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    1. My dreams are more stressed than I am. Guitar with Gustav.

      by , 12-03-2020 at 07:36 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I was going to military enrollment this morning.

      I wake up 5.30 am naturally and can't resleep. I am nervous for military enrollment and go to the train. Recall gap. I stand in the train and go to a back seat. There are a man that enters. I think about corona distance because they warned us about that in the military mail. There comes more and more people and we get pretty crowded in there.

      Notes: I dreamt about being nervous and that I can't sleep but in reality I slept good.

      I'm sitting in my chair and look on the big screen in the TV-room upstairs. Gustav show me a music video that he has made from my guitar playing. It sounds like through the fire and flames and I am really impressed with the video. There are some Mike Wachowski memes in the video about him being a big a big sea monster eating a big boat or something. There is a part where the music sounds weird. I ask Gustav about it and he wonders what I mean. He tells me to play the part on the guitar. I don't know what part it is so I try to play something else instead. I improvise Cliffs of Dover and I get some notes wrong but it sounds good. I am impressed with myself and I tell Gustav that I have never played it before.

      Notes: In the dream I played an open Em with a high G on the E-string. When I woke up I laughed at myself how I could believe I actually played Cliffs of Dover with that fingering on the guitar.

      Updated 12-03-2020 at 08:16 PM by 97565

    2. Elon's Band and the Goat Barn

      by , 12-03-2020 at 12:39 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself.

      There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers.

      Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl)

      I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
    3. One Hundred Twenty Nine

      by , 12-02-2020 at 07:21 PM
      In which we attend R's dad's wake...

      R and I drive a white van up a treeless green hill with mountains in distance. We arrive at a Swiss chalet style building with a large parking lot. A man in a suit greets us and takes us into a foyer where a clerk behind a counter has us sign a registry. She asks us some questions and places a neon green visitor's sticker on our shirts.

      We walk down the hall towards a glass partition with a sliding door that leads out to a terrace. Outside, there are several raised rectangular platforms, and R's dad's shrouded body rests on one of them. There are no benches or chairs. We see V sitting on the ground beside their dad's body. Their dad is also there. He's healthy. He's wearing his glasses and a green and brown woolen sweater with his collar cuffed neatly over the neckline. He smiles at us and waves us over. We sit next to V but their dad continues to stand. All four of us look at the shrouded body.

      More people arrive. People walk around and chat with each other. I don't know most of the people. After some time, I exit the terrace through the glass wall and walk back down the foyer. I run into a blonde man who knows me but I don't know him. He is just finishing with the clerk and placing his visitor's sticker on his shirt.

      He greets me and asks about the wake. I tell him that everything is very peaceful and that R's dad is also there. He tells me that this happens sometimes, that some people believe if you attend your own wake, you must be a ghost, but he's not sure what he believes. This surprises me since I had not thought about R's dad being a ghost. I tell him that I am surprised by this though it makes sense. He says that it might not be true, no one knows for sure. He asks me what R or V thought about it, and I realized I didn't mention it to them.

      Updated 12-02-2020 at 07:29 PM by 38879

    4. One Hundred Twenty Eight

      by , 12-02-2020 at 07:02 PM
      In which I have a tiny man in a matchbox...

      I'm screwing a hanging hook into the dry wall. I miss the stud so the hook falls out, leaving a dusty hole in the wall. A beam of light shines through, and I put my eye up to the hole to peer in. I see a man running desperately towards me as a large orb of light moves across the sky chasing him, like the plane after Cary Grant in North By Northwest. I cup my palm beneath the hole and the man leaps into it. I slam my other hand against the hole, blocking the orb. The tiny man is safe!

      I place him in a matchbox with some tissue paper and bread crumbs. I bend down close to him to hear his story, but his voice is too small. I speak to him, but the sound waves blow him backwards off his feet. He puts his hands over his ears and doubles over in pain. I must figure out how to feed him, water him, keep him warm, communicate with him. Suddenly it all seems like such a chore. I consider squishing him like an ant and then remind myself that though he's ant-sized, he's still actually a human being. What a burden!

      In which I have a new job as a nanny...

      I'm wearing baggy pants. The kids are elementary aged and we are in a large stylish upper middle class house. They are in a basement playroom, chasing each another around a faux bamboo bar that looks like it hasn't been used in years for anything other than storing Amazon boxes. I'm bored with the game but attempting to appear engaged. I'm aware of the nanny cams watching me. I must seem patient and friendly.

