teacher gave us our results. Everybody else got a 0 and I got a 1, meaning I passed but the other girls didn’t. The teacher then told us why I passed and they didn’t. There was a drawing on our papers that could move and this was the teacher apparently showing us how each of us spoke. Some girls were moving their mouths too much, some not enough. I moved my mouth the right way and my accent was fluent. So I was dismissed and go back inside while the other girls had to redo the exam. I could not remember the rest of the scene.

      For the next scene, I was still in my winter uniform, but was now walking down the corridor of some hospital with a little Asian boy who I realised I was looking after. He was due to attend his neurology appointment which we gauged was on Level 2. We were currently on Level 5 and so worked out that elevator usage was compulsory, which as always, sent me into a panic. I called out for Riku numerous times, but he never came, eventually, having me extremely worried. However, as I kept calling for Riku, I noticed Terra casually meandering down the corridor for his own purposes. I thought quick-smart to call out to Terra instead, hoping I’d get his attention.

      For a second my heart almost stopped as I thought he was going to leave the scene but he noticed me at the last minute and came walking directly to me. As he stood in-front of me, I immediately asked him if he could help me with the elevator and also said that he reminds me of Riku. Terra accepted but then seemed to turn his attention to the kid, asking me how I was supposed to receive his help if I had to handle the kid.

      Just then, a blonde lady came from the faraway corridors, who was identified as the boy’s mum. She picked the boy up and then Terra picked me up, supporting my weight quite well, I ended up laying on his two arms stretched out, like a bed. He helped us into the elevator and then as it slowly descended, the dream ended.

      Dream 716 B - Thirteen Blankets

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, I was in my bedroom, when Roxas came in wearing his Organisation XIII coat. I was lying in bed, originally with no blankets on. I found out that Roxas wanted to cover me, not with 1, but 13 blankets. Apparently he was supposed to make me extremely hot so that when I fell asleep in the dream, I’d enter a nightmare and Xehanort would kill me in the nightmare.

      I realised what was going on and was kicking off the blanket each time Roxas put one on. Trying to mask his intentions, Roxas looked surprised as to why I didn’t want him to cover me, but I made it clear by my facial expression that I knew what he was up to. After a few rounds of me constantly kicking the blanket off, Roxas gave up and left the room. There was then my own voice saying that I should add what happened in this dream to the paper IRL. I then woke up.

      Dream 716 A

      Dream Guide: Terra
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 716 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No
      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. Dream - Ice-Cream Parlour & Buzz's Dungeon & Please Speak To Me (Lucid Dream 37)

      by , 08-27-2020 at 01:51 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 11 AUG - 2020

      Dream No. 711 - Separated Sections

      Dream 711 A - Ice-Cream Parlour

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, my mum, brother and I were going for a drive to Canberra. I was driving them in my mum’s car and decided to take the scenic country route. We decided to stop in a medium sized country town and we were on our way to supposedly a well known ice-cream parlour of the place.

      I forgot what my mum and brother ordered and I remember looked at all the ice-cream tubs and was overwhelmed for choice. What caught my eye eventually though was this blueberry ice-cream. As I looked up to the see the deals, I realised that we could get a maximum combo of three flavours. Even though the amount of ice-cream would be more, I begged and pleaded with my brother to let me have three flavours and that I may even ask for a lesser amount of some. He said okay and this made me really happy.

      I ended up ordering two variations of the blueberry flavour and then I also asked for the ‘Boost chocolate bar’ flavour; so my ice-cream was a mix of this electric blue with some brown on top. I tried some of the ice-cream and it tasted so good, I wish it existed in real life. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 711 B - Buzz's Dungeon

      I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was supposedly in some unknown study room, doing a SAC (school assessment task) for one my high school science subjects. Though in the dream, it seemed like my parents felt like I was slacking off, although I really wasn’t, and wasn’t trying at all.

      The scene then went into my backyard in the evening and it’s like there was a new dad in the family to straighten me out. I looked through the kitchen window and there was my mum along with a man dressed in an army uniform. The man then spoke and he had an American accent. It wasn’t long before his language became brutal and abusive and I didn’t even know what I did wrong. In-fact I felt that this was straight out abuse and so I had to get away from this man.

      As he kept yelling at me, I braced myself and bowled over into the strip of garden next to the fence to try and hide. There was another girl lying there in my high school winter uniform, her name was Brooke. I could tell that she was also hiding from the man and so I was going to help her escape; for the meantime, telling her to stay quiet. It didn’t work though as the army dad seemed to sniff us out like a hound and I sensed that he was coming.