      My pants keep falling down. I hide behind the bar out of sight of the camera and pull them up. I try to tuck them into my underwear to make them stay. Every time I take a step, they fall again. I reach for a blanket on the play room couch and wrap it around my body like it's a toga. My pants fall to my ankles, but I'm covered now in the blanket. The kids' mom comes down the stairs and sees me. "We're playing frat house," I tell her. She disapproves. But here we are, basement bar, bratty kids, toga...
    5. Fighting men in my house. Sleeping 10 hours in order to get lucid.

      by , 12-02-2020 at 09:45 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I have very high lucid chances when I go to sleep again in the morning. That's why I set an alarm 9 am and re-sleep when I wake up in the morning.

      I'm home and there is some kind of big man without a shirt I'm fighting against. He weights about 300 kg maybe. He is in our kitchen and I try to hit him but he doesn't get hurt. Another man enters the room who is at the big man's team. He is tall and thin. I tell them that this is unfair and I ask them where my teammates are. They are quiet as if they are hiding something. I say a weird name, Galatzhar or something. I ask them where this man is because I need him in order to be able to punch the big man. They don't know who I'm talking about. I go look in the house for my teammates. When I enter my parent's room they are sleeping next to each other. I come back to the kitchen and now my mom stands there. I get somewhat lucid and tell myself it is a dream loudly but I wake up.

      I wake up 7.30 am and go to the bathroom. I go to sleep again and enter a dream.

      I'm home and see that the clock is 17:00. I become lucid and walk out. I fly over some buildings and I am a little bit afraid that someone will grab me but it doesn't happen. I try to summon someone who will start to fly next to me but it fails. I want to fly to a star and I see one. I start to fly to it but it disappears. I look for another one but I can't find one. A star appears at the top of my vision. As I move my eyes to look at it the star moves away, always so that it is at the top of my vision. It's moving out from my view so that I can never look at it directly. I ignore that I can't see a star and just fly up into the darkness. As I fly it becomes darker and darker. I start to lose myself to the darkness. The sense of my body slowly disappears. I close my eyes and think to myself that it is going to be a FA in my bed. I wake up in my room and I'm not sure if it is a dream. I do my RC but I'm still not sure. I try to turn on the switch to the lamps with my mind but fail. I try to do some telekinesis to a book and succeed. I open up my window and fly out. It's dark outside. I fly to a big house and ask if anyone is home through a window. A girl in my age answers. The windows are too small to enter through. I start to punch the brick wall and I am able to destroy it. She is amused and says that it is another way to enter. She is playing some kind of Mario game on a small TV screen by her feet as she lays on a sofa. The TV screen is in a bad position for her so I use my telekinesis in order to fix it. It is fairly hard but I am able to fix it. I lay on the other side of the sofa with my head against her lap. I think about whether I should play Mario with her. The dream fades away.

      Notes: I have tried to reach the stars several times now. Maybe I need another approach. I want to learn how to walk through walls so that I don't need to enter through windows all the time.
    6. Saturday, September 26

      by , 12-02-2020 at 07:17 AM
      I am at Frenchman’s, alone. Renee and her family might be at their property too. It is really dark out and it does feel kind of late. I think I am inside the trailer, but it feels more like I’m in a room. I think I’m drinking something and just hanging out idly/doing something. I'm outside now, noticing first light showing behind the pines, realizing I’ve been up all night. I panic somewhat, not wanting to have stayed up all night, wanting to be able to still get some good sleep. There is an unfamiliar lady out here; I think we talk.

      Updated 12-04-2020 at 12:02 AM by 95084

    7. Friday, September 25

      by , 12-02-2020 at 07:16 AM
      I am at Camp Richardson with some of the family. Right now we are in some trailer that we are touring or in which we are planning a tour. There is something about it being a small space and people not wearing masks. I think David from Discology is here. Now we are down at the beach. The beach is a deep and wide expanse of only sand that doesn’t seem to be crowded by other people. The water is calm and devoid of boats, etc. I am a ways out and jumping off a tall (20 ft?) wooden structure. There’s something about the Grateful Dead - maybe they’re playing in the background? I jump in and immediately hit the bottom, hard, but it doesn’t really hurt, which surprises me because I thought it was much deeper. Back on the beach, Michelle is here and brings me a Starbucks? coffee, which I think is very sweet of her.
      Tags: beach, coffee, masks, water
    8. Friday, September 18