      I told Brooke that we needed to leave immediately and I actually took her in my arms as I ascended into the air. I said that to cross over to Kingdom Hearts (supposedly we were going there for Riku to protect us), we needed to first go through Buzz’s Dungeon (Spyro 3) and only if we reached Buzz’s dungeon, we’d be safe. As a flew towards the fence, I was scared I didn’t go high enough and so we’d fall and the rogue army dad would catch us. There was a sigh of relief from me though as we JUST got over the fence and fell into Buzz’s Dungeon.

      I seemed to be on my own now; and was going to be no ordinary hurdle. I was actually facing the boss of Spyro 3 myself and to be able to go to Kingdom Hearts, I had to defeat Buzz! I had everything including my own version of a health bar and gem counter, and Sparx was with me too! It wasn’t long before the ‘brown toad’ in this dream (the dream made his graphics realistic to suit me) started rolling around the arena. I even made reactions as the giant toad hit me and I lost sections of my health bar.

      Two hits and I thought I was going to win, but the toad rolled at me from surprise, and I lost all my health and ‘died’. I now disappeared from the dream’s view and it was now back to first-person mode like I was now spectating the boss battle; but why was it still going? A holographic menu appeared, in Spyro 3 font and format, titled ‘Big Boi Time’. I was to choose an action that Sparx would do to defeat Buzz and only if Sparx failed to defeat Buzz, then the whole thing would be over.

      I took a little while to scroll down the list and see my options, but I soon decided to choose the option named ‘Combustion’. This would power Sparx up with the ability to shoot fireballs at Buzz. The dream then went to Sparx’s ‘aiming’ perspective and Buzz started running. Sparx shot three fireballs in quick succession, but they all missed Buzz. Going with the rule of 3; I thought Sparx had used them all up and so it was game over; but then he shot a fourth one and I though this one was going to miss, but it actually ‘tracked’ Buzz and hit him while he was in the horizontal ‘wind tunnel’; and this won us the boss battle! So now I would be granted entry to Kingdom Hearts.

      The dream exited the scene entirely though and I thought I was robbed of the chance to go to Kingdom Hearts. However, it’s like I was on a ‘scene select’ screen on a movie and I actually had to control a pointer a click on the next sequence. As I did so, the TV was still up but the scene played in a little box. It was inside some old house and Riku was half-way between sitting and lying on a couch in his KH2 appearance but with a realistic vibe to him. The dream ended before I myself could actually go to meet him in Kingdom Hearts.

      Dream 711 C - Please Speak To Me (Lucid Dream 37)

      I seemed to be in my current house, but it was slightly distorted and in the dream, my parents’ bedroom was actually my room. This room in the dream seemed to constitute the main scene all throughout; it’s like this was the area for the false awakening; from here, I would have dreams within dreams. So in the bedroom, it simply started off with my having in mind that I had dream tasks left to do and so I tried to call for Riku to get him to talk to me about Sora.

      I then fell asleep on the bed and entered my first sub-dream. I can’t remember it well but I do know for a fact that it was an utter failure to get to Riku. In-fact, I think Master Yen Sid appeared and then disappeared, almost as if he was signalling that Riku didn’t want to talk about the matter. I then woke up back into the dream bedroom and despite what happened in the sub-dream, I was determined to get an answer from Riku as only I knew what I needed to do. I went for a few more sleeps but failed to reach Riku in all of them.

      When I woke up back in the dream bedroom, I became frustrated as I kept waking up quickly without achieving anything. I went over to my parents’ dresser cabinet and saw a small wooden mirror sitting on the top drawer compartment. Treating it like a magic mirror, I looked into it and called for Riku; he appeared but then disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

      I still refused to give up; I forced myself beck onto the bed to enter another sleep. Just as I got on the bed, my mum came into the room and placed a clock on the dresser. She then set a time on it and said that if the clock hit that time; the alarm would go off. She set the clock to be about 1.5 hours from the current time. She also then put to weird incense into the clock but she said it was supposed to help me and when it started releasing, it didn’t feel bad.

      My mum ended up leaving the room and therefore leaving me with what I had to do to get more progress in my sleep. I now drilled myself, saying that I had to beat the alarm. I also kept saying to myself out loud ‘be in control!’. Whenever I started to find my mind wandering elsewhere, I stopped and drilled myself further; with a constant ‘be in control!’ as well as some other lines in-between; and soon, I drifted off back into a sub-dream, with the scene going into a black void to represent the transition.

      I then ended up at a distorted version of The Final World from Kingdom Hearts 3; it was more cloudier here; and there was every single KH character there… Except for Sora. I immediately took to looking for Riku but could not find him easily amongst the maze of KH characters. However, I came across a person in a black coat and that’s when I realised I could execute another task. From the back, I identified that this was Xigbar and so I immediately got his attention and interrogated him. He actually openly confessed that he (talking for the whole O-XIII in this case) was responsible for Sora’s ‘dream paralysis. He gave me a lot of information but I have forgotten everything that he said. I then let Xigbar go, giving him a stern look like ‘I’m gonna get to the bottom of this mess you made’.