      by , 12-02-2020 at 06:20 AM
      I am with Mom and Makayla in what seems to be a grocery store. The store seems very large and open, spaced out, with high ceilings. We are walking and Mom starts saying something. Her words slowly become incoherent and at first Makayla and I find it funny until I see a confused look in Mom’s eyes. I then become worried and panicked, thinking she’s having a stroke. She then becomes silent and sort of freezes up. I attempt to call 911 but it won’t go through.
      Tags: store, stroke
    9. Thursday, September 17

      by , 12-02-2020 at 06:19 AM
      I am going to meet the guy who is giving Melissa the free microwave. I know we’re meeting on S. Virginia and Moana, which is where I’m at, but for some reason I get on the freeway. I immediately realize I’ve messed up and get mad at myself. I decide I’ll just have to take the next exit and turn back around. This exit looks completely unfamiliar - it takes me to either a numbered or lettered street (C or 6th street?). The area seems dim and dingy. I am now on the sidewalk and meeting with him. This ‘microwave’ is huge, more like the size of an oven or bigger. It seems more like a microwave attached to a square coal furnace. The guy too looks different from the picture Melissa showed me*. I open the slats to peer into the empty space, imagining how it would be cool to have a fire in here and heat a space. *He is large, probably obese.
    10. Saturday, September 12

      by , 12-02-2020 at 06:18 AM
      I am on what seems to be a speed boat. The boat also seems very long and flat. We seem to be going rather fast over the open water (the ocean?) We are not too far away from the shore though. There is something about us being on the way to see Dead and Company and/or John Mayer driving the boat. I think about how I’ve seen Dead and Co in the middle of the desert and will now see them out in the middle of water, impressed by this. (I’m envisioning a scene of them set up out in the sand - by Las Vegas? - with no stage or crowd). I’ve been standing on this boat, and there’s a guy standing next to me. I wait until we’ve arrived to strike up conversation. I ask if he’s ever surfed? In an English accent he says ‘just now’ or something similar. Now, I am swimming.
    11. Sunday, September 6

      by , 12-02-2020 at 06:16 AM
      I’m in Virginia City with Dad and I think Kris. we are in a building that seems larger than any really up there. It may be a restaurant or a restaurant attached to something else. There are tall ceilings and baroque wood work and decorations. It seems empty and dim to dark. I am walking to the bathrooms and there is something about a certain portion of them being haunted. I’m wearing a face mask, at times putting it over my eyes? I’m feeling really creeped out, like I could see something scary/paranormal any minute. Now, I’m walking around outside with Dad. We are pointing out the ‘haunted’ spots. I hold my phone up to one of the spots and watch as the temperature on the screen drops from 80-something to about 30 degrees. This happens quickly and is very creepy. There are two to three guard dogs out here, and one starts channeling the voice of a spirit. The dog growls low and constantly but seems to transmit a human voice after Dad and I ask it a question. I think we have a paranormal encounter elsewhere too.
    12. Thursday, September 3

      by , 12-02-2020 at 06:15 AM
      I am outside with someone else, I think Melissa. The landscape is desert and slight hills. It is also full of lots of small hot spring pools. They look inviting and just the right depth. I think we’re looking for the perfect one for us.

      I’m at what seems to be a small get together in a backyard. A pipe is being passed around and when it gets to me I decline because I think there will be something happening that I don’t exactly want to be high for. I then loosen up and/or succumb to the pressure and take a hit. It looks like this pipe is lit from below and the smoke inhaled from a few inches above the small bowl, all within a second or two. Shortly after, I feel the warm, fuzzy effects. Now, I’m inside, and the pipe looks more like a squat and not very clean bong. I am intermittently taking hits from it. I think there are a few other guys in this somewhat plain house. I think there is a sense of hiding what I’m doing.
      Tags: smoking, water, weed
    13. Victorian Orphanage, Masterchef, and Freaky Fragments

      by , 12-01-2020 at 11:51 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at a school lock-in at a large period style manor with my old classmates.
      I saw her dressed in an all black victorian style dress walking calmly, standing out in the crowd she is graceful and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.
      We walk by each other, I notice her notice me but I do not acknowledge her as I walk slowly with my hands behind my back. I don't see her again.
      I am with a group of guys who look like power lifters wearing singlets. We are all cutting up laughing.
      We put wigs on and joke loudly about starting a strip club, girls line up for us to jokingly grind on them while trapy thump music plays in the background.
      The joke gets old.

      It's time for bed and we're all herded into different rooms. They are large dormitory style rooms only the beds are also large, some have several pillows on them.
      I don't see any open beds really so I sleep at the foot of one of the large beds.
      They are all kids now, I am unsure if I am also a kid.
      Another kid lays down next to me unaware there are pillow positions.
      I ask him if he wants the other bed next to us, he says no, I am fine with it and fall asleep anyway.
      In the morning time the old nanny-like ladies are waking us up
      We are all standing around them as the introductions are happening. There are laminated numbers hanging from the ceiling. I gather we will be here for a few weeks.
      The room starts to rotate and I see out the windows a line of coloured small circus style tents outside that the african american boys were sleeping in.
      I think I want to sleep outside the next night as the segregation is totally unfair.
      I look and most of the boys inside are african american too, I am confused.
      The caretaker (who looks like Paterson Joseph) outside tells us while standing on a ladder that this place has history and our water comes from the creek which has had slaves shitting in it for centuries and we should feel lucky to have this history in our water.
      We are all sprayed at once to shower and brush our teeth. I continued brushing my teeth after and am scolded by one of the nannies.
      The morning chores begin
      I am the oldest one so I am unsure what to do and wander around. They are preparing food in the kitchen so I offer to cut stuff up. Everyone is using their hands instead of utensils and all the counters are cutting boards.
      He hands me a few slices of pineapple to dice. I take them to a station and grab a knife. The blade has been bent twisted sideways so it is not straight holding the handle. I cut them up anyway.
      Walking around more they are spreading new concrete/floor sealer in one of the rooms and a boy is being charged with the activity with two adult guardians.
      The older guys tell me they do this every 2 days or so. The kid does a horrible job spreading as the coloured dye on top doesn't swirl right and they bash him for it.
      I tell the guys I am massage therapist and kind of the all around guy so I can do many things.
      One of them asks me about a rumour he heard about Massage therapists having all the right words to sell their craft but their skill is sometimes lacking. I go in on the topic of there being too many therapists in my state so there are plenty who don't take their practice seriously. He tells me he can tell I am smart one and we should get along just fine.

      I am in a cooking competition like master chef. Another stressful one. It is the first challenge and we are tasked with making a dish that describes us, we only have 45 minutes. We can only use the ingredients we brought with us. I wanted to braise some pork but don't have the time. I am standing next to that one bald guy with glasses and neck tattoos. Everyone is far more experienced than I am. He mentions going across the street to get some ingredients and asks if I need anything, I still haven't decided what I will cook and spend most of my time brainstorming. My box is full of frozen meat and reminds me of my deep freeze. No time to dethaw. I end up cooking some small chicken pieces that were marinaded. There is a small garnish station set up so I make a small salad like garnish on the side. I remember I have some rice as well and make a fried spanish rice in a cup form next to my chicken slices on a long plate with the leafy greens on the end. Gordon yells at me for making a salad. This is the worst meal I have made in my entire life. I am ashamed. There are maybe 20 people all at their desks in the competition. A kid who only got one vegetable on his plate ends up going home. I am relieved but still believe I am the worst one here.

      Snipers pin down me and some kids at a hilly mountainous home.
      Drama drama drama
      A mounty looking navy seal guy shows up and I task him with helping us.
      He sees the snipers and throws me his huge binoculars.
      I hold a 4 wheeler while he starts it on a hill to go to a better vantage point.
      He dies a gorey death sliding down a skiing lift cable, gets cut in half and his upper half lands on top of a cooked hog sitting on a picnic table. He screams the whole way.

      Things wind down and the house is now a run down hillbilly home with just 2 somewhat disabled people living in it.
      I walk down the driveway and they have a vendors tent set up selling only various types of plastic pencils. One of them looks like an ice cream cone and I ask if this is the only edible one.

      Updated 12-02-2020 at 12:56 AM by 51110

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. cxcv. Reality editing suite, On a walk with a friend

      by , 12-01-2020 at 06:38 PM
      1st December 2020


      By the end of a dream sequence. I remember some editing interface, like video game authoring tools and sort of in focus, there's a female furry character. A white wolf lady with red-ish accents on the hair on her head. She was part of some kind of animated sign or billboard and had a stylised drawing look to her. I felt curious or interested, but distant in terms of personal connection. I scrubbed through the animation a few times.