      After I was done with Xigbar, I went back to wondering aimlessly within the maze of characters; and then I had caught sight of Riku, just like a game of Where’s Wally, except he was only in his t-shirt; he did not have his jacket on. I changed my tone from serious (when I was talking to the Organisation) back to child-like in order to be able to connect with my dream guide. I had found him and so was afraid of losing him again; so ran towards him as I cried out; “Riku, Riku please!”.

      It’s as if this time he knew what was coming as he tried to ignore the fact that I was around. However, I kept begging and pleading with him, going; “Riku please! All you have to do is tell me something about Sora and how you connect with him”. Riku eventually gave in as he said “alright fine” and then gave a slight sigh, looking annoyed. He then pulled me close to him so no one else could hear, supposedly nuzzling me as he said “he’s the only one that I feel I can talk to”. It seems like he was rushing an answer as I could tell from his energy that he was trying to hold back his emotions regarding Sora.

      Riku then immediately asked me “is that enough information for you?”. As I was still in a frantic state but happy that he finally answered, I went “yes thank you” and more. He took no hesitation then to release me and let me go; and I think he was glad that I decided to let him go. Once again, I yelled out thank you to Riku as I walked away and got ready to depart the scene altogether. I was now in the black void again but was a slow glow of stars, acting like a horizon and while I still had the chance, I decided to say thank you to everyone. I said something like “Thank you for your time Kingdom Hearts! And remember Riku, we still have two more things to do!”, hoping that the message would be able to reach them.

      I must have become lucid at some point as I seemed to gain satisfaction with all I had done, and declared that I would finally be ready to wake up. So then dream went back to the ‘false awakening’ bedroom, in which I realised I had beaten the alarm clock (there was about 45 minutes left) and was so relieved; the Kingdom Hearts scene felt so long yet the clock showed less time. And then I woke up again to get to waking life, where my real bedroom clock said 10:43 AM and I was surprised that such a big dream took almost no time at all.

      Dream 711 A

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 711 B
      Dream Guide: Karla (Me)
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 711 C
      Dream Guide: Riku
      Lucid?: Yes
    13. Log 1945 - Cute Little Abomination

      by , 08-26-2020 at 07:52 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 26 August 2020

      Finally, an LD to feel good about. I got a DILD and some fragments today.

      Spoiler for Quite long; NSFW violence:
    14. Talking to an old discord friend | [24.08.2020]

      by , 08-24-2020 at 11:01 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Talking to an old discord friend
      I am on Discord, sad about the fact that a friend left a discord server of friends for reasons I don't know. I then got the idea that I might still have them in my direct message bar. I look and find them. I then talk to them and ask them if they want to come back. And they do. Everyone on the server is happy, but I don't remember what exactly they were saying.

      Scene change to all server members standing in my room, apparently. The friend doesn't really feel comfortable with meeting everyone again yet, but they would give it a try. We are then apparently in some freaky ghost house thing, but really, it's more of a ghost world. Various like very demonic things attack us and we often flee. I don't remember any details except that the beginning was many sort of white blankets hung up and it being very tight so that you have to immediately go up a staircase when you get in, which is the only way. There was also like some weird hallway. To the right was some really bright room, maybe an operating room, and in front was darkness. I might have been alone. Then it got brighter behind me and some demon came, it might have been related to Super Mario for some reason. When I started waking up I started realizing that it was a dream and got very sad and frustrated since I miss my friend.

      Dream about a dream
      I thought that the last dream had ended, and that this was now definitely reality. I was on Discord again, and now found the friend again and wanted to talk to them. But then I started waking up again and was sad to see that this was also a dream.

      Hm. I had really hoped I'd wake up to see it wasn't a dream. In reality it probably wouldn't really be as easy as talking to them and asking them nicely. I think they had a fight with someone. But maybe I can do it, but I doubt it. It must have been bad if they just left by saying "Bye." Eh, let me stop venting.

      I'll class that second dream as a false awakening,

      oh, and that ghost mansion was fun.
    15. Talking fragment | [21.08.2020]

      by , 08-21-2020 at 03:55 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Talking fragment
      In the dream I seem to have woken up and am lying in my bed and my mother sitting close beside me and I start talking about some private important topic and she's surprised.

      Once again I forgot to do my mantra... sort of. I made progress. I was about to do my mantra but I forgot what it was and then forgot and fell asleep.
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