      The surrounding area looked like an alleyway of some kind, a street. There were metal-ring fences and such like, some warehouse type buildings. Sunset.

      In the editing interface there was some sort of point and click thing that allowed me to find the source files of textures, sounds, anything really, as long as it was visible in the dream reality and I had the correct and corresponding editing suite module in interface focus.

      (recall gap)

      Near the end of a second dream sequence. I was walking around with JC, from school, in a town I don't recognise. Not dissimilar from the previous area, but morning time instead now. It was an industrial/commercial estate type area and there were covid-related queues for getting into shops. I remember feeling I had no patience for such things (queuing etc) right now. JC was as I remember him; soft face, somewhat short but around the same as me in reality. Perhaps he seemed shorter because he still looked younger.

      We walked past a car stuck in a queue at the entrance to a parking lot area, part of a superstore/shop. It was a blue colour, cerulean like? Like a VW Beetle, but not? JC was in a suit, kind of like JSco might have. He was infantile and yet, mature in some sense. That's how I always felt about him, I now realise.

      I have my casual clothes on. Sweat pants or whatever which I wear both for lounging and for work. Black nylon t-shirt. As we walked, he commented "I want some GTA pussy, you know?". I don't remember replying. Then he continued "It's been a long time."

      His voice didn't sound at all like his actual voice and he spoke in perfect English with none of our native accent. I didn't notice any of this during the dream.

      I remember as we walked along I thought to myself "Great, he's gonna be trying really hard, I'm gonna not be caring and one of these girls will just hit on me instead of him; that would be typical."

      We reached some dead-end looking bit. Concrete-y. Breeze blocks or something like that made up a low wall, damming up earth and whatnot. There may have been a staircase up and through one part. On the top of this low wall, there were heads, some kind of digital representations/avatars or holograms of girls from the neighbourhood and the local school (college/high school). There were a lot of fake blondes? I forget how the heads looked exactly but they didn't seem out of place, somehow. JC sort of inspected each one as we kind of circled around this bit.

      The dream ended soon after, I was woken up by the door.


      - It's possible these were two separate dreams, but I had a feeling they were linked in some sense.

      - JC is one of many friends I had at school that I got along with fairly well, but characteristically, after college I never really heard from him again and he didn't seem too interested in keeping in touch. I remember walking with him in town a few times and having long conversations, probably mostly about games though.

      - Although we shared a common name, physically we were very different and though he wasn't any weaker than me, I always thought he appeared somewhat meek. In this dream he sort of had an aura of over-confidence contradictory to how I knew him, which would have been more over-cautious than anything. In essence, the dream character as a persona was someone else, but took on his physical appearance. In the dream I was my current age, but perhaps with a younger style of thinking.

      - I may have seen a furry character before like the one in the first part of the dream, though I'm not certain if my brain was referencing anything specific. It felt like she was her own original thing, despite what I might consider to be a stereotype representation.
      -- On further thought, I found out about the sub-culture when I was in my mid-teens, which was also around the same time as I knew JC.

      - I don't know what the "GTA pussy" thing was about really, but even in the dream something felt out of place about it. Part of me realised on typing my initial notes that we really have no control over what our friends say sometimes and how we have to just get on and live with it or do something about it and potentially get into a conflict with them.

      - My over-analytical view of this dream is suggesting to me now I should probably try to do some more serious inner work on these subjects.

      Updated 12-03-2020 at 10:30 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , side notes
    15. short notes

      by , 12-01-2020 at 04:09 AM
      Don't feel like DJ but will write out notes to expand for later if that seems more interesting later.

      2020 11 28

      Zombie rounds, waypoint, redo + failed (gun doesn't work, short knife)
      Crocodile school lady chicken
      ff7 like
      Paul yugioh - message : be yourself

      -meditation sloppy

      11 29
      Triad/mafia comedy hands (stephen chow - story about a young man being mistake for a gang leader)
      Run away pedestrian roads waterfountain "karen" (hive mind)
      lucid moment (oh I"m dreaming)

      thought: awareness + feeling brings it about

      11 30

      1 lucid moment (noticing awareness)
      some dream, no note - remember now. MOm backyard, MOLES stabbed. Girl dad knife stabbed poison kidnapped. Detective POV now. (knife short again - reoccurring theme)
      2 lucid moments dream vision + something else (was awareness)

      -find your own way... be yourself.
      -wbtb alternative? (background voice?